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영어자료실 스크랩 12. 6. 수 rancher 농장주인 facilitate 용이하게하다 촉진하다
상당구 추천 0 조회 87 09.08.10 11:07 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용

출처 : EBS radio / Morning special

12. 6. 수 rancher 농장주인 facilitate 용이하게하다 촉진하다

12. 6. 수 rancher 농장주인 facilitate 용이하게하다 촉진하다

12. 6. 수 rancher 농장주인 facilitate 용이하게하다 촉진하다

1. Truckers terminate their five-day strike of disrupted shipment and agree to return to work.

화물 연대가, 5일간 지속됐던 운송 거부 시위를 끝내고, 업무에 복귀하기로 전격 합의했습니다.  disrupt 붕괴 혼란 일시중단시키다 / disrupted shipment 운송 중단

2. Korean swimmer Park Tae Hwan claims the 400m freestyle gold to add to his triumph with record breaking performance in the men’s 200m freestyle.

아시안 게임 수영에서 박태환 선수가, 자유형 200미터에 이어, 400미터에서도 또 다시 금메달을 차지해, 대회 2관왕의 타이틀을 품에 안았습니다.

* If someone claims a record, title, or prize, they gain or win it.

주장하다.. 신문 기사에서 어떤 기록이나, 상, 혹은 타이틀 앞에 따내다, 얻다라는 뜻

* a record-breaking success, result, or performance is one that beats the previous best success, result, or performance.이전 기록을 경신하는...

3. Fiji's military commander says that he seizes control of the country and dismisses the prime minister.

피지 군사령관은, 피지 군부가 쿠데타를 통해 정권을 장악하고, 총리를 축출했다고 밝혔습니다.

When a group of people seize a place or seize control of it, they take control of it quickly and suddenly, using force. = Take control of something

4. A top U.S. trade negotiator says that Korea should fully re-open its beef market in order to ratify the FTA by U.S. Congress.

한.미 FTA협상 미측 수석대표는, FTA가 미 의회의 비준을 받으려면 한국이 미국산 쇠고기 시장을 완전 재개방해야 할 것이라고 언급했습니다.

5. 2% of adults have more than half of the world's wealth according to a study by the UN research institute

UN의 연구 결과에 따르면, 전세계 인구 중 상위 2%가, 전세계 부의 절반을 소유하고 있다는 것으로 조사됐습니다.

Brazil Protects Great Swath of Amazon

                          낫질한 자취, 베어낸 구역

A swath of Amazon rain forest the size of Alabama was placed under government protection in a region infamous for violent conflicts among loggers, ranchers and environmentalists. Known as the Guayana Shield, the area contains more than 25 percent of the world's remaining humid tropical forests and the largest remaining unpolluted fresh water reserves in the American tropics.

The protected areas will link to existing reserves to form a vast preservation corridor eventually stretching into neighboring Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana. Conservation International put up $1 million to facilitate the expansion, which preserves much of the jungle's largely untouched north. Still, it's far from clear how much the new reserves will do to stall Amazon destruction, since most of the deforestation is taking place along the rain forest's southern border.

* rancher 농장주 목장주

* infamous 악명높은, 수치스러운, 불명예스러운..

* stall delaying action 중단시키다, 지연시키다.

* facilitate 용이하게하다 쉽게하다 촉진하다

* tropic 회귀선 열대의, the tropics 열대지방,

* the tropic of cancer 북회귀선 

* the tropic of capricorn 남회귀선

Video game market heating up ahead of holiday season

With the year-end holiday season in the offing, Korean gamers are buoyant about new prospects for a three-way competition in the next-generation video game market. Sony's marketing manager said that it will introduce a revolutionary online service fully customized for local gaming fans.

No specific launch dates have been set for Korean gamers yet, but experts expected the three-way competition to unfold in the first quarter of next year. Korea, boasting one of the world's best high-speed internet networks, is an ideal place for PlayStation's new online services, he said.

The new services will allow users to download HD content such as tv dramas and movies with ease through the PS3 console. The underlying concept will be similar to an IPTV service, he said, adding that Sony is in talks with several Korean operators and business partners.

IPTV ( Internet Protocol Television ) 인터넷 프로토콜 텔레비전의 약자. 초고속 인터넷을 이용하여 정보 서비스, 동영상 콘텐츠 등을 텔레비전 수상*

* heat up 열기를 더해가다, 후끈 달아오르다.

* in the offing 머지 않아, 곧 돌아오는.. just around the corner

* underlying concept 기본 개념

* buoy-ant /boi.., bju:../ 부양능력있는 탄력있는 경쾌한 낙천적인

* customize 주문에 의해 만들다

* boasting 자랑하는

* console 계기판 제어판..
