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▒☞호월님 사랑방 ☜▒ 스크랩 16. 제이부- 적도의 나라 에콰도르와 진화론의 갈라파고스 제도 - 6
호월 추천 0 조회 119 18.02.02 20:44 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용

16. 제이부- 적도의 나라 에콰도르와 진화론의 갈라파고스 제도 - 6

 Day 13 – 8/6/17, Sun

Cruise the Gal?pagos Islands

Meals included: B L D

Accommodations: Gal?pagos Small Ship , Eco Galaxy Galapagos Cruise


갈라파고스의 두 고유 동물. 헤엄치는 Marine Iguana와 청색 발의  Blue-footed Boobies.


Today we continue our exploration of the Galapagos. Our trip leader will give us an orientation briefing.

He or she is a graduate of the elite certification program conducted at the Charles Darwin Research Station on

Isla Santa Cruz by the Gal?pagos National Park Service. We file our Gal?pagos cruising itinerary with the conservation

authorities of the Gal?pagos National Park. Park biologists periodically review it, and they have the authority to make

changes to our plan to minimize our impact on the ecosystems of the islands. Our Trip Leader also provides the park

with information on species behavior, and we are proud to work in cooperation with Park officials in preserving the

priceless natural wonders of the Gal?pagos.

(During our cruise, we'll see unique wildlife and striking geological formations. We'll make numerous landings by small

motor dinghies that involve wading ashore. once on land, we'll walk with our Trip Leader along trails that bring us close

to the many indigenous species. Wildlife sightings are unpredictable, but you may see species including land and marine

iguanas, and exotic birds such as blue-footed and masked boobies. When we are not viewing wildlife on shore, we can swim,

sunbathe, and perhaps go snorkeling among sea lions and vividly colorful tropical fish. We'll see remote white-sand beaches,

sparkling clear water, and volcanic landscapes of black and red rock.

 Here is a preview of the islands you may call on during your Gal?pagos cruise. The islands visited depend on your ship's


Santiago (James) Tidal pools reveal a profusion of octopi, starfishes, and other undersea life. Rare fur sea lions that were

once on the verge of extinction cavort nearby, and we often spot oyster-catchers, blue herons, and yellow-crowned

night herons.

Bartolome one of the youngest islands, Bartolome displays a fantastic landscape of lava formations—including its famous

signature, Pinnacle Rock. Penguins are often spotted on the shore.

Mosquera Beach Mosquera Beach is a very small, white-sand islet, located between Baltra and Seymour. It is ideal for

swimming and snorkeling, and sea lions often visit.

Rabida (Jervis) A reddish beach and steep volcanic slopes give this island a distinctive look.

Santa Cruz (Indifatigable) At the Charles Darwin Research Station, learn about pioneering ecological studies and the

giant Gal?pagos tortoise-breeding program.

Floreana (Charles) Like the other islands, Floreana has its coterie of remarkable creatures. But it’s the human stories

that will engage you here as your guide tells of the first inhabitant, a shipwrecked Irishman, and the quirky “post office”

in a barrel, where sailors since 1793 have been leaving letters for delivery. This “post office” still operates today.

Santa Fe (Barrington) Hike through a forest of opuntia cactus where land iguana doze, and then snorkel in clear water

with coral reefs, manta rays, sea turtles, and colorful schools of fish.

North Seymour Here you’ll find the largest colony of frigatebirds in the Gal?pagos and a major nesting site for the blue-footed

booby, depending on the season. on the beach, sea lions ride the waves.

San Cristobal (Chatham) The town of Puerto Baquerizo Moreno on this island is the sleepy capital of the Gal?pagos province.

Nearby is Lobos Island, home to pelicans, frigatebirds, and a sea lion colony.

Espa?ola (Hood Island) Sea lions, marine iguanas, and many kinds of birds are found here, including Darwin’s finches,

Hood mockingbirds, and blue-footed and masked boobies. Along the southern shore, spectacular cliffs rise up from the sea.

From April to November, the remarkable waved albatross, which can spend years at sea without touching land, can be seen

performing their unique, perfectly choreographed mating ritual.

 Add post office!

배는 새벽 3시에 다음 섬으로 떠났다

1. Guayaquil  2. Isla Baltra  3.     4.    5. Isla Plaza   6.    7.   8. Isla Floreana

Beach walk for flora

Snorkeling – tropical fishes, sea urchin, parrot fish, many different kinds, sea line,

거북이 교미시 소리 낸다. 트리 토마토 사진 잘못 지웠다.

진화론 주창한 다른 사람들.  다윈이 먼저 publish.

Canelazo – national drink, Naranjilla = fruit

생각을 시로 표현할 것인가 느낌을 시로 표현할 것인가, 둘다를 종합해 표현?


갈라파고스 섬들을 돔며 우리의 집이 되어 주는 작은 크루즈 쉽.

섬에 상륙할 때는 이런 고무 보트(Dinghy)를 이용한다.

청색 발의 바다새 부비스

이 녀석도 특이하다.

팔자 좋다.

별나게 생긴 성게

엄청난 돈을 벌게 해 준 벨크로를 탄생시킨 식물.

격리 되어 있는 이곳의 Fauna and Flora는 Unique한 것들이 많다. 이름은 다 기억하지 못하지만.....

화산 섬이라는 것을 보여주는 물가.

플레밍고도 있다.

화산석의 해변.

알을 낳으러 육지로 올라 온 바다 거북의 발자국.


이곳 펭귄 사진.

Great Frigate Bird

찬란한 색깔의 게

아무리 보아도 하늘 색 발과 다리가 특이하다. Blue-footed Boobies.

바다 사자들.

전부 자고 있는데 너는 무얼하니?

색깔이 조금 다른 Sea Lion도 있다.

이 섬에 있는 Post Office.

뱃사람들이 항해 중에 섬에 들려 우체통에 우편물을 넣어 두면 다른 사람들이 그 우편물을 보고

배달해 주었다는 전통에서 이 섬에도 우체통이 있다.

짝궁이 펜실바니아에 사는 딸에게 post card를 써 우체통에 넣었는데 얼마 전에 딸에게서 엽서 받았다는

연락을 받았다. 어떤 필라델피아에서 온 관광객이 우체통에 있는 편지들을 훑어 보고 자기가 직접 배달하려고

미국으로 가져와서 딸에게 전화로 연락하여 전달했단다. 같은 타운에 사는 사람이란다.

그 일로 편지 가져다 준 젊은 여자와 딸이 친구가 되어 잘 지낸단다.

인근에 정박 된 우리 배

우리 배는 가운데는 비고 양쪽에 보트가 있는 카타마란(Catamaran)이다.

선실 풍경

선실이 어느 호텔방 못지 않다. 이것도 VIP의 대접인 듯하다.

갈라파고스에서 보는 석양.
