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Follow Your Heart 열정 2회독 1일차 Follow your heart p13-19
임재규 추천 0 조회 74 11.12.26 00:09 댓글 14
게시글 본문내용
  • 11.12.26 09:50

    첫댓글 We reach points in our life when we are ready for new information. Until then, something can be starting us in the face but we don't see it.→ Someone can be fighting me in the face but we don't fight it.

  • 11.12.26 09:35

    We learn our biggest lessons when things get rough. In retrospect, We usually notice" disaster" were turning points.
    →From now on,I am going to also accept and make "disaster" will be turning points.

  • 11.12.26 11:32

    I agree. I am also gonna make disaters be my turning points without blaming.

  • 11.12.26 09:33

    Success celebrate ours. We don't learn too much from it. Failure hurts us. but It it a time when we get educated.
    In retrospect, disasters is a turning point in our life.

    Every person who walks into our life is a teacher. They tech us where my limits are.
    Just because people are your teachers doesn't mean you have to like them.

  • 11.12.26 09:55

    Growth is most painful when we resist. →Pain is strongest when we leave it.
    Some things are beyond our understanding .. My life is a series of lesson I need, happing in perfect order.
    When I change, my situation changes. It is law. The best place to make a new start is where I am!!
    The only way to beat fear is to face it.

  • 11.12.26 14:01

    If fear loneless, It'll fall on my face. It's life's way of encouraging me to grow.

  • 11.12.26 10:57

    Hello, Did all of you spend great time in Christmas? In fact, I've got sick since I ran into the han riverside.
    Anyway I think that New trial which uses Video is also good method to improve both listening and speaking.
    [Today's Part] = p13 ~ p19
    I think that main lesson is everything depends on how I look at circumstances, especially stuck in diasters.
    We reach points in our life when we are ready for new information.
    -> We reach points in our life when we have acceptable attitude.
    Take our health for example -> Take my exprience for example.(it seems to be useful expression in my life.)

  • 11.12.26 14:00

    Oh my...emm.. What reson made you go into the Han river. If reason was "you", don't do that again. You must hve felt terrible and cold. and you 've caught a cold and high fever.

  • 11.12.26 11:14

    Mary gets dumped by boyfriend Al. Devastated, she locks herself in her bedroom for a week.
    -> Frankly speaking, I gets dumped by girlfriend who I really love a few days ago.
    so I locked myself in my home for about two weeks with recalling happy recollection with her.
    Act as if every event has a purpose, and your life will have purpose
    -> Act as if I am a famous actor when I look at American TV show and mimic their saying.
    I could do anything, but forgive him! -> I could eat anything but the dish made from bug.

  • 11.12.26 11:30

    You don't have to figure out how it will happen. -> You don't have to figure out why my boss act like that.
    The only way to beat fear is to face it. -> The only way to beat the enemy is to know myself first and
    their weakness.

  • 작성자 11.12.26 13:26

    30m/when you move, you'll take your thoughts and habit patterns with you - they are what shapre his life
    you change dities and attracts the same situations
    = Unless you change your thoughts and habit patterns. No matter where you are .. your negative circumstances will come after you.
    My life is a series of lessons I need, happening in perfect order.. we are continually being presented with lessons.

  • 11.12.27 00:13

    hi there!!

    eventually I spotted a woman who hiding it==> I spotted a guy who were eating some sandwich.
    we reach points in our life when wer are ready for new information,--> i will reach points in my life I meet Mr. right!
    its easier not to change--> its easier not to challenge!
    we learn out bigg3st lessons when things get rough
    we are creatures of habit--> the failure is the creature of bad habits.

  • 11.12.27 00:20

    unable to find work, he stasrts his own his business--> unable to read classic books, he strarts other self developments books.
    the universe is always nudging me with gentle signals-- right!!
    growth is most painful when we resist it!--> loving my self is most painful when I resist it!
    we remain linked because there is more to learn.
    it might seem like they are in the way of our happiness,
    the problem will evaporate! --> your anxiety will evaporate
    the best place to make a new start is where you are.
    it sounds romantic finding meaning of life in Tibet!

  • 11.12.27 00:24

    the only way to beat fear is to face it ! __> it reminds me of the movie "활"
    face fear that's all wind is not to calculate but overcome right translation? ㅎㅎ good night!!
