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영어자료실 스크랩 12.7.목 renege약속을어기다,취소하다 charter특허장,선언서,전세,양도증서
상당구 추천 0 조회 45 09.08.10 11:06 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용

출처 : EBS radio / Morning special

12.7.목 renege약속을어기다,취소하다 charter특허장,선언서,전세,양도증서

12.7.목 renege약속을어기다,취소하다 charter특허장,선언서,전세,양도증서

12.7.목 renege약속을어기다,취소하다 charter특허장,선언서,전세,양도증서

1. Police arrest 12 on the spot of the 3rd round of protest against the Korea-U.S. FTA in Seoul.

어제 서울에서 개최된 3차 한미 FTA 저지 집회에서, 경찰은 시위자 열두 명을 현장에서 체포했습니다.

2. Won-dollar rates hit 9-year low, putting export-oriented companies on a state of alert!.

원·달러 환율이 9년 만에 최저치를 기록하며 하락해, 수출에 의존하는 기업들에 비상이 걸렸습니다.

If you say something-oriented, then you rely on that thing. You're mainly concerning about that thing. So, if you're export-oriented, then you rely on the export in your business. “무엇을 지향하는” 혹은 “무엇에 의지하는”이란 뜻입니다. reliant 라는 표현으로도 바꾸어 쓸 수 있겠고요.

And if you put something on a state of alert!, it means you put something in danger or in a dangerous situation. 여기서는 “비상사태에 놓이게 하다”라는 뜻으로 해석하시면 되겠습니다.

3. Seoul's contribution to up-keep of USFK to rise 6.6 percent.

정부는, 내년에 부담하는 주한미군 주둔 비용을, 올해 보다 6.6% 증액하기로 결정했습니다.

The upkeep of a group of people or services is the process of providing them with the things that they need. 유지, 보존, 부양..

4. A man in Virginia identified as the 3rd U.S. case of a human form of mad cow disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

미국 질병통제예방센터는, 미국 버지니아 주에서, 세 번째 '인간광우병' 환자가 발생했다고 밝혔습니다.

If you can identify someone or something, you are able to recognize them or distinguish them from others. 여기서는 “확인됐다”라는 뜻으로 쓰였겠죠?

5. The presidential committee complete a list of 106 Koreans who engaged in pro-Japan activities.

대통령 직속의 친일반민족행위 진상규명위원회가 친일 반민족 행위자 106명을 최종 확정해 발표했습니다.

Presidential committee의 정식명칭은 PCIC로, The Presidential Committee for the Inspection of Collaborations for Japanese Imperialism입니다. 친일반민족행위 진상규명위원회

So, if you engage in an activity, you do it or are actively involved with it. In this headline, you can also say "collaborate".. or participate in pro-Japan activity.. 지지하는, 찬성하는..이란 뜻입니다. 친일 행위를 Pro-Japan activity라고 표현

State of emergency declared in Fiji

Fiji's military commander declared a state of emergency and installed a new prime minister and police chief, a day after he over-threw the elected government and brought international sanctions and censure that began to isolate Fiji. It was the nation's fourth coup in 19 years. The nation's last coup, in 2000, was led by nationalists who overthrew the country's first ethnic Indian prime minister.

The commander, Bainimarama, was widely regarded as a national hero after he stepped in, brokered a resolution without bloodshed and restored democracy, hand-picking Qarase, a former banker, to lead an interim government. He also promised amnesty to coup participants but later reneged, and the ring-leaders were arrested, tried and imprisoned for treason.

* overthrow 전복 타도하다

* censure 비난 결의하다

* interim 한동안 잠시 잠정조치 가협정

* amnesty  대사 특사

* renege 손떼다 약속을 어기다 취소하다

* ring-leader 주모자 두목 장본인

* install

= 프로그램 설치할때 가장 자주 볼 수 있는 단어죠?

= put something in place 어떤 자리에 무엇을 놓다

= 그래서 여기서는 위치, 직위에 사람을 놓다, 임명하다..라는 뜻으로 쓰였습니다.

e.g.) I had to install all the software programs.

e.g.) My job was installing underground irrigation system.

e.g.) Pay in installment  할부로 결제하다.

* renege

= 발음에 유의하세요. 리니지가 아니고, 리니그 입니다.

= you break your promise after you made a plan or a promise.

= you don't go through the plan..

= 보통 renege on something 이라는 말로 표현한다고 합니다.

= 카드 같은 게임을 하실 때, 승부를 뒤엎기 위해 일부러 다른 패를 내는 경우가 있죠?.. 이런 것처럼, 예상되던 행동을 뒤엎고, 어떤 일에서 손을 떼거나 약속을 어기고, 혹은 취소하는 행동을 바로 renege라고 표현합니다..

= 부정적으로는 "말을 바꾸다. 행동을 뒤엎다"라는 말로도 씁니다.

e.g.) He had to renege on the deal. 계약에 대한 입장을 바꿔야 했다.

Tourists have to make do with man-made snow in Finland

At Christmas time European tourists fly to northern parts of Finland in order to see snow and the Aurora Borealis. In many regions of Finland, particularly the north, however, the ground is barely white. There is a slight fear that the lack of snow could produce a negative effect for the Finnish economy.

While some wintertime activities have remained possible due to man-made snow, many beloved activities have hardly been in full swing. The promised services have been replaced by cultural sightseeing tours in minibuses. On the other hand last weekend alone 15 charter planes landed at the City of Rovaniemi's airport, full of tourists who had been dreaming of snow. The majority of the visitors are British, but charters also carry passengers from Ireland, France, and Spain, among others.

* in full swing 한창인.. 신이난..

* charter 특허장 선언서 전세 양도증서..

* make do with

= 그런대로 떼우다, 견디다, 임시 변통하다..라는 뜻입니다.

= 인공눈이라도 뿌려서 겨울 스포츠를 즐겨야 한다는 상황을 이렇게 표현 한거죠.

= 지금 꼭 필요하거나, 있었음 하는게 없어서 대충 임시로 떼울때..

You don't have what you'd like to have...

e.g.) You just have to make do with it. 그냥 있는 걸로 좀 알아서 해야 돼.

e.g.) We had to make do with what we had.

그냥 가지고 있는 걸로 대충 만들어야 됐었지 뭐.

* on the other hand

= 한편으로는, 반면..

= it is often used when you talk about two opposite things

Spoken English에서는 무슨 말 계속 하다가..

but you know what? 이라고 말해도 같은 뜻이 된다네요~


