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 …──… 건 강 정 보 스크랩 세포막과 산소공급, 필수지방산(PEO=Parent Essential Oil), 암과의 관계
선인화 추천 0 조회 195 10.09.17 14:36 댓글 0
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정상세포가  암세포로 변형되는 원인에  대한 내용입니다.


암세포는 산소부족이 원인이라고 합니다. 


어떠한 원인으로 정상 세포에서 산소포화도가 100%에서 -35% 되어서 65%가 되면 비정상 세포로 바뀐다고 합니다.


우리가 호흡하는 산소와 (혈액의 헤모글로빈에 의해 각세포에 보내짐)  세포속의 산소는 다릅니다.  일명 내호흡(內呼吸)이라고 합니다.


이론은 60년간 산소와 과의 관계 연구로 1931 노벨 생리,의학상을 수상한 Otto Warburg박사의 이론입니다.


이러한 이론에 근거 하여 미국 M.I.T 공대에서  인체 전기공학을 전공한 BrianPeskin 교수가 세포호흡이 안되는 원인을 ?아내고, 제품 개발에도 성공하여 미국의 많은 의사들이(메디칼 암센타) 5년전부터 자신의 환자들에게 임상한 결과들이  있는데 정말 놀라울 정도입니다.


BrianPeskin.com 으로 들어가면 The Hidden Story of Cancer (암의 숨겨진 이야기) 책을 있습니다.


자세한 설명이 필요하시면 글을 남겨주세요.     





The Hidden Story of Cancer

by Brian Scott Peskin,

Founder: Life-Systems Engineering Science,

with Amid Habib, MD


Nobel Prize-winner, Otto Warburg, MD, PhD, researched the metabolism of cancer in the first half of the twentieth century. His work is known in oncology as the Warburg theory: cancer cells function in an oxygen-deprived state and metabolically ferment sugar to lactic acid. Warburg established, through meticulous research, that while normal cells metabolize glucose by the enzymatic pathways of the Kreb's cycle under normal oxygen conditions, cancer cells have irreversibly changed to a primitive state functioning with abnormally low cellular oxygen. The fermentation of sugar to lactic acid is favored in the anaerobic state, enabling the cancer cell to ferment sugar very rapidly and to produce prodigious quantities of energy for rapid reproduction. Although Warburg published this research in many papers in German medical and scientific journals that were translated into English, most scientists and physicians in Germany, the US, and worldwide did not pursue further research based on his discoveries. In 1960, Dr. Alan Aisenberg seriously criticized Warburg's work; that criticism effectively negated the significance of the anaerobic metabolism of cancer cells for future scientists and physicians. In The Hidden Story of Cancer, Brian Peskin studies Warburg's work in meticulous fashion, reviewing the important discussion in papers ignored and misinterpreted by Aisenberg and others. Peskin's review emphasizes the sound scientific basis of Warburg's research and argues convincingly that much of the cancer research in the ensuing years has been wasteful and off-track, because it has ignored Warburg's theory.

Warburg's work remained theoretical, primarily because it could not be put into practice medically. If one assumed that the cancer cell's depressed state of respiration and lowered oxygen was fundamental to the transformation from a normal cell to a cancer cell, how could one maintain normal cell oxygenation? If a tumor cell's extraordinary fermentation of sugar to lactic acid was key to cancer cell proliferation, how could one stop the sugar fermentation process? Unfortunately, Warburg did not answer these questions, at least not in a practical matter, nor did other scientists or medical researchers. Peskin makes the bravado attempt to answer these questions in a manner suitable to a mathematician and literature reviewer, not as suitable to a physician or nutritionist.

Based on his review of the oncology and scientific literature, Peskin has discerned that tumor cell transformation takes place when essential fatty acids are deficient. His literature research has pinpointed that the deficiency of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids is critical to ensure that normal cells under depressed oxygen state transform into cancer cells. Furthermore, Peskin's literature hypothesis has determined that it is the relative deficiency of omega-6 fatty acids relative to omega-3 fatty acids that disrupts the cellular membranes, disabling the cellular oxygenation. Although most humans consume a sub-optimal supply of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids as part of the fats consumed daily, the high trans-fat composition of the diet substitutes for the necessary omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Peskin hypothesizes that a program that routinely supplies unadulterated omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids is obligatory to enable cell membrane stability required to ensure cellular oxygenation and prevention of anaerobic metabolism of sugar. This theory is not squeaky clean but is supported with many papers, which Peskin cites and reviews.

As much as I like the theory and practical program that Peskin proposes to prevent cancer, I am a little put off by his "scorch the earth" approach to other medical theories and approaches for preventing and treating cancer. His discussion nixes viral and genetic causation for cancer; he is critical of cigarette smoking being the cause of lung cancer. He dismisses fiber as well as dietary vegetables and fruits as being of any value in cancer prevention. He lambasts soy as an appropriate part of anyone's diet and is critical of fish oil supplements, as fish oil disrupts the necessary balance of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids. He also recommends an iron supplement for everyone, men included, without requiring a measurement of iron levels. While his criticism of differing approaches may be warranted, Peskin's writing tends to be arrogant, and the reader needs to overlook this hubris.

I spent much time reading and digesting Peskin's work, and I imagine I will revisit this material frequently in the future. I appreciate his discussion of the weaknesses that exist in many nutritional theories. The Hidden Story of Cancer is an important work for those who are unfamiliar with Warburg's theories. Its program deserves serious study by doctors and patients contemplating alternative cancer therapies


The Hidden Story of Cancer
by Brian Scott Peskin,
Founder: Life-Systems Engineering Science,
with Amid Habib, MD

Pinnacle Press
PO Box 56507
Houston, Texas 77256







PEO(EFA=필수지방산) 반드시 섭취해야 하는 이유



Essential Fatty Acids and Dietary Fats

by Douglas W. Morrison
(revised August 2005 from "Twelve Points on Essential Fatty Acids" compiled in 1990)
Refer to the following for further information:
Know Your Fats: The Complete Primer for Understanding the
Nutrition of Fats, Oils, and Cholesterol by Mary G. Enig
Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill by Udo Erasmus
Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston Price




1. There are two essential fatty acids or EFAs; these essential nutrients have been shown by leading researchers to be necessary for both the optimum health of the body as well as for freedom from degenerative disease. They are known as Omega 3 (alpha-linolenic acid or ALNA) and Omega 6 (linoleic acid or LA).


2. In addition to these two EFAs, there are certain derivatives of each that some people do not  produce in adequate amounts themselves so as to meet their own needs. Therefore, some people will also require a dietary source of these EFA derivatives as well. Biochemical individuality is an important concept to comprehend in this regard. (Refer to Biochemical Individuality by Roger Williams for more info on this subject.) Among these EFA derivatives that some people may require from dietary sources are gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).

3. Along with proteins, minerals, other lipids, and sugars, EFAs are building blocks of cell membranes and various internal cell structures.

4. EFAs are necessary for the metabolism and transportation of triglycerides and cholesterol.

5. EFAs are necessary for the development and the function of the human brain.

6. EFAs are necessary for proper function of the vision, nervous system, adrenal glands, and testes, playing a vital role in sperm formation and conception.

7. EFAs boost metabolism, metabolic rate, energy production, and oxygen uptake. Some researchers suggest EFAs are necessary in order for us to properly utilize sunlight.

8. EFAs, particularly Omega 3, have been shown to decrease growth of cancer cells, candida, and various anaerobic organisms destructive to the health of the human body.


9. In the November 1986 Journal of the National Cancer Institute, research indicated that Omega 3 and one of its derivatives as well as three of the derivatives of Omega 6 were seen to selectively destroy human cancer cells in tissue culture without damaging normal cells.

10. Dr. Johanna Budwig, a German M.D. and biochemist, discovered that the blood of cancer patients was deficient in EFAs. A yellow-green pigment was found in place of the normal red blood pigment or hemoglobin. Along with certain dietary improvements, she gave her patients one and a half ounces (45 ml) or more of fresh flax oil as a means of getting EFAs into the body (flax oil is 55-65% Omega 3 and 15-25% Omega 6). The flax oil was consumed in combination with various dairy products to provide the sulfur proteins which Budwig considered necessary for the EFAs to be properly utilized by the body. On this program, which included no other supplements, she found that within three months the yellow-green was replaced by red and the cancer disappeared.


11. EFAs can be precursors to hormonelike substances known as the prostaglandins. There are three main groups of these, which are known as PG1s, PG2s, and PG3s. Prostaglandins govern or influence many bodily processes including platelet stickiness in the blood, arterial muscle tone, inflammatory response, sodium and fluid excretion through the kidneys, and immune function.

12. PG1s are derived from the Omega 6 family of fatty acids. Omega 6 (LA) can be changed into gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which in turn can be changed into dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid (DGLA). PG1s are made from DGLA. PG1s prevent blood platelets from sticking together, assist in removing excess sodium as well as fluid, relax blood vessels, decrease inflammation, help insulin work more efficiently, benefit nerve function, regulate calcium metabolism, and improve immune function. People whose bodies do not efficiently make all of the above conversions may not manufacture sufficient PG1s from Omega 6 alone, but may require dietary sources of certain Omega 6 derivatives, most notably GLA.


13. PG2s are also derived from the Omega 6 family of fatty acids. As noted previously, LA can be converted into GLA, which can be converted into DGLA. DGLA in turn can be converted into arachidonic acid (AA). PG2s are derived from AA. Different PG2s can either prevent or promote blood platelet aggregation. PG2s can promote water and sodium retention as well as inflammation. In general, PG2s oppose the PG1s, and are secreted in response to stress. Left unchecked, overproduction of PG2s can lead to all sorts of health problems associated with increased inflammation, decreased immune function, constricted blood vessels, increased sodium and fluid retention, and increased platelet stickiness. Some of the many health problems that may be associated with unchecked PG2 production in response to stress include cardiovascular disease, strokes, arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes, and various immune disorders. One basic mechanism of keeping the PG2s in check is a PG1 known as PGE1, which slows the release of AA thus preventing its conversion into PG2s.


14. PG3s are made from the Omega 3 family of fatty acids. Omega 3 (LNA) can be changed into stearidonic acid (SDA). SDA can be converted into eicosatetraenoic acid (ETA), which in turn can be converted into eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). PG3s are made from EPA. EPA is of enormous importance, as it also prevents AA from being available for PG2 production. As noted by Udo Erasmus, "EPA is the single most important factor limiting PG2 production." Certain fish oils are abundant sources of EPA. People whose bodies do not efficiently make all of the above conversions may require a dietary source of certain Omega 3 derivatives, most notably EPA. People whose ancestors consumed large amounts of EPA rich fish for many generations often do not efficiently manufacture their own EPA and must rely upon a dietary source such as certain types of fish.


15. The ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 is also crucial, as excess Omega 6 as compared to Omega 3 promotes tumor formation. Research suggests that the ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 should be no greater than 5:1. Many experts suggest that the ideal ratio is as low as 2:1 or even 1:1 based on the ratio found in many healthy traditional diets. A typical ratio in most people's diets is in excess of 20:1. This is largely the result of increased consumption of various vegetable oils in the past century or so, most of which contain massive amounts of omega 6 and little or no omega 3.


16. Highly unsaturated fats are chemically unstable and thus highly prone to rancidity and other detrimental changes due to exposure to light, oxygen, or heat. This includes any rich source of EFAs and in fact any oil, whether from a plant or animal source. It is best to avoid any heated oils, or any oils that have had sufficient exposure to light, oxygen, or heat so as to damage them. For human consumption, oils need to be processed and stored in a highly specific manner, and consumed fairly soon after pressing. Any deviation from these standards can pose some degree of health risk from their consumption. The modern diet contains a huge quantity of vegetable oils that have been exposed to light, oxygen, and heat. This poses a massive health risk to anyone consuming such a diet. No matter the quality of an oil in its ideal state, once exposed sufficiently to light, oxygen, or heat, it becomes detrimental to our health. For this reason, any cooking done with fats should be done with fats that are largely saturated such as coconut oil or ghee.

17. Both Omega 3 and 6 are extremely sensitive to deterioration in the presence of light, oxygen, and heat. Any or all of these will cause oil to go rancid very rapidly, thus making it of no benefit and, in fact, detrimental to the health of our bodies. For this reason it is imperative that oil be manufactured, processed, stored, and shipped in the utter absence of light, oxygen, and heat. There are seed oils available that meet these exacting standards. Certified organic seeds are processed, bottled and stored in the absence of light, oxygen, and heat.  Any oils made from seeds or nuts should be organic, as most pesticides are fat soluble and will therefore concentrate in the oil. Inert black plastic bottles are used which will not react with the oil. Any type of glass container, even dark brown glass, allows enough light in to cause rancidity. Indeed, of the three factors mentioned, light is by far the most detrimental, causing rancidity over 1000 times as rapidly as the next worse, which is oxygen. Inert gas is utilized during manufacture and bottling to insure the absence of oxygen. A special technology is utilized to maintain low temperatures (below 96 degrees F) during processing. Most so-called "cold-pressed" oils have reached temperatures of 160 degrees F or more as a result of friction during the extraction process. Once opened, a bottle should be kept refrigerated and used within two to four weeks ideally. Unopened bottles are best kept frozen. (Freezing may extend shelf-life of unopened bottles to six months or even longer, but we encourage you to treat this oil as the perishable item that it is for best results).

18. Fish oils are also highly vulnerable to detrimental transformation due to light, oxygen, and heat exposure during processing. Fish oils from wild fish such as cod liver oil are the most abundant source of vitamin D by a wide margin. Yet there are legitimate concerns with the presence of various chemicals potentially found in fish oils. (Note: mercury is not fat soluble and hence not a specific concern with fish oil, yet there are numerous other contaminants which are legitimate concerns.) There are sources of cod liver oil from Iceland available which have been extensively tested and shown to have extremely low levels of these toxins as compared to other sources. Anyone consuming fish oils would be wise to investigate their own source for this reason and assure that it is the purest available.

19. There are at least four different vitamin D factors. Vitamin D2 (viosterol or irradiated ergosterol) is available from plant sources or as a synthetic. Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol or irradiated cholesterol) only comes from animal sources. As noted by Weston Price, "It is now recognized that activated ergosterol vitamin D2 does not represent the factors essential for the utilization of calcium and phosphorous by the human body." The human body requires vitamin D3, available only from animal sources. Synthetic or plant sources of "vitamin D" supplements will list potency in IU without noting the absence of necessary vitamin D3, or that even by the most generous estimates vitamin D2 is no better than 9.5 times weaker than vitamin D3. (Note:  Humans do manufacture some vitamin D3 in the skin through the interaction of UV-B light and cholesterol. There are a number of factors involved which include: duration of skin exposure, amount of skin exposed, latitude, season of the year, time of day, skin color, and the presence of natural oils on the skin. The majority of people in the modern world will not come close to meeting their vitamin D3 needs without a dietary source. And certainly all of the traditional cultures studied by Weston Price, regardless of their latitude, had abundant dietary sources of vitamin D3 through the consumption of various animal fats.)

20. It appears that individual needs for EFAs in the diet may vary considerably. Ancestry no doubt plays a huge role in this individuality. Saturated fats are far more stable than monounsaturated fats, which in turn are more stable than polyunsaturated fats such as the EFAs. The melting point of saturated fats is higher than that of mononsaturated fats, which in turn is higher than that of polyunsaturated fats. Compare, for example, butter, olive oil, and flax oil. Rancidity is a greater concern as temperature increases. Flexibility becomes a greater concern as temperature decreases. If we observe both plants and animals at various latitudes and climates, it is clear that there is a tradeoff between chemical stability and flexibility, with different results in different climates or latitudes. In warmer climates and lower latitudes, saturated fats tend to predominate as rancidity becomes the greater issue. In colder climates and higher latitudes, a lack of flexibility becomes the greater issue, and thus polyunsaturated fats tend to predominate. In the middle latitudes, monounsaturated fats may make the most sense. The food chain in colder climates thus tends to have a much greater EFA content than that in warmer climates. Therefore, for example, a person of Scandinavian ancestry may require far more EFAs in the diet than a person of Indian ancestry, for the simple reason that their ancestral diets were vastly different as far as EFA content.


21. Bear in mind that the ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 is crucial. Omega 6 is contained in many vegetable seed oils and seeds, the best sources being safflower (75%), sunflower (65%), corn (59%), and sesame (45%). These oils contain only small amounts of Omega 3, however, less than 1%. Thus, high consumption of such oils will produce an extremely unsafe excess of omega 6 to omega 3, with various detrimental consequences as outlined above.


22. There are few rich vegetable sources of Omega 3. Pumpkin seed oil (0-15%), soy bean oil (7-9%), walnut oil (3-11%), and hemp oil (20%) all contain Omega 3. By far the richest source of Omega 3 is flax oil, which is 55-65% Omega 3 as well as 15-25% Omega 6. Flax oil therefore can be used to correct an excess of omega 6 compared to omega 3 in the diet. But it should be noted that the ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 in flax oil is too low to be considered ideal. Therefore, if a person were to consume large amounts of flax oil without some dietary source of omega 6 to counteract this, they would eventually develop an excess of omega 3 in their tissues and consequent health problems. One such problem will be lowered immune function. For this reason, it is best to either balance flax oil consumption with a rich source of omega 6, or better yet to use an oil blend with a more ideal ratio of the two EFAs. And of course to make sure this oil has not been exposed to light, oxygen, or heat during processing, storage, or transport.


23. In the 1950s Dr. Max Gerson successfully used fresh flax oil to dissolve tumors, using about one ounce (30 ml) per day. According to Udo Erasmus, author of Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill,  flax oil has the following benefits:

Its Omega 3s lower high blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels by as much as 25% and 65% respectively. It will decrease the probability of a clot blocking an artery and lower high blood pressure.

 Omega 3s dissolve tumors, as shown by the work of Gerson, Budwig, and others.

 Will aid in the treatment and prevention of diabetes, arthritis, asthma, PMS, allergies, and inflammatory tissue conditions.

 Also of great benefit with skin conditions, vitality, stress, and virtually all degenerative conditions.


24. While no one nutrient can effectively cure, treat, or prevent disease, it is important to recognize that the absence of one key nutrient even when all others are present can effectively limit the benefits one might expect. Hence the need for EFAs along with enzymes, minerals, vitamins, and amino acids to insure the presence of all essential nutrients in conjunction.


25. Non-essential fatty acids may compete for a vital enzyme known as D-6-D, thus an excess of non-essential fatty acids may result in a functional deficiency of EFAs. Some researchers suggest that the ratio of non-essential to essential fatty acids should therefore be no more than 1:1. (A typical ratio for most people is in excess of 10:1, with almost all of the essential fatty acids being Omega 6.)


26. Yet it can be readily observed that many healthy traditional cultures (as documented in Weston A. Price's classic Nutrition and Physical Degeneration and elsewhere) consumed diets with massive quantities of non-essential fatty acids from various animal fats, as compared to relatively modest amounts of EFAs. The ratio of non-essential to essential fatty acids in such diets would have been fairly high in many instances. It should be noted that large amounts of these fats were consumed in a raw form, thus also providing an abundant source of lipase enzymes to digest these fats. It is possible that in such circumstances that the ratio of non-essential to essential fatty acids becomes of little concern, as with an abundance of enzymes it is no problem for the body to make good use of these fats. It is also possible that people on a healthy traditional diet will have a much higher level of metabolic efficiency in all regards, and will thus be less prone to metabolic breakdowns of all sorts. Whatever the explanation, it is apparent that healthy traditional cultures have consumed large quantities of animal fats including much saturated and other non-essential fat in the process.


27. We can obtain EFAs from both plant and animal sources. But animal fats are the only dietary source of vitamin A and vitamin D, and are therefore necessary for our health. All healthy cultures studied by Weston Price consumed large amounts of animal fats. Sources included butter, eggs, dairy products from various animals, fish, shellfish, fish eggs, animal flesh from muscle and organ meats, insects, etc. When comparing these healthy traditional diets with the modernized diets of that time (the 1930s), Dr. Price noted that these traditional diets typically contained at least TEN times the level of fat soluble vitamins and other fat soluble nutrients as the modernized diets utilizing various processed foods. It is likely that comparing these same traditional diets with the current typical diet that this ratio would be even greater than ten to one. Since the 1930s, consumption of animal fats has continued to decrease, while consumption of vegetable oils (mostly highly processed) has increased considerably, both trends being much to our detriment.

28.  Liver is the richest source of vitamin A by a wide margin.  Yet there are legitimate concerns  with possible toxins present in animal livers due to exposure to pesticides and other chemicals. For this reason, it is wise to only consume liver from healthy organic animals which were properly fed and not otherwise exposed to known sources of pesticides and other chemicals. Another potential issue with liver is mycotoxicity (mould and fungal toxins) from these animals being fed mouldy feed. A clean source of cod liver oil is a good potential source of vitamin A as well as vitamin D.


29. The amount of vitamin A, vitamin D, and other fat soluble nutrients present in animal fats is in part a function of the diet of the source animal. Other factors include the amount of sunlight exposure as well as the specific breed of the animal. Weston Price clearly demonstrated that cows, in order to produce butter of high vitamin and nutrient content, required rapidly growing grass. As a result, the best butter will be produced at certain times of the year when the grass is at its peak. When cows have access to grass that is still fairly short (about the stage where it is forming its first joint or less), this is considered ideal. For this reason, it is best for cows to rotate from one pasture to the next to assure continued access to the best stage of grass. Butter from cows fed ideal grass such as this will be much darker or more yellow in color and far softer than butter of poor nutritional quality. It is also best for this butter to be made from raw organic cream. Better yet, this cream should first be cultured before being made into butter, as was the norm up until fairly recent times. Such butter is often referred to as "cultured butter." Softened butters should be avoided, as these are often made through artificial removal of saturated fats and replacement with canola oil or other poor quality vegetable oils.


30. Another excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin D, and other fat soluble nutrients is high quality eggs. Just as cows need access to grass in order to produce optimum butter, chickens require access to greenery as well. Chickens fed in this manner will produce eggs of a higher nutrient content. These eggs will have harder shells and the yolks will be a dark orange rather than the pale yellow that results from the typical diet fed to chickens nowadays. Due to a lack of greens in the diet of the chickens, many organic free range eggs have flimsy shells and pale yellow yolks. The breed of the chicken may also be a factor here. Some farmers feed their chickens added carotene compounds which can produce fairly dark yolks even in the complete absence of greens in the diet of the chickens. Vitamin D level in the eggs is also increased by an abundance of insects in the diet of the chickens. Hardness of the shells is also dependent upon adequate lime or other mineral sources in the ground. EFA balance in eggs depends upon the ratio of grains to greens in their diet. More grains increases Omega 6, while more greens increases Omega 3.


31. Sally Fallon notes that, "Highly protective lauric acid should be called a conditionally essential fatty acid because it is the one saturated fat that the body does not make itself." Lauric acid is notably anti-viral, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial. There are only two rich dietary sources: coconut oil and butter. It is also abundant in human breast milk, a solid indication of its value to human beings. Clearly coconut oil and/or butter have been consumed abundantly by numerous healthy traditional people in both the past and present.


32. There are numerous other excellent sources of animal fats. A good source of information on this is the book Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon. Weston Price's Nutrition and Physical Degeneration is also highly recommended. An excellent reference source on fats and oils is Know Your Fats: The Complete Primer for Understanding the Nutrition of Fats, Oils, and Cholesterol by Mary G. Enig. A good general rule is to consume foods that have a good historical track record. It is best to be cautious and skeptical as far as new foods, new methods of growing or raising foods, or new methods of processing foods.


33. In summary, a healthy diet will contain an abundance and a variety of animals fats from healthy and properly fed animals. This will provide an abundant source of vitamin A, vitamin D, and many other necessary fat soluble nutrients. Highly processed, heated, and otherwise unsafe vegetable oils should be avoided. To assure a good supply of EFAs, it may also be wise to consume up to one ounce (30 ml or 2 US Tbsp) daily of a fresh and properly processed flax oil blend with a proper ratio of EFAs. As an excellent source of vitamins A and D, use a high vitamin cod liver oil. Adults and children over 12 years may consume 1 tsp (5 ml) daily. Pregnant and nursing women may wish to double this amount. For children between 3 months and 12 years, use half this amount. 



생선오메가3 많이 먹는 것은 건강에 해롭다.


Warning: Fish oil and overdosing on omega-3 can kill you
Surprisingly, it was known back in 1979 that diet influenced EFA composition
of the cell membrane and this finding was published in
Cancer Research.43 In 1990, a masterpiece of research conducted by William E. Lands found that the amount of critical parent omega-6

39. Dr. Rowen is affectionately known as the Father of Medical Freedomfor pioneering Americas first statutory protection for
alternative medicine. He was appointed for a term on the Alaska State Medical Board and is internationally recognized for his work in
alternative and integrative medicine. He is currently editor-in-chief of Second Opinion Newsletter. Its a newsletter devoted to informing
the public about innovative breakthroughs and natural means to maintain and regain health, in contrast to chemical symptom suppression
often found in orthodox medicine. He is a Living Foodsadvocate and has most impressive laboratory numbers on himself that
confirm‎!s his message.

40. Essential fatty acids [EFAs] are found in the structural lipids of the celland are concerned with the structural integrity of the
mitochondrial membrane [respiratory-based energy producing].Harpers Illustrated Biochemistry, 26th edition, page 191.

41. Linoleic acid [parent omega 6] comprises about 55 per cent [the majority] of the fatty acids in cholesterol esters of LDL and HDL, and about 20% of the free fatty acids in the phospholipids in each class..., “…It must also be remembered that all tissues need EFA which must come from the diet and for most tissues through the plasma where they are almost entirely transported in lipoproteins, mainly in their cholesterol esters and phospholipids,” “Essential Fatty Acids in Perspective,Sinclair, H.M., Human Nutrition: Clinical
Nutrition, (1984) 38C, pages 245-260.

42. Willett, W. C. et al., Dietary fat and the risk of breast cancer,New England Journal
of Medicine, 1987; 316:No.1, 22-28.

43. Effect of Modification of Plasma Membrane Fatty Acid Composition of Fluidity and Methotrexate Transport in L1210 Murine Leukemia Cells,Burns, C. Patrick, et al., Cancer Research 39, 1726-1732, May 1979:The plasma membrane lipid composition in L1210 murine leukemia cells was dependent upon the type of fat [EFAs and hydrogenated/ transfats, etc.] fed to the host animal.
in the tissues was dependant on diet.


44 To gain the best in scientific research, I traveled thousands of miles in 2002 to attend the worlds 1st Essential Fatty Acids and Human Nutrition & Health International Conference in Shanghai, China. There, I discovered a shocking and unexpected discovery that fish oil lowers immunity. I nearly fell out of my chair. Overdosing on fish oil supplements can significantly decrease the effectiveness of your immune system, increasing your risk of contracting cancer. The International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids (ISSFAL) 4th Congress, which met on June 4-9, 2000 in Tsukuba, Japan, reported this startling fact.


45 Dont think fish oil prevents heart disease. It doesnt. Cardiovascular Research reported that both fish oil groups and the control groups showed close to equal atherosclerotic progression (getting more clogged in spite of taking fish oil supplements).


46 Nor did fish oil stop thickening of the artery. On the contrary, the artery wall got thicker (worsened) with fish oil ingestion! A mere 1.65 grams per day of fish oil supplement was taken. This is a great enough dose to cause adverse immunity as described above and cause excessive internal bleeding, too. These results were published in 2002 showing the failure of fish oil. Did this stop guessing by expertsin the nutritional and medical fields and even our government from declaring how great fish oil supplements were? No. Harvard Medical School was involved in the next study, titled Controlled Trial of Fish Oil for Regression of Human Coronary Atherosclerosis.


47 The daily dose was 6 grams of fish oil vs. 6 grams of olive oil in the control group. Their conclusion? Fish oil treatment for 2 years DOES NOT promote major FAVORABLE CHANGES in the diameter of atherosclerotic coronary arteries.That means arterial clogging was not decreased with the fish oil supplement. Eat all the fish you care to, but stay away from fish oil supplements; they can only harm you. Fish oil drugis harmful and their brochure states it A drug called Omacor? consists of approximately 90% active fish oil. It is used to treat high levels of triglycerides. However, according to the manufacturers 2005 medical brochure, it appears that the lowered immunity warning reported above from fish oil and overdosing on omega-3 was confirm‎!ed


48 Under Adverse Reactions,in their brochure there were double the number of people who developed infections (proving a reduced immunity) while taking the drug compared with those not taking the drug. Users suffered more flu syndrome, indicating a lowered immune system. Four (4) times more people suffered skin rash while taking the drug. Note: You should understand why the skin rash result is expected. Recall, that there is neither parent omega-3 nor omega-3 derivatives in the skin.
This pharmacological overload of omega-3 derivatives proves harmful. Never forget with too much omega-3 consumption, parents or derivatives, the excess is unnaturally forcedinto the tissue membranes causing damage to your immune system and decreased oxygen transfer to the cells. You have been unknowingly placed on the path to cancer by those you trust.




PEO 세포에 산소를 공급하여 암을 예방 치료한다.

EFAs, Oxygenation and Cancer Prevention
BY: Prof. Brian Scott Peskin, BSEE (MIT)1

Date Published: Monday, December 11, 2006

EFAs, Oxygenation and Cancer Prevention
Cancer as well as heart disease can be prevented by taking a ratio of at least 1:1 up to 2.5:1 unadulterated parent omega-6 to omega-3 essential fatty acids plus specific vitamins and minerals.


Extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 14, Number 1 (December 2006 - January 2007)
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia. editor@nexusmagazine.com
Telephone: +61 (0)7 5442 9280; Fax: +61 (0)7 5442 9381
From our web page at: www.nexusmagazine.com
? 2006 by Prof. Brian Scott Peskin, BSEE (MIT)1
Website: http://www.BrianPeskin.com
Based on his book, co-written with
Amid Habib, MD, FAAP, FACE,
The Hidden Story of Cancer
(Pinnacle Press, Houston, USA, 2006)


The prime cause of cancer is not genetic

Cancer was once an uncommon disease affecting a small percentage of Americans. In 1900, only 3% of the population died of cancer.2 But now, cancer has become so common that virtually everyone knows someone afflicted with this terrible disease. In fact, for the average American, contraction of cancer isn't the exception; instead, it has become the rule.3 We've come to accept cancer as unstoppable, incurable and even a natural part of life. This perception is a tragedy, since cancer is not a natural disease for man and is preventable.

What is shocking to most people, is the scientific fact that cancer is genetically recessive, not dominant. In fact, the human body is highly resistant to cancer. In 1969, Professor Henry Harris of Oxford University shook the cancer research community to its core when he proved these previous theories wrong. Professor Harris took normal tissue cells and fused three types of cancer cells to them. Surely, he thought, the cancer cells would take over the normal cells and "convert" them into cancer. Surprisingly, they grew normally.4
Contrary to popular opinion, cancer takes several decades to develop in humans.5 Given this long incubation period, science can show us the way to destroy any initial pre-cancerous cells and keep the cancerous ones from causing widespread damage.

If you think cancer has a genetic basis, then think again. Dr Robert A. Weinberg of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), one of the world's leading cancer researchers and discoverer of the so-called oncogene (cancer-causing gene), reversed his previous conclusions after discovering that "fewer than one DNA base in a million appears to have been miscopied". It's not enough of a defect! His exact words: "Something was very wrong. The notion that a cancer developed through the successive activation of a series of oncogenes had lost its link to reality." He called the genetic discoveries made thus far "sterile".6 The prime cause of cancer is therefore not genetic. This was announced in 1998. Did you hear about it? Probably not.

In 2006, the heads of the world's largest cancer research centre in Houston, Texas, announced that cancer's prime cause isn't genetic: "'If it could have happened [solving cancer with genetics], it would have already happened with genetic mutations,' said William Brinkley, a senior vice-president at Baylor who says other research should take precedence over the cancer genome project? Dr John Mendelsohn [president of M. D. Anderson Cancer Center] states, 'Any claims that this [genetic research] is going to be the key to curing cancer are not appropriate.'"7

Thus, the prime cause of cancer is not a genetic mutation. Even if cancer "runs in your family", there is real hope. Unfortunately, the geneticists have it backwards, attempting to force the facts to fit their genetics-based theories when they don't fit the facts, because, as Professor Harris demonstrated many years ago, cancer isn't genetically dominant. Where does this leave us? Where can we look for solutions? What about the popular nutritional solutions to fighting cancer?

The popular anti-cancer "solutions" don't work

Most people diligently follow the experts' recommendations in the hope of winning the war on cancer. Unfortunately, virtually nothing of what we are told is based on scientific facts. Consider the following list of supposed "solutions", along with the date of their published failures as reported in the world's leading medical journals. Many of us never hear of the retractions and consequently keep following methods that don't protect us from contracting cancer.

(a) Fruits and vegetables: Even the green leafy vegetables don't protect against contracting breast cancer (JAMA 2001; 285:769-776).8
(b) Fibre: This worsens colon cancer rather than helping prevent it (Lancet 2000; 356:1286-7).9
(c) Mammography: Samuel S. Epstein, MD (chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition), Rosalie Bertell and Barbara Seaman published an article exposing truths about mammography that most women have never been told (Int J Health Sci 2001; 31(3):605-15): "Contrary to popular belief and assurances by the US media...mammography is not a technique for early diagnosis. In fact, a breast cancer has usually been present for about eight (8) years before it can finally be detected..."10
(d) Fish oil: Most fish oil supplements are worthless in preventing cancer and may be hazardous to your health (articles: 1995Ð2006). The International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids (ISSFAL) 4th Congress, which met on 4Ð9 June 2000 in Tsukuba, Japan, reported the following:11
"...Studies indicate that at the levels used, fish oil [comprised of omega-3 derivatives] decreases a wide range of immune cell responses (natural killer cell, cytotoxic T lymphocyte activities, lymphocyte proliferation and production of IL-2 and IFN-y (1,2))..."
"...Recent studies have indicated that relatively low levels of the long chain omega-3 fatty acids (EPA or DHA)...are sufficient to bring about some of the suppressive effects..."
"...This decrease (of inhibited lymphocyte proliferation and natural killer cell activity) causes increased cellular bacteria [infection] and impaired tumor cell killing."

Any substance causing impaired tumour cell killing ability is cancer-causing?the opposite of what we desire. With so many of us consuming fish oil, could this be another reason that cancer contraction rates are increasing instead of decreasing?
Fish oil is also worthless in preventing heart disease, and Harvard Medical School warned us about this years ago but too few Americans listened.12 Consuming whole fish instead of fish oil failed, too.13

The Japanese have greater cancer rates and greater heart disease rates than Americans. Cancer has been Japan's number-one cause of death since 1981.14 The popular media don't often disclose these startling facts.

In January 2006, the omega-3 anti-cancer fallacy was exposed (JAMA 2006; 295(4)): "A large body of literature spanning numerous cohorts from many countries and with different demographic characteristics does not provide evidence to suggest a significant association between omega-3 fatty acids and [lack of] cancer incidence. Dietary supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids [is] unlikely to prevent cancer."15

The most comprehensive analysis to date, published in the British Medical Journal of 24 March 2006, reviewing 96 trials including 44 trials with supplements and five trials consisting of mainly ALA (parent omega-3) from plants like flax with the remainder being fish oil, confirm‎!s the anti-cancer failure: "We found no evidence that omega-3 fats had an effect on the incidence of cancer and there was no inconsistency... This systematic review assessed the health effects of using omega-3 fats (together or separately) on total mortality, cardiovascular events, cancer and strokes in a wide variety of participants and found no evidence of a clear benefit of omega-3 fats on health."16

Unfortunately, in spite of these facts, most physicians around the world still recommend fish oil to prevent both cancer and heart disease.
(e) Soy: Soy products won't protect you against contracting cancer, either. The properties of soy are still touted by nutritionists, physicians and popular health and beauty publications, all ignorant of the scientific facts. There is a very hazardous side to soy that you need to know about. For example, the article "Soybean Goiter: Report of Three Cases" (NEJM 1960; 262(22):1099-1103) details three cases of infants developing goitre when they were consuming soybean "formula". The condition was rapidly eliminated in two of the infants when the soy "formula" was terminated. The third child was cured when iodine was added to the diet.17

What did soy formula have to do with thyroid (goitre) problems? Soybeans are a source of isoflavonoids, including genistein and daidzein. Contrary to popular belief and what is often reported in the media, they are both hazardous to your health. The following comes from Biochemical Pharmacology 1997; 54:1087-96): "Soybeans contain compounds (genistein and daidzein-the 'active ingredients') that inhibit [interfere with] thyroid peroxidase (TPO) which is essential to thyroid hormone synthesis [production]." Soybeans are not good for the thyroid! The popular so-called phyto-oestrogens genistein and daidzein are actually endocrine disruptors. Women around the world have been misled. What does soy "formula" have to do with the iodine deficiency? Soy contains phytates which "magnetise out" essential nutrients like iodine.

Today, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Department of Health and Human Services, lists 288 records of soy at its "FDA Poisonous Plant Database" (March 2006 revision). Their website will shock you as you discover that soy is anything but a health food (http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~djw/pltx.cgi?QUERY=soy).

Soy harms your immune system, too. Back in 1975, the Canadian Journal of Biochemistry reported that soybeans actually weaken your immune system:21 "Soybean trypsin inhibitor was found to inhibit transformation of human lymphocytes..."

Here's why this happens. Trypsin is an enzyme produced by your pancreas and used in digesting protein; it is critical for antibody production. An inhibitor is something that disables. Think of it like having one foot on the gas and another on the brake of your automobile at the same time. Your car's engine would blow up.

So a trypsin inhibitor will irritate your pancreas, stressing it to produce hormones when it can't, leading to decreased oxygenation from the irritation. Soy prevents the protein you eat from being fully utilised and digested. Your immune system can't get fuelled with proper antibodies and lymphocytes--a double whammy. Therefore, soy is cancer-causing to your pancreas, and cancer of the pancreas is typically a death sentence. Because of bad advice, many women especially have decreased the amount of cancer-fighting animal-based protein they consume in favour of soy. Resist this incorrect advice and minimise your chances of contracting both thyroid and pancreatic cancer.

Dr Otto Warburg's anti-cancer research

Many of my physician colleagues were shocked to discover these truths. How many of us saw these important medical journal findings reported in the popular press? Unfortunately, not enough of us. Don't despair, because there is an anti-cancer answer. It was discovered back in 1925 by Otto Warburg, MD, PhD. Dr Warburg has been referred to as the greatest biochemist of the 20th century; the sheer number and magnitude of his discoveries qualify him as the most accomplished biochemist of all time.

In the 1920s, Dr Warburg carried on the research on respiratory enzymes, certain vitamins and minerals that the body requires for the utilisation of oxygen in the cells, which eventually earned him the Nobel Prize in 1931. (Today, these vitamins and minerals are termed "co-enzymes".) The Nobel Committee clearly expected the medical world to benefit through Otto Warburg's vital discoveries about cancer. Unfortunately, politics intervened and cancer wasn't eradicated.

Despite his early successes and honours, Dr Warburg continued to make major fundamental discoveries throughout his later years as well, capping off an amazingly fruitful 60-year career in research. In addition, Dr Warburg often created new tools for his research. For example, he discovered how to measure the pressure of oxygen in a living cell by developing a special manometer?a very important development that led to his discovery that low oxygen concentration and pressure always presaged the development of cancer.

The importance of Dr Warburg's achievement is that he isolated the functional prime cause of cancer. Rather than working on a theoretical level too far removed from the physiological realities of cancer to be able to provide practical therapies and preventive programs, he described the actual conditions in the cells that set up and cause cancer, and by doing this made it possible for others later to develop functional, practical ways to inhibit the development of cancer.

It is appalling that no significant principle out of his numerous discoveries has been utilised by the US medical research community for cancer prevention, treatment and remission retention. Despite the expression‎! of opinions disputing the direction and validity of Warburg's work, no scientist or researcher has ever disproved the validity, correctness or applicability of these important discoveries to the prevention and cure of cancer. Even today, medical consensus often has little to do with science. Politics has squandered the efforts of many cancer researchers.

The prime cause of cancer

We have become so accustomed to being told that "some day" we might discover what causes cancer and that cancer is the major medical mystery of our modern time, that the following might be hard to believe.

Dr Otto Warburg discovered and clearly stated that the prime, most basic, cause of cancer is too little oxygen getting into the cell. "We find by experiment about 35% inhibition of oxygen respiration already suffices to bring about such a transformation during cell growth," he stated at a 1966 conference of Nobel laureates in Lindau, Germany.

That's it! It sounds very simple, doesn't it? Just one-third less oxygen than normal and you contract cancer. Based on meticulous experiments that he and many others verified numerous times, Dr Warburg discovered and stated that the prime, number-one cause of cancer is simply too little oxygen getting into the cell (hypoxia).

It gets worse because once a cell becomes cancerous, it can't return to normal; it must be destroyed (Science 1956; 123(3191)).
When I first encountered this information, I didn't believe it. Even now, there is still no one who is more shocked than I am! To my amazement, this cancer-oxygen connection information has been published numerous times in recent cancer journals, e.g., Radiotherapy and Oncology 1993; 26(1):45-50 and 1999; 53:113-17.30 However, the practical solution to solving the oxygen deficiency problem has evaded researchers?probably because they haven't known where to start.

Taking hydrogen peroxide, calcium supplements, fish oil supplements, massive amounts of omega-3, ozone or so-called "oxygenated water" won't solve the cellular oxygen deficiency. No one has been able to advance Dr Warburg's discovery until now.

This lack of understanding explains many of the misunderstood biochemical activities related to cancer that waste precious time and lead virtually nowhere. Only Dr Warburg's anti-cancer discovery predicts so many never-before-explained real-life results.31

Dr Warburg's discovery has been verified numerous times both in turning normal cells cancerous and in showing that cancer doesn't develop in highly oxygenated areas. Surprisingly, it was American physicians who conclusively proved it in 1953 and confirm‎!ed it in 1955! Goldblatt and Cameron noted (p. 535) (J. Experimental Medicine 1953; 97:535-552) that once damage is too great to the cell, then no amount of oxygen will return the cell's respiration back to normal: it is forever doomed to a cancerous life.

This is why prevention is the ultimate solution to never contracting cancer. However, they confirm‎!ed it is possible to prevent a "respiration-impacted" precancerous cell from becoming permanently cancerous if oxygen deficiency is stopped early enough.

Secondary causes of cancer

Virtually every supposed cause of cancer mentioned today in the health and nutritional media is a secondary cause. Secondary causes include things such as environment, chemical carcinogens, environmental and medical radiation, trans-fats, food additives, the chemicals in tobacco smoke, viruses and even genetic mutations.

There are innumerable secondary causes of cancer, and minimising them and their harmful effects can be helpful in preventing cancer. But endlessly pursuing new secondary causes, like smoking, without explaining specifically what common effect they have on the cells, has never led, and will never lead, researchers to a real cancer cure.

Dr Warburg cautioned us again and again about wasting precious time pursuing secondary causes. Make no mistake about this: the thing every secondary cause of cancer has in common with every other one is that it leads, directly or indirectly, to insufficient oxygen in the cells. Therefore, if we directly address the question of how to get sufficient oxygen into the cells, we will have minimised the danger from every type of secondary cause.

Exercise is not the solution to remaining cancer-free

I know what many of you are likely thinking: "I exercise a lot, therefore I am oxygenating my blood. I've got cancer beat!" No. All that exercise didn't stop world champion cyclist Lance Armstrong from contracting cancer. It is true that by exercising you are increasing oxygenation to your blood. However, by doing so, you still haven't guaranteed that this oxygen will be transferred effectively to each cell in each organ in your body.

Dr Warburg made it quite clear that oxygen alone is not sufficient: "To be sure, cancer development takes place even in the presence of free oxygen gas in the atmosphere, but this oxygen may not penetrate in sufficient quantity into the growing body cells, or the respiratory apoenzymes of the growing body cells may not be saturated with the active groups."

There are many factors that promote the lack of cellular oxygen, including certain deficiencies we will talk about shortly. Exercise, by itself, is therefore not the solution to remaining cancer free. Many people, including athletes, who exercise regularly still get cancer. Furthermore, a person breathes at least 17,000 times a day (12 breaths a minute). Do you really think that you aren't breathing in enough oxygen with 17,000 breaths a day? You are. The problem lies elsewhere.

Essential fatty acids and EFA-containing oils

The body requires special fats that, among other important functions, make it possible for sufficient oxygen to reach the cells via the cellular membranes, which are the key. These special fats are highly oxygen-absorbing. Called essential fatty acids, or EFAs, these special fats must be supplied from outside the body every day, from foods and certain oils, because your body can't manufacture them on its own. There are two "parent" forms of EFAs that allow your body to make whatever it needs from them, i.e., various types of EFA "derivatives". Parent omega-6 is termed linoleic acid (LA), and parent omega-3 is termed alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).

For tables of EFA-containing oils, shown with their percentages of parent omega-6 to parent omega-3, as well as of some EFA derivatives, see http://www.BrianPeskin/Nexus.com. With all the hoopla about olive oil, I want you to know that it contains mainly omega-9, a non-essential oil that your body itself makes. "Extra virgin" olive oil is traditionally unprocessed and therefore not cancer-causing, but it won't protect you against contracting cancer in the least. Avoid margarine: it won't go bad even when kept out of the fridge. This is the proof of hydrogenated oil's failure to oxygenate. If it still could oxygenate when eaten, it would turn rancid when left unrefrigerated--just like fish does. Canola and soy oils are not recommended; neither was ever meant for human consumption but as food for farm animals or for industrial applications. Many foods, especially salad dressings, now contain canola oil. You should try to avoid it.

The oils must be uncooked, or at the very least only slightly heated, to retain their important nutritional properties. Also bear in mind that some supplement manufacturers' labels fail to separately identify and distinguish the parent EFAs from the EFA derivatives. It may be impossible to tell whether you are getting the parent EFAs or the EFA derivatives. Make certain of what you're getting before you purchase it. Make sure the oils are raw, unprocessed and organic and that they do not contain fish oil or any hydrogenated oils.


12-16-2006, 07:57 AM

(Article Continued)

Omega-6 versus omega-3 ratios in the body

We must look at the tissue content of our bodies to determine what oils contain the best anti-cancer EFAs. It is known from pathology studies that the brain and nervous system have a ratio of one part omega-6 to one part omega-3 (1:1). Some nutritionists suggest that this ratio is best, but they are wrong. Here's why.

Most organs contain a 4:1 omega-6 to omega-3 ratio. However, the brain, nervous system and organs comprise only about 12% of body weight. Skin is 100% parent omega-6 and contains no omega-3;35 it comprises about 4% of body weight. The muscles comprise at least 50% of total body weight and are the prime factor to account for in determining the required parent omega-6 to omega-3 ratio. A key fact about muscle structure is that muscle contains from 5.5 to 7.5 times more omega-6 than omega-3, depending on the degree of physical condition.36 We are warned about "overdosing" on omega-6 in our diets and told that we must take lots of oils containing omega-3 to compensate. We are told that we are ingesting upwards of 20 times too much omega-6. This is wrong, and there is much more to the analysis.

Scientifically, you need an organic supplement with a ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 of 1:1 up to 2.5:1. With this powerfully effective ratio, you only require a minimum amount of 3-4 grams on a daily basis. This ratio is significantly different than your physician, health practitioner or writers on popular nutritional publications will likely suggest: they simply don't know and understand the basis of it. Their analysis consists of a significant number of errors, and I hope you will review the paper "The Scientific Calculation of the Optimum Omega 6/3 Ratio" at http://www.BrianPeskin.com (click on "EFA Report") so you will understand this as well as the science behind the calculation of the ideal omega-6 to omega-3 ratio.

Today, people automatically think of fish oil or flax oil as the anti-cancer solution. Following these incorrect recommendations is a significant factor in why America's cancer rates continue to skyrocket in spite of millions of people taking these oils. Fish oil, with an overdose of omega-3 series derivatives, can actually be cancer-causing-the opposite of what we desire--and flax oil contains far too much parent omega-3.

Most parent omegas do not get converted to derivatives; they remain in the cell membranes and tissues in original parent form. Few scientists understand this and few medical texts explain it.37 Furthermore, commercial food processing destroys a significant amount of these EFAs, along with their oxygenating ability.

EFA-containing foods in the diet

Here's a representative listing of categories of foods containing these essential oils. It is imperative to understand that these foods must be grown organically and, if necessary, processed with low heat and no artificial preservatives-otherwise the EFAs will be ruined, like the trans-fat, hydrogenated, cancer-causing oils you've heard about. Compare your diet and these EFA-containing foods. Are you getting enough of them?

Dairy/eggs/cheese: "Raw milk" cheeses and organic eggs are excellent sources of EFAs. Pasteurised (heated) milk is deficient in EFAs and is detrimental to infants.

Meats: Organically raised and processed chicken, beef (grass-fed is best38), lamb, pork, etc. are rich sources of EFAs. Animal-based protein is also important for obtaining anti-cancer vitamins and minerals and for producing strong haemoglobin which enables oxygen transportation.

Nuts: Organic, unprocessed raw almonds, walnuts, peanuts, cashews, etc.

Seafood: Shrimp (prawns), fish, lobster, crab, clams, oysters, etc. It is important to understand that consuming lots of seafood is not the anti-cancer answer. Seafood is overly abundant in both parent and derivative omega-3 EFAs. Fish, especially farmed fish, contains mostly omega-3 derivatives; farmed fish and oil from farmed fish are to be avoided.

Seeds: Organic sunflower, sesame, flax, pumpkin, etc.

The following foods do not contain usable EFAs for humans:

Fruits and vegetables: Animals with multiple stomachs can extract EFAs out of plant-based cellulose like grass, but humans, with only one stomach, cannot. Even if we could extract the EFAs, we could never eat the volume required to get enough.

Grains/cereals: Humans cannot extract the EFAs from them.

The miracle of EFA "oxygen magnets"

Think of these polyunsaturated EFAs as "oxygen magnets". The proof of this fact is buried in the world's leading medical textbooks and medical journals such as Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry, 26th edition,40 and Human Nutrition Clinical Nutrition, July 1984.
EFAs are integral to the structure and function of cellular respiration. Without high respiration efficiency, cancer is soon to follow. These EFA oxygen magnets in the cell membrane attract the oxygen that's in the bloodstream and transfer it into the cell, just like little oxygen sponges. This process is supposed to be happening in each of the body's 100 trillion cells.

So, no matter how much you breathe or exercise, if you don't have the proper functional EFAs at the cellular level then your cells will not absorb enough oxygen from your bloodstream and you will be that much more susceptible to cancer. Remember that the cancer "threshold" is a 35% decrease in cellular oxygen. Without a continuing new supply of these EFAs from food, cellular oxygen transfer is significantly reduced. Imagine what would happen if you had 100 trillion cells that were all deficient in a vital substance they required to be able to absorb oxygen.

Here's an example showing how these essential fats absorb oxygen. At the supermarket, fish goes bad in only a few days because the oil in the fish is highly oxygen-absorbing-it reacts rapidly with the oxygen in the air. Fish spoils rapidly because the EFA-containing oil has the capacity to absorb lots of oxygen. This chemical process is called oxidation. This is also true with other types of essential fats. They do their job of absorbing oxygen, but because of it they have a limited life. They simply won't work after a short period. EFAs become "spent", i.e., rancid. That's why they need to be replaced every day from our food-Nature designed us this way.

There are many ways to add additional oxygen to the bloodstream, such as by exercising, drinking "oxygenated" water or breathing purer air. However, these partial solutions are insufficient for maximum anti-cancer protection. When the EFA deficiency is solved, every organ becomes its own "oxygen magnet", just as Nature intended.

Breast cancer and oxygen deficiency

Breast cancer is the number-one cancer plague to women worldwide. The growing incidence of breast cancer can be explained for the first time in light of Dr Warburg's discovery about lack of oxygen to the cells.

The breasts consist of an exceptionally high amount of fatty tissue. A typical cell membrane in muscle tissue is half-fat and contains about one-third EFAs (oxygen transferors). However, fatty tissue like the breast contains areas of 80-95% fat concentration. These fatty components of breast tissue require and should have high EFA concentrations, but because of modern food processing they don't. Because important organs such as the brain, heart, lungs and kidneys require EFAs on a priority basis, there may not be enough left over to ensure that breast tissue receives an adequate amount of EFAs.

Therefore, oxygen deficiency in the breast tissue will be very significant.

Given this premise, we can deduce that breast tissue should and would be the number-one expected cancer site in women worldwide, and it is. This conclusion makes so much sense in explaining the massive rise in breast cancer rates. Harvard's Dr W. C. Willett gives us the proof. In a study on the intake of parent omega-6 involving over 80,000 nurses, it was shown that the group with the lowest intake of linoleic acid (parent omega-6) exhibited the highest incidence of breast cancer (NEJM 1987; 316(1):22-28).
Has your ob-gyn told you that you need this miraculous anti-cancer nutrient? I doubt it; he or she probably doesn't know.

Fish oil won't stop heart disease

Surprisingly, it was known back in 1979 that diet influenced EFA composition of the cell membrane; this finding was published in Cancer Research (1979; 39:1726-32).43 In 1990, a masterpiece of research conducted by William E. Lands found that the amount of critical parent omega-6 in the tissues was dependent on diet (Lipids 1990; 25(9):505-16).
To gain the best in scientific research, in 2002 I attended the world's 1st Essential Fatty Acids and Human Nutrition and Health International Conference in Shanghai, China.

There I discovered a shocking and unexpected discovery that fish oil lowers immunity. I nearly fell out of my chair! Overdosing on fish oil supplements can significantly decrease the effectiveness of your immune system, increasing your risk of contracting cancer. The International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids (ISSFAL) June 2000 Congress in Tsukuba, Japan,45 had reported this startling fact, as noted earlier.

And don't think that fish oil prevents heart disease. It doesn't. Cardiovascular Research (2002; 54:183-190) reported on a study where both the fish oil group and the control group showed close to equal atherosclerotic progression (arteries getting more clogged in spite of taking fish oil supplements). Nor did fish oil stop thickening of the artery. On the contrary, the artery wall got thicker (worsened) with fish oil ingestion! A mere 1.65 grams per day of fish oil supplement was taken-a great enough dose to cause adverse immunity and excessive internal bleeding, too.

These results showing the failure of fish oil were published in 2002. Did this stop "experts" in the nutritional and medical fields and even in our governments from declaring how great fish oil supplements are? No!

Harvard Medical School was involved in a study, published in 1995, titled "Controlled Trial of Fish Oil for Regression of Human Coronary Atherosclerosis" (Am Coll Cardiol 1995; 25(7):1492-8).

The daily dose was six grams of fish oil versus six grams of olive oil in the control group. Their conclusion? "Fish oil treatment for two years does not promote major favorable changes in the diameter of atherosclerotic coronary arteries" (author's emphasis). This means that arterial clogging was not decreased with the fish oil supplements.

Omega-6 derivative AA prevents blood clotting

Dr Warburg understood that slow blood speed allowed cancer to metastasise. Later, other researchers showed that if you can keep a localised cancer from metastasising, your risk of dying from cancer decreases by an amazing tenfold! Even though you may have cancer, you won't die from it. Blood speed and viscosity have a connection to the spread of cancer. This is a surprising, seldom-mentioned fact that was pointed out by world-renowned molecular biologist Robert Weinberg.

What causes metastasis? Blood clots, and this is known, too. What prevents blood from "sticking together" and is also Nature's natural blood-thinner that prevents blood clots? No, it's not omega-3, like you are constantly told. Parent omega-6 is much more powerful. Arachidonic acid (AA) is a critical omega-6 derivative and major biochemical component which occurs in virtually every cell we have. It is the building block of the most potent anti-aggregatory ("helps blood thinning") agent known, termed prostacyclin. AA also inhibits platelet adhesion, making it a natural "blood thinner". AA even helps solve vascular problems as a response to injury.
Heart attack victims often have depleted EFA levels, especially the EFA derivatives AA from parent omega-6 and EPA from parent omega-3.56 We need some parent omega-3 because EPA is one of its important derivatives. The problem is that fish oil supplements overdose us with far too much.

What's really clogging the arteries

Contrary to what we have heard for decades, it is not the saturated fat that clogs the arteries and impedes blood flow: it's the adulterated parent omega-6.

A groundbreaking Lancet article (1994; 344:1195-96) reported investigating the components of arterial plaques. Felton et al. measured the individual components, and in an aortic artery clog they found over 10 different compounds but no saturated fat. There was some cholesterol in the clog. This is explained by the fact that cholesterol acts as a protective healer for arterial cuts and bruises, just like a scab forms over external cuts.

What is the predominant component of a clog? You probably guessed it: the adulterated omega-6 polyunsaturated oils-those that start out containing properly functioning EFAs but get ruined during commercial food processing. Many similar analyses of arterial clogs showing the same result have been carried out and published in the medical journals, but it would seem that few physicians have seen them. The average person has little, if any, chance of ever discovering the truth.

So, it is not cholesterol itself that clogs the arteries. If you have a deficiency of EFAs, cholesterol acts as a "poison delivery system". EFAs are cholesterol's major component. As the medical textbook Molecular Biology of the Cell makes clear (p. 481), cholesterol is necessary for the structural integrity of the lipid bi-layer, the matrix in each of our 100 trillion cell membranes. JAMA (1994; 272:1335-40) published an article stating that cholesterol-lowering drugs do not work significantly to prevent heart disease. The reason? They can't lower the amount of defective parent omega-6 enough.

As stated in Current Atherosclerosis Reports (2004; 6:477-84), this is why cholesterol drugs can't do the job:59 "LDL contains up to 80% lipids [fats and oils], including polyunsaturated fatty acids and cholesterol, mainly esters. Linoleic acid (LA), one of the most abundant fatty acids in LDL?"

With this information, we see that it is what the cholesterol is transporting-the adulterated EFAs-that is the problem. An article in Human Nutrition: Clinical Nutrition (1984; 38C:245-260) further verifies that it is parent omega-6 that makes up most of the fatty acids in LDL and HDL cholesterol.

Don't let anyone ever tell you that natural fats are "bad". One hundred trillion cells need lots of EFA-containing natural fats; in particular, lots of parent omega-6. If just a little of this parent omega-6 is defective, reducing its ability to absorb oxygen and perform other cellular functions, it acts as a direct cause of cancer as well as heart disease.



암과 산소요법(PEO), 유산소 운동


   오토 와버그 (Otto Warburg) 박사는 1931년에 사람 몸의 다른 모든 세포들과 다르게 암 세포들은 산소를 숨쉬지 않는다는 것을 발견하여 노벨상을 수상했습니다.

   암 세포들은 혐기성입니다. 즉, 암 세포들은 산소가 필요없이 그 에너지를 얻습니다. 이제 암 세포들이 고수준의 산소가 있는 곳에서는 생존할 수 없다는 것이 밝혀졌으며 이것은 조직세포들에 산소로 충만케 하는 것 (oxygenating)에 기반한 다양한 성공적 치료법들, 정맥내 과산화수소 투여, 고압 산소탱크, 혈액 오존화 요법등을 생기게 했습니다.  EWOT(산소와 함께하는 운동 요법 Excercise With Oxygen Therapy)는 가벼운 운동, 와킹머신(걷기용)이나 고정 자전거 운동등을 하면서 순수한 산소를 숨쉬게 하는 것입니다. 이 요법은 정맥내 과산화수서 투여와 같은 장점들을 가지며 집에서도 할 수 있습니다. 그외, 디메틸글리신(DMG: Dimethylglycine)의 식품보조 요법은 산소부족 조직세포들에서 산소 활용을 증가시켜서 암과 다른 많은 문제들을 방지하는 것을 돕습니다.


   예방적인 자가치료로서 숨쉬기 운동들(요가의 프라나야마, 숨쉬기조절과 같은 것)과 충분한 양의 신선한 공기는 시작점입니다. 대부분의 사람들은 깊이 숨을 쉬지 않으므로 폐활량의 많은 부분을 활용하는 유익을 잃어버리고 있습니다. 대부분의 실래 공기는 실외공기보다 10배 정도 더 오염되어 있습니다. 그럼에도 우리는 90% 까지의 일상시간을 실내에서 보냅니다. 어떤 방에서도 실내 공기는 외부 공기로 항상 신선케 되어야 합니다. 금연의 중요성은 더 말할 나위도 없습니다. 유산소 운동은 조직 세포들을 산소화시키고 림프액을 순환시키는 것 둘 다에 유익합니다.


   림프는 무색의 액체로서 우리 몸의 모든 세포들을 잠기게 하여 씻기고 있습니다. 우리 몸은 2개의 순환 체계들을 기지는 데, 하나는 혈액 순환이고 다른 하나는 림프 순환입니다. 혈액은 심장에 의해 순환하지만, 림프액은 신체적 운동에 의해 순환합니다. 많은 조직세포들은 산소를 포함하는 영양물들을 제공받고 폐기물질들을 내보내는 데 림프액에 의존하고 있습니다. 만약 림프액이 순환하지 않는다면 이러한 조직 세포들은 그들 자신의 산성 폐기산물들(요산, 젖산 등)에 익혀지면서 질식하고 말 것입니다.    


(출처: http://cafe.naver.com/chiyoosamo,  
