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. How to Become Fluent in English
worthit 추천 0 조회 182 09.06.14 22:26 댓글 7
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  • 09.06.15 02:12

    When you observe infants acquring language, you can see that they acquire simple vocabulary first and they don't master syntax until much later. ie. They would say "Daddy here" instead of "Daddy is here." Second language acquisition is pretty much the same, in my opinion. One should enlarge his/her vocabulary first before getting caught up in learning grammar. Learning vocabulary makes reading much easier since you won't have to look up every other word in the dictionary, which can take the fun out of the reading itself.

  • 작성자 09.06.15 07:03

    Yes, I couldn't agree more with you. I believe those two web sites I cited also say the same thing as you do. I think too many Korean students refuse to read easy stuff because they are more interested in showing off rather than learning real English. They probably feel ashamed to admit to reading children's books which are a lot easier than Harry Potter series, but less popular or prestigious.

  • 09.06.15 10:01

    Thanks for your story..

  • 09.06.15 10:09

    buy, In my opinion, What your passage told needs us to be patient than ever. If we learn Enlish as well as others, i think we need to be patient to learn foreing Language. "Mother Tongue"(?) It might take us much time to learn Language, If we want to learn that. anyway, Not be hurry, Steady and slowly and wins the race.:]

  • 09.06.16 10:07

    I think all I need is time which I don't have enough unfortunately and nobody does either. So, key point is how to spare some time to practice from your daily routine. Isn't it? Maybe I need to learn time management skills first to practice English. ^^

  • 작성자 09.06.16 12:11

    Yes, of course, you need lots of time. You will be surprised to know that you still have your whole life ahead of you. If you want to be as fluent in English as native speakers, it may take your whole life time. You may not get there, but you will be able to say, "I have done it in the most effective way." That is the point. There are so many Korean people who have spent 10, 20, and more years of their life studying English but learned nothing useful. They have totally wasted their time for nothing. If we can help a few of them, we will have accomplished a great deal.

  • 작성자 09.06.16 11:58

    We come across quite a few people in the English Diary board even today who waste their precious time writing in their diary with Konglish. They don't know what they are doing is completely useless. Someone got to tell them. I've tried, but they don't understand what I tell them. I really feel sorry for them. They have no input skills, but they want to create output skills from nothing.
