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INTL MMS Information about 2nd Official MOOMOO Level up Application
mooninja 추천 0 조회 377 17.04.26 23:28 댓글 32
게시글 본문내용
  • 17.04.26 23:36

    첫댓글 thank you for your help!

  • 작성자 17.04.26 23:40

    Your welcome 😊

  • 17.04.26 23:42

    @mooninja where do we post the application?

  • 작성자 17.04.26 23:45

    @vzsnv usually they will open temporary thread for the application. Need to wait till 28th to see it.

  • 17.04.26 23:47

    Thank you ❤

  • 작성자 17.04.26 23:48

    ur most welcome 😄

  • 17.04.27 00:43

    Thank you~ 😊

  • 작성자 17.04.27 01:41

    no preblem😊

  • 17.04.27 01:04

    Thanks for the translation. This is very helpful. 😊

  • 작성자 17.04.27 01:42

    my pleasure 😀

  • 17.04.27 01:38

    Does anyone think that we will get an eng form to compile??? I ask bc naturally for this 2nd Official Moomoo there will be a lot of I-moomoos, and the orders were done in english on the International Bizent website

    thank you for the trans ^__^

  • 작성자 17.04.27 01:46

    ur welcome☺...i believe all level up will be on the same thread since they state all moomoo as their subject. probably they will be separate room for imoomoos or probably not..will wait n see😄...

  • 17.04.27 08:42

    Lol I was literally about to do this translation now but good thing I checked this post first. Great job

  • 작성자 17.04.27 15:39

    Thanks 😄

  • 17.04.27 15:28

    What do they mean by this? "등업 조정 (Level up adjustment): 3등급 공식무무 (Level 3 Official Moomoo)" I bought the fc membership, does that mean I go from level 1 to 3 if I apply? Currently I'm working on the requirements for normal level up, then I was gonna do the quick level up with my Memory album.

  • 작성자 17.04.27 15:49

    well just simply think its all for level 3 application. if im not mistaken for previous moomoo level up, level 1 also could apply for it if bought the membership but not sure bout this time. u may also proceed with quick level up. 😊

  • 17.04.28 13:10

    @mooninja Thanks!

  • 17.04.28 10:04

    Which board should we post to? I could not find any related board QQ

  • 작성자 17.04.28 15:26

    a thread called 공식무무 등업

  • 17.04.28 17:18

    What's the difference between daum id and nickname and where do I find these? I think daum id is username on here so mine would be alexhere70? But what's nickname?

  • 작성자 17.04.28 17:26

    Your nickname is ur current display name which is alexhere70. To check ur daum id please refer older post by searching daum id. U can check it by click ur profile pic, n ur name, check through setting.

  • 작성자 17.04.28 17:46

    Follow this instructions to check ur daum id

  • 작성자 17.04.28 18:12

    step 2 다음 id is daum id

  • 17.04.28 18:17

    I submitted my level up application, but I have a question. Will we be notified if our application is accepted or not, or do we need to keep checking the threads ourselves?

  • 작성자 17.04.28 18:42

    usually they will send a notification if you managed to level up.if not u need to check your application on return level up.

  • 17.04.28 18:50

    @mooninja Thanks!

  • 17.04.28 18:33

    Hi sorry, where can I find the page to level up to level 3? Can't seem to find it

  • 작성자 17.04.28 18:44

    Hi 😊..you can go to 공식무무 등업 to apply for level 3. you can refer here step by step http://m.cafe.daum.net/mamamoo/d3uI/3640?svc=cafeapp&sns=cafeapp

  • 17.04.28 18:48

    @mooninja Thank you! 🙆🏼

  • 작성자 17.04.28 19:04

    @Bbfongg My pleasure 🙆🤘

  • 17.04.29 22:56

    Thank you very much for this! Why didn't RBW post this announcement for imoomoos (in eng/chi/jap like they did before), I'm sure a lot will missed this application .....

  • 작성자 17.04.30 01:10

    Your most welcome😄. Actually we did spread it through twitter.. n yeah i think they also busy with fancafe, cb n other stuff. Haha anyway.. Good luck with the official application 🤘😊
