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늘봄7 추천 0 조회 45 10.01.15 23:25 댓글 7
게시글 본문내용
  • 10.01.16 14:37

    첫댓글 Well. I dont't know what to say about Mr.Jojar that he is smarter or sneaker.
    But one thing I would like to say that I would not(wouldn't) like to have a friend like him.
    This is a my opinion.
    글쎄요. 전 Mr.Jojar 님이 영리한건지 간교한건지 모르겠네요.
    그러나 제가 말씀 드리고 싶은건 전 그런 친구는 갖고 싶지 않아요.
    이건 제 생각(의견)입니다.

  • 10.01.25 09:53

    Jojar is somewhat sneaky but he is also a clever guy, I guess. 저도 영어로 작문 하나 해 봤는데 자신이 없습니다.

  • 10.01.27 19:09

    늘봅7님, 이 번에는 만화로 우리들을 즐겁게 하셨습니다. 고마운 말씀 어떻게 올려야 할지 모르겠습니다. 첫째 컽에서 Jojar와 Black Jelly 가 창문을 열게 되는 이유가 무엇인지 ㅎㅎㅎ. 그리고 Cachan 이 <I'm coming, Jojar.> (나 가고 있어) 와 같은 <come>의 쓰임은 native speaker가 아닌 학습자로서 특히 주목 해야할 대목이 아닌가 합니다. Thank you, 늘봄7님. Happy learning !!

  • 10.01.16 19:24

    Did Jojar and Black Jelly plan to eat out? So, they opened the window to see it's windy or not. I have no idea why did they do that. ㅎㅎㅎ. (Jojar 와 Black Jelly 는 외식할 계획이었나. 그래서 바람이 부는 것을 확인하러 창문을 열었나. 알 수 없네. ㅎㅎㅎ) Does my English make sense? I honestly wish that someone would correct any error in my composition.

  • 작성자 10.01.18 10:15

    Jojar and Black Jelly planned to eat out. So, they opened the window to see whether it was too windy, but they could not tell whether it was too windy to go out.

  • 10.01.19 12:18

    일암님의 영어 호기심은 정말 대단합니다.

  • 10.01.25 21:36

    Thanks a lot, 늘봅7. I made some mistakes when I wrote <~~they opened the window to see it's windy or not.> I must put a conjunction (접속사), "if (whether)," before the clause "it's windy or not." Another grave mistake I made was: contraction "it's." The contracted form "it's" stands for "it is." So I think I should have said: < They opened the window to see whether it was severely windy or not.> <They opened the window to see how strong the wind was.>
