1. 인체골격(人體骨骼)은 뼈로 구성되며 몇몇의 뼈는 서로 관절하며 인대, 힘줄, 근육, 연골로 골격을 지탱하며 보충한다.
일생 동안에 골격의 구성은 바뀐다. 잉태 기간의 초기 태아는 단단한 골격을 가지지 않으며, 자궁에서 9개월 동안 자라면서 뼈는 형성된다. 아기가 태어났을 때 성인보다 많은 뼈를 가지고 있다. 평균적으로 성인은 206개의 뼈를 가지고 있다(개개인마다 차이는 존재한다.). 하지만 아기는 대략 270개의 뼈를 가지고 태어난다. 뼈 개수의 차이는 성장 중에 서로 융합하기 때문이다. 이 개수는 머리뼈 및 척추등 모든 인체의 뼈를 포함하는 숫자이다. 척추의 아래쪽에 위치하는 뼈는 엉치뼈와 꼬리뼈로 이루어져 있으며, 태생시에는 나누어 있다가 자라면서 몇몇개로 융합하여 단단한 구조를 이룬다.
가운데귀(중이)에 있는 6개의 뼈(한 쪽에 각각 3개씩)는 그들끼리만 관절한다. 그리고 목뿔뼈는 어떤 뼈와도 만나지 않는다.
가장 큰 뼈는 넙다리뼈(대퇴골)이며 가장 작은 뼈는 가운데귀(중이)에 있는 등자뼈이다.
2. 근육 구성
일반적인 인간에게는 대략 640개의 골격근이 있고, 대부분의 근육이 좌우대칭의 양측성 근육이므로 대략 320쌍의 근육을 이 문서에서 보여주고 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 정확한 숫자를 정하는 건 어려운데 왜냐하면 특정 근육을 단일 근육의 다른 부분으로 정의할지, 각각의 근육으로 정의할지 등의 문제가 있기 때문이다. 그래서 640개에서 850개로 근육의 숫자를 다르게 셀 수 있다.[1]
인체의 근육들은 머리와 목(head and neck)의 근육, 몸통(torso or trunk)의 근육, 팔(upper limbs)의 근육과 다리(lower limbs)의 근육을 포함한 많은 분류로 나뉠 수 있다.
표의 "동작"(action)은 해부학적 위치의 각각의 근육의 동작을 의미한다.
이 근육들은 해부학 용어(anatomical terminology)를 사용하여 설명된다. 한국어, 한자어, 영어 용어가 섞여서 쓰이는 대한민국 의학계의 현실을 감안하여 한국어, 한자어, 영어 명칭을 모두 표기하였다. 여기에 사용된 한국어 명칭들은 대한해부학회 사이트에서 배포하는 용어집을 따랐다.[2] 또한 아직도 임상의학 의사들이 많이 쓰는 한자어로 된 명칭은 KMLE 의학 검색 엔진[3]과 다국어 위키백과 등을 참고하였다.
인체 해부학에서의 골격근의 목록은 아래 표와 같다. 아래 표를 보기 전에 인체 뼈 목록, 위치에 대한 해부학 용어, 운동에 대한 해부학 용어, 근육에 대한 해부학 용어 문서를 읽으면 이해가
1 occipitofrontalis 뒤통수이마근, 후두전두근(後頭前頭筋)
2 temporoparietalis 관자마루근, 측두두정근(側頭頭頂筋)
3 orbicularis oculi 눈둘레근, 안륜근(眼輪筋)
4 levator labii superioris 위입술올림근, 상순거근(上脣擧筋)
5 masticatorii(masticatory muscle) 씹기근육, 저작근(咀嚼筋)
6 sternocleidomastoideus 목빗근, 흉쇄유돌근(胸鎖乳突筋)
7 orbicularis oris 입둘레근, 구륜근(口輪筋)
8 deltoideus 어깨세모근, 삼각근(三角筋)
9 trapezius 등세모근, 승모근(僧帽筋)
10 pectoralis major 큰가슴근, 대흉근(大胸筋)
11 latissimus dorsi 넓은등근, 광배근(廣背筋)
12 triceps brachii 위팔세갈래근, 상완삼두근(上腕三頭筋)
13 biceps brachii 위팔두갈래근, 상완이두근(上腕二頭筋)
14 serratus anterior 앞톱니근, 전거근(前鋸筋) 혹은 전방거근(前方鋸筋)
15 rectus abdominis 배곧은근, 복직근(腹直筋)
16 obliquus externus abdominis 배바깥빗근, 외복사근(外腹斜筋)
17 tensor fascia lata 넙다리근막긴장근, 대퇴근막장근(大腿筋膜張筋)
18 rectus femoris 넙다리곧은근, 대퇴직근(大腿直筋)
19 gluteus maximus 큰볼기근, 대둔근(大臀筋)
20 pronator quadratus 네모엎침근, 방형회내근(方形回內筋)
21 flexor retinaculum 굽힘근지지띠, 굴곡근지지대(屈曲筋支持帶)
22 flexor digitorum communis 손가락굽힘근, 총지굴근(總指屈筋), 총수지굴근(總手指屈筋)
23 sartorius 넙다리빗근, 봉공근(縫工筋)
24 quadratus femoris 넙다리네모근, 대퇴방형근(大腿方形筋)
25 ischiocrurale 넓적다리뒤근육, 좌골하퇴근(坐骨下腿筋)
26 gastrocnemius muscle 장딴지근, 비복근(髀腹筋)
27 tibialis anterior 앞정강근, 전경골근(前頸骨筋)
28 soleus 가자미근, 비근(腓筋)
29 extensor retinaculum 폄근지지띠, 신전근지지대(伸展筋支持帶)
30 triceps surae 종아리세갈래근, 하퇴삼두근(下腿三頭筋)
뒤통수이마근(후두전두근, occipitofrontalis muscle) | 뒤통수뼈의 뒤통수힘살(occipital belly) 2개와 이마뼈의 이마힘살(frontal belly) 2개 | 머리덮개널힘줄(Epicranial aponeurosis) | 얼굴신경(facial nerve) | 눈썹 들기 | ||
뒤통수힘살(후두근, Occipitali belly) | 뒤통수뼈의 위목덜미선(superior nuchal line), 관자뼈(temporal bone) 바위부분(petrous part)의 꼭지돌기(mastoid process) | 머리덮개널힘줄(Epicranial aponeurosis) | 뒤통수동맥(occipital artery) | 뒤귓바퀴신경(posterior auricular nerve, 얼굴신경(facial nerve)) | ||
이마힘살(전두근, Frontalis muscle) | 머리덮개널힘줄(Epicranial aponeurosis) | 이마 부분의 피부(skin of frontal region) | 눈동맥(안동맥, ophthalmic artery) | 얼굴신경(facial nerve) | 눈썹 찡그리기 | |
눈둘레근(안륜근, Orbicularis oculi muscle) | 이마뼈; 안쪽눈꺼풀인대(medial palpebral ligament); 눈물뼈(lacrimal bone) | 가쪽눈꺼풀연결(외측안검봉선, Lateral palpebral commissure) | 눈동맥(안동맥, ophthalmic artery), 광대눈확동맥(협골안와동맥, zygomaticoorbital artery), 눈구석동맥(Angular artery) | 얼굴신경(facial nerve, 귀밑샘신경얼기)의 광대가지(zygomatic branch) | 눈꺼풀 닫기 | 눈꺼풀올림근(상안검거근, levator palpebrae superioris muscle) |
눈썹주름근(추미근, Corrugator supercilii muscle) | 눈썹활(안와상융기, superciliary arch) | 눈썹 근처의 이마 피부 | 얼굴신경(facial nerve) | 이마 찡그리기 | ||
눈썹내림근(미모하제근, Depressor supercilii muscle) | 안쪽눈확가장자리(내측안와연, medial orbital rim) | 눈확 안쪽(안와 안쪽, medial aspect of bony orbit) | 얼굴신경(facial nerve) | 눈썹의 내림 |
바깥눈근육(외안근, Extraocular muscles)[편집]
눈꺼풀올림근(Levator palpebrae superioris muscle) | 나비뼈(sphenoid bone) | 눈꺼풀판(tarsus, tarsal plate), 위눈꺼풀(upper eyelid) | ophthalmic artery | oculomotor nerve | 눈꺼풀의 들임과 올림 | 눈둘레근(orbicularis oculi muscle) |
위눈꺼풀판근(superior tarsal muscle) | 눈꺼풀올림근(levator palpebrae superioris muscle)의 아랫면 | superior tarsal plate of the eyelid | sympathetic nervous system | 윗눈꺼풀 들기 | ||
눈둘레근(orbicularis oculi muscle) | 이마뼈, 안쪽눈꺼풀인대(medial palpebral ligament), 그리고 눈물뼈(lacrimal bone) | 가쪽눈꺼풀솔기(lateral palpebral raphe) | ophthalmic artery, zygomatico-orbital artery, angular artery | 얼굴신경(facial nerve) | 눈꺼풀 닫기 | 눈꺼풀올림근(levator palpebrae superioris muscle) |
곧은근(Rectus muscles) | ||||||
위곧은근(Superior rectus muscle) | 눈확끝(orbital apex)의 온힘줄고리(Common tendinous ring) | 7.5 mm superior to the corneal limbus | oculomotor nerve | 눈(eye)의 들기, 모음, 안쪽돌림 | ||
아래곧은근(Inferior rectus muscle) | 6.5 mm inferior to the corneal limbus | inferior branch of oculomotor nerve | 내림과 모음 | |||
안쪽곧은근(Medial rectus muscle) | 5.5 mm medial to the corneal limbus | inferior division of the oculomotor nerve | 안구(eyeball)의 모음 | |||
가쪽곧은근(Lateral rectus muscle) | 7 mm temporal to the corneal limbus | abducens nerve | 안구(eyeball)의 벌림 | |||
빗근(Oblique muscles) | ||||||
위빗근(Superior oblique muscle) | 눈확끝(orbital apex)과 시각신경관(optic canal) 안쪽(medial)의 온힘줄고리(Common tendinous ring) | outer posterior quadrant of the eyeball | lateral muscular branch of the ophthalmic artery | trochlear nerve | 주: 안쪽돌림(intorsion). 부: 안구(eyeball)의 벌림(가쪽돌림)과 내림 | |
아래빗근(Inferior oblique muscle) | 위턱뼈(maxilla)의 눈확(orbital) 표면, 눈물고랑(누구, lacrimal groove)의 가쪽(lateral) | laterally onto the eyeball, deep to the lateral rectus, by a short flat tendon | oculomotor nerve | 두눈바깥회선(extorsion), 올림, 벌림 |
섬모체근(ciliary muscle) | long posterior ciliary arteries | oculomotor nerve (parasympathetics) | accommodation | |||
동공확대근(Dilator pupillae muscle) | superior cervical ganglion (sympathetics) | pupil dilation | 동공조임근(Sphincter pupillae muscle) | |||
동공조임근(Sphincter pupillae muscle) | short ciliary nerves | constricts pupil | 동공확대근(Dilator pupillae muscle) |
귓바퀴근육(Auricular muscles, Auriculares muscles) | galeal aponeurosis | front of the helix, cranial surface of the pinna | facial nerve | (Wiggle ears) | ||
관자마루근(temporoparietalis muscle) | auriculares muscles | galea aponeurotica | ||||
등자근(stapedius) | neck of stapes | facial nerve | control the amplitude of sound waves to the inner ear | |||
고막긴장근(tensor tympani) | Eustachian tube | handle of the malleus | superior tympanic artery | medial pterygoid nerve from mandibular nerve | tensing the tympanic membrane |
눈살근(Procerus muscle) | from fascia over the lower of the nasal bone | skin of the lower part of the forehead between the eyebrows | buccal branch of the facial nerve | Draws down the medial angle of the eyebrow, giving expressions of frowning | ||
코근(Nasalis muscle) | 위턱뼈(maxilla) | nasal bone | Compresses bridge, depresses tip of nose, elevates corners of nostrils | |||
콧구멍확대근(dilator naris muscle) | margin of the nasal notch of the maxilla, greater and lesser alar cartilages | skin near the margin of the nostril | dilation of nostrils | |||
코중격내림근(Depressor septi nasi muscle) | incisive fossa of the maxilla | nasal septum and back part of the alar part of nasalis muscle | depression of nasal septum | |||
위입술콧방울올림근(Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle) | 위턱뼈(maxilla) | nostril and upper lip | superior labial artery | dilates the nostril; elevates the upper lip and wing of the nose |
입꼬리올림근(levator anguli oris) (caninus) | 위턱뼈(maxilla) | modiolus of mouth | facial artery | facial nerve | smile (elevates angle of mouth) | |
입꼬리내림근(Depressor anguli oris muscle) (triangularis) | tubercle of mandible | modiolus of mouth | facial artery | 얼굴신경의 하악분지(mandibular branch of facial nerve) | depresses angle of mouth | |
위입술올림근(levator labii superioris muscle) | medial infra-orbital margin | 아래입술의 외피(skin and muscle of the upper lip) (labii superioris) | superior labial artery | buccal branch of the facial nerve | Elevates the upper lip | |
아래입술내림근(Depressor labii inferioris muscle) | 아래턱뼈의 사선 (oblique line of the mandible), between the symphysis and the mental foramen | integument of the lower lip, orbicularis oris fibers, its fellow of the opposite side | inferior labial artery | facial nerve | Depresses the lower lip | |
턱끝근(mentalis muscle) | 아래턱뼈(mandible) 앞쪽(anterior) | 턱 | Inferior labial branch of facial artery | mandibular branch of facial nerve | elevates and wrinkles skin of chin, protrudes lower lip | |
볼근(Buccinator muscle) | 위턱뼈와 아래턱뼈의 이틀돌기(alveolar processes of the maxillary bone and mandible), pterygomandibular raphe | in the fibres of the orbicularis oris | buccal artery | buccal branch of the facial nerve | compress the cheeks against the teeth (blowing), mastication. | |
입둘레근(Orbicularis oris muscle) | 위턱뼈(maxilla)와 아래턱뼈(mandible) | skin around the lips | pucker the lips | |||
입꼬리당김근(risorius muscle) | 귀밑샘근막(parotid fascia) | modiolus | facial artery | draw back angle of mouth | ||
광대근(Zygomatic muscles) | ||||||
큰광대근(Zygomaticus major muscle) | 광대뼈의 앞쪽(anterior of zygomatic bone) | modiolus of mouth | facial artery | buccal branch of the facial nerve | draws angle of mouth upward and laterally | |
작은광대근(Zygomaticus minor muscle) | 광대뼈(zygomatic bone) | skin of the upper lip | facial nerve, buccal branch | elevates upper lip |
깨물근(masseter muscle) | 광대활(zygomatic arch)과 위턱뼈(maxilla) | coronoid process and ramus of mandible | masseteric artery | masseteric nerve (V3) | elevation (as in closing of the mouth) and retraction of mandible | 넓은목근(platysma) |
관자근(Temporalis) | temporal lines on the parietal bone of the skull | coronoid process of the mandible | deep temporal | third branch (mandibular nerve) of the trigeminal nerve | elevation and retraction of mandible | |
날개근(Pterygoid muscles) | ||||||
가쪽날개근(Lateral pterygoid muscle) | great wing of sphenoid and pterygoid plate | condyle of mandible | pterygoid branches of maxillary artery | external pterygoid nerve from the mandibular nerve | depresses mandible | |
안쪽날개근(Medial pterygoid muscle) | deep head: medial side of lateral pterygoid plate behind the upper teeth superficial head: pyramidal process of palatine bone and maxillary tuberosity | medial angle of the mandible | mandibular nerve via nerve to medial pterygoid | elevates mandible, closes jaw, helps lateral pterygoids in moving the jaw from side to side |
혀[편집]바깥기원근육(외인근육, 외재근, Extrinsic muscles)[편집]
턱끝혀근(genioglossus muscle) | Superior part of mental spine of mandible (symphysis menti) | Dorsum of tongue and body of hyoid | Lingual artery | hypoglossal nerve | Complex – Inferior fibers protrude the tongue, middle fibers depress the tongue, and its superior fibers draw the tip back and down | |
목뿔혀근(hyoglossus muscle) | 목뿔뼈(hyoid bone) | side of the tongue | hypoglossal nerve | depresses tongue | ||
작은뿔혀근(chondroglossus muscle) | lesser cornu and body of the hyoid bone | intrinsic muscular fibers of the tongue | hypoglossal nerve | depresses tongue (some consider this muscle to be part of hyoglossus) | ||
붓혀근(styloglossus muscle) | Styloid process of temporal bone | tongue | Hypoglossal nerve | elevates and retracts tongue | 턱끝혀근(genioglossus)의 아래와 중간 섬유 | |
입천장혀근(Palatoglossus muscle) | palatine aponeurosis | tongue | vagus nerve and cranial accessory nerve | raising the back part of the tongue |
자체기원근육(내인근육, 내재근, Intrinsic muscles)[편집]
혀위세로근(superior longitudinal muscle) | close to the epiglottis, from the median fibrous septum | edges of the tongue | hypoglossal nerve | shortens, turns tip upward, turns lateral margins upward | ||
혀가로근(transverse muscle) | median fibrous septum | sides of the tongue | hypoglossal nerve | narrows and elongates | ||
혀아래세로근(inferior longitudinal muscle) | root of the tongue | apex of the tongue | Hypoglossal nerve | shortens, retracts, pulls tip downward | ||
혀수직근(vertical muscle) | dorsum of tongue | inferior surface borders of tongue | hypoglossal nerve | flattens |
입천장올림근(levator veli palatini muscle) | temporal bone, Eustachian tube | palatine aponeurosis | facial artery | vagus nerve | Aids in swallowing by elevating the soft palate | |
입천장긴장근(tensor veli palatini muscle) | medial pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone | medial pterygoid of mandibular nerve | Aids in swallowing by controlling the tension of the soft palate | |||
목젖근(musculus uvulae) | hard palate | pharyngeal plexus | Moves and changes shape of the uvula | |||
입천장혀근(Palatoglossus muscle) | palatine aponeurosis | tongue | vagus nerve and cranial accessory nerve | Aids in respiration by raising the back part of the tongue | ||
입천장인두근(palatopharyngeus muscle) | palatine aponeurosis and hard palate | upper border of thyroid cartilage (blends with constrictor fibers) | facial artery | vagus nerve and cranial accessory nerve | Aids in respiration by pulling the pharynx and larynx |
붓인두근(stylopharyngeus muscle) | temporal styloid process | thyroid cartilage (pharynx) | pharyngeal branches of ascending pharyngeal artery | glossopharyngeal nerve | elevate the larynx, elevate the pharynx, swallowing | |
귀관인두근(salpingopharyngeus muscle) | cartilage of the Eustachian tube | posterior fasciculus of the pharyngopalatinus muscle | vagus nerve and cranial accessory nerve | raise the nasopharynx | ||
인두근(Pharyngeal muscles) | ||||||
아래인두수축근(inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle]] | cricoid and thyroid cartilage | pharyngeal raphe | pharyngeal branches of ascending pharyngeal artery | external laryngeal branch of the vagus | Swallowing | |
중간인두수축근(middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle) | hyoid bone | pharyngeal raphe | vagus nerve | Swallowing | ||
위인두수축근(superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle) | medial pterygoid plate, pterygomandibular raphé, alveolar process | pharyngeal raphe, pharyngeal tubercle | vagus nerve | Swallowing |
반지방패근(cricothyroid muscle) | anterior and lateral cricoid cartilage | inferior cornu and lamina of the thyroid cartilage | external laryngeal branch of the vagus | tension and elongation of the vocal folds (has minor adductory effect) | ||
모뿔근(arytenoid muscle) | arytenoid cartilage on one side | arytenoid cartilage on opposite side | recurrent laryngeal branch of the vagus | approximate the arytenoid cartilages (close rima glottidis) | ||
방패모뿔근(thyroarytenoid muscle) | inner surface of the thyroid cartilage (anterior aspect) | anterior surface of arytenoid cartilage | recurrent laryngeal branch of the vagus | thickens the vocal folds and decreases length; also helps to adduct the vocal folds during speech | ||
반지모뿔근(Cricoarytenoid muscles) | ||||||
뒤반지모뿔근(posterior cricoarytenoid muscle) | posterior part of the cricoid | muscular process of the arytenoid cartilage | recurrent laryngeal branch of the vagus | abducts and laterally rotates the cartilage, pulling the vocal ligaments away from the midline and forward and so opening the rima glottidis | lateral cricoarytenoid muscle | |
가쪽반지모뿔근(lateral cricoarytenoid muscle) | lateral part of the arch of the cricoid | muscular process of the arytenoid cartilage | recurrent laryngeal branch of the vagus | adduct and medially rotate the cartilage, pulling the vocal ligaments towards the midline and backwards and so closing off the rima glottidis |
목 부위[편집]빗장뼈 부위(Clavicular)[편집]
넓은목근(Platysma) | 빗장뼈아래와 흉부의 근막(inferior clavicle and fascia of chest) | 아래턱뼈(mandible) | branches of the submental artery and suprascapular artery | cervical branch of the facial nerve (CN VII) | Draws the corners of the mouth inferiorly and widens it (as in expressions of sadness and fright). Also draws the skin of the neck superiorly when teeth are clenched | 깨물근(Masseter muscle), 관자근(Temporalis muscle) |
목빗근(Sternocleidomastoid muscle) | manubrium sterni, medial portion of the 빗장뼈(clavicle) | mastoid process of the temporal bone, superior nuchal line | occipital artery and the superior thyroid artery | 운동(motor): 더부신경(accessory nerve) 감각(sensory): 목신경얼기(cervical plexus) | Acting alone, tilts head to its own side and rotates it so the face is turned towards the opposite side. Acting together, flexes the neck, raises the sternum and assists in forced inspiration. |
목뿔위근육(설골상근, Suprahyoid muscles)[편집]
턱두힘살근(Digastric muscle) | anterior belly – digastric fossa (mandible); posterior belly - mastoid process of temporal bone | Intermediate tendon (hyoid bone) | anterior belly - mandibular division of the trigeminal (CN V) via the mylohyoid nerve; posterior belly - facial nerve (CN VII) | Opens the jaw when the masseter and the temporalis are relaxed. | ||
붓목뿔근(Stylohyoid muscle) | styloid process (temporal) | 목뿔뼈의 큰뿔(greater cornu of hyoid bone) | 얼굴신경(facial nerve) (CN VII) | Elevate the hyoid during swallowing | ||
턱목뿔근(Mylohyoid muscle) | 턱목뿔근선(Mylohyoid line) 아래턱뼈(mandible) | Median raphé | mylohyoid branch of inferior alveolar artery | 턱목뿔근신경(mylohyoid nerve), from inferior alveolar branch of mandibular nerve [V3] | Raises oral cavity floor, elevates hyoid, depresses mandible | |
턱끝목뿔근(Geniohyoid muscle) | 턱뼈결합(Symphysis menti) | 목뿔뼈(hyoid bone) | C1 via 혀밑신경(hypoglossal nerve) | carry hyoid bone and the tongue upward during deglutition |
목뿔아래근육(설골하근, Infrahyoid muscle)[편집]
복장목뿔근(Sternohyoid muscle) | 복장뼈자루(manubrium of sternum) | 목뿔뼈(hyoid bone) | 목신경고리(ansa cervicalis) | depress hyoid bone | ||
복장방패근(Sternothyroid muscle) | 복장뼈자루(manubrium) | 방패연골(thyroid cartilage) | 목신경고리(Ansa cervicalis) | Depresses larynx, may slightly depress hyoid bone. | ||
방패목뿔근(Thyrohyoid muscle) | 방패연골(thyroid cartilage) | 목뿔뼈(hyoid bone) | 첫뻔째 목신경(first cervical nerve) | depress hyoid bone | ||
어깨목뿔근(Omohyoid muscle) | 어깨뼈의 위쪽경계(Upper border of the scapula) | 목뿔뼈(Hyoid bone) | 목신경고리(Ansa cervicalis) | Depresses the larynx and hyoid bone. Carries hyoid bone backward and to the side |
목긴근(Longus colli muscle) | Transverse processes of C-3 - C-6 | Anterior arch of atlas | C2, C3, C4, C5, C6 | Flexes the neck and head | ||
머리긴근(Longus capitis muscle) | anterior tubercles of the transverse processes of the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth cervical vertebrae | basilar part of the occipital bone | C1, C2, C3/C4 | flexion of neck at atlanto-occipital joint | ||
앞머리곧은근(Rectus capitis anterior muscle) | atlas | occipital bone | C1 | flexion of neck at atlanto-occipital joint | ||
가쪽머리곧은근(Rectus capitis lateralis muscle) | upper surface of the transverse process of the atlas | under surface of the jugular process of the occipital bone | C1 | Sidebend at atlanto-occipital joint |
목 옆[편집]
목갈비근(scalene muscles) | cervical vertebrae | first and second ribs | ascending cervical artery (branch of inferior thyroid artery) | cervical nerves (C3, C4, C5, C6, C7 | elevation of ribs I&II | |
앞목갈비근(Scalenus anterior muscle) | C3-C6 | first rib | ascending cervical artery (branch of inferior thyroid artery) | ventral ramus of C5, C6 | When the neck is fixed, elevates the first rib to aid in breathing or when the rib is fixed, bends the neck forward and sideways and rotates it to the opposite side | |
중간목갈비근(Scalenus medius muscle) | C2-C6 | first rib | ascending cervical artery (branch of inferior thyroid artery) | ventral rami of the third to eighth cervical spinal nerves | Elevate 1st rib, rotate the neck to the opposite side | |
뒤목갈비근(Scalenus posterior muscle) | transverse processes of C4 - C6 | 2nd rib | ascending cervical artery, superficial cervical artery | C6, C7, C8 | Elevate 2nd rib, tilt the neck to the same side | |
어깨올림근(levator scapulae muscle) | Posterior tubercles of transverse processes of C1 - C4 | Superior part of medial border of scapula | dorsal scapular artery | cervical nerve (C3, C4) and dorsal scapular nerve (C5) | Elevates 어깨뼈(scapula) and tilts its 접시오목(glenoid cavity) inferiorly by rotating scapula | |
가쪽머리곧은근(Rectus capitis lateralis muscle) | upper surface of the transverse process of the atlas (C1) | under surface of the jugular process of the occipital bone | C1 | |||
위머리빗근(Obliquus capitis superior muscle) | lateral mass of atlas | lateral half of the inferior nuchal line | suboccipital nerve | |||
아래머리빗근(Obliquus capitis inferior muscle) | spinous process of the axis | lateral mass of atlas | suboccipital nerve |
목 뒤[편집]
작은뒤머리곧은근(Rectus capitis posterior minor muscle) | the tubercle on the posterior arch of the atlas (C1) | the medial part of the inferior nuchal line of the occipital bone and the surface between it and the foramen magnum | a branch of the dorsal primary division of the suboccipital nerve | extends the head at the neck, but is now considered to be more of a sensory organ than a muscle | ||
큰뒤머리곧은근(Rectus capitis posterior major muscle) | spinous process of the axis (C2) | inferior nucheal line of the occipital bone | Dorsal ramus of C1 (suboccipital nerve) | |||
머리반가시근(semispinalis capitis muscle) | articular processes of C4-C6; transverse processes of C7 and T1-T7 | occipital bone between the superior and inferior nuchal lines | greater occipital nerve | Extension of the head | ||
머리가장긴근(longissimus capitis muscle) | articular processes of C4-C7; transverse processes of T1-T5 | posterior margin of the mastoid process | lateral sacral artery | posterior branch of spinal nerve | Laterally: Flex the head and neck to the same side. Bilaterally: Extend the vertebral column. | |
머리널판근(Splenius capitis muscle) | ligamentum nuchae, spinous processes of C7-T6 | Mastoid process | C3, C4 | Extend, rotate, and laterally flex the head | ||
위머리빗근(Obliquus capitis superior muscle) | lateral mass of atlas | lateral half of the inferior nuchal line | suboccipital nerve | |||
아래머리빗근(Obliquus capitis inferior muscle) | spinous process of the axis | lateral mass of atlas | suboccipital nerve |
척주세움근(erector spinae muscle) | on the spines of the last four thoracic vertebrae | both the spines of the most cranial thoracic vertebrae and the cervical vertebrae | lateral sacral artery | posterior branch of spinal nerve | extends the vertebral column | 배곧은근(rectus abdominis muscle) |
엉덩갈비근(iliocostalis muscle) | lateral sacral artery | |||||
가장긴근(longissimus muscle,최장근) | 가로돌기(transverse process) | 가로돌기(transverse process) | lateral sacral artery | posterior branch of spinal nerve | 배곧은근(rectus abdominis muscle) | |
가시근(spinalis muscle) | spinous process | spinous process | lateral sacral artery | posterior branch of spinal nerve | 배곧은근(rectus abdominis muscle) | |
넓은등근(광배근, 활배근, Latissimus dorsi muscle) | spinous processes of thoracic T6-T12, thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest and inferior 3 or 4 ribs | floor of intertubercular groove of the 위팔뼈(humerus) | subscapular artery, dorsal scapular artery | thoracodorsal nerve | pulls the forelimb dorsally and caudally | 어깨세모근(삼각근, Deltoid muscle), 등세모근(승모근, Trapezius muscle) |
가로돌기가시근육(Transversospinales muscles) | 가로돌기(transverse process) | spinous process | Posterior branch of posterior branches | |||
등반가시근(semispinalis thoracis muscle) | transverse processes of the sixth to the tenth thoracic vertebrae | spinous processes of the upper four thoracic and lower two cervical vertebrae | ||||
목반가시근(semispinalis cervicis muscle) | transverse processes of the upper five or six thoracic vertebræ | cervical spinous processes, from the axis to the fifth | ||||
머리반가시근(semispinalis capitis muscle) | transversal process of lower cervical and higher thoracal columna | area between superior and inferior nuchal line | greater occipital nerve | Extends the head | ||
뭇갈래근(multifidus muscle) | 엉치뼈(sacrum), erector spinae aponeurosis, PSIS, and iliac crest | 가시돌기(spinous process) | 척수신경의 뒷가지(posterior branch of spinal nerve) | Stabilizes vertebrae in local movements of vertebral column | ||
돌림근(Rotatores muscle) | 가로돌기(transverse process) | 가시돌기(spinous process) | 뒤가지(posterior branch) | |||
가시사이근육(Interspinales muscle) | 가시돌기(spinous process) | 가시돌기(spinous process) | posterior rami of spinal nerves | Extension, flexion and rotation of vertebral column. | ||
가로돌기사이근육(Intertransversarii muscle) | 가로돌기(transverse process) | transverse process above | anterior rami of spinal nerves | Lateral flexion of trunk | ||
널판근(Splenius muscles) | ||||||
머리널판근(Splenius capitis muscle) | ligamentum nuchae, spinous process of C7-T6 | Mastoid process of temporal and occipital bone | C3, C4 | Extend, rotate, and laterally flex the head | ||
목널판근(Splenius cervicis muscle) | spinous processes of T3-T6 | transverse processes of C1, C2, C3 | C5, C6 |
갈비사이근(Intercostal muscles) | ribs 1-11 | ribs 2-12 | intercostal arteries | intercostal nerves | ||
바깥갈비사이근(External intercostal muscles) | intercostal arteries | intercostal nerves | Inhalation | 속갈비사이근(Internal intercostal muscles) | ||
속갈비사이근(Internal intercostal muscles) | rib - inferior border | rib - superior border | intercostal arteries | intercostal nerves | hold ribs steady | 바깥갈비사이근(External intercostal muscles) |
맨속갈비사이근(Innermost intercostal muscle) | intercostal arteries | intercostal nerves | Elevate ribs | |||
갈비밑근(Subcostales muscle) | inner surface of one rib | inner surface of the second or third rib above, near its angle | intercostal nerves | |||
가슴가로근(Transversus thoracis muscle) | costal cartilages of last 3-4 ribs, body of sternum, xiphoid process | ribs/costal cartilages 2-6 | intercostal arteries | intercostal nerves | depresses ribs | |
갈비올림근(Levatores costarum muscle) | transverse processes of C7 to T12 vertebrae | superior surfaces of the ribs immediately inferior to the preceding vertebrae | dorsal rami - C8, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11 | Assists in elevation of the thoracic rib cage | ||
뒤톱니근(Serratus posterior muscles) | ||||||
아래뒤톱니근(Serratus posterior inferior muscle) | 척추뼈T11~L3(vertebrae T11 - L3) | the inferior borders of the 9th through 12th ribs | intercostal arteries | intercostal nerves | depress the lower ribs, aiding in expiration | |
위뒤톱니근(Serratus posterior superior muscle) | 목덜미인대(nuchal ligament or ligamentum nuchae), 척추뼈C7에서 T3번의 가시돌기(the spinous processes of the vertebrae C7 through T3) | the upper borders of the 2nd through 5th ribs | intercostal arteries | 2nd through 5th intercostal nerves | elevate the ribs which aids in inspiration | |
가로막(횡격막Diaphragm) | pericardiacophrenic artery, musculophrenic artery, inferior phrenic arteries | phrenic and lower intercostal nerves | respiration |
꼬리근(Coccygeus muscle) | sacrospinous ligament | sacral nerves: S4, S5 or S3-S4 | closing in the back part of the outlet of the pelvis | |||
항문올림근(Levator ani muscle) | ||||||
엉덩꼬리근(iliococcygeus muscle) | ischial spine and from the posterior part of the tendinous arch of the pelvic fascia | 꼬리뼈(coccyx) and anococcygeal raphe | supports the viscera in pelvic cavity | |||
두덩꼬리근(Pubococcygeus muscle) | back of the pubis and from the anterior part of the obturator fascia | 꼬리뼈(coccyx) and 엉치뼈(sacrum) | controls urine flow and contracts during orgasm | |||
두덩곧창자근(Puborectalis muscle) | lower part of the pubic symphysis | S3, S4. levator ani nerve | inhibit defecation |
항문조임근(Anal sphincter muscles) | ||||||
바깥항문조임근(External anal sphincter muscle) | S4 and twigs from inferior anal nerves of pudendal nerve | keep the anal canal and anus closed, aids in the expulsion of the feces | ||||
속항문조임근(Internal anal sphincter muscle) | pudendal nerve | keep the anal canal and anus closed, aids in the expulsion of the feces | ||||
얕은샅공간(Superficial perineal pouch) | ||||||
얕은샅가로근(Superficial transverse perineal muscle) | anterior part of ischial tuberosity | central point of perineum | pudendal nerve | |||
망울해면체근(Bulbospongiosus muscle) | median raphé | perineal artery | pudendal nerve | in males, empties the urethra; in females, clenches the vagina | ||
궁둥해면체근(Ischiocavernosus muscle) | perineal artery | pudendal nerve | assists the bulbospongiosus muscle | |||
깊은샅공간(Deep perineal pouch) | ||||||
깊은샅가로근(Deep transverse perineal muscle) | inferior rami of the 궁둥뼈(ischium) | its fellow of the opposite side | pudendal nerve | |||
바깥요도조임근(External urethral sphincter muscle) | junction of the inferior rami of the pubis and 궁둥뼈(ischium) to the extent of 1.25–2 cm., and from the neighboring fasciæ | its fellow of the opposite side | perineal branch of the pudendal nerve (S2, S3, S4) | Constricts urethra, maintain urinary continence |
등세모근(승모근, Trapezius muscle) | down the midline, from the external occipital protuberance, the nuchal ligament, the medial part of the superior nuchal line, and the spinous processes of the vertebrae C7-T12 | at the shoulders, into the lateral third of the 빗장뼈(clavicle), the acromion process and into the spine of the scapula | transverse cervical artery | major nerve supply is the cranial nerve XI. cervical nerves C3 and C4 receive information about pain in this muscle | retraction and elevation of 어깨뼈(scapula). | 앞톱니근(전거근, Serratus anterior muscle) |
넓은등근(광배근, 활배근, Latissimus dorsi muscle) | spinous processes of thoracic T6-T12, thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest and inferior 3 or 4 ribs | floor of intertubercular groove of the 위팔뼈(humerus) | subscapular artery, dorsal scapular artery | thoracodorsal nerve | pulls the forelimb dorsally and caudally | 어깨세모근(삼각근, Deltoid muscle), 등세모근(승모근, Trapezius muscle) |
마름근(능형근, rhomboid muscle) | nuchal ligaments, spinous processes of C7-T5 vertebrae | medial border of the scapula | dorsal scapular artery | dorsal scapular nerve (C4 and C5) | Retracts the 어깨뼈(scapula) and rotates it to depress the 접시오목(glenoid cavity). fixes the scapula to the thoracic wall. | 앞톱니근(전거근, Serratus anterior muscle) |
큰마름근(rhomboid major muscle) | spinous processes of the T2 to T5 vertebrae | medial border of the scapula, inferior to the insertion of rhomboid minor muscle | dorsal scapular artery | dorsal scapular nerve (C4 and C5) | Retracts the 어깨뼈(scapula) and rotates it to depress the 접시오목(glenoid cavity). It also fixes the scapula to the thoracic wall. | 앞톱니근(전거근, Serratus anterior muscle) |
작은마름근(rhomboid minor muscle) | nuchal ligaments and spinous processes of C7- to T1 vertebrae | medial border of the scapula, superior to the insertion of rhomboid major muscle | dorsal scapular artery | dorsal scapular nerve (C4 and C5) | Retracts the 어깨뼈(scapula) and rotates it to depress the 접시오목(glenoid cavity). It also fixes the scapula to the thoracic wall. | 앞톱니근(전거근, Serratus anterior muscle) |
어깨올림근(견갑거근, levator scapulae muscle) | posterior tubercles of transverse processes of C1 - C4 vertebrae | superior part of medial border of scapula | dorsal scapular artery | cervical nerve (C3, C4) and dorsal scapular nerve (C5) | Elevates 어깨뼈(scapula) and tilts its 접시오목(glenoid cavity) inferiorly by rotating scapula |
큰가슴근(대흉근, pectoralis major muscle) | anterior surface of the medial half of the 빗장뼈(clavicle). Sternocostal head: anterior surface of the sternum, the superior six costal cartilages | intertubercular groove of the 위팔뼈(humerus) | pectoral branch of the thoracoacromial trunk | lateral pectoral nerve and medial pectoral nerve Clavicular head: C5 and C6 Sternocostal head: C7, C8 and T1 | Clavicular head: flexes the 위팔뼈(humerus) Sternocostal head: extends the humerus As a whole, adducts and medially rotates the 위팔뼈(humerus). It also draws the 어깨뼈(scapula) anteriorly and inferiorly. | |
작은가슴근(소흉근, pectoralis minor muscle) | 3rd to 5th ribs, near their costal cartilages | medial border and superior surface of the 어깨뼈(scapula)의 부리돌기(오훼돌기, coracoid process) | Pectoral branch of the thoracoacromial trunk | Medial pectoral nerves (C8, T1) | stabilizes the 어깨뼈(scapula) by drawing it inferiorly and anteriorly against the thoracic wall | |
빗장밑근(subclavius muscle) | first rib | subclavian groove of 빗장뼈(clavicle) | thoracoacromial artery, clavicular branch | nerve to subclavius | Depresses the 빗장뼈(clavicle) | |
앞톱니근(전거근, Serratus anterior muscle) | fleshy slips from the outer surface of upper 8 or 9 ribs | costal aspect of medial margin of the scapula | lateral thoracic artery (upper part), thoracodorsal artery (lower part) | long thoracic nerve (from roots of brachial plexus C5, C6, C7) | protract and stabilize 어깨뼈(scapula), assists in upward rotation | 큰마름근(Rhomboid major muscle), 작은마름근(Rhomboid minor muscle), 등세모근(승모근, Trapezius muscle) |
어깨세모근(삼각근, Deltoid muscle) | 빗장뼈(clavicle), acromion, spine of the scapula | deltoid tuberosity of 위팔뼈(humerus) | primarily posterior circumflex humeral artery | Axillary nerve | shoulder abduction, flexion and extension | 넓은등근(광배근, 활배근, Latissimus dorsi muscle) |
큰원근(대원근teres major muscle) | posterior aspect of the inferior angle of the 어깨뼈(scapula) | medial lip of the intertubercular sulcus of the 위팔뼈(humerus) | Subscapular and circumflex scapular arteries | Lower subscapular nerve (segmental levels C5 and C6) | Internal rotation of the 위팔뼈(humerus) | |
돌림근띠(회전근개, Rotator cuff) | ||||||
가시위근(극상근supraspinatus muscle) | supraspinous fossa of 어깨뼈(scapula) | superior facet of greater tubercle of 위팔뼈(humerus) | suprascapular artery | suprascapular nerve | abduction of arm and stabilizes 위팔뼈(humerus) | 가시아래근(극하근infraspinatus muscle), 작은원근(소원근, teres minor muscle), 큰가슴근(대흉근, pectoralis major muscle), 그리고 넓은등근(latissimus dorsi muscle) |
가시아래근(극하근infraspinatus muscle) | infraspinous fossa of the 어깨뼈(scapula) | middle facet of greater tubercle of the 위팔뼈(humerus) | suprascapular and circumflex scapular arteries | suprascapular nerve | Lateral rotation of arm & Adduction of arm and stabilizes 위팔뼈(humerus) | 어깨밑근(subscapularis muscle), 큰가슴근(대흉근, pectoralis major muscle), 그리고 넓은등근(광배근, 활배근, Latissimus dorsi muscle) |
작은원근(소원근, teres minor muscle) | lateral border of the 어깨뼈(scapula) | inferior facet of greater tubercle of the 위팔뼈(humerus) | posterior circumflex humeral artery and the circumflex scapular artery | axillary nerve | laterally rotates and adducts the arm | 어깨밑근)subscapularis muscle), 큰가슴근(대흉근, pectoralis major muscle), 그리고 넓은등근(광배근, 활배근, Latissimus dorsi muscle) |
어깨밑근(subscapularis muscle) | subscapular fossa | lesser tubercle of 위팔뼈(humerus) | subscapular artery | upper subscapular nerve, lower subscapular nerve (C5, C6) | rotates medially 위팔뼈(humerus); stabilizes shoulder | 가시아래근(infraspinatus muscle)와 작은원근(teres minor muscle) |
부리위팔근(coracobrachialis muscle) | 어깨뼈(scapula)의 부리돌기(오훼돌기, coracoid process) | 위팔뼈(humerus) 중간(medial) | 위팔동맥(brachial artery) | 근육피부신경(musculocutaneous nerve) | 어깨관절(shoulder joint)에서의 구부리기(flexion) | |
위팔두갈래근(상완이두근, biceps brachii muscle) | 짧은갈래(short head): 어깨뼈(scapula)의 부리돌기(오훼돌기, coracoid process). 긴갈래(long head): 오목위결절(supraglenoid tubercle) | 노뼈거친면(radial tuberosity) | 위팔동맥(brachial artery) | 근육피부신경(Musculocutaneous nerve)의 가쪽다발(Lateral cord): 다섯째 목신경(cervical spinal nerve 5, C5), 여섯째 목신경(cervical spinal nerve 6, C6), 일곱째 목신경(cervical spinal nerve 7, C7)) | 팔꿈치관절(Elbow-joint)을 구부리고(flex), 아래팔(forearm)을 뒤친다.(supinate) | 위팔세갈래근(Triceps brachii muscle) |
위팔근(brachialis muscle) | 위팔뼈(humerus)의 앞쪽면, 부분적으로는 이 뼈의 먼 반쪽(distal half) | 자뼈(ulna)의 갈고리돌기(coronoid process)와 자뼈거친면(tuberosity of the ulna) | 노쪽되돌이동맥(radial recurrent artery) | 근육피부신경(musculocutaneous nerve) | 팔꿈치관절(elbow joint)에서의 구부리기(flexion) |
위팔 뒷면[편집]
위팔세갈래근(상완삼두근, triceps brachii muscle) | 긴갈래(long head):어깨뼈(scapula)의 오목아래결절(Infraglenoid tubercle) 가쪽갈래(lateral head): 위팔뼈 뒤쪽 - 노신경고랑(요골신경구, radial groove) 위 안쪽갈래(medial head): 위팔뼈 뒤-노신경고랑(radial groove) 아래 | 자뼈(ulna)의 팔꿈치머리(olecranon) 돌기(process) | 깊은위팔동맥(Deep brachial artery, Profunda brachii artery) | 노신경(radial nerve) | 아래팔(forearm) 펴기(extension), 긴갈래(long head; caput longum)의 어깨(shoulder) 모으기(adduct) | 위팔두갈래근(Biceps brachii muscle) |
팔꿈치근(anconeus muscle) | 위팔뼈의 가쪽위관절융기(Lateral epicondyle of the humerus) | 팔꿈치머리(olecranon) 돌기의 가쪽과 자뼈(ulna) 뒷면의 위쪽 | 깊은위팔동맥(Deep brachial artery, Profunda brachii artery), 되돌이뼈사이동맥(recurrent interosseous artery) | 노신경(radial nerve: 일곱째 목신경(cervical spinal nerve 7, C7), 여덟째 목신경(cervical spinal nerve 8, C8), 첫째 가슴신경(thoracic spinal nerve 1, T1)) | partly blended in with the 위팔세갈래근(triceps), which it assists in extension of the forearm. Stabilises the elbow and abducts the ulna during pronation. |
아래팔(전완, forearm)[편집]아래팔 앞면[편집]아래팔 앞 표면[편집]
아래팔 앞 속[편집]
네모엎침근(pronator quadratus muscle) | medial, anterior surface of the ulna | lateral, anterior surface of the radius | anterior interosseous artery | median nerve (anterior interosseous nerve) | pronates the forearm | 손뒤침근(Supinator muscle) |
깊은손가락굽힘근(flexor digitorum profundus muscle) | 자뼈(ulna) | distal phalanges | anterior interosseous artery | median (anterior interosseous), muscular branches of ulnar | flex hand, interphalangeal joints | 손가락폄근(Extensor digitorum muscle) |
긴엄지굽힘근(flexor pollicis longus muscle) | The middle 2/4 of the Volar surface of the radius and the adjacent interosseus membrane. (Also occasionally a small origin slightly on the medial epicondyle of the 자뼈(ulna).) | The base of the distal phalanx of the thumb | Anterior interosseous artery | Anterior interosseous nerve (branch of median nerve) (C8, T1) | Flexion of the thumb | 긴엄지폄근(Extensor pollicis longus muscle), 짧은엄지폄근(Extensor pollicis brevis muscle) |
아래팔 뒷 속[편집]
손[편집]가쪽 손바닥(Lateral palmar)[편집]엄지두덩(Thenar eminence)[편집]
엄지맞섬근(opponens pollicis muscle) | 큰마름뼈(Trapezium)과 굽힘근지지띠(flexor retinaculum) | metacarpal bone of the thumb on its radial side | superficial palmar arch | median nerve | Opposition of the thumb | |
짧은엄지굽힘근(flexor pollicis brevis muscle) | trapezoid, flexor retinaculum | thumb, proximal phalanx | superficial palmar arch | median nerve, deep branch of ulnar nerve (medial head) | Flexes the thumb | 긴엄지폄근(Extensor pollicis longus muscle), 짧은엄지폄근(Extensor pollicis brevis muscle) |
짧은엄지벌림근(abductor pollicis brevis muscle) | Transverse carpal ligament, the scaphoid and trapezium | Radial base of proximal phalanx of thumb and the thumb extensors | superficial palmar arch | Median nerve | Abducts the thumb | 엄지모음근(Adductor pollicis muscle) |
엄지모음근(adductor pollicis muscle) | Transverse head: anterior body of the third metacarpal Oblique head: bases of the second and the third metacarpals and the adjacent trapezoid and capitate bones | medial side of the base of the proximal phalanx of the thumb and the ulnar sesamoid | deep palmar arch | deep branch of ulnar nerve (T1) | adducts the thumb at the carpometacarpal joint | 긴엄지벌림근(Abductor pollicis longus muscle), 짧은엄지벌림근(Abductor pollicis brevis muscle) |
안쪽 손바닥(Medial palmar)[편집]
짧은손바닥근(palmaris brevis muscle) | flexor retinaculum (medial), palmar aponeurosis | palm | superficial branch of ulnar nerve | wrinkle skin of palm | ||
새끼두덩(Hypothenar eminence) | ||||||
새끼벌림근(Abductor digiti minimi muscle) | pisiform | base of the proximal phalanx of the 5th digit on the ulnar or medial side | ulnar artery | deep branch of ulnar nerve | Abduction of little finger | |
짧은새끼굽힘근(Flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle) | hamate bone | little finger | ulnar artery | deep branch of ulnar nerve | flexes little finger | 새끼폄근(extensor digiti minimi muscle) |
새끼맞섬근(opponens digiti minimi muscle) | Hook of hamate and flexor retinaculum | Medial border of 5th metacarpal | ulnar artery | deep branch of ulnar nerve (C8 and T1) | Draws 5th metacarpal anteriorly and rotates it, bringing little finger (5th digit) into opposition with thumb |
벌레근(Lumbrical muscles) | flexor digitorum profundus | extensor expansion | superficial palmar arch, common palmar digital arteries, deep palmar arch, dorsal digital artery | deep branch of ulnar nerve, median nerve | flex metacarpophalangeal joints, extend interphalangeal joints | |
등쪽뼈사이근(Dorsal interossei muscle) | metacarpals | proximal phalanges | Dorsal metacarpal artery and palmar metacarpal artery | deep branch of ulnar nerve | abduct finger | 바닥쪽뼈사이근(Palmar interossei muscles) |
바닥쪽뼈사이근(palmar interossei muscles) | metacarpals | proximal phalange | deep branch of ulnar nerve | adduction |
다리(하지, Lower limb)[편집]엉덩뼈 부위[편집]
엉덩허리근(iliopsoas muscle) | iliac fossa (iliacus), 엉치뼈(sacrum) (iliacus), spine (T12, L1, lumbar vertebrapsoas major, psoas minor)[4] | 넙다리뼈(femur)—lesser trochanter (psoas major/minor), shaft below lesser trochanter (iliacus), tendon of psoas major & femur (iliacus)[4] | medial femoral circumflex artery, iliolumbar artery | femoral nerve, Lumbar nerves L1, L2 | flexion of hip (psoas major/minor, iliacus), spine rotation (psoas major/minor) | 큰볼기근(Gluteus maximus muscle), 넓적다리의 뒷부분(posterior compartment of thigh) |
큰허리근(Psoas major muscle) | transverse processes, bodies and discs of T12-L5 | in the lesser trochanter of the 넙다리뼈(femur) | Iliolumbar artery | Lumbar plexus via anterior branches of L1, L2, L3[5] | flexes and rotates laterally thigh | 큰볼기근(Gluteus maximus muscle) |
작은허리근(Psoas minor muscle) | Side of T12+L1 and IV Disc between | Pectineal line and iliopectineal eminence | L1 | Weak trunk flexor | 큰볼기근(Gluteus maximus muscle) | |
엉덩근(iliacus muscle) | 엉덩뼈오목(iliac fossa) | lesser trochanter of 넙다리뼈(femur) | medial femoral circumflex artery, Iliolumbar artery | femoral nerve (L2, L3[5]) | flexes hip[6] | 큰볼기뼈(Gluteus maximus muscle) |
넓적다리(윗다리, thigh)[편집]넓적다리 앞부분[편집]
무릎관절근(articularis genus muscle) | 넙다리뼈(femur) | suprapatellar bursa | femoral artery | femoral nerve | Pulling the suprapatellar bursa during extension of the knee. | |
넙다리빗근(sartorius muscle) | superior to the anterior superior iliac spine | medial side of the upper 정강뼈(tibia) in the pes anserinus | femoral artery | femoral nerve | flexion, lateral rotation and abduction of thigh; flexion and medial rotation of leg | |
넙다리네갈래근(대퇴사두근, quadriceps femoris muscle) | 넙다리곧은근(rectus femoris)과 넓은근(vastus muscles)이 함께 | 무릎뼈(patella)와 정강뼈거친면(Tibial tuberosity)이 무릎인대(Patellar ligament)를 통하여 | 넙다리동맥(femoral artery) | 넙다리신경(Femoral nerve) | 무릎 펴기(Extension); 볼기(Hip) 굽히기(flexion) (R.Fem.만) | 넙다리뒤근육(Hamstring) |
넙다리곧은근(rectus femoris muscle) | anterior inferior iliac spine and the exterior surface of the bony ridge which forms the iliac portion of the acetabulum | 무릎뼈(patella) and Tibial tuberosity via the Patellar ligament | femoral artery | femoral nerve | knee extension; hip flexion | 넙다리뒤근육(Hamstring) |
가쪽넓은근(vastus lateralis muscle) | Greater trochanter, Intertrochanteric line, and Linea aspera of the 넙다리뼈(femur) | 무릎뼈(patella) and tibial tuberosity via the patellar ligament | femoral artery | femoral nerve | Extends and stabilizes knee | 넙다리뒤근육(Hamstring) |
중간넓은근(vastus intermedius muscle) | antero/ lateral 넙다리뼈(femur) | 무릎뼈(patella) and tibial tuberosity via the patellar ligament | femoral artery | femoral nerve | extends knee | 넙다리뒤근육(Hamstring) |
안쪽넓은근(vastus medialis muscle) | 넙다리뼈(femur) | 무릎뼈(patella) and tibial tuberosity via the patellar ligament | femoral artery | femoral nerve | extends knee | 넙다리뒤근육(Hamstring) |
넓적다리 뒷부분/넙다리뒤근육(hamstring, 슬와근, 오금)[편집]
넙다리두갈래근(대퇴이두근, biceps femoris muscle) | 긴갈래(long head): 궁둥뼈결절(Ischial tuberosity, tuberosity of the ischium), 짧은갈래(short head): 넙다리뼈(femur)의 거친선(linea aspera)[8] | 정강뼈의 가쪽관절융기(Lateral condyle of tibia)의 뒷면과 관절로 연결된 종아리뼈머리(head of the fibula)[8] | 아래볼기동맥(inferior gluteal artery), 관통동맥(perforating arteries), 오금동맥(popliteal artery) | 긴갈래(long head): 궁둥신경(sciatic nerve)의 안쪽(정강뼈쪽) 부분, 짧은갈래(short head): 궁둥신경(sciatic nerve)의 가쪽(종아리뼈쪽(common fibular)) 부분([8] | 무릎관절(knee joint) 구부리기(flexion), 무릎이 구부러져 있을 때 무릎의 다리를 바깥쪽으로 회전하기(lateral rotation), 엉덩관절(hip joint) 펴기(Extension)(긴갈래만)[8] | 넙다리네모근(대퇴사두근, Quadriceps femoris muscle) |
반힘줄근(semitendinosus muscle) | tuberosity of the ischium[8] | pes anserinus | inferior gluteal artery, perforating arteries | sciatic[8] (tibial, L5, S1, S2) | flexes knee, extends hip joint, medially rotates leg at knee[8] | 넙다리네모근(Quadriceps femoris muscle) |
반막근(semimembranosus muscle) | tuberosity of the ischium[8] | Medial surface of 정강뼈(tibia)[8] | profunda femoris, gluteal artery | sciatic nerve[8] | flexes knee, extends hip joint, medially rotates leg at knee[8] | 넙다리네모근(Quadriceps femoris muscle) |
넓적다리 안쪽 부분[편집]
엉덩이의 모음근(Adductor muscles of the hip) | pubis | 넙다리뼈(femur), 정강뼈(tibia) | obturator nerve | adduction of hip | ||
두덩정강근(gracilis muscle) | inferior pubic ramus[9] | 정강뼈(tibia) (pes anserinus) | obturator artery | anterior branch of obturator nerve[9] | adduction of hip, flexion of hip, medial rotation of knee[9] | |
두덩근(pectineus muscle) | superior pubic ramus[9] | lesser trochanter, linea aspera | Obturator artery | femoral nerve, sometimes obturator nerve[9] | flexion & adduction of hip[9] | |
짧은모음근(adductor brevis muscle) | anterior surface of the inferior pubic ramus[9] | the lesser trochanter and linea aspera of the 넙다리뼈(femur) | obturator artery | anterior branch of obturator nerve[9] | adduction of hip[9] | |
긴모음근(adductor longus muscle) | pubic body just below the pubic crest | middle third of linea aspera | obturator artery | anterior branch of obturator nerve[9] | adduction & medial rotation of hip[9] | |
큰모음근(adductor magnus muscle) | tuberosity of the ischium[9] | 넙다리뼈(femur) and adductor tubercle of femur | obturator artery | posterior branch of obturator nerve (adductor) and tibial part of sciatic nerve[9][10] | adduction of hip[9] |
앞정강근(tibialis anterior muscle) | body of tibia | medial cuneiform and first metatarsal bones of the foot | anterior tibial artery | Deep Fibular (peroneal) nerve | dorsiflex and invert the foot | Fibularis longus, Gastrocnemius, Soleus, Plantaris, 뒤정강근(Tibialis posterior muscle) |
긴엄지폄근(extensor hallucis longus muscle) | middle portion of the 종아리뼈(fibula) on the anterior surface and the interosseous membrane | dorsal side of the base of the distal phalanx of the Hallux | anterior tibial artery | Deep Fibular (peroneal) nerve | Extends the big toe and assists in dorsiflexion of the foot at the ankle. Also is a weak invertor | 긴엄지굽힘근(Flexor hallucis longus muscle), 짧은엄지굽힘근(Flexor hallucis brevis muscle) |
긴발가락폄근(extensor digitorum longus muscle) | Lateral Condyle of tibia and superior ¾ of interosseous membrane | Middle and Distal phalanges of lateral four digits | anterior tibial artery | Deep Fibular (peroneal) nerve | extension of toes and ankle | 긴발가락굽힘근(Flexor digitorum longus muscle), 짧은발가락굽힘근(Flexor digitorum brevis muscle) |
셋째종아리근(Peroneus tertius muscle) | distal anterior surface of the 종아리뼈(fibula) | dorsal surface of metatarsal 5 | anterior tibial artery | Deep Fibular (peroneal) nerve | dorsi flexes and everts foot |
장딴지세갈래근(하퇴삼두근, triceps surae muscle) | 발꿈치힘줄(Calcaneal tendon, Achilles tendon), 발꿈치뼈(calcaneus) | 뒤정강동맥(posterior tibial artery) | 정강신경(tibial nerve) | 발을 곧게 펴기(plantarflexion) | ||
장딴지근(gastrocnemius muscle) | medial and Lateral condyle of the femur | calcaneus | sural arteries | tibial nerve from the sciatic, specifically, nerve roots S1, S2 | plantarflexion, flexion of knee (minor) | 앞정강근(Tibialis anterior muscle) |
가자미근(soleus muscle) | 종아리뼈(fibula), medial border of 정강뼈(tibia) (soleal line) | tendo calcaneus | sural arteries | tibial nerve, specifically, nerve roots L5–S2 | plantarflexion | 앞정강근(tibialis anterior muscle) |
장딴지빗근(plantaris muscle) | lateral supracondylar ridge of 넙다리뼈(femur) above lateral head of gastrocnemius | tendo calcaneus (medial side, deep to gastrocnemius tendon) | sural arteries | tibial nerve | Plantar flexes foot and flexes knee | 앞정강근(Tibialis anterior muscle) |
종아리 뒷 속[편집]
오금근(popliteus muscle) | middle facet of the lateral surface of the lateral femoral condyle | posterior 정강뼈(tibia) under the tibial condyles | popliteal artery | tibial nerve | Medial rotation and flexion of knee | |
발목굴(tarsal tunnel) | ||||||
긴엄지굽힘근/장무지굴근(flexor hallucis longus) | 종아리뼈(fibula), posterior aspect of upper 1/3 | base of distal phalanx of hallux | Peroneal artery (peroneal branch of the posterior tibial artery | tibial nerve, S1, S2 nerve roots | flexes all joints of the Hallux, plantar flexion of the ankle joint | Extensor hallucis longus muscle |
긴발가락굽힘근(flexor digitorum longus muscle) | medial 정강뼈(tibia) | distal phalanges of lateral four digits | posterior tibial artery | Tibial nerve | Primary action is Flex digits | 긴발가락폄근(Extensor digitorum longus muscle), 짧은발가락폄근(Extensor digitorum brevis muscle) |
뒤정강근(tibialis posterior muscle) | 정강뼈(tibia), 종아리뼈(fibula) | navicular, medial cuneiform | posterior tibial artery | tibial nerve | inversion of the foot, plantar flexion of the foot at the ankle | 앞정강근(Tibialis anterior muscle) |
종아리 옆면[편집]
종아리근(fibularis muscles):
긴종아리근(fibularis longus muscle) | 종아리뼈(fibula) | first metatarsal, medial cuneiform | fibular (peroneal) artery | superficial fibular (peroneal) nerve | plantarflexion, eversion | 앞정강근(Tibialis anterior muscle) |
짧은종아리근(fibularis brevis muscle) | 종아리뼈(fibula) | fifth metatarsal | fibular (peroneal) artery | superficial fibular (peroneal) nerve | plantarflexion, eversion |
짧은발가락폄근(extensor digitorum brevis muscle) | calcaneus | toes | deep peroneal nerve | extends digits 2, 3, and 4 | 긴발가락굽힘근(Flexor digitorum longus muscle), 짧은발가락굽힘근(Flexor digitorum brevis muscle) | |
짧은엄지폄근(extensor hallucis brevis muscle) | calcaneus | base of proximal phalanx of hallux | deep peroneal nerve | Extension of hallux | 짧은엄지굽힘근(Flexor hallucis brevis muscle) |
엄지벌림근(abductor hallucis muscle) | medial process of calcaneus, flexor retinaculum, plantar aponeurosis | medial side of base of proximal phalanx of first digit | medial plantar nerve | abducts hallux | 엄지모음근(Adductor hallucis muscle) | |
짧은발가락굽힘근(flexor digitorum brevis muscle) | medial process of calcaneus, plantar aponeurosis, intermuscular septa | middle phalanges of digits 2-5 | medial plantar nerve | flexes lateral four toes | 긴발가락폄근(Extensor digitorum longus muscle), 짧은발가락폄근(Extensor digitorum brevis muscle) | |
새끼벌림근(Abductor digiti minimi muscle) | Plantar aponeurosis | Fifth toe or Phalanges | lateral plantar artery | lateral plantar nerve (S1, S2) | flex and abduct the fifth toe | 짧은새끼굽힘근(Flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle) |
두번째 층(2nd layer)[편집]
발바닥네모근(quadratus plantae muscle) | 발꿈치뼈(Calcaneus_ | Tendons of Flexor Digitorum Longus | lateral plantar nerve (S1, S2) | Assists Flexor Digitorum Longus in flexion of DIP joints | ||
벌레근(Lumbrical muscle) | tendons of flexor digitorum longus | medial aspect of extensor expansion of proximal phalanges of lateral four digits | lateral plantar artery and plantar arch, and four plantar metatarsal arteries | lateral plantar nerve (lateral three lumbricals) and medial plantar nerve (first lumbrical) | maintain extension of digits at interphalangeal joints |
세번째 층(3rd layer)[편집]
짧은엄지굽힘근(flexor hallucis brevis muscle) | medial plantar nerve | flex hallux | 긴엄지폄근(Extensor hallucis longus muscle) | |||
엄지모음근(adductor hallucis muscle) | lateral plantar nerve | adducts hallux | 엄지벌림근(Abductor hallucis muscle) | |||
짧은새끼굽힘근(flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle) | fifth metatarsal bone | phalanx of the fifth toe | lateral plantar nerve (superficial branch) | extend and adduct the fifth toe | 새끼벌림근(Abductor digiti minimi muscle) |
네번째 층(4th layer)[편집]
등쪽뼈사이근(Dorsal interossei muscle) | Lateral plantar nerve | abduct toes | 바닥쪽뼈사이근(Plantar interossei muscles) | |||
바닥쪽뼈사이근(plantar interossei muscles) | metatarsals | proximal phalanges | Lateral plantar nerve | adduct toes | 등쪽뼈사이근(Dorsal interossei muscle) |
3. 장기
5. 신경
6. 인체의 혈관
혈관은 종류나 위치, 또는 혈관을 흐르는 혈액의 혈류역학적 특성에 따라 생김새가 다양하다. 일반적으로 동맥과 정맥의 혈관벽은 통상적인 관상기관과 달리 다음처럼 탄성섬유 층에 의해 구분되는 세 부분으로 이루어진다.
동맥과 정맥의 종류에 따라 각 층의 두께와 구성이 다르며, 특정 층이 존재하지 않거나 층끼리 구분하기 어려운 경우도 있다.[2]
반면 모세혈관은 한 층의 내피와 그 바닥판으로만 이루어져 있으며, 중간막과 바깥막은 존재하지 않는다. 이처럼 혈관벽이 얇기 때문에 모세혈관과 주변 조직 사이의 기체 및 물질 교환이 원활하게 이루어질 수 있다. 일부 모세혈관의 내피와 바닥판 사이에는 혈관주위세포(pericyte)가 있어 혈관을 구조적·기능적으로 지지한다