내부 외부 lymph node위치
is then termed "lymph."
**Lymph Node 기능:functioning of the dog's immune system, acting as filters for the blood( filters foreign particles and organisms from the blood), and as storage places for white blood cells. Consequently, they are often the first indicators of disease in the tissues.
When tissues become inflamed, the regional lymph nodes that these tissues drain into will also become inflamed and swollen in response or a minor allergic reaction . This swelling is due to a reactive increase in white blood cells (hyperplasia) due to the localized presence of an infectious agent.
Lymphadenitis is a condition in which the lymphatic glands have become inflamed due to infection.
Cancer cells may be primary, originating in the lymph node (malignant lymphoma), or may be there as a result of the spread of cancer from another location in the body (metastasis).
They are located in the neck area near the angle of the jaw. They lay right next to the salivary glands, so it is important to palpate the correct structure.
Located just in front of the shoulders. Follow the arm up to the point of the shoulder to find them.
Found on each side of the chest in the armpit area. They tend to be small, and are more forward then most people realize.
Found on the abdomen towards the inside of each rear leg. There is significant fat in this area, so they might be difficult to find, even if enlarged. Also, there is mammary tissue in the area that can easily feel like an enlarged lymph node if the mammary tissue has an infection or cancer.
Found on each rear leg on the opposite side of the knee. They are relatively superficial and easy to feel.
This radiograph of the chest shows the heart and lungs clearly. The lower arrow points to the location of the sternal lymph node. It is not visible in this dog because it is normal. The top arrow points to a round, white structure. It is a tumor nodule that has spread from cancer elsewhere in body.
This radiograph of the abdomen shows the liver and stomach clearly. The lower arrow points to the general location of the mesenteric lymph node. The top arrow points to the location of the sublumbar lymph node. Neither one is visible.
This abdominal radiograph shows the location of where the sublumbar lymph node is normally located. It is not apparent in this view, so it is not enlarged.
Locations of common lymph nodes your veterinarian can check on physical
- submandibular (can be felt in a normal dog, cat, or ferret, too)
- prescapular
- axillary
- inguinal
- popliteal (can be felt in a normal dog, cat or ferret, too)
- subaortic