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DX 정보 스크랩 425 DX News #964
DS4DRE 추천 0 조회 41 09.10.24 06:04 댓글 1
게시글 본문내용

24 October 2009                                           A.R.I. DX Bulletin
No 964
*** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

A3     - Paul, A35RK "originally thought his new A35A call had  restrictions
and was to be used for contest and special events, however that  is
not the case". Effective immediately, Paul has chosen A35A  as  his
new permanent callsign. QSL via W7TSQ, direct or  bureau  or  LoTW.
[TNX The Daily DX]
A3     - Ramon, XE1KK will participate in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest as  A31KK
from Fafa Island (OC-049), Tonga, on 20 metres.  All  of  the  QSOs
will be confirm‎!ed automatically via the bureau.  The  log  will  be
uploaded to LoTW.
F      - F5IL, F5IRC, F5THW and F5UBH will be  active  as  TM5SN  from  Sein
Island (EU-068) from 30 October to 2 November.  They  will  operate
CW, SSB and digital modes on the HF bands. QSL via F5IL, direct  or
bureau. [TNX F5NQL]
FP     - Eric, KV1J and Tom, W8TOM  have  rescheduled  their  activity  from
Miquelon [425DXN 961], which has been postponed to  7-15  November.
They will operate as FP/KV1J and FP/W8TOM on 160-6 metres SSB,  CW,
RTTY and PSK31. QSL via home calls, direct or  bureau.  Their  logs
will be  uploaded  to  LoTW    and  eQSL.  Further  information  at
FT5W   - Flo, FT5WO will be active from Alfred  Faure  Base  on  Ile  de  la
Possesson, Crozet Islands [425DXN 916] until  14  or  15  November.
Usually he can be found on 17 and 20  metres  during  the  weekends
between 6 and 13 UTC. Look for him on  or  around  14260-14280  and
18165 kHz. QSL via home call (F4DYW), direct or  bureau.  [TNX  The
Daily DX]
HA     - Radio Club Puspokladany (HA0KHW) will be active  as  HG0WFF/p  from
the Orseg National Park on  22-29  October.  QSL  via  HA0HW.  [TNX
I      - Mauro, IN3SAU  will be  active  as  IB0/IN3SAU  from  Ponza  Island
(EU-045) for about ten days starting on 26  October.  He  plans  to
operate SSB, RTTY and BPSK31 on 80-10 metres. [TNX IN3SAU]
JT     - Celebrating the 75th anniversary of the  Mongolian  Border  Service
Institute, special event station  JU75BSI  will  be  active  on  23
October-20 November, including  an  entry  in  the  CQ  WW  DX  SSB
Contest. QSL via JT1CH and LoTW. [TNX JT1CD]
P2     - Rough seas and bad weather conditions are delaying  the  voyage  to
the Tanga Islands (OC-102). The team (CT1AGF, G3KHZ,  G3USR,  M0VTG
and SM6CVX) sheltered in Putt  Putt  cove  on  New  Britain  Island
(OC-008) and operated as  P29VSR  (QSL  via  G3USR),  then  reached
Muliama harbour on New Ireland (OC-008). Their  estimated  time  of
arrival to Tanga is now  around  2  UTC  on  24  October.  Bookmark
www.425dxn.org/dxped/p29_2009/index.html for updates.
ST     - Robert, S53R, will be active as  either  ST2KSS  or  ST2X  (pending
license) during the CQWW DX SSB Contest, on 15 or 20  metres.  [TNX
T6     - David, CT1DRB has been active as T6AG  from  Afghanistan  since  21
October. He will remain there for about six months. He operates  CW
only, for the time being on 30 metres (hopefully other  bands  will
follow, but he might have problems with 20 and 80 metres). QSL  via
EA3GHZ, direct or bureau. Updates and logsearch will  be  available
at http://t6ag.nra.pt/ [TNX EA3GHZ]
T8     - Kozo, JR8DHE will be active as T88KP from Koror (OC-009), Palau  on
24-29 October, including activity during the CQ WW DX SSB  Contest.
QSL via home call. [TNX http://dx-hamspirit.com/]
TF     - Rene, DL2JRM will be active as TF/DL2JRM/p  from  Iceland  (EU-021)
from 31 October to  2  November.  He  will  operate  CW  on  160-10
metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX www.rsgbiota.org]
TZ     - Mac, TZ6JA will be back to Mali on 26 October for  one  month,  and
hopes to operate  SSB  only  during  his  early  morning  and  late
evening  hours  between  2  and  23  November.  He  will  have  two
transceivers, a small amplifier, a 2-element beam  for  40  and  20
metres and a G5RV. QSL direct only to Makoto Obara,  P.O.  Box  59,
Tama, Tokyo, 206-8691 Japan. [TNX JA1ELY]
YJ0    - Tomas, VK2CCC (LY1DF) will be active as YJ0CCC  from  Efate  Island
(OC-035), Vanuatu from 30 October to 5 November. It will be a  part
time operation focused on 80 metres CW, with some 160 and  possibly
40m activity. He will also give 60 metres a try (5404.5  kHz  USB).
QSL via VK2CCC, direct or bureau. He will upload his log  to  LoTW.
Updates will be posted to qrz.com under YJ0CCC. [TNX NG3K]
VK     - VK6IOA is the  callsign  to  be  used  from  the  Houtman  Abrolhos
(OC-211) [425DXN 953] between 31 December and 4  January.  For  the
time  being  the  team  includes  Wally/VK6YS,   Nigel/VK6NI    and
Bruce/KD6WW, but they are still  looking  for  a  fourth  operator,
ideally  with  reasonable  CW  skills.   Please    contact    Wally
(vk6ys@iinet.net.au)  if  interesed.  Current  plans  are  for  two
stations operating simultaneously, with a  Spiderbeam  for  20,  17
and 15 metres, a vertical dipole for 40-10 metres and  a  1/4  wave
vertical for 40/30 metres. QSL via VK4AAR.

CQ WW DX SSB CONTEST  --->  The  following  stations  have  announced  their
participation in this year's event (24-25 October):
ZONE   CALL          CATEGORY     DXCC                 QSL VIA
++++   C6APR         In our thoughts and prayers       ++++
02     VE2DXY        M/2          Canada               KD3RF
02     VE2IM         SOAB HP      Canada               VE3DZ
05     4U1UN         M2           UN Headquarters      HB9BOU
05     AA4V/VP9      M/2          Bermuda              AA4V
05     VC2Z          M/S          Canada               VE2BR
07     HQ2W          SOAB HP      Honduras             HR2DMR
07     HT2N          SOAB         Nicaragua            K9NW
07     TI5N          M/S          Costa Rica           W3HNK
07     TI8M          M/2          Costa Rica           TI2KAC
07     V31MW         SOAB HP      Belize               N0HJZ
07     YS1YS         M/S          El Salvador          YS1GMV
08     8P5A          SOAB HP      Barbados             NN1N
08     J68JA         SOAB         St. Lucia            W5JON
08     KP2M                       U.S. Virgin Isls     AI4U
08     KP4KE         SOAB         Puerto Rico          OK1DOT
08     NP2B          M/S          US Virgin Isls       qrz.com
08     NP4Z          SO HP        Puerto Rico          WC4E
08     PJ7/AH8DX     SOAB         Sint Maarten         AH8DX
08     T46A          M/S          Cuba                 CO6LC
08     TO7A          SOAB HP      Martinique           UT5UGR
08     V25Z          SOAB LP      Antigua              K7ZZ
08     V26B          M/?          Antigua              KA2AEV
08     VP2MDG        M/S          Montserrat           K2DM
08     VP2V/KN5H     M/S          British Virgin Isls  KN5H
08     VP5T          M/M          Turks & Caicos Isls  N2VW
08     ZF2AH                      Cayman Isls          W6VNR
09     9Y4D          SOSB         Trinidad & Tobago    qrz.com
09     FY5KE         M/S          French Guiana        FY5KE
09     PJ2T          M/M          Curacao              N9AG
09     PJ4K          M/2          Neth. Antilles)      ZP5AZL
09     PZ5M          SOAB HP      Suriname             AJ9C
10     HC8A          SOAB HP      Galapagos Isls       KU9C
12     CE1W                       Chile                HA1AG
12     CE4CT         M/2          Chile                EA5KB
12     XR6T          M/?          Chile                CE3FED
13     CX7TT         SOAB         Uruguay              K5WW
13     LP1H          M/S          Argentina            EA5KB
14     AM3SSB        M/S          Spain                EA3JW
14     CR2X          SOAB HP      Azores               OH2BH
14     EA6/AA5UK     SOAB         Balearic Isls        AA5UK
14     EE6E          SOSB 40m     Balearic Isls        EA6DD
14     G6PZ          M/S          England              G6PZ
14     GJ2A          M/M          Jersey               qrz.com
14     HB0/HB9AON    M/?          Liechtenstein        DJ2YE
14     LX7I          SOSB 20m     Luxembourg           LX2A
14     OY3AA         SOAB HP      Faroe Islands        OZ1ACB
14     PA6Z          SOSB 80m     The Netherlands      PA9M
15     4O3A          SOAB HP      Montenegro           qrz.com
15     E71A          SOSB 80m     Bosnia-Herzegovina   E71A
15     E73M          SOAB         Bosnia-Herzegovina   E73Y or K2PF
15     E77DX         SOAB         Bosnia-Herzegovina   OE1EMS or E77E
15     E77XZ         SOSB 15m     Bosnia-Herzegovina   DK6XZ
15     IF9A          M/S          Italy (Sicily)       IT9ATF
15     IO3R          M/S          Italy                IN3UFW
15     IQ5DY         M/?          Italy                bureau
15     OH0Z          M/S          Aland Isls           W0MM
15     OK0K          M/M          Czech Republic       OK1WMV
15     RW2F          M/?          Kaliningrad          DK4VW
15     TK/IV3UHL     SOSB 20m     Corsica              IV3UHL
15     TK9R          SOAB         Corsica              IK8UND
15     Z37M          M/?          Macedonia            IQ8MD
16     ER4DX         SOAB         Moldova              RA4LW
20     5B/G3RXQ      SOAB HP      Cyprus               G3RXQ
20     5B/HA5PP      SOSB         Cyprus               HA5PP
20     C4I           M/?          Cyprus               LZ2HM
20     P33W          M/S          Cyprus               RA3AUU
20     TB3A          SOSB         Turkey (Asia)        LZ1NK
20     TC7KA         M/S          Turkey               TA7KA
21     4K7Z          M/S          Azerbaijan           UA3FDX
21     4L3A          SOSB 80m     Georgia              LY4A
21     4L8A          SOSB 20m     Georgia              K1BV
21     9K2HN         M/S          Kuwait               9K2HN
22     VU2PAI        M/S          India                qrz.com
23     JT1ZO         SOAB         Mongolia             OH0XX
23     JU1DX         M/2          Mongolia             qrz.com
23     JU75BSI       M/S          Mongolia             JT1CH
24     B5TT          SOSB 80m     China                BA5TT
24     B7P           M/?          China                BD7IXG
24     BX5AA         SOAB HP      Taiwan               BX5AA
24     VR2C          M/S          Hong Kong            WA4WTG
26     E21NPZ/8      SOSB 40m LP  Thailand             E21NPZ
26     HS0AC         M/?          Thailand             HS0ZFZ
26     HS8JYX        SOSB 20m     Thailand             HS8JYX
26     XU7KOH        M/S          Cambodia             ON7PP
27     4D1N          SOAB         Philippines          DV1UBY
27     AH0BT         M/2          Mariana Isls         7L1FPU
27     AH2R          M/S          Guam                 JH7QXJ
27     KG6DX         SOAB HP      Guam                 KG6DX
27     KH0/JK2VOC    SOAB         Mariana Isls         JK2VOC
27     NH0DX         SOAB         Mariana Isls         JL3RDC
27     T88KP         SO           Palau                JR8DHE
27     V6B           M/S          Micronesia           LoTW
28     9M6/JJ2CJB    SO           East Malaysia        JJ2CJB
28     9M6/W8AY                   East Malaysia        RA3AD
28     9M8Z          SOAB HP      East Malaysia        M0URX
28     YE0X          M/?          Indonesia            YE0X
28     YE2R          M/2          Indonesia            EB7DX
29     VK8NSB        SOAB         Australia            VK6NE
31     AH6XX         M/2          Hawaii               K2WR
32     3D2MJ         SOSB         Fiji Isls            SP5EAQ
32     A31KK         SOSB 20m     Tonga                LoTW
32     E51USA        SO           South Cooks          E51CG
32     FO8RZ         SOSB         French Polynesia     F8BPN
32     ZM2M          M/2          New Zealand          ZL2AL
33     3V8SS         SOSB 15m     Tunisia              IZ8CCW
33     AO8A          M/2          Canary Isls          OH1RY
33     CN2R          SOSB         Morocco              W7EJ
33     CN3A          M/S          Morocco              I2WIJ
33     CN4P          SO LP        Morocco              EA5XX
33     CQ3Z          M/S          Madeira Isls         CT3AB
33     CR3A          M/?          Madeira Isls         CQ9K
33     EA8/OH6CS     SOSB         Canary Isls          OH6CS
33     EA8CMX        SOSB         Canary Isls          OH2BYS
33     EE9K                       Melilla              direct
33     EE9Z or ED9NA M/2          Ceuta & Melilla      EA9LZ
33     IG9R                       (African) Italy      IK8HCG
33     IG9S          SOSB 15m     (African) Italy      IZ8GCE
33     TS9A          M/?          Tunisia              bureau
34     ST2KSS or ST2X SOSB        Sudan                qrz.com
35     6V7Q          SOAB LP      Senegal              F8IJV
35     6W1RY         SOAB HP      Senegal              F5VHJ
35     TY1MS                      Benin                PA3AWW
38     3DA0WW        M/S          Swaziland            3DA0TM
38     ZS9X          M/?          South Africa         K3IRV
39     S79MI         SO LP        Seychelles           HB9ENI
40     TF3CW         SOSB 40m     Iceland              LX1NO
Do not forget to give a look at the Announced Operations listing  maintained
by Bill,  NG3K  at  http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/cqsz2009.html - good contest to
you all!

*** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

DXCC NEWS ---> The following operations have been approved for DXCC  credit:
T6AB (Afghanistan,  2008 and 2009  operation),  T6AF  (Afghanistan,  current
operation) and TX3A  (Chesterfield  Islands,  2009  operation).  Also,  DXCC
credit for YI/KV4EB has been extended through 9 January 2004 (originally  it
covered the period from 20 April to 28 November 2003). [TNX NC1L]

JD1BNA ---> Toshi, JA1ELY says that the station signing JD1BNA on 17  metres
CW between 9 and 13 September was a pirate.

QSL OQ50USA ---> The OQ50USA log (year 1994) will be  closed  on  1  January
2010. QSL cards can still be requested  direct  from  Paul  Demelle,  ON6DP.

QSL  VK7ACG  --->  Cards  should  be  sent  direct  to  G0WFH  (no  bureau):
Christopher Gresswell, 121 Gramby Court, Milton Keynes,  MK1  1NG,  England.

QSL VIA IK3GES ---> Gabriele reports that all of  the  direct  requests  for
this year's IOTA operations have been processed and mailed. He says  that  1
IRC can be redeemed for a postage that covers up to three QSL cards  in  the
same envelope. After 31 December direct requests with IRCs expiring on  that
date will be processed via the bureau. The list  of  callsigns  Gabriele  is
the QSL manager of can be found at qrz.com under IK3GES.

VK9 CALLSIGNS ---> The Australian Communications and Media Authority  (ACMA)
has decided to discontinue the use  of  a  VK9  callsign  suffix  letter  to
denote each of the six External Territories that  are  DXCC  Entities  (VK9C
for Cocos/Keeling Island, VK9L for Lord Howe Island, VK9M for Mellish  Reef,
VK9N for Norfolk Island, VK9W for  Willis  Island  and  VK9X  for  Christmas
Island). From 1 November, callsigns for the VK9 DX  entities  will  fall  in
line with the practice for issuing callsigns for all other  VK  call  areas,
with the suffix only to denoting the  class  of  licence  issued  (Advanced,
Standard or  Foundation).  Under  the  provisions  of  the  Amateur  Licence
Conditions Determination, portable  operation  is  permitted  with  a  radio
amateur  using  their  home  callsign  /VK9  and  stating  their   location.

+ SILENT KEYS + The amateur radio and  contest  community  worldwide  mourns
the tragic loss of the entire C6APR  team.  Edwin  F.Steeble  (K3IXD/C6AXD),
James R. "Randy" Hargenrader (K4QO/C6AQO), Peter  Radding  (W2GJ/C6APR)  and
E. Dallas Carter (W3PP) lost their lives on 21 October when  their  aircraft
crashed and burst into  flames  shortly  after  take-off  from  Summerville,
South Carolina. They were headed to  Crooked  Island,  Bahamas,  where  they
expected to take part in the CQ WW DX SSB Contest.

*** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
******* QSL  ROUTES *******
Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile  I2VGW

CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
3B8FQ       K5XK        EH1SRT      EA1AST      PB65BP      PA1WLB
3Z0MK       SP7PTK      EK3SA       DJ1CW       PJ4/K2NG    WA2NHA
4L3A        LY4A        EK6TA       DJ0MCZ      PJ4/W9NJY   WD9DZV
4L8A        K1BV        EL2DT       EL2FM       PJ7MF       IZ1MHY
4U1UN       HB9BOU      EN500I      DM5BB       PZ5M        AJ9C
5B4AIF      EB7DX       ER650MD     ER4DX       R1ANB       RN1ON
5R8FL       G3SWH       FM/KL7WA    UT5UGR      R1ANC       RN1ON
5R8FU       SM5DJZ      FO8RZ       F8BPN       R1FJM       RX3MM
5R8HT       F4DBJ       FP5BZ       F5TJP       RC80MO      RZ3FR
6V7Q        F8IJV       FS/K1XM     KQ1F        RK0L        UA0LW
6W1RY       F5VHJ       FT5WO       F4DYW       SN0HUB      SP9YST
8Q7AK       G7COD       GA5CX       GM3YTS      SN0JP       SP9PKZ
8Q7EJ       G3VDB       GB75XX      G3KWK       SN100DP     SQ2RH
9A430KA     9A6Z        GJ4CBQ      GM4FDM      SN120OSP    SP4CUF
9H1KZ       G2BKZ       GP0STH      G4DIY       ST2KSS      ST2M
9H3RV       HB9DGV      H44MY       OM2SA       SX1L        DL1JCZ
9H8C        DL9USA      HC7AE       EA7FTR      SX5R        SV5DKL
9H9MSG      9H1SF       HF70OBW     SQ8JIU      SZ6P        SV1BJW
9J2BO       G3TEV       HG0WFF      HA0HW       T6AG        EA3GHZ
9J2CA       G3SWH       HI3TEJ      ON4IQ       T6YA        F5OGL
9J2FM       JA4ATV      HL09SEA     HL1OYF      TC1ELH      TA1HZ
9K2/SP4R    SP4GFG      HL9BSA      WX8C        TC1IEM      TA1KB
9M2IDJ      JA6IDJ      HP3DX       W4WX        TO7RJ       DJ7RJ
9M4SJP      9M2TO       HR9/WQ7R    K5WW        TS9A        YT1AD
9M6DXX      M0URX       HS0ZIL      DL2LAH      TX5SPM      SP9PT
9M8Z        M0URX       HZ1SBS      HZ1HN       TY1MS       PA3AWW
A52FJJ      JA1FJJ      II0JAM      IZ0PSA      TY5ZR       IK2IQD
A61BN       NI5DX       II0SRT      IS0LFZ      UE0QDA/0    RN0QQ
A65BE       G3XHZ       II2ANA      IZ2JNN      UE4FDA      RA4FJV
A65BI       SM5DJZ      II2SRT      I2JJR       UE4FRC      RZ4FZZ
A65BM       W4JS        II4SRT      IZ4GAC      UE9YFF      RA9YF
A65CA       RV6AJJ      II5GAL      IZ5DMC      UN5J        W3HNK
A7/M0FGA    NN1N        II8IYA      IQ8MJ       UN7AB       DL8KAC
AA6CM/KH0   JA6CM       II8SRE      IZ8LKL      V25Z        K7ZZ
BY3MM       BD3NHK      IQ0PM       IW0HLZ      V26BZR      W2BZR
C56YK       ON7YK       IQ8OM       IZ8EDJ      V26MH       HB9OCR
C92IO       ZS6HB       IR0JOTA     IW0FFP      V26OC       N3OC
CE2WZ       M3ZYZ       IR5SRT      IZ5MMN      V31MD       NM2D
CM2IR       EB7DX       IR8JOT      IW8PQ       V31MW       N0HJZ
CN2AW       DL1DAW      IR8JOT      IW8PQ       VK2IA       DL8YR
CN2JD       F8AEJ       IR8SRE      IZ8FFA      VK8NSB      VK6NE
CN8ZG       EA7FTR      IR9BP       IT9RGY      VP2MDG      K2DM
CP6XE       IK6SNR      IU7SRT      IZ7AUH      VP2MKA      W4GKA
CT3AS       DJ8FW       IY3XX       IV3ZXQ      VP2MZM      K3ZM
CU2DX       CU2AA       IY8GM       IK8WEJ      VP8DIF      DJ9ZB
CU2KG       OH2BH       J37K        AC8G        VP9400HW    VP9HW
CU2KI       OH2UA       J45PO       ON4PO       VQ9JC       ND9M
CX7CO       WB3CDX      J5S         CT1DSV      VR2009EAG   VR2XMT
DA0CA       DC2YY       J68JA       W5JON       VU3DJQ      EA7FTR
DF0SX       DL1CW       JI1FGX/DU9  JF1LZQ      W4PL        W4KRY
DL0TUM      DJ4MZ       KG4YU       KJ5YU       WH0AA       JA6GLD
DL0XM       DL3XM       KH0AC       K7ZA        XU7TZG      ON7PP
DL2F        DL2FDL      KK6WW/KH0   JA6EGL      YC0IEM/8    IZ8CCW
DL60CHILD   DL5SE       KL5O        AC7DX       YJ0PX       AI5P
DM3W        DM3EF       LA6Q        LA9VDA      YN2NW       K9NW
DP1POL      DL1ZBO      LX30AK      LX1CC       YP1WFF      YO3JW
DP4D        DJ4MG       LZ5K        LZ1RAY      YT5W        YU1BFG
DP4K        DK3DM       OL50BMI     OK2BMI      ZF2AH       W6VNR
DP9I        DK7JQ       OM9AAW      DF8AA       ZF2UL       K3UL
DQ3Q        DL1SMA      ON100PES    ON4TRC      ZK2DL       DL2FAG
DQ4W        DK9TN       OX3XR       OZ3PZ       ZL30MDG     ZL3RG
DR1X        DF8XC       OY3AA       OZ1ACB      ZM1A        ZL1AMO
DR800GRZ    DL1ARJ      P29CW       VK2IR       ZM2B        ZL2BR
EG1FST      EA1EG       P29VSR      G3USR       ZM2M        ZL2AL
EH1FST      EA1EG       PA30IPA     PA9LUC      ZY0T        PY1NB

DJ9ZB    Franz Langner, P.O. Box 150, D-77950 Ettenheim, Germany
DL2FAG   Karl-Heinz Kuehlborn, Am Schindling 12, 61279 Graevenwiesbach,
EA3GHZ   Joan Carles Barcelo, P.O. Box 51, Sant Carles de la Rapita,
E-43540 Tarragona, Spain
EL2FM    Joe Brown, 2 Orbel Street, Battersea, SW11 3NZ, London, UK
F5OGL    Didier Senmartin, P.O. Box 7, F-53320 Loiron, France
F5TJP    Ronan Darchen, P.O. Box 109, 22700 Perros-Guirec, France
G3USR    Gordon Rolland, The Lodge, 3B Reeves Lane, Wing, Oakham, LE15 8SD,
IZ8CCW   Antonio Cannataro, Ufficio Cosenza Veneto, Casella Postale 360,
87100 Cosenza - CS, Italy
JD1BMM   Masafumi Ishihara, 2-305 Loran, 2-5-35 Miyazaki, Chuo-ku, Chiba
260-0806, Japan
JF1LZQ   Yutaka Sakurai, P.O. Box 1, Suyama, Susono, Shizuoka, 410-1299,
K4M      Midway 2009, Box 333, Bethlehem, Georgia 30620-9989, USA
OM2SA    Juraj Sipos, P.O. Box 29, 94603 Kolarovo, Slovak Republic
ON7YK    Andre Bourbon, Route de Xhoffraix 30, 4970 Hockai-Stavelot, Belgium
PA3AWW   Henk Van Oosterhout, Meelbeshof 8, 3355 BD Papendrecht, The
PY1NB    Felipe Ceglia, Estrada Nova 220, Teresppolis-RJ, 25970-580, Brazil
SP9PT    Wojciech Klosok, P.O. Box 131, 44-200 Rybnik, Poland
TL0A     Christian  Saint-Arroman, Chemin de Mousteguy, F-64990 Urcuit,
V51AS    Frank Steinhauser, Am Rosenkothen 17, 40880 Ratingen, Germany

  • 09.11.02 08:03

    첫댓글 cq ww 는 100국으로 끝. 안내감사합니다. cq ww cw 는 좀 더 해야 하는데....
