원어스 3주년 축하해! Thankyou for everything you have given us; not just all the wonderful music, but all the love, happiness, comfort, support and encouragement. You guys have given me reason to smile even on my worst days and I am so grateful to you. It has been an honour to watch you all grow and mature - not just as a group, and not just as artists; but individually, and as people. It has been an amazing journey thus far, and I know it will continue to be so. Let's be together forever! 항고사~ 🌏🌙💙💚🤍💛✨
Thank you for existing. You have made so many people happy with your energy and music. I hope you will continue to take care of yourselves so Oneus and To Moon can continue to be together.
🎈3주년 축하해요 🥳🎊너무너무 사랑해❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
3주년 축하해!!! 🥺❤️
3주년 온 마음 다해 축하해!!🎊 매일매일 고맙고 사랑해 원어스💖
3주년축하해♡♡ 앞으로도 오래오래 행복만하자
At a party they have to have fun and have many smiles, in that photo I see many smiles 🥰
Oneus has celebrated in a big way!! Happy 3rd anniversary, I hope we can spend much more time together 💗💗
3주년 너무 너무 축하해요❤❤😆👏👏👏
ℒᵒᵛᵉ ᵧₒᵤ .•ᰔᩚℒᵒᵛᵉ ᵧₒᵤ .•ᰔᩚℒᵒᵛᵉ ᵧₒᵤ .•ᰔᩚℒᵒᵛᵉ ᵧₒᵤ .•ᰔᩚℒᵒᵛᵉ ᵧₒᵤ .•ᰔᩚℒᵒᵛᵉ ᵧₒᵤ .•ᰔᩚℒᵒᵛᵉ ᵧₒᵤ .•ᰔᩚℒᵒᵛᵉ ᵧₒᵤ .•ᰔᩚℒᵒᵛᵉ ᵧₒᵤ .•ᰔᩚℒᵒᵛᵉ ᵧₒᵤ .•ᰔᩚℒᵒᵛᵉ ᵧₒᵤ .•ᰔᩚ
너무 너무 사랑한다♡
3주년 축하해 내 사랑들
우리 영원히 함께 행복해요
원어스 🌎❤️🌙 투문
원어스 3주년 축하해! Thankyou for everything you have given us; not just all the wonderful music, but all the love, happiness, comfort, support and encouragement. You guys have given me reason to smile even on my worst days and I am so grateful to you. It has been an honour to watch you all grow and mature - not just as a group, and not just as artists; but individually, and as people. It has been an amazing journey thus far, and I know it will continue to be so. Let's be together forever! 항고사~ 🌏🌙💙💚🤍💛✨
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ왜 사진에서 술냄새가 나는거같지...🤔원어스 3주년 축하해요!!!❤🌏🌙🎉🎉
You are the light of my life. Happy 3rd debut anniversary, my loves.
너무 너무 사랑해요💜
Thank you for existing. You have made so many people happy with your energy and music. I hope you will continue to take care of yourselves so Oneus and To Moon can continue to be together.
늦덕인 1인도 3주년 축하해 어스들