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카페 프로필 이미지
'노무현' 대통령과 삼겹살파티를 하는 사람들의 모임
카페 게시글
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▣서울/경기/인천광역시 스크랩 한국 민주주의 사망/CNN 기사
고리아이 추천 0 조회 89 08.05.26 17:03 댓글 11
게시글 본문내용

Democracy Dying in South Korea

  • After 28 years, the call for democracy still continues

What is happening in South Korea; The media, like the government, refuses to report the truth - the people's desires for democracy and calls for a better future.
South Koreans first started a silent candlelight protest on May 2^nd^ 2008 against the newly elected president Lee's policies concerning the free trade agreement, privatization, and the Korean ownership of Dok-do. Mothers came with their children. High school and middle school students came with their friends. Workers came after work to hold candles and ask President Lee Myung-Bak to reconsider his policies and live for the people. While more than 20,000 people congregated in the middle of Seoul and some main cities of Korea, their numbers were reduced to a mere 5000 people by Korea's main news stations, KBS and SBS, and newspapers Choseon, Joonang, and Dong-A.
On May 24^th^, people congregated once again for a peaceful, candle-lit protest. Frustrated by the government's ignorance and media's indifference, a group of people stood up and started marching towards the Blue House calling for President Lee's impeachment. Suddenly, the unconcerned government responded with violence. The peaceful protest soon deteriorated with threats and armies of policemen. Harsh lights were forced upon the bewildered people. A watering truck carrying water to spray onto the protesters and disperse the crowd was also thrown in. A woman with a seven-year-old son on her back asked for mercy. Her cry for help was shut out by the police, who pushed her away roughly. Throughout the night people's peaceful protest was trampled upon by the police. 37 people were forcefully arrested, a few of them high school students. Students, children, old men, and women were all physically assaulted with shields, truncheons, and water. The police, who were once the "protectors of the people" have become their oppressors.
All of this is currently only known by the people who participated in the protest that night. Korea's main news stations have not reported the unjust physical assaults of the police on the peaceful protesters. Rather they have distorted the truth, lying about the physical actions of the police and the spraying of forceful water onto the civilians, who were only holding candles for protection. What once was a peaceful protest of 50,000 people is being portrayed as a riot of 500 people by the main Korea media.
Word is spreading through the Korean internet, and more and more people are assembling in the protest. Now people are not only asking for the president's reconsideration of his policies, but also for his impeachment, freedom of speech, and democracy in South Korea. Already people are referring to the protest as a recurrence of the democratic protest that happened 28 years ago in May in Gwang-Ju, a city in South Korea, against military dictatorship.
While the president, the government, and the media remain silent, ignoring the wills of the people, Koreans themselves are collaborating to uphold the first rule of the national constitution, which clearly states that Korea's sovereignty lies in its people, and all state power comes from the people.
(i'm sorry if it felt like more of a petition. but then, we didn't really have enough time. people are getting beaten by police on streets as i do this. every possible media is under control; including main web search engines. hear us out,please)
드디어 외신에 떴네요. 세계적으로 이 기사가 전파될 수 있길 바란다...
퍼온 이의 덧붙임 : 마구 마구 퍼 날라주=3==3===3====3=====3, ㄱㄱㅆ
  • 08.05.26 17:21

    첫댓글 에고 영어로 읽어야 하네요.

  • 작성자 08.05.26 21:47


  • 08.05.26 17:24

    근데 미국 쇠고기 이야기는 한 마디도 없네요

  • 작성자 08.05.26 21:47

    예리하신 지적이네요 저도 다시 살펴 보았지만 진짜루 유엣세이발 쇠고기 수입 반대라는 글귀는 보이질 않네요

  • 작성자 08.05.26 22:07

    이 글의 아쉬움이라면 촛불집회(candle-lit protest)의 원인을 free trade agreement(자유무역협정), privatization(민영화), and the Korean ownership of Dok-do(독도 영유권)으로 꼽고 있는데, 정작 중요한 원인인 유엣세이발 쇠고기의 수입 반대(anti U.S.A. beef's importation)은 보여주고 있지 않네요 막연하게 민주주의가 죽어가고 있다고만 하고 있네요 참으로 아쉽기도 하면서 이 기사가 진짜 CNN기사라면 그들 또한 자국인 유엣세이의 이득에 선 집단임을 알 수 있네요

  • 08.05.26 19:30

    of the people, by the people, and for the people ... shall not perish from this earth...

  • 작성자 08.05.28 10:34

    Go to Heaven, 2mb!!! Lay down your spoon, 2mb!!! Watch a mouse, 2mb!!!

  • 08.05.27 17:37

    Democracy Dying in blue house.

  • 작성자 08.05.28 10:35

    i see^.^

  • 작성자 08.05.28 10:35

    참고로 이 글은 한국인에 의해 작성되었을 가능성이 높다고 하네요

  • 08.05.28 19:45

    물대포공격이 있었다는 말만 듣고 확인할 수가 없었는데....역시나.....아이들도 있는데....나쁜 色氣들.....
