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다음은 기사의 전문입니다.


Language schools ‘very busy’ (By MICHELLE McCULLOUGH)
DUNEDIN’S language schools are bursting at the seams with international students, thanks to the low New Zealand dollar.
    The words ‘‘we are very busy’’ were repeated by several local language schools contacted by The Star this week.
    English Language Matters director and principal Sharron Verberne Heazlewood said many of her students had chosen New Zealand to study English because it was a cheaper alternative to similar options closer to home.
    ‘‘From the end of last year it’s gotten a lot cheaper and our numbers have just increased. For Japanese students it’s 50 per cent cheaper to come here, and for those from Saudi Arabia and China it is 30 per cent cheaper.’’
    South Korean student Jae Won, who is studying at English Language Matters, said the price of study was the reason he chose New Zealand to study English.

    ‘‘I had intended to go to university in Japan . . . but the exchange rate was too high so I could not go. I had never been here before but it’s a lot cheaper to study in New Zealand and I came to Dunedin because I want to go to Otago University to study business management,’’ Mr Won said. ------> 재원이가 인터뷰 한 부분!!!!!!!!
    English Advantage principal John Williamson said the school was nearing capacity. The Hanover St school takes 30 full-time students in order to keep class sizes small to maximise learning.

    ‘‘We are busy, busy and it is fairly recent. I think a lot of it comes down to the drop in the dollar with a lot of our students coming from Saudi Arabia and Japan.’’
    University of Otago language centre divisional manager Murray Whitworth said at present the centre had 180 students.
    ‘‘Our numbers are high, especially for much of 2008 and this year.’’
    However, Mr Whitworth said the high numbers were not necessarily only because of the low New Zealand dollar.
    ‘‘The University of Otago and the language centre has a great reputation and they [international students] regard the city as a safe city to study.’’
    The University of Otago language centre has students representing up to 15 different countries at any one time with the top nationalities being Saudi Arabian, Chinese, Japanese and Korean, Mr Whitworth said.

    In February, the Otago Daily Times reported Otago secondary schools were expecting international student numbers to increase by 13 per cent in light of the world’s economic crisis.
    Nationwide, Immigration New Zealand issued 67,530 student visas in the year to February 1, which is an increase of 4200 on last year. Some education providers have reported roll growth of up to 36 per cent.
    The University of Otago will not comment on student numbers until the university council is briefed on March 10.
