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직장인을 위한 영어회화모임(대구)
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카페 게시글
검색이 허용된 게시물입니다.
금요정모 금요일 정모주제 9/15 Red Cross & Fight-off the flu (2nd revision)
Kuma 2弘 추천 0 조회 153 06.09.14 07:39 댓글 15
게시글 본문내용
  • 작성자 06.09.14 07:40

    첫댓글 Oh, boy~~ it's another Friday already^^ Who will join us?

  • 06.09.14 13:52

    I'll attend tomorrow.

  • 작성자 06.09.15 13:05

    Good~~ Have fun^^ C ya~~

  • 06.09.15 00:02

    I'll keep danating my bloody blood!! ^^* I wanna attend....but can't sure ...

  • 작성자 06.09.15 16:12

    Sure U did^^ goood job bro~~ Hope U will be there!!

  • 06.09.15 08:15

    i can't attend this meeting. i have so many appointment and schedule for my private work. but as soon as possible i'm come back here. see you next time. have a nice friday. study hard.

  • 작성자 06.09.15 16:13

    I got the message~ Take care^^

  • 06.09.15 13:23

    I think I have to take another rain check. TGIF guys~

  • 작성자 06.09.15 16:13

    U too~~~ reTGIF!!

  • 06.09.15 14:02

    I'll be able to attend off-meeting ^^

  • 작성자 06.09.15 16:13

    On time again? ㅋㅋㅋ

  • 06.09.15 14:48

    Let myself part of you..^^

  • 작성자 06.09.15 16:14

    NO NO NO~~~ only female r allowed ㅋㅋㅋ C ya~

  • 06.09.15 16:42

    쬐금 있다 뵙도록 하죠..

  • 작성자 06.09.15 19:13

    Good 4 U~~ I wish I would be there too^^
