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카페 게시글
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. Slender body gives us both self-satisfaction and confidence.
happy_Olivia 추천 0 조회 52 09.04.22 16:18 댓글 6
게시글 본문내용
  • 09.04.22 21:08

    첫댓글 Cutting off sugary drinks is very good for our health, regardless of being on a diet or not, I just found out that there's a myth among most of moms that sugary drinks could help ease bouts of gastroenteritis for baby which I read on BBC, as we know Eating a lot of food containing high level of sugar can lead to bad disease like diabetes, with some feelings of depression, For depression I knew sth interesting from TV that drinking morning coffee could make the blood suger leve higher, ending up with lower level later the day ..so.. sugar must has some nature 'danger' in our life.. But it's

  • 09.04.22 21:11

    too hard to cut it off since addicted to the kind of stuff by drinking coffee with milk and sugar.... I think Enjoying sugary stuff means.. getting old.. cuz I never enjoyed some sugary things before

  • 09.04.23 10:38

    I agree with you. I exercise constantly like swimming and yoga. But I couldn't give up eating bread and ice cream. As a trsult I gained 5kg in spite of exercising everyday. So...I think someone who really wants lose weight controls all foods. Of course, exercise is important.^ ^

  • Three days before, I ate diet foodstuff and go on.. I can't eat breakfast and dinner, instead, I eat foodstuff two times a day.. I wonder it is effective or not.. hum..I'm hungry..ㅎㅎ

  • 09.04.24 14:29

    I think drinking enough water is important to go on a diet instead of soft drink. I also gain 10kg for 11months so, I've made a project to lose my weight. my plan is to lose 1kg every month. I belive that losing weight slowly is the best way to keep our weight without 요요현상. hm.. Does anybody know how to say 요요현상?? I can not express this korean word to suitable English expression.

  • 09.04.28 18:34

    ha.... There is HAPPY where ones satisfies by oneselves....
