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카페 프로필 이미지
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검색이 허용된 게시물입니다.
영어 회화방 K 팝스타 3 버나드 박의 " 나는 바로 여기서 항상 널 기다릴꺼야 " ~ Right Here Waiting ~
창조도전 추천 1 조회 263 15.03.07 01:24 댓글 16
게시글 본문내용
  • 작성자 15.03.08 02:27

    첫댓글 미국에서 아들의 모습을 보기위해
    깜짝 방문한 부모님의 응원에 힘입어 열창한 노래입니다.
    심사위원들도 방청객들도 감동한300점 만점에 299점을 받은노래
    저도 보면서 눈시울이 붉어지고 넘 좋아서 몇번이고 들었습니다.
    부모님 곁을 떠나 힘든 과정을 봐서 더 마음이 아퍘는것 같네요
    직접부르는 모습과 유명한 가수 리차드막스가 부른 원곡을 올려봅니다 !
    Berard Park has been born by TOP 4 Live Show as the one of the great singer-stars ~
    He has been grown-up in USA , under the circumstances of not fully good financial support .
    Nevertheless, He has successfully gotton the 299 points from 300 full points.

  • 15.03.07 03:07

    “If I see you next to never”만약 내가 널 다신 볼 수 없다면“
    I like this practical(?) expression very much,
    because, I could not make like those expression absolutely forever. I,m almost 석두,
    Honestly speaking, I am not partisan in 미국 modern popular music.
    so I don,t know detail of 리차드 막스,s personal history, the character of his
    music and so on.
    창조 사랑님
    At any rate, I could not help respecting your “팝송 사랑” Thank you.

  • 작성자 15.03.07 08:34

    I would like to express my thanks for your favorable and kind comments ,
    and we have quite often found the beautiful words
    on the Music songs, which would be useful and helpful for learning english.
    In addition, Making fun and pleasant in every tasks and any other fields
    would make us encourage in indulging in our enthusiasm and passion .

  • 15.03.07 12:08

    Good afternoon . I realy want to someone who talk to me " Right here waiting "^^

  • 작성자 15.03.07 12:23

    I am sure that your long cherished dream will be come true and fruitful in the nearest future ~ ,
    owing to your good lookings of cute , naive [ innocent and simple ] and humorous sense !

  • 15.03.07 14:07

    @창조도전 naive means look like a fool or childish ^^

  • 작성자 15.03.07 14:13

    @애니 . No way! Your kidding would be very interesting ! ㅋㅋ

  • 15.03.07 14:10

    One more Time also 리차드막스 song . Personaly I loved more than ^^ . Pls can I hear that ??

  • 작성자 15.03.07 21:25

    you can only hear it on Computer , not available by smart -phone !

  • 15.03.07 15:59

    @창조도전 ok thank u .

  • 15.03.07 21:35

    Right here waiting ~~ mmmmm

  • 작성자 15.03.08 01:37

    Thank for your comment ~

  • 15.03.08 01:08

    I love this music
    I fjnd comfort in listening to music.
    I know and I believe...
    Music can chang my life...
    and the way my communicate with others...
    and chang my mind.
    Thank you...^^

  • 작성자 15.03.08 02:30

    Yes, the music is a good instrument to share our feelings, ideas, experiences, something new and etc
    and furthermore the beautiful music helps to Directly cultivate our minds via our soul ,
    Whereas the painting and book would INDirectly make our minds to be cultivated via their eyes !

  • 17.02.09 23:42

    오랜만에 음악 감상 잘했습니다.

  • 작성자 17.02.10 03:48

    씨씨님 , 감사합니다..
    이곡을 즐겁게 즐겼다니...
    두 아들님이 잘생겼습니다..
