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Follow Your Heart [5일차] Follow your heart p46 ~ 52
임재규 추천 0 조회 49 11.12.09 09:16 댓글 12
게시글 본문내용
  • 11.12.09 12:08

    첫댓글 Yes, We learned useful expression, "I could do anything but sing a song" There's nothing what I can't do.
    If you are better acquainted with the second list, your parents' belief system probably became your reality.
    ->The more you are acquainted with speaking English, The faster your english ablities go up.
    Have you ever noticed how hard it is to give some people money?
    -> Have you ever heard how hard it is to work at the hotel?

  • 11.12.09 12:21

    To make much money and keep it, you must be comfortable with money!
    -> To make your mind relax, you must be comfortable with people who are even rude.
    If you get prosperous, it doesn't have to hurt other people. It can help them.
    -> If you get prosperous, you should donate deserted children.
    If you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.
    -> If you could accept anything but that, you will succeed.
    What does nuturing myself have to do with achieving my goals in life?
    -> What does reading many books have to do with being happy in my life?

  • 11.12.09 12:33

    If you get stuck in some disasters, That means that you are now riding on the bus of life instead of giving up my life.
    What we don't be fail and stuck in disasters is giving up challenging everything in life.
    Let us think that many problems make us strong and go foward success and then you always thank for what your life is so fun.

  • 작성자 11.12.10 02:04

    수고 많았어요. .주말 잘 보내요.

  • 작성자 11.12.10 02:03

    20 / you are the only one who can make you feel special = im the only one who can deal with this problem.
    " what can i do with a decorating budget of twenty dollors? " " Buy a broom" Absolutely agreed with that

  • 11.12.10 22:22

    If i have plenty, others will go without/If you get prosperous, it doesn't have other people. it can help them/if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it→if you are enjoy to accept everything that you are suggested by someone who is the reader of life, you will be a reader of your world./
    Thair struggle became your struggle→i will not give up my dream without a struggle.
    (이건 그냥 struggle이란 단어가 인상깊어 만든문장)

  • 11.12.10 22:32

    You are the only one person that can make you feel special. if you have no pride. nobody can give it to you→you are the only one person that can make your home comfotable. if you don't give your home your heart. nobody in your home can secure about thair life.

  • 11.12.10 22:48

    As you cease to react in horror to the unexpected, you became more balanced and you move into a position of power.→as you cease to complain to your life, you became more balanced and move in to a position of power.
    it's not what hapens to you, it's how you see it. As long as you beleve something in your life is a diaster, it will unfold as a continuing disaster.

  • 11.12.10 23:01

    Every "disaster" in your life not so much a disaster, as a situation waiting for you to change your mind about it.
    Life shouldn't be this much fun! Even enjoy life takes practice. "Maybe it's about to get better!"
    Don't be in a nutshell. Go out to the new world opened.

  • 11.12.10 23:05

    안녕하세요. 수준은 한참 밑이나 오늘부터 참여합니다. 힘닿는데까지 따라가보렵니다. 화이팅!

  • 11.12.11 16:02

    ㅋ 완전 환영합니다!! 최선을 다한다면 재밌게 할 수 있을 것 같습니다! Fighting!!

  • 작성자 11.12.11 20:04

    와우!! 감사합니다.. 혹시 목요 원서반 들으시나요?? 010 2732 1990 연락처 찍어주시면 번호 저장해 놓을께요..
    조금이라도 도움이 되실수 있도록 최선을 다하겠습니다.
