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Follow Your Heart [6일차] FOLLOW YOUR HEART 55~60 영나한 식구들은 월요병(Blue Monday) 취급 안하시죠??
임재규 추천 0 조회 53 11.12.11 21:09 댓글 17
게시글 본문내용
  • 11.12.12 09:00

    첫댓글 What took you so long? -> What made you so tired? -> What made you go to school eariler than usual?
    I ran into my friends who got along with me when I went to elementary school.
    I lied my girlfriend that I was on my way when she called me yesterday. In fact, I was dancing with other sexy girls. I'm sorry for my girlfriend but I can't stand in this temptation.. So bad man..

  • 작성자 11.12.12 11:04

    U are Such a play boy!! just kidding. nice job!! Thank you

  • 11.12.12 09:18

    Wow it's very useful expressions! Thank u !
    [Follow Your Heart, Monday's part 55~60]
    You've gotta dancee like nobody's watching. -> You always speak English so loud like you are talking with your
    friends or nobody is watching. / Have you ever met someone cute at a party?
    -> Have you known someone pretty?
    Whenever you are desperate for anything, you create an energy around you that pushes it away.
    -> Whenever you feel tired, you had better take a shower in warm water bath for thirty minutes at the least.

  • 11.12.12 09:35

    How do I avoid being desperate when I'm desperate? -> How can I avoid being lazy when I am at home alone.
    The trick to giving is to give without wanting anything back. -> Sincere service is to give all my help without
    wanting anyting back.
    We cannot change anything unless we accept it. -> I cannot grow fast unless I become more modesty.
    You overcome what you don't like by accepting what is, not resisting, and replacing it with something positive.
    -> Although you are stuck in the worst situation,
    you can overcome fully by replacing situation with something optimistic.

  • 11.12.12 09:47

    you are a good guy!^^

  • 11.12.12 09:46

    55-60 sentences what i like!^^
    if we want to make money, give it away! does that sound crazy? no. you get more of what you want.
    when you help people, they help you. and if you want people to give you money? share some of yours.
    You overcome what you don't like by accepting what is -not resisting - and replacing it with something positive.

  • 작성자 11.12.12 11:08

    U know what? This is what exactly 회일쌤 said last Saturday. help others with donation. you will get richer!!
    thank you for your joining!!

  • 11.12.12 10:03

    This part told me "Above all you have to give it away if you want something." and
    "Whatever you want to get right now you don't care how long it takes to get. Anyway you'll get it someday."

  • 작성자 11.12.12 11:19

    The moment you get too attached to things, people, money.. you srew it up!!
    =The moment you start complaining all around you, people, happiness.. If runs away from you
    I will get a good job - and I dont care how long it takes
    = Iam willing to learn anything from people. I dont care How old they are.. Even from children at the age of 7

  • 작성자 11.12.12 12:02

    I got lessons today that Dont be attached to things too much!!. Don't expect too much..
    All I have to do is to give it my best a shot and get on with my life.. keep moving forword.
    then. you will be the free out of all the Negative feeling such as Frustration, disappontment, hatred etc...

  • 11.12.12 23:59

    When you chase things, they run away. this is true for animals, lovers..even money!
    But i think , these are not everythings. for examples, how about our dream. if you chase on to your dream steadly, you can do it! you can get it!! didn't you?

  • 11.12.13 00:10

    Datachment is not disinterest. it is possible to be detached and still be deterermined. people who are detached and determined know that effort and excellence are ultimately rewarded.they say: " if i don't win this time. i'll win the next time, or the time after that. when you are determined and detached, you say: one way or another, i will get a good job-and i don't care how long it takes.☞ i will be the owner of your heart how long it takes.

  • 11.12.13 00:31

    Forget it and move on, and more often than not,the results will come. →Hug your girl friend tight, more often than not, she also hugs you tight or, she will go as far as to kiss you

  • 11.12.13 08:51

    We cannot change anything unles we accept it.
    The origin of sorrow is desire.
    While you are desperate to me, you are not so loveable. even you look ugly monster! don't forget it and don't become desperate.!!

  • 작성자 11.12.13 00:57

    I saw profile u wrote.. I hope to have a cup of coffee together soon Thanks for your company!!

  • 11.12.13 09:32

    So do I. I am so happy to get a reader like you! I am just following my heart with this book 'Follow your heart'. and there is you reading this section steadly with heart. ^^ so, it was nice to know you.
    Ok. We wil meet soon.

  • 11.12.13 09:30

    and i know it must be terrible in my Englsh writing and speaking but i try to do my best to improve my English skill.
