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카페 게시글
검색이 허용된 게시물입니다.
. My professor annoyed me with his fickleness and many errands.
하하쿠나타니 추천 0 조회 85 09.05.21 12:01 댓글 6
게시글 본문내용
  • 09.05.21 15:10

    첫댓글 Kick his ass and quit the job! You can't put up with the son of a bit** every single day. You deserve more than that!

  • 09.05.21 15:25

    i'm gonna tell you one thing. i hope you and your professor will make an appoinment to talk about your complain. after that when you're gonna begin the complains to your professor, just say camly then you and your professor will get good relationships^^ i hope like that.

  • 09.05.22 13:16

    Oh, dear! Your story was sadly enough and I found that there is no way I can help. After all you are an assistant and he is a professor. How long have you worked with him? and why did not you check his time-table before? I am not going to blame you though, why don't you assure the schedule of your professor all the time, so that your professor would not bother you like the way you expained. If you really cannot stand what the professor does, why don't you talk with other people who know him? That may be good for diversion. Anyway, cheer up! that's the way life is.

  • 09.05.22 17:20

    What a hotheaded person, not knowing exactly what he did ,, oh.. my...... .. just keep your chin up whenever having some trouble with him...

  • 09.05.24 02:28

    Advices above are all vaild and wonderful. However, life is full of choices and it's up to you, yes? Please take your incidents between your professor and you as a learning process. Your professor knows the life deal already simply he has lived his life longer than you and he knew you could handle the hardsome becuase you had showed him you did handle well the way he wanted. You scored the point of yours and he knew you are worthy. Bye for now.

  • 09.05.24 16:22

    Some professors are assholes. I want to advise you to quit working under him and find a better professor in the field that you deserve, but I'm not so sure if that's really the right thing to do.
