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카페 게시글
검색이 허용된 게시물입니다.
@호주BUSINESS TALK- 호주 진출 기업,투자업체를 위함 스크랩 급보]호주 수입 규제 브랜드 제품 리스트 2007년 3월22일 부터
ANGEL 추천 0 조회 2,893 08.06.27 11:24 댓글 0
게시글 본문내용

적용 :  멜번 (멜본, 멜버른, Melbourne) 과 다른 지역 

2007 년 3 월 22일 날짜로  호주 세관의 다른 전문 기관으로

IPAUSTRALIA 로  매일 업데이트 되는 자료를 볼수 있으며 거기에 대한 등록 비용이 첨가 됨

급보) 짜퉁 상품에 대한 한국 수입통관 까다로와짐

지금 까지 개인적 목적으로 인정되 수월하게 통관 되전 우편 화물의 브랜드에 대한 소량의 짝퉁 상품에 대한  통관이 어렵게 ?다

소량의 짝퉁 상품에 대해서도 통관을 허가하지 않는 `지적재산권 보호를 위한 수출입통관 사무처리에 관한 고시' 개정안을 입법예고하고 내달부터 시행할 계획이라고 밝혔다.

한국 관세청은 그러나 최근 전자상거래와 해외여행객 증가로 짝퉁상품이 소량으로 국내로 반입되는 사례가 늘어나고 특히 해외에 인터넷 서버를 두고 국제우편으로 짝퉁을 배달해주는 불법거래가 증가함에 따라 이를 차단하기 위해 가짜 상품은 통관을 불허키로 했다.

관세청 관계자는 "앞으로 여행자 휴대품이나 국제우편물에 대한 검사를 강화해 짝퉁 물건이 발견될 경우 압수.폐기할 계획이니 소비자들은 주의해 달라"고 말했다.

개정안에는 이 밖에 상표권 신고를 위해 신고인이 제출해야 하는 서류를 간소화하는 한편, 권리내용 등 변경사항을 신속히 반영하기 위해 상표권 신고의 유효기간을 10년에서 3년으로 단축키로 했다.

출처: 멜번이야기  자료 전달  실수로  전에 호주 통관으로 잘못 전해진 사과드립니다.


급보) 호주 정부의 3 월 22일 부터 호주 세관내에 전문 단속 기관을 설치 하게 되었으며 실시관 자료을 볼수 있게 되었읍니다

더자세한 것은  카페: 멜번의 장터 의  "상업 화물 통관 수출" 방을 참고 하여 주세요.


실제로 아래의 트레드 마크 리스트를 계속 한동안 사용이 가능하겠으나

더해지는 것은  직접 보실수 있게 되었읍니다.


실제 실시간 자료를 원하시는 분들은  calebau@hanmail.net 로 문의 하여 주세요.



22  March 2007
Intellectual Property Laws Amendment Regulations 2007

On 22 March 2007 the Federal Executive Council made the Intellectual Property Legislation Amendment Regulations 2007 (No. 1);the amendment regulations’. The amendment regulations have been registered in the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments and will appear on ComLaw (www.comlaw.gov.au). The amendment regulations are required as a result of the Intellectual Property Laws Amendment Act 2006 and the Trade Marks Amendment Act 2006. They also reflect changes to international arrangements and a wide-ranging review of the trade marks system. Generally, the amendments will have effect from 27 March 2007. Further information on the details of the amendments can be found in the following Official Notices

Trade Marks
Plant Breeder's Rights Official Notice
Plant Breeder's Rights Official Notice


23 March 2007
Ambush Marketing Legislation Review

IP Australia and the Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts, is undertaking a review of ambush marketing legislation enacted for the purposes of the Olympic Games movement and the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games.

The Review will be conducted by Frontier Economics and the Intellectual Property Research Institute of Australia. The Review seeks to eval‎!uate the effectiveness and impacts of:

  • Chapter 3 of the Olympic Insignia Protection Act 1987; and
  • the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games (Indicia and Images) Protection Act 2005.

Public comment is invited by written submission. An Issues Paper setting out the background to the review, the aims and content of the ambush marketing legislation being considered, and the types of questions for which submissions are requested is electronically available.

Submissions close at 5pm on Friday 13 April 2007.

Questions about the Review can be directed to Tom Chan at tom.chan@frontier-economics.com.au or (03) 96131504.

Submissions should be made electronically to: AMLreview@frontier-economics.com.au or posted to: Ambush Marketing Legislation Review, Frontier Economics, GPO Box 218, Melbourne VIC 3001.

23 March 2007





AFS Featured Topic
Filing a trade mark application? Start here  
Trade Marks
Trade Marks
Plant Breeder's Rights
Plant Breeder's Rights





아래의 글은 호주 세관에서 정의하는 병행 수입입니다.

카피라이트가 해당이 않되는 곳에서 수입할수 있다는 것이죠. 만약 호주에서 브랜드에대한 COPY RIGHT 를 하지 않거나  Notice of Objection 을 세관에 신청하지 않았으면 문제가 없다는 것입니다.

음악 CD, 컴푸터 프로그램, 전자음악 그리고 문학 작품 등은 제외 됩니다.


수입시에 조심하여야 할것은   COPYRIGHT 과 TRADEMARK 입니다

그러므로  호주 세관에 관계된는 법조항 section 132 of the Trade Marks Act 1995.  section 135 of the Copyright Act 1968.에 따라 처리 됩니다.   또한 너무 경제사보다 싸게 들어 올경우  ANTI-DUMPING LAW  걸립니다.  예를 들어 한국의  구리 파이프가 들어 오다가 기존 경쟁사에  ANTI-DUMPING 법 제안에 걸린 적이 있는 것으로 합니다



 또한  TRADE MARK 에 걸립니다. 어떤 생산자가 오랫동안 해온 브랜드를 마음대로 자기 것 처럼 생산하는 것을 막는 행의 입니다.  이것도 세관에 Notice of Objection 으로 등록 되 있으며 자세한 것은 변호사와 논의 하시기 바랍니다.


 모든 리스트는  카피라이트 세관 수입 규제 제품들 ( 2006 년 11월 13일로 되어  있고요)  세관에 등록된 수입 규제 트레이드 마아크 리스트(206년 11월 2일 현재)는 아래와 같으며 확인하시기 바랍니다.


여기에 들어 있지 않은 유명 브랜드는 수입하실수 있으나  여기 판매자 혹 라이센스를 가지회사가 세관에 등록 해 버리면 판매할수 없읍니다.


혹 항상 정기적인  업데이트 리스트는  저의  카페 "멜번의 장터"   의 특수 회원 자료실에 넣어 놓도록 하겠읍니다.



What is parallel importation of material?

Parallel importation is the importation of genuine (non-pirate) copies of works outside of the distribution network of the copyright owner. There are no parallel importation restrictions for music CDs, computer software, electronic music, and literary items or to copyright contained in packaging and labelling. All other forms of copyright material can be seized by Customs, providing a Notice of Objection is in place. This is a complex area of intellectual property enforcement and you might wish to seek professional legal advice.


What is a trade mark?

A trade mark is used to prevent manufacturers from trying to pass off their goods as someone else's. In this way, the grant of a right to a certain mark involves recognition of the need to protect the goodwill that a manufacturer may develop with their customers. Correspondingly, trade marks enable the consumer to rely on the source and the good quality of the goods in question.


intellectual property - protecting copyright

What is copyright?

Copyright is the term relating to the legal protection of any literary, artistic, dramatic or musical work. Provisions under the Copyright Act 1968 allow Customs, under certain circumstances, to seize goods that infringe copyright works.

What can I do to protect copyright?

To protect copyright works from importation of unauthorised or pirated works, the copyright owner must have a Notice of Objection in place with Customs.

What is a Notice of Objection?

A Notice of Objection is a legal document that allows Customs to seize import!ed goods that infringe copyright owners rights. Customs power to seize infringing goods is restricted to goods that are subject to the control of Customs as defined under section 30 of the Customs Act 1901. Therefore a Notice of Objection cannot act retrospectively for goods that have already been import!ed.

A Notice of Objection under the Copyright Act is valid for up to two years and may be re-lodged to continue protection. If it is no longer required, the copyright owner may withdraw the Notice at any time.

How do I lodge a Notice of Objection?

To register or re-lodge a Notice of Objection under the Copyright Act, the following documentation needs to be provided to Customs:

  • A Notice of Objection form that advises the name of the copyright owner or exclusive licensee (the objector), and details of the copyright for which coverage is required.
  • A security of $5000. The security may be provided in the form of a guarantee from a financial institution or a cheque. Customs will accept sureties from any institution approved to be operating as an Australian Bank listed in the First Schedule of the Banking Act 195 or to be operating as an Insurance company licensed under the Insurance Act 1973 to carry on insurance business. Institutions operating under these criteria are listed on the website of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA). Where an exclusive licensee is lodging the Notice, the agreement with the owner of the copyright.

The security is required to reimburse the Commonwealth for costs associated with Customs seizure and disposal of infringing goods. Any unused portion of the security is returned once the Notice is no longer in place.

PDF versions of the forms are available on this site 'media, publications and forms'.

What happens when Customs seizes goods?

Where a Notice of Objection is in place and Customs seizes importations that infringe copyright, the seized goods are held for ten working days, unless the period is extended by the Customs CEO. In this period, Customs will advise both the import!er and objector of the seizure, and:

  • The objector will commence legal action, or
  • The objector will consent to release the goods, or
  • The import!er will voluntarily forfeit the goods, provided civil action has not commenced.

If the right's owner does not commence legal proceedings within 10 working days of receiving the notification of seizure, or within 20 working days if Customs has agreed to extend the period, Customs must release the goods unless the import!er has voluntarily forfeited them. This is subject to all other legislative requirements being met.

At the conclusion of any legal action, the court will make an order about the goods - for example, forfeiture of infringing goods to the Commonwealth.

Customs disposes of forfeited goods under instruction from the court by destruction or donation to a charity, as appropriate.

Does Customs seize all infringing goods?

Customs cannot seize infringing goods unless there is a valid Notice of Objection in place. If there is a valid notice in place, Customs seizes infringing goods when it is considered that they are intended for commercial purposes such as lease, hire or sale. In some circumstances, a single product might be subject to seizure if it is believed that it will be used for commercial purposes.

Customs publishes Australian Customs Notices, many of which list the current Notices of Objection in place. A list of current Notices is available on this site by following these steps:

* From the home page select 'media, publications and forms'
* Then select 'customs notices'
* Scroll down the page to the section titled 'Intellectual property - notices of objection'
* Select 'Copyright'

How can I help protect my copyright?

Not every consignment of goods that enters Australia presents a risk in terms of the border controls that Customs administers. Customs encourages trade mark owners and the public to provide information that will assist Customs to identify and intercept suspected infringing goods by reporting it to Customs Information at information@customs.gov.au or on 1300 363 263.

What is parallel importation of material?

Parallel importation is the importation of genuine (non-pirate) copies of works outside of the distribution network of the copyright owner. There are no parallel importation restrictions for music CDs, computer software, electronic music, and literary items or to copyright contained in packaging and labelling. All other forms of copyright material can be seized by Customs, providing a Notice of Objection is in place. This is a complex area of intellectual property enforcement and you might wish to seek professional legal advice.

Thinking of import!ing copyright material?

If you are considering import!ing goods incorporating copyright works, it is important that you understand your legal position. You might wish to obtain legal advice to assist you. Aspects that you will need to consider include:

  • Do the goods contain copyrighted works?
  • Has the copyright work been legitimately copied?
  • Are there any distribution/royalty agreements already in place?
  • Should you discuss the importation with the copyright owner?
  • Are the goods one of the classes for which there are no restrictions on parallel importation?

Need more information?

Customs fact sheets are available on the following related topics:

If you would like further information about import!ing goods into Australia, protecting intellectual property rights or to obtain copies of the relevant forms, you may email information@customs.gov.au or phone Customs Information on 1300 363 263.



intellectual property - protecting trade marks

What is a trade mark?

A trade mark is used to prevent manufacturers from trying to pass off their goods as someone else's. In this way, the grant of a right to a certain mark involves recognition of the need to protect the goodwill that a manufacturer may develop with their customers. Correspondingly, trade marks enable the consumer to rely on the source and the good quality of the goods in question.

What can I do to protect trade mark?

To protect a trade mark from importations of counterfeit or unauthorised goods, the registered trade mark owner, or in some cases the authorised user, must have a Notice of Objection in place with Customs. A notice can only be accepted for trade marks that have been registered with IP Australia.

What is a Notice of Objection?

A Notice of Objection is a legal document that allows Customs to seize import!ed goods that infringe a trade mark owner's rights. Customs power to seize infringing goods is restricted to goods that are subject to the control of Customs as defined under section 30 of the Customs Act 1901. Therefore, a Notice of Objection cannot act retrospectively for goods that have already been import!ed.

A Notice of Objection under the Trade Marks Act 1995 (the Act) is valid for up to four years (as of 23 October 2006 ) and may be re-lodged to continue protection. If it is no longer required, the trade mark owner may withdraw the Notice at any time.

A Notice of Objection only protects goods, not services, which are import!ed into Australia. As the power of Customs is restricted to seizing infringing goods that are subject to Customs control, a Notice of Objection cannot act retrospectively for goods that have already been import!ed.

How do I lodge a Notice of Objection?

To register or re-lodge a Notice of Objection under the Act, the following documentation is to be provided to Customs:

  • A Notice of Objection form that advises the name of the trade mark owner or authorised user (the objector), and the trade marks to be covered.
  • The particulars of each trade mark for which coverage is required. For example, details downloaded from the IP Australia (www.ipaustralia.gov.au) website using the ATMOSS search program.
  • A security of $10 000. The security may be provided in the form of a guarantee from a financial institution or a cheque. Customs will accept sureties from any institution approved to be operating as an Australian Bank listed in the First Schedule of the Banking Act 195 or to be operating as an Insurance company licensed under the Insurance Act 1973 to carry on insurance business. Institutions operating under these criteria are listed on the website of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) www.apra.gov.au.

  • An authorised user lodging the Notice requires:
    • permission from the trade mark owner to lodge the Notice, or
    • evidence that the owner has refused to lodge the Notice, or
    • evidence that the owner has not responded to the request after two months.

The security is required to reimburse the Commonwealth for costs associated with Customs seizure and disposal of infringing goods. Any unused portion of the security is returned once the Notice is no longer in place.

PDF versions of the forms are available at on this website under 'media, publications and forms'.

What happens when Customs seizes goods?

Where a Notice of Objection is in place and Customs seizes goods that infringe trade marks, the goods are held for ten working days, unless the period is extended by the Customs CEO. In this period, Customs will advise both the objector and import!er of the seizure, and:

  • the objector will commence legal action; or
  • the objector will consent to release the goods; or
  • the import!er will voluntarily forfeit the goods, provided civil action has not commenced.

If the right's owner does not commence legal proceedings within 10 working days of receiving the notification of seizure, or within 20 working days if Customs has agreed to extend the period, Customs must release the goods unless the import!er has voluntarily forfeited them. This is subject to all other legislative requirements being met.

At the conclusion of any legal action, the court will usually make an order about the goods, for example forfeiture of infringing goods to the Commonwealth.

Customs disposes of forfeited goods under instruction from the court by destruction or donation to a charity, as appropriate.

Does Customs seize all infringing goods?

Customs cannot seize infringing goods unless there is a valid Notice of Objection in place. If there is a valid Notice of Objection in place, Customs seizes infringing goods when it is considered that they are intended for commercial purposes such as lease, hire or sale. In some circumstances, a single product may be subject to seizure if it is believed that it will be used for commercial purposes.

Customs publishes Australian Customs Notices, many of which list the current Notices of Objection in place. A list of current Notices is available on this site by following these steps:

  • From the home page select 'media, publications and forms'
  • Then select 'customs notices'
  • Scroll down the page to the section titled 'Intellectual property - notices of objection'
  • Select 'Trade Marks'

How can I help protect my trade mark?

Not every consignment of goods that enters Australia presents a risk in terms of the border controls that Customs administers. Customs encourages trade mark owners and the public to provide information that will assist Customs to identify and intercept suspected infringing goods by reporting it to Customs Information at information@customs.gov.au or on 1300 363 263.

What is parallel importation of trade marked goods?

Parallel importation is the importation of genuine (non-counterfeit) goods outside of the distribution network of the trademark owner. Customs will only seize genuine goods if the trademark has been applied without the consent of the Australian trade mark owner. This is a complex area of intellectual property enforcement and you might wish to seek professional legal advice.

Thinking of import!ing goods bearing a trade mark?

If you are considering import!ing goods that have trade marks applied, it is important that you understand your legal position. You might wish to obtain legal advice to assist you. Aspects that you will need to consider include:

  • Do the goods have trade marks applied?
  • Are the goods genuine?
  • Are there any distribution/royalty agreements already in place?
  • Should you discuss the importation with the trade mark owner/authorised user?

Need more information?

Customs fact sheets are available on the following related topics:

If you would like further information about import!ing goods into Australia, protecting intellectual property rights or to obtain copies of the relevant forms, you may email information@customs.gov.au or phone Customs Information on 1300 363 263.


1. 호주 카피라이트  으로 세관에 등록된 제품과  2.   세관에 등록된  브랜드 트레이드 마아크입니다


1. 먼저  COPYRIGHT 에 등록된  제품들 입니다.

copyright - notices of objection

This is a list of the companies that presently have Notices of Objection in place with Customs under section 135 of the Copyright Act 1968.

This list provides details of copyright where the copyright is claimed, and the Australian Customs Notice in which the Notice was published. It should not be considered exhaustive and is subject to change without notice.

For further information regarding these or any other copyright material, please contact the Intellectual Property Rights Group in Canberra on (02) 6275 6577.

Name of Copyright Objector


Where copyright is claimed


Australian Customs Notice


Adobe Systems, Inc


All artistic works in which Adobe Systems, Inc owns copyright, including without limitation the works represented in the images in the schedule provided.

All literary works, being computer programs and associated manuals and documentation, in which Adobe Systems, Inc owns copyright, including without limitation, the works identified below.

  • Adobe Acrobat Approval
  • Adobe Acrobat Capture
  • Adobe Acrobat CD Sampler
  • Adobe Acrobat Distiller Server
  • Adobe Acrobat Elements
  • Adobe Acrobat Exchange
  • Adobe Acrobat for Workgroups
  • Adobe Acrobat Messenger
  • Adobe Acrobat Professional
  • Adobe Acrobat Standard
  • Adobe Acrobat Search
  • Adobe Acrobat V2.1 Catalogue
  • Adobe After Effects
  • Adobe AlterCast
  • Adobe Art Explorer
  • Adobe Atmosphere
  • Adobe Audition
  • Adobe Capture
  • Adobe ChecklistAdobe Content Server
  • Adobe Creative Suite Standard
  • Adobe Creative Suite Premium
  • Adobe Creative Suite Protection Studio
  • Adobe Design Team
  • Adobe Digital Video Collection Standard
  • Adobe Digital Video Collection Professional
  • Adobe Design Collection
  • Adobe Dimensions
  • Adobe Encore
  • Adobe Fetch
  • Adobe Font Folio
  • Adobe FrameMaker
  • Adobe FrameMaker + SGML
  • Adobe FrameViewer
  • Adobe Gallery Effects
  • Adobe GoLive
  • Adobe GoLive Motion
  • Adobe Graphics Server
  • Adobe Home Publisher
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe InCopy
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Adobe Info Publisher
  • Adobe InScope
  • Adobe LiveMotion
  • Adobe PageMaker
  • Adobe PageMill
  • Adobe Paint & Publish
  • Adobe Persuasion
  • Adobe Photo Album
  • Adobe Photo Deluxe
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Photoshop Album
  • Adobe Photoshop Elements
  • Adobe Premiere
  • Adobe PressReady
  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Adobe Premiere Elements
  • Adobe PressReady
  • Adobe Print Central
  • Adobe Printer Driver
  • Adobe Publishing Collection
  • Adobe ScreenReady
  • Adobe SGV Viewer
  • Adobe SiteMill
  • Adobe Streamline
  • Adobe Super ATM
  • Adobe Super Paint
  • Adobe Type Align
  • Adobe Type Basics
  • Adobe Type Collection
  • Adobe Type Library
  • Adobe Type Manager
  • Adobe Type On Call
  • Adobe Type Products
  • Adobe Type Reunion
  • Adobe Type Set Value Pack
  • Adobe TypeTwister
  • Adobe Video Collection
  • Adobe Web Collection
  • Adobe Wild Type
  • Adobe IntelliDraw

ACN 06/08


Atomic Fashion Marketing Pty Ltd


Copyright is claimed in literary and artistic works depicted or represented in:

  • Images of a girl or "Emily" in various forms;
  • Images of "cat shadow";
  • Images of the "cat";
  • Words "Emily", "Emily the Strange", "The Strange", "Visit if you Dare", "Never too Alone", "Get Lost", "Wicked Strange", "Stranger's Fortune Know Future",

and other artwork or literacy works contained in the product catalogues.

ACN 06/08 

Australian Olympic Committee Inc


The Olympic rings.


ACN 06/08


Calvin Klein, Inc.


The literary and artistic works contained in the wording and logos of Calvin Klein, including "cK", "Calvin Klein", "Original Calvin", "Calvin Klein Jeans", "cK JEANS", "KHAKIS CALVIN KLEIN" and "Calvin Klein Khakis" as represented in the attached images.

  • The literary and artistic works contained in the wording and logos of the Calvin Klein swing tags, hang tags, in-seam tags, pocket flashers, care labels, joker labels and folded paper booklets as represented.
  • The literary and artistic works contained in the wording and logos of Calvin Klein swing tags, including details of "Original Calvin", "The Fit", "The Look" and "The Spirit" as represented.
ACN 05/40 

Comedy Partners


The artistic works as applied to materials and goods in the two-dimensional form, residing in cartoon or animated characters known as KYLE, CARTMAN, KENNY, CHEF & STAN.


ACN 06/08


Creative Technology Ltd


Copyright is claimed in:

MP3 Players

1. The literary and artistic works contained in the packaging, logos and labels of:

a) Creative ZEN V Plus
b) Creative ZEN MicroPhoto
c) Creative ZEN Neeon
d) Creative ZEN Nano Plus
e) Creative ZEN Neeon 2
f) Creative ZEN Vision:M
g) Creative MuVo Vidz
h) Creative MuVo TX FM

collectively "the MP3 Players".

2. The literary and artistic works, whether in electronic form of otherwise, contained in the User's guide, Quick start guide and Quick start booklet for the MP3 Players.

3. The literary works incorporated in the software contained in the Installation CDs for the MP3 Players.

4. The literary and artistic works contained in the labels of the Installation CDs for the MP3 Players.

5. The artistic work contained in the Creative Stik-on player skins for Creative ZEN Neeon and Creative ZEN Neeon 2.

Sound Cards

6. The literary and artistic works contained in the packaging, logos and labels of:

a) Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Elite Pro
b) Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Fatal 1ty
c) Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Platinum
d) Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Extreme Music
e) Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 4 Pro
f) Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Pro
g) Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZX Notebook
h) Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS Video Editor
i) Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 NX
j) Creative Sound Blaster Audigy Value
k) Creative USB Sound Blaster Live! 24-bit External
l) Creative Sound Blaster 5.1
m) Creative Sound Blaster Digital Music LX

collectively "the Sound Cards".

7. The literary and artistic works, whether in electronic form or otherwise, contained in the quick start leaflets and user guides for the Sound Cards.

8. The literary works incorporated in the software contained in:

a) the Installation and Applications CD's for the "X-Fi" Sound Cards (items listed in paragraphs 6a to 6d above).
b) the X-Fi Music Applications CD for Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Elite Pro.
c) the drivers and software bundle for the Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 4.
d) the Creative DVD-Audio Sampler Disc, Sounds Best on Sound Blaster CD and Installation and Applications CD for Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZX Notebook.
e) the Creative DVD-Audio Sampler Disc, Sound Best on Sound Blaster CD and the Installation CD for Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS Video Editor.
f) the drivers and Creative Software Suite for the Creative Sound Blaster Audigy Value.
g) the installation CD for the Creative USB Sound Blaster Live! 24-bit External.
h) the drivers for the Creative Sound Blaster 5.1.
i) Creative Software Pack for the Sound Blaster Digital Music LX.

9. The literary and artistic works contained in the labels of all the CDs/DVDs listed in paragraph 8 above.


10. The literary and artistic works contained in the packaging, logos and labels of:

a) Creative Wired Remote - ZEN Micro / ZEN Neeon / ZEN
b) Creative Universal Travel Adapter - ZEN Micro
c) Creative Leather Case - ZEN Micro
d) Creative Li-Ion Polymer Battery - ZEN Micro
e) Creative Stik-On - ZEN Neeon
f) Creative Wired Remote - ZEN Micro / ZEN Neeon / ZEN
g) Creative Leather Case - ZEN Neeon
h) Creative Universal Power Adapter - ZEN / MuVo / TravelSound / TravelDock
i) Creative Docking Station - ZEN Vision:M
j) Creative Screen Protector - ZEN Vision:M
k) Creative Leather Case - ZEN Vision:M
l) Creative Audio Video Cable - ZEN Vision:M
m) Creative MP3 Player Car Charger DC
n) Creative MP3 Player Car Charger USB
o) Creative Universal Power Adapter - ZEN / MuVo / TravelSound / TravelDock
p) Creative MT-1500 Speaker Stands
q) Creative MT-1100 Speaker Stands

11. The literary and artistic works, whether in electronic form or otherwise, contained in the quick start leaflets and guides for:

a) Creative Docking Station for ZEN Vision:M
b) Creative Wired Remote for ZEN Micro / ZEN Neeon / ZEN
c) Creative Universal Power Adapter for ZEN / MuVo / TravelSound / TravelDock
d) Creative Universal Travel Adapter for ZEN Micro
e) Creative Universal Travel Adapter for ZEN Neeon
f) Creative MP3 Player Car Charger DC
g) Creative MP3 Player Car Charger USB

Speaker Systems

12. The literary and artistic works contained in the packaging, logos and labels of:

a) Creative GigaWorks S750
b) Creative Inspire T7900
c) Creative I-Trigue 5600
d) Creative Inspire T6060
e) Creative Inspire P5800
f) Creative Inspire 5.1 5200
g) Creative SBS 580
h) Creative I-Trigue L3800
i) Creative I-Trigue 3600
j) Creative I-Trigue 3400
k) Creative Inspire 2.1 2500
l) Creative Inspire P380
m) Creative SBS390
n) Creative SBS 2.1 370
o) Creative I-Trigue 2200
p) Creative SBS Vivid 60
q) Creative SBS260
r) Creative TravelSound 400
s) Creative TravelSound 200
t) Creative PoPz

collectively "the Speakers".

13. The literary and artistic works, whether in electronic form or otherwise, contained in the quick start leaflets for the Speakers.

14. The literary and artistic works, whether in electronic form or otherwise, contained in the Technical Support booklets for the Speakers.


15. The literary and artistic works contained in the packaging, logos and labels of:

a) Creative WebCam Live! Motion
b) Creative WebCam Live! Effects
c) Creative WebCam Instant Skype edition
d) Creative WebCam Instant
e) Creative WebCam Live! Ultra for Notebooks

collectively "the Webcams".

16. The literary and artistic works, whether in electronic form or otherwise, contained in the quick start guides for the Webcams.

17. The literary works incorporated it the software contained in the installation CDs / installation and application CDs / software CDs for the Webcams.

18. The literary and artistic works contained in the labels of the installation CDs / installation and application CDs / software CDs for the Webcams.

19. The artistic work contained in the Creative WebCam stickers for the Creative WebCam Live! Effects.

Headphones / Headsets

20. The literary and artistic works contained in the packaging, logos and labels of:

a) Creative Fatal1ty Pro Series Gaming Headset
b) Creative Wireless headphones SL3100
c) Creative Digital Wireless headphones CB2530
d) Creative HQ-2300D headphones
e) Creative HN-700 headphones
f) Creative HN-505 headphones
g) Creative ZEN AURVANA earphones
h) Creative EP-880 earphones
i) Creative EP-635 earphones
j) Creative EP-630 earphones
k) Creative EP-480 earphones

21. The literary and artistic works, whether in electronic form or otherwise, contained in the quick start booklets, user guides and user manuals for:

a) Creative Wireless Headphones SL3100
b) Creative Digital Wireless Headphones CB 2530
c) ZEN AURVANA in-ear earphones

Mice & Keyboard

22. The literary and artistic works contained in the packaging, logs and labels of:

a) Creative Fatal1ty 1010 Mouse
b) Creative Mouse Notebook Optical
c) Creative FreePoint Travel Mini
d) Creative Mouse Wireless Notebook Optical
e) Creative Desktop Wireless 9000 Pro
f) Creative Prodikeys PC-MIDI

23. The literary and artistic works, whether in electronic form or otherwise, contained in the quick start leaflets and tutorial leaflets for:

a) Creative Fatal1ty 1010 Mouse
b) Creative FreePoint Travel Mini
c) Creative Desktop Wireless 9000 Pro
d) Creative Prodikeys PC-MIDI

24. The literary works incorporated in the software contained in the installation CDs for:

a) Creative Fatal1ty 1010 Mouse
b) Creative Desktop Wireless 9000 Pro
c) Creative Prodikeys PC-MIDI

25. The literary and artistic works contained in the labels of the CDs listed in paragraph 24 above.

E-MU / Creative Professional

26. The literary and artistic works contained in the packaging, logos and labels of:

a) Creative E-MU 1616M
b) Creative E-MU 1616
c) Creative E-MU 1820M
d) Creative E-MU 1820
e) Creative E-MU 1212M
f) Creative E-MU 0404
g) Creative E-MU Xboard 49
h) Creative E-MU Xboard 25
i) Creative E-MU Emulator X Studio
j) Creative E-MU Emulator X
k) All soundsets from Creative E-MU Sound Central, including but not limited to:

* Old World Instruments
* Protean Drums X
* Techno Synth Construction Yard X
* Beat Garden X
* Mo'Phatt X
* Planet Earth X
* Virtuoso X
* Street Kits
* Vintage X Pro Collection
* Beat Shop 2
("the E-MU Sound Central Soundsets")

l) Creative AudioDock M
m) Creative AudioDock
n) Creative Emulator X 1.5 Software Update
o) Creative EDI Cable
p) Creative Audio Dock Rackmount Shelf

27. The literary and artist works, whether in electronic form or otherwise, contained in the quick start guides for:

a) Creative E-MU 1616M
b) Creative E-MU 1616
c) Creative E-MU 1820M
d) Creative E-MU 1820
e) Creative E-MU 1212M
f) Creative E-MU 0404
g) Creative E-MU Xboard 49
h) Creative E-MU Xboard 25
i) Creative E-MU Emulator X Studio
j) Creative E-MU Emulator X
k) Creative E-MU Proteus X

28. The literary and artistic works contained in the sound library booklets of the E MU Sound Central Soundsets.

29. The literary works incorporated in the software contained in:

a) E-MU Digital Audio Systems CD-ROM and E-MU Production Tools Software Bundle CD-ROM for the Creative E-MU 1616M / E-MU 1616
b) Operation Manual CD-ROM, Creative Professional Software CD-ROM and Audio software package CD-ROM for the Creative E-MU 1820M / E-MU 1820 / E-MU 1212M / E-MU 0404 / E-MU Emulator X
c) E-MU Xboard Software and Manual CD-ROM for the Creative E-MU Xboard 49 / E-MU Xboard 25
d) Emulator X Software CD-ROM, Emulator X Sounds CD-ROMs, Operation Manual CD-ROM, Creative Professional Software CD-ROM and Audio software package CD-ROM for the Creative E-MU Emulator X Studio.
e) Proteus X Software and Operation Manual CD-ROM, Proteus X Sounds CD-ROMs, Creative Professional Software CD-ROM and Audio software package CD-ROM for the Creative E-MU Proteus X
f) Installation CD-ROMs for the E-MU Sound Central Soundsets
g) Software / Driver Installation CD-ROM for the AudioDock M / AudioDock
h) Emulator X 1.5 Software Update

30. The literary and artistic works contained in the labels of all the CD-ROMs listed in paragraph 29 above.


ACN Pending


D-Rights Inc.


Copyright is claimed in:

  • All literary and artistic works comprised, represented or embodied in the following items:
  1. all the documents, colour images, drawings and packaging (including but not limited to manuals, instructions, warranties, general information, leaflets, labels, information cards, advertising materials, quality policy statements, plans, rules, stickers sets and logos) published in connection with the following BATTLE B-DAMAN toys:
    1. PROTO ONE;
    6. WING NINJA;
    7. BAKUSO;
    8. REKUSO;
  2. all the documents, colour images, drawings and label work (including but not limited to logos, instructions, warranties, general information, labels and advertising materials) publishes in connection with the BATTLE B-DAMAN toys identified with the name B-DABALL LOADER.
  3. all the documents, colour images, drawings and packaging artwork (including but not limited to manuals, instructions, warranties, general information, leaflets, labels, information cards, advertising materials, quality policy statements, plans, rules, stickers sets roster and score sheets, event spinner and event surfaces) published in connection with the BATTLE B-DAMAN tournament set.
  4. all the documents, colour images, drawings and packaging artwork (including but not limited to manuals, instructions, warranties, general information, leaflets, labels, information cards, advertising materials, quality policy statements, plans, rules and stickers sets) published in connection with the BATTLE B-DAMAN toy identified with the name SPEED HEX ARENA.
  5. the colour images and drawings of the following characters:
    • Yamato Delgado
    • Gray Michael Vincent
    • Terry McScotty
    • Bull Borgnine
    • Enjyu
    • Wen Yong Fa
    • Li Yhong Fa;
  6. the BATTLE B-DAMAN logos, tags, badges and icons.
ACN 06/08 

Disney Enterprises, Inc.


Copyright is claimed in the images of the following Disney characters:

  • "Cars" poster
  • "Finding Nemo" images
  • "King Arthur" movie poster
  • "Nightmare Before Christmas" images
  • "Piglets" big movie poster
  • "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" poster
  • "The Incredibles" images
  • "The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh" video sleeve poster.
ACN 06/08 
EMI Music Australia Pty Limited 

Copyright is claimed in all:

* sound recordings; and
* cinematograph films (such as music video)

in which EMI Music Australia is the owner or exclusive licensee of copyright in Australia, including but not limited to releases on key labels listed below and works by the artists identified below:

Key Labels

Angel (EMI)
Apple (EMI)
Avenue (EMI)
Axis (EMI)
Big Time (EMI)
Capitol (EMI)
Capitol Jazz (EMI)
Charisma (EMI)
Chysalis (EMI)
Circa (EMI)
Classics for Pleasure (EMI)
Cool Tempo (EMI)
Delabel (EMI)
DMP Records (EMI)
Dome (EMI)
Dover (EMI)
E Music (John Williamson's Label)
Electrola (EMI)
Eleven (EMI)
EMI Canada (EMI)
EMI Classics (EMI)
EMI Gold Odeon (EMI)
EMI International (EMI)
EMI Reflex (EMI)
Eminence (EMI)
Encore (EMI)
Enigma (EMI)
Ensign (EMI)
Envoy (EMI)
Essence (EMI)
Fly (EMI)
Food International (EMI)
Frontline (EMI)
Goldcastle (EMI)
Harvest (EMI)
Heavenly Recordings (EMI)
Hemisphere (EMI)
His Master's Voice (HMV) (EMI)
Hispavox (EMI)
Hussle Recordings (EMI)
Hut (EMI)
Hybrid (EMI)
Jazz Time (EMI)
Kermalda (Rodney Rude's Label) Rubber Records (EMI)
Liberty (EMI)
Little Digger (EMI)
Little Mate (EMI)
Manhatten (EMI)
Metro Blue (EMI)
Ministry of Sound (EMI)
Mint (EMI)
Missing Link (Birthday Party Only) (EMI)
Music for Pleasure (EMI)
Mute (EMI)
Night Records (EMI)
Noeland (EMI)
Noo Trybe (EMI)
Oceandeep (EMI)
Offside Music (EMI)
Owl Records (EMI)
Oz (EMI)
Pacific Jazz (EMI)
Parlophone (EMI)
Pathe (EMI)
Pathe Marconi (EMI)
Positiva (EMI)
Premier (EMI)
Priority/Rappalot (EMI)
Purple (EMI)
Rak (EMI)
Raven (EMI)
Regal (EMI)
Regal Zonophone (EMI)
Roulette (EMI)
Seraphim (EMI)
Sire (EMI)
Siren (EMI)
Sparrow (EMI)
Spunk (EMI)
Ted Egan Enterprises (EMI)
Ten (EMI)
United Artists (EMI)
Vernon Yard (EMI)
Vertis (EMI)
Virgin (EMI)
Virgin Classics (EMI)
Virgin International (EMI)
Virgin Records America Inc (EMI)
Virgin Variations (EMI)
Virgin VP (EMI)
Wall of Sound (EMI)

    Key Artists

    1. Ben Harper
    2. Ben Harper & the Innocent Criminals
    3. Blondie
    4. Coldplay
    5. Crowded House
    6. Don Mclean
    7. Dr Hook
    8. Duran Duran
    9. Gorillaz
    10. Janet Jackson
    11. Jet
    12. John Williamson
    13. Kasey Chambers
    14. Kenny Rogers
    15. Lenny Kravitz
    16. Little River Band
    17. Massive Attack
    18. Meat Loaf
    19. Norah Jones
    20. Pink Floyd
    21. Queen
    22. Radiohead
    23. Robbie Williams
    24. Roy Orbison
    25. Slim Dusty
    26. The Beach Boys
    27. The Beatles
    28. The Cat Empire
    29. The Living End
    30. The Rolling Stones
    31. The Verve


Gazal Apparel Pty Ltd


The literary and artistic works comprised in the following items distributed by Gazal Apparel Pty Ltd under licence from Nautica Apparel, Inc., Phillips-Van Heusen (previously under licence The British Van Heusen Company Limited), and under sub-licence from Maui and Sons (A California Corporation), which is in turn licensed by Harrow Street Limited:-

  1. The logo for each of the following brands:
    • NAUTICA; and
      (the "Logo")
  2. All documents bearing the Logo including but not limited to brochures, operator's manuals, warranties, general information, leaflets, packaging, labels, stationery, notices, warranties, information cards, advertising materials, and quality policy statements.
  3. All original works of authorship fixed in a tangible medium of expression‎! and bearing the Logo including literary works, pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works.
  4. All clothing manufactured by Nautica Apparel Inc., Phillips-Van Heusen (previously under licence from The British Van Heusen Company Limited), and under a sub-licence from Maui and Sons (a Californian corporation), which is in turn is licensed by Harrow Street Limited and bearing the Logo.

ACN 06/08


GSM (Operations) Pty Ltd


The literary and artistic works in the Billabong and Von Zipper logos.


ACN 06/08


GSM Rocket Australia Pty Ltd


The literary and artistic works in the Element and associated logos.


ACN 06/08


H-D Michigan


The literary and artistic works contained in the wording and logos of H-D Michigan, Inc. including:

  • Harley-Davidson & Design (5) - eagle, wings outstretched, atop shield divided by rectangle, atop and breaking triple ellipse
  • Harley-Davidson & Design (16) (Harley-Davidson MotorClothes logo - eagle, wings outstretched and divided shield atop scroll

ACN 05/40


Kabushiki Kaisha Sanrio (Sanrio Co Ltd)


The artistic and literary works contained in the schedule which includes the Hello Kitty works and other related images. Further information regarding the works can be obtained from Customs.


ACN 05/40


Mag Instrument, Inc


Work of artistic craftsmanship comprised by the following prototypes:

  • Prototype SOLITAIRE?? 1AAA flashlight
  • Prototype MINI MAGLITE?? 2AA flashlight
  • Prototype MINI MAGLITE?? 2AAA flashlight
  • Prototype MAG-LITE?? 2C flashlight
  • Prototype MAG-LITE?? 3D flashlight
ACN 05/40 
MGA Entertainment Inc. (a Californian Corporation) 

All literary and artistic works in the dolls marketed under the brand "BRATZ" (the BRATZ Dolls) in which MGA Entertainment, Inc.( MGA) owns copyright, including but not limited to the literary and artistic works in the "BRATZ" dolls known as:

  • Cloe;
  • Jade;
  • Sasha;
  • Yasmin,
    and associated packaging, as represented.

All literary and artistic works in the plush toys marketed under the brand
"BRATZ PETZ" and associated packaging in which MGA owns copyright, including but not limited to the "BRATZ PETZ CATZ" and "BRATZ PETZ DOGZ".

All artistic works as applied to the BRATZ Dolls in two-dimensional form, including facial artwork.

All literary and artistic works contained in the BRITZ logos and icon.

All literary and artistic works contained in the "BRITZ Purse Style Guide".

ACN 06/26 

Microsoft Corporation


All literary works being computer programs and associated manuals and documentation, in which Microsoft owns copyright, including without limitation the following computer programs: (listing of programs can be provide upon request)


ACN 05/40


Nintendo of America Inc


Copyright is claimed in the literary, artistic and musical works, sound recordings and cinematographic films contained in the logos, packaging, brochures, instruction sheets or manuals of Nintendo products, including without limitation:

  • Game Boy games;
  • Nintendo 64 games;
  • Game Boy Advance games;
  • Nintendo Game Cube games;
  • Game Boy Advance S.P games;
  • Nintendo DS games; and
  • The hardware for playing such games.

ACN 06/08


Pineapple Trademarks Pty Ltd


The literary and artistic works in the Honolua and associated logos


ACN 05/40


QS Holdings Sarl


The artistic and literary work embodied within the Mountain and Wave and the Old Mountain and Wave logos and emblems.

ACN 05/40 

SDI Technologies


All Literary and artistic works comprised, represented or embodied in the following items:

  • The instruction manual published in connection with the iHome iH5 model iPod docking station/clock radio.
  • The packaging of the iHome iH5 model iPod docking station/clock radio.

ACN pending

Sony BMG Music Entertainment (Australia) Pty Limited 

Copyright is claimed in all:

  • Sound recordings; and
  • Cinematograph films (including, but not limited to music videos);

in which Sony BMG Music Entertainment (Australia) Pty Ltd is the owner or exclusive licensee of copyright in Australia, including but not limited to releases on key labels listed below and works by the artists identified below.

Key Labels

  • 550 Music All Platinum American Recordings
  • Ariola Ariola Interactive Ariola Interactive Entertainment (Australia) Pty Limited
  • Arista Arista Nashville Audio Riot
  • Aware B-Rite Music Bad Boy
  • Bang Battery Benson
  • Benson Music Group Bid Blue Bird
  • BM International BNA Recordings Brentwood
  • Buddah Cake Cam (Italy)
  • Camden Captain Vimto Chelsea
  • Columbia Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax Communicado
  • Communications Ltd
  • Concrete Coronet Creation
  • Creole Crescent Moon Cypress Records
  • Debut deConstruction Deutsche Harmonia Mundi
  • DHM Epic Epic Soundtrax
  • Essential Eureka Eurodisc
  • F-BEAT Gauntlet Gold Seal
  • Gordy Gotham Gull
  • Gusto Records Guy Gross Music H20
  • Hansa Harmony Helter Skelter
  • Hidden Beach Ice Immortal
  • Independiente Instant Karma International
  • J Records Jet Jive
  • Jive Electro Kalimba Productions Karma Sutra
  • Kinetic Kosmo Music La Digue
  • La Face Lafesse Records Legacy
  • Libido Lifestyle Logic
  • Logo LOUD Loud
  • Lucky Dog Marquis Milan
  • Mojo Monument Mostly Music
  • murmur Music For Nations New Quay Music
  • Novus Numa Numero Uno
  • Ode (Carole King Product Only) Odyssey Okeh
  • Outlet Page 1 Philadelphia International (Restricted)
  • Pinnacle Pinnacle Entertainment Planet
  • Portrait Private Music Ra
  • Radical Choice RBC Entertainment RCA
  • RCA Australia Red Seal RCA Black Label
  • RCA Black Label RCA Camden RCA Custom
  • RCA France RCA Germany RCA Gold Seal
  • RCA International RCA Italiano RCA Black & White
  • RCA Italy
  • RCA Nashville
  • RCA Pure Gold
  • RCA Red Seal
  • RCA Victor
  • RCA Victrola
  • RCA Vintage
  • Red Bus
  • Red Seal
  • Reunion
  • Reunion Records
  • Roco Entertainment Corporation
  • rooArt
  • Rox Music
  • Rubber Records (1200 Techniques Only)
  • Ruse
  • Ruthless
  • S3
  • Saja Music
  • Sanctuary
  • Savage
  • Sci +If Ik
  • Scientifik
  • Scott Disc
  • Searchime
  • Select
  • Silvertone Records
  • Skint
  • So So Def Recordings
  • Soho Square
  • Sony
  • Sony Classical
  • Sony Masterworks
  • Sony Music Productions Pty Limited
  • Sony Wonder
  • Star Academy
  • Starcall
  • Start
  • Strange Fruit
  • Tamla
  • Tatoo
  • Team One Music Group
  • Tembo
  • Thames
  • Trackmasters
  • Trademark
  • TriStar
  • Turbo Records
  • Victor
  • Victrola
  • Vik
  • Volcano Entertainment LLC
  • Wah Wah Music
  • Wheatley Records
  • Windsong
  • Windstar Records
  • WTG
  • X-Over
  • XL Recordings (The Prodigy Only)
  • Zomba Jive
  • Zomba Records

Key Artists

  • AC/DC
  • Aerosmith
  • Alicia Keys
  • Audioslave
  • Avril Lavigne
  • Ben Folds
  • Beyonce Bic Runga]
  • Billy Joel
  • Bob Dylan
  • Britney Spears
  • Bruce Springsteen
  • Celine Dion
  • Charlotte Church
  • Chris Brown
  • Christina Aguilera
  • Creed
  • Cypress Hill
  • De La Soul
  • Delta Goodrem
  • Destiny's Child
  • Dido
  • Dixie Chicks
  • Elvis Presley
  • Eurythmics
  • Fatboy Slim
  • Foo Fighters
  • Frank Sinatra
  • George Michael
  • Incubus
  • Jamiroquai
  • Jessica Simpson
  • John Legend
  • John Mayer
  • Johnny Cash
  • Julio Iglesias
  • Justin Timberlake
  • Kelly Clarkson
  • Korn
  • Lauryn Hill
  • Leonard Cohen
  • Macy Gray
  • Mariah Carey
  • Maroon 5
  • Matisyahu
  • Michael Jackson
  • Midnight Oil
  • Miles Davis
  • Nas
  • Natasha Bedingfield
  • Neil Diamond
  • Outkast
  • Pearl Jam
  • Pink
  • Rage Against The Machine
  • Ricky Martin
  • Rod Stewart
  • Rogue Traders
  • Run DMC
  • Sandi Thom
  • Santana
  • Savage Garden
  • Shakira
  • Simon & Garfunkel
  • System Of A Down
  • The Clash
  • The Fray
  • The Offspring
  • The Prodigy
  • Tony Bennett
  • Tool
  • TV Rock
  • Will Smith
  • Wu-Tang Clan
  • Wyclef Jean

Take 2 Interactive Software


The artistic works comprising any of the following:

  • T2 Take 2 Interactive logo (current Take 2 Interactive logo);
  • T2 Take 2 Interactive logo (old Take 2 Interactive logo);
  • R device (R logo);
  • R & ROCKSTAR device (Rockstar games logo);
  • GATHERING device (current Gathering logo);
  • Gathering of Developers device (old Gathering of Developers logo #1);
  • Gathering of Developers and head of man device (old Gathering of Developers logo #2);
  • JOYTECH and device (current Joytech logo);
  • JOYTECH device (old Joytech logo #1);
  • JOYTECH device (old Joytech logo #2);
  • Directsoft device (old directsoft logo);
  • Jack of All Games device (jack of All Games logo);
  • GS GLOBAL STAR SOFTWARE device (Global Star Software logo);
  • GOTHAM GAMES device (old Gotham Games logo);
  • 2K SPORTS device (2K Sports logo);
  • 2K GAMES device (2K Games logo);

"the Logos", which are incorporated in:

  1. computer games software;
  2. compact disks or other electronic storage media storing computer games;
  3. packaging for computer games products; or
  4. manuals relating to computer games products

The literary, artistic, musical and dramatic works, cinematograph films and sound recording comprising computer games software:

  1. which incorporates;
  2. which is stored on compact disks or other electronic storage media that incorporates;
  3. the packaging of which incorporates, or
  4. the manuals of which incorporates, any of the Logos.

The literary and artistic works comprising the manuals (whether printed or in electronic form):

  1. which incorporates; or
  2. which relate to the computer games software;
    1. which incorporates;
    2. which is stored on compact disks or other electronic storage media that incorporate; or
    3. the packaging of which incorporates, any of the Logos.

The literary and artistic work comprising the packaging:

  1. which incorporates; or
  2. which relates to the computer games software:
    1. which incorporates;
    2. which is stored on compact disks or other electronic storage media that incorporates; or
    3. the manuals for which incorporates, any of the Logos.

All other:

  1. literary, artistic, musical and dramatic works, cinematograph films and sound recordings comprising computer games software; or
  2. literary and artistic works comprising manuals and packaging which relates to computer games software, in which copyright is owned by Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. and of which copyright Take 2 Interactive Software Pty Ltd is the exclusive licensee in Australia.

ACN 06/08


Universal Music Australia Pty Limited


Copyright is claimed in all:

  • Sound recordings; and
  • Cinematograph films (including, but not limited to music videos);

in which Sony BMG Music Entertainment (Australia) Pty Ltd is the owner or exclusive licensee of copyright in Australia, including but not limited to releases on key labels listed below and works by the artists identified below.

Key Labels

550 Music
All Platinum
American Recordings
Ariola Interactive
Ariola Interactive Entertainment (Australia) Pty Limited
Arista Nashville
Audio Riot
B-Rite Music
Bad Boy
Benson Music Group
Blue Bird
BM International
BNA Recordings
Cam (Italy)
Captain Vimto
Columbia/Sony Music Soundtrax
Communicado Communications Ltd
Crescent Moon
Cypress Records
Deutsche Harmonia Mundi
Epic Soundtrax
Gold Seal
Gusto Records
Guy Gross Music
Helter Skelter
Hidden Beach
Instant Karma
J Records
Jive Electro
Kalimba Productions
Karma Sutra
Kosmo Music
La Digue
La Face
Lafesse Records
Lucky Dog
Mostly Music
Music For Nations
New Quay Music
Numero Uno
Ode (Carole King Product Only)
Page 1
Philadelphia International (Restricted)
Pinnacle Entertainment
Private Music
Radical Choice
RBC Entertainment
RCA Australia
Red Seal
RCA Black Label
RCA Black Label
RCA Camden
RCA Custom
RCA France
RCA Germany
RCA Gold Seal
RCA International
RCA Italiano
RCA Black & White
RCA Italy
RCA Nashville
RCA Pure Gold
RCA Red Seal
RCA Victor
RCA Victrola
RCA Vintage
Red Bus
Red Seal
Reunion Records
Roco Entertainment Corporation
Rox Music
Rubber Records (1200 Techniques Only)
Saja Music
Sci +If Ik
Scott Disc
Silvertone Records
So So Def Recordings
Soho Square
Sony Classical
Sony Masterworks
Sony Music Productions Pty Limited
Sony Wonder
Star Academy
Strange Fruit
Team One Music Group
Turbo Records
Volcano Entertainment LLC
Wah Wah Music
Wheatley Records
Windstar Records
XL Recordings (The Prodigy Only)
Zomba Jive
Zomba Records


Alicia Keys
Avril Lavigne
Ben Folds
Bic Runga
Billy Joel
Bob Dylan
Britney Spears
Bruce Springsteen
Celine Dion
Charlotte Church
Chris Brown
Christina Aguilera
Cypress Hill
De La Soul
Delta Goodrem
Destiny's Child
Dixie Chicks
Elvis Presley
Fatboy Slim
Foo Fighters
Frank Sinatra
George Michael
Jessica Simpson
John Legend
John Mayer
Johnny Cash
Julio Iglesias
Justin Timberlake
Kelly Clarkson
Lauryn Hill
Leonard Cohen
Macy Gray
Mariah Carey
Maroon 5
Michael Jackson
Midnight Oil
Miles Davis
Natasha Bedingfield
Neil Diamond
Pearl Jam
Rage Against The Machine
Ricky Martin
Rod Stewart
Rogue Traders
Sandi Thom
Savage Garden
Simon & Garfunkel
System Of A Down
The Clash
The Fray
The Offspring
The Prodigy
Tony Bennett
TV Rock
Will Smith
Wu-Tang Clan
Wyclef Jean


ACN 06/26

Wizards of the Coast, Inc. 

The literary and artistic works contained in the images, logos, and labels, which are numbered in accordance with the following list:

  • Rothus the Traveller;
  • Mighty Shouter;
  • Aqua Sniper;
  • Urth, Purifying Element;
  • Deathliger, Lion of Chaos;
  • Explosive Fighter;
  • Shobu 1; and
  • Shobu 2.
ACN 05/40 

Last updated 13.11.06



2.   세관에 등록된  브랜드 트레이드 마아크입니다

trade marks notices of objection

This is a list of the companies that presently have Notices of Objection in place with Customs under section 132 of the Trade Marks Act 1995.

Where goods are import!ed into Australia and have applied to them a similar or identical trade mark that has been applied without the consent of the trade mark owner in Australia , they may be seized by Customs.

This list provides details of trade mark owners who have lodged a Notice of Objection with Customs, examples of the trade marks covered, and information on the Australian Customs Notice in which the Notice was published. It should not be considered exhaustive and is subject to change without notice.

For further information regarding these or any other trade marks, please contact the Intellectual Property Rights Group in Canberra on (02) 6275 6577. Where Australian Customs Notices are yet to be published, information regarding the relevant Notices of Objection can be obtained from the Intellectual Property Rights Group in Canberra.

Name of Trade Mark Objector  Example of Trade Marks 

Australian Customs Notice

Acushnet Australia Pty Ltd  Cobra; Fj; Footjoy; King Cobra; Nxt Tour; Pinnacle; Pro V1; S; Scotty Cameron Sta-Sof; Titleist.  ACN 06/46 

adidas Australia Pty Ltd


adidas; Trefoil device; Three Stripes logo; adidas equipment


ACN 05/17

adidas Australia Taylor-Made adidas Golf  300 Series; Burner; R7; Speedcore; Speedmantle; T; Talkor Made; Tour Preferred; What Drives You  ACN 05/33 
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc  Advanced Micro Devices; AM29000; AM386; AM486; AM5X86; AMD; AMD 64; AMD Athlon; AMD Athlon Process; AMD Duron Processor; AMD K6; AMD K6 Processor 2 3d Now!; AMD Opteron; AMD Powernow!; AMD Sempron; AMD-K5; AMD-K6; AMD-K7; AMD-K8; Quantispeed  ACN 05/33 

Agro Trade Pty Ltd




ACN 05/06

Aldi Stores (A Limited Partnership)  Aldi  ACN 06/46 

Alfred Dunhill Limited


Alfred Dunhill; Alfred Dunhill Desire; D; Dunhill


ACN 05/69


Asics Corporation

A; AH; Ahar; Allwalks, Apomixis; Ariano; Asics; Asics A; Beza; Biomorphic Fit; CJ; Cub; Emporer; Epirus; Gel; Gel-Kayano; I.G.S.; Injector; Jelenk; Medalist; Onitsuka Tiger; Pedala; P.H.F.; PVC Free; Speva; Strategy; Telykos; Tiger; Tiger-Cortez; Tiger-Paw; Tiger-Touch; Tigon; T Onitsuka Tiger; Track-Kid; Vickka; Winger; XX  ACN 05/17 

Atomic Fashion Marketing Pty Ltd


Emily; Oopsy Daisy


ACN 05/69


Australian Broadcasting Corporation


Bananas in Pyjamas


ACN 06/07


Australian Rugby Union Limited

ARU; Aru ARU; Australian Rugby; Australian Rugby Shield; Australian Rugby Wallabies Arfu; Australian Wallaroos; Bledisloe Boat Party; Bledisloe Cup; Bledisloe Cup Australia New Zealand; Classic Wallabies; Club Wallaby; Cook Cup; EdRugby; Go For Gold; Goldrush; I Wanna Be A Wallaby; MyRugby; Official Hospitality Of The Australian Rugby Union; Rugby Boat Party; Rugby Net Rugbynet.com.au; Rugby Series; Rugby Super 12; Rugby Union Australia; Rugby Union Australia Wallaby; Rugbynet; Sanzar; SmartRugby; Super 14 XIV; Tri Nations Rugby; Try Rugby; Walla Rugby Catch, Pass & Run Friendship & Fun; Wallabies; Wallabies Rugby Union; Wallaby ; Wallabies; Wallaby Boat Party; Wallaby Gold Bar; Wallaby Wallabies; Wally; We'll Sing Matilda. 

ACN 06/49

Australtech Pty Ltd  Precision Tradition  ACN 06/46 

Avon Products Pty Ltd


A Avon; Avon


ACN 05/33


Basic Trademark S.A.


Kappa; Robe di Kappa


ACN 06/07


BBC Worldwide Limited


Doctor Who; Teletubbies; Tubby; Tweenies

ACN 05/33 

BIC Australia Pty Ltd


BIC; Biro; Conte; Cristal; Tipp-Ex; Tropicolours

ACN 05/48 
Bickford's Australia Pty Ltd  Applemaid; Bickford's; Bickford's Aquapura; Cafecino; Cino; Classic Spritz; Dickens; Esprit; Fruiteas; Fruities; Goodness Me; Handcrafted Jerningham St Old Style; KaRUMba; Kilt; Kremlin; Lemoncino; Old Shield; Patriot; Queen Eva; Red Ant; Red Shield; Shakeys; Spritz; Spritz Smart Water; Spritz Vitamin Water; Terra Australis; Tommy Tucker; Waterplus; Waterplus; Waterplus +  ACN 06/07 
Binney & Smith, Inc  Click 'Em On; Crayon  ACN 06/61 
Bluetooth SIG Inc  B; B Bluetooth  ACN 06/25 

Bonds Industries Pty Ltd


Bonds; Chesty; Chesty Bond


ACN 05/69


Bose Corporation


301; 401; 501; 502; 802; Acoustic Wave; Acoustimass; AM-5; Amplus; At least One Belongs in Every Home; Adiopilot; Auditioner; Bose; Digital Dynamic Range; Digital With a Difference; Entero; Free Feild; Freespace; Jewel Cube; Lifestyle; Opti-Source; Panaray; Personal; Powerwave; Quietcomfort; Roommate; Speakercard; Triport; VCS-10 VCS-30; Videostage; Wave


ACN 04/16


British American Tobacco Australasia Limited


Ardath; Barclay; Benson and Hedges; B & H Sterling; Cambridge; Capstan; Craven; Craven A; Erinmore; Freedom; Kool; Lucky Strike; Ransom; Rothmans; Rothmans Special Mild R; State Express; State Express No. 555; Stradbroke; Turf; Vogue; Wills; Winfield; Winnies


ACN 05/69

Bulgari S.p.a.  B.zerol; Bulgari; Bvlgari; Solotempo  ACN 06/07 

Burberry Limited


Burberry; Burberry Touch; Burberrys; Burberrys B; Prorsum B; Thomas Burberry; Weekend Burberrys of London


ACN 05/33


California Board Sport, Incorporated


Osiris; Osiris Shoes


ACN 05/17


Callaway Golf Company


A Better Game By Design; Big Ben; Big Bertha; Big Bertha C4; Biggest Big Bertha; Blackbird; Blackwing; C; Callaway; Callaway Golf; Callaway Golf Drysport; Callaway Golf X Series; CB1; Contact; CTU 30; Dawn Patrol; Daytripper; DFX; Dual Force; E.R.C.; ERC; Fusion; Game Enjoyment System; Great Big Bertha; Hawk Eye; Heavenwood; Holy Grail; HX Blue; HX Hot; HX Red; HX Tour; I-Trax; Odyssey; Org 14; Power Layer; Pro Cut; Rain Series; Rev Stand; Rossie; Rule 35; S2H2; Sensert; Solitare; Spxnn; SRT; Strata; Stronomic; T; Tech Series; Terra Firma; Tour Blue; Tour Ultimate; Tri-Ball; Tunite; Variable Face Thickness Callaway Golf; VFT; War Bird; White Hot; White Steel; XTT


ACN 06/49


Calvin Klein Trademark Trust

Calvin; Calvin Klein; Calvin Klein CK; Calvin Klein Scent Studio; Choice Calvin Klein; CK; CK Be; CK Calvin Klein; CK One; CKJ; CKJ Calvin Klein Jeans; CKJeans; Contradiction; Escape; Eternity; Obsession; Truth Calvin Klein 

ACN 05/33


Canon Australia Pty Limited



ACN 04/16 

Canterbury International (Australia) Pty Ltd


CCC, CCC Canterbury, CCC Canterbury Of New Zealand, CCC "The World's Toughest Activewear",


ACN 06/07


Cartier International B.V.


Accroche-Moi; Agrafe; Autoscaph; Basculante; C; Cage; Cartier; Cartier C; Cartier CC Santos; Cartier De Lune; CC; CC Cartier; CC Cartier Supreme; CC Cartier Vendome; CC Supreme; Chronoscaphe; Declaration; Diadea; Divan; Diamants Sauvages; Fen Ling; Garlande; Happy Birthday; Lanieres; Le Baiser du Dragon; Les Maisons De Cartier; Luminor;Luminor Daylight; Mare Nostrum; Mike Horn; Must; Must De Cartier; Myst; Nouvelle Vague; Officine Panerai Firenze; OP; Panerai; Panthere; Panthere De Cartier; Pasha; Pierre Sauvages; Radiomir; Santos De Cartier; So Pretty De Cartier; Tank; Trinity; Trois Anneaux; Velours; Wishknot.


ACN 05/48


Caterpillar Inc


Accugrade, Anchor, C T, Cat, Cat Racing, Caterpillar, Challenger, Minestar, Nexus, Timberking, Vims, Walking Machines, X Nexus


ACN 06/25


Chanel Limited


Allure; Antaeus; CC; Cambon; Chance; Chanel; Cristalle; Coco; Egoiste; No. 5; No. 19; Platinum; Precision


ACN 06/25


Christian Dior Couture

CD; Christian; Christian Dior Monsieur; D; Dior; Dior D 

ACN 06/61


Citizen Watches Australia Pty Ltd


Citizen; Citizen Eco-Drive; Citizen Elegance


ACN 05/33


Coca Cola Company, The


A; Alive; Aquana; Aquarius; Bonaqa; Bonaqua; Cherry Coke; Coca-Cola; Coca-Cola Always; Coca-Cola Classic; Coca-Cola Light; Coke; Coke Classic; Dasani; Diet Coca-Cola; Diet Coke; Fanta; Fruitopia; Frutonic; Hi-C; Leed; Lift; Minute Maid; Planet Java; Powerade; Pump; Sprite; Sunsplash


ACN 05/33


Colgate-Palmolive Pty Ltd


Colgate; Colgate Maximum Cavity Protection; Colgate Maximum Cavity Protection Great Regular Flavor


ACN 05/33


Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.

Columbia; Columbia Pictures 

ACN 07/06

Columbia Sportswear Company 

Bugaboo; Columbia; Convert; GRT, PFG PERFORMANCE FISHING GEAR Titanium; Vertex

ACN 04/16 and
ACN 06/25 

Conquest Sports (Aust.) Pty Ltd


A Official All Star Café; All-Star; All Star; Cons; Converse; Converse All Star; Converse All Star Chuck Taylor; Jack Purcell; React


ACN 06/07

Consitex S.A  13 Milmil 13; 15 Milmil 15; Bolgheri; Cashco; Count Zegna; Ermenegildo Zegna; Ermenegildo Zegna Cashmere Comfort; Ermenegildo Zegna Essnenza Di Zegna; Ermenegildo Zegna Su Misura; Ermenegildo Zegna Traveller; Ermenegildo Zegna Whisper; Ermenegildo Zegna Z Soft; Ermenegildo Zegna Zen; Il Punto Ermenegildo Zegna; Mario Zegna; Microlite; Microtene; Sevanti; Tindari; Twintech; Vellus Aureum; Z Ermenegildo Zegna; Zegna; Zegna Sport; ZS 

ACN 05/69

Coty Australia Pty Limited  Joop!, Berlin Joop!  ACN 05/17 

Country Road Clothing Pty Ltd


Country Road


ACN 07/06


Creative Technology Ltd


3D Blaster; A; Advanced WavEffects; Advanced WavEffects Synthesis; Audesia; AUDESIUM ; Audesium; Blaster; Blaster GamePad; BlasterKeys; BlasterPC; BlasterWare; Broadband Blaster; Cambridge SoundWorks PlayWorks; Creative; Creative Audigy; Creative Business Sound; Creative Inspire; Creative Neeon ; CREATIVE NEEON; Creative OmniCD; Creative PC-DVD; Creative Sound Ol'e; Creative TravelSound; Creative Vibra; Creative WaveStudio; Desktop Theater; DynaRAM; EAX; E-MU; Environmental Audio; Environmental Audio Extensions; EXFI ; exfi ; eXFi; Extigy; Fourpoint Surround; Futurize; Game Blaster; GIGAWORKS ; Gigaworks; Hans Blaster; HansType; HansVision; HansWare; HansWord; I-Trigue; Live!; Midi Blaster; Modem Blaster; MuVo; Nagisa ; NAGISA; Nomad; Oozic; PCI Sound Blaster The PCI Audio Standard; PCWorks; PlayCenter; PlayDock; Prody Parrot; Rhythmania; Sharevision; Sound Blaster; Sound Blaster 16 MultiCD; Sound Blaster 16 SCSI-2; Sound Blaster Audigy; Sound Blaster AWE32; Sound Blaster Live!; SoundWorks; SpinSafe; Traveldock; Vibra; Video Blaster; Vienna SF Studio; VoiceAssist; VoIP Blaster; XFI ; xfi; XFREE ; xfree; ZEN ; zen

ACN 06/61 
Cricket Australia  Ashes Cricket; Ashes The Ashes; Australia; Baggy Green; Cricket Australia; Long Live Cricket; Test Match; The Ashes; The Boxing Day Test, Boxing Day Test; 

ACN 06/07
ACN 06/46

Crocs, Inc  Crocs; croslite  ACN 06/61 and ACN 07/06 

DC Shoes Inc


Active Terrain; DC; DCSHOES; DCSHOECOUSA; Youth Project


ACN 05/17

DaimlerChrysler AG  A-Class; Actros; Actros- Light; Actros- Lightway; Axor; C-Class; CL-Class; CLK-Class; CLS-Class; CSK-Class;Cito; Citaro; DaimlerChrysler; E-Class; F-Cell; Flexvian; Imagination; M-Class; Maybach; Megaspace; Merc; Mercedes; Mercedes-Banz; Mercedes- Benz Club; Mercedes- Benz Sprinter; Mercedes- Benz Transporter; MM; Mobilo; S-Class; SL-Class; SLK- Class; Sprinter Street; Unimog; Vaneo; Viano; Virtus; Vito 

ACN 05/48


Decor Corporation Pty Ltd


Aquamatic; Aquarius; Avalanche; Bento; Big Clean Up; Blaster; Blizzard; Busy; Cane; Cargo; Clearseal; Commuter; Cool Team; Decor; Decorbel; Decor-Door; Decor Fresh; Decor Trio; Drink Caddy; Duo; Duo I Duo II Duo III Duo IV; Enviro-Shopper; Evergreen; Frosty; Harvest; Funky Monkey; Gelati; Guzzler; Iceotherm; Ice Factory; Ice Works; Icicle; Kidycare; Lickety-Sips; Lunch Break; Maxi Rack; Microfresh; Microsafe; Neat Sweep; Picture Pocket; Push-Over; Reheat Capsule; Roller Cooler; Scrubby; Smart Fibre; Snap Fresh; Speed Mop; Sport Quencher; Stack-Rack; Tellfresh; Trio; Urban; Watermatic; Waterwell; WATERWELL WaterWell; Winewell Wine well Wine-well winewell WineWell Wine Well WINEWELL WINE-WELL WINE WELL; Zero


ACN 05/33

Diageo Australia Limited  Afore Ye Go; Archers; Archers Spri; Arth Guinness; Arth Guinness Son Guinness Extra Stout St.James Gate Dublin; Baileys; Baileys the Original Irish Cream R & A Bailey; Bells; Black Bush; Black Label; Black & White: Blossom Hill; Blue Label; Bundaberg; Bundaberg Mid 3.5 & Cola; Bundaberg & Cola; Bundaberg Distiller's No.3; Bundaberg Rum; Bundaberg Rum Bush Fund; Bundaberg Rum Celebrate the True Aussie Spirit of Sport; Bundaberg Rum & Cola Gold; Bundaberg Rum Distiller's No.3 Est 1888;Bunderberg Rum Dry & Lime; Bundaberg Rum the Spirit of Rugby; Bundaberg Rum True Aussie Spirit; Bundy; Bundy Gold; Bushmills; Capito; Captain Morgan; Captain Morgan Parrot Bay; Captain Morgan Private Stock; Captain Morgan Tattoo; Classi Malts of Scotland; Cragganmore; Dawhinnie; Dark'N'Stormy Dark and Stormy; Dimple; Distillers No.3; Draught Guinness; Draught Guinness Fully Import!ed Arth Guinness; Gilbey's; Gilbey's N & A Gilbey Established 1857; Glenkinchie; Gordon;s Guinness; Guinness Believe; Guinness Is Good For You; Haig; Harp; iT; J & B; Johnnie Walker; Johnnie Walker Black Label; Johnnie Walker Blue Label; Johnnie Walker Gold Label; Johnnie Walker Green Label; Kaliber; Kilkenny; Kilkenny Irish Beer Smithwick & Sons Kilkenny St. Francis Abbey Brewery Special Beer Traditionally Brewed 1710 Red Rosso Rot Rousse; Knockando; Lagavulin; Mccallum's; Mr. Guinness's; Oban; Old Par; One For All; Pimm's; Pimm's No.1 Cup; Pimm's No.1; Red Label; Red Stripe; Red Stripe DG; Romana Sambuca Liquore Classico; Satzenbrau; Slate Distilling Company; Slate Distilling Co; Sheridan; Smirnoff; Smirnoff Ice; Smithwick's; Smooth Drinkers Know Their Limit; T; Talisker; Tanqueray; Tangueray No.Ten; The Original Irish Cream; Toucan; UDL; UDL United Distillers; Urban Bourbon; Ursus; Vat 69; White Horse  ACN 06/07 

Diesel SpA


D; Diesel; Diesel Only The Brave Diesel; Only The Brave


ACN 06/46





ACN 05/33 

Disney Enterprises, Inc.

A Bug's Life Abby Mallard; Adventureland; Aladar; Arthur Dent; Atlantis The Lost Empire; Avon Delos; Beuna Vista Interactive; Brother Bear; Buena Vista; Buena Vista Home Video; Buzz Blasts; Chick Hicks; Cinderella; Classic Pooh; D; Desperate Housewives; Disney; Disney Babies; Disney Fairies; Disney Inter Active DI; Disneyland; Disney's Atlantis The Lost Empire; Disney's Hercules; Doc Hudson; Donald Duck; Dory; Eeyore; Elastigirl; Environmentality; Fantasyland; Finding Nemo; Frontierland; Frozone; Gargoyles; Goof; Goofy; Hercules; Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy; Hollywood Pictures Home Video; Home On The Range; Hunchback of Notre Dame; Hunny B's; Jeltz; Jetix; John Silver; Kahn; Kenai; Kida; Kingdom Hearts; Kingdom Of The Sun; Koda; Kron; Kronk; Kuzco; Kwaltz; Lightning McQueen; Lilo And Stitch; Ludwig von Drake; M; Main Street, USA; Marlin; Meet The Robinsons; Mickey & Co.; Mickey Mouse; Mickey Unlimited; Mickey Wear; Mickey's Magix; Mickey's Stuff For Kids; Mickey's World; Minnie Mouse; Mouse Factory; Mr. Incredible; Mulan; Mushu; New Orleans Square; Pacha; Pinocchio; Pocahontas; Pooh; Rabbit (Thumper) Cartoon Character Dancing; Rorke; Runt Of The Litter; Rutt; Shang; Shan-Yu; Sleeping Beauty; Strip Weathers; Sulley; Syndrome; The Incredibles; The Lion King; The Little Mermaid; The Nightmare Before Christmas; Tink; Tinker Bell; Tomorrowland; Touchstone; Touchstone Home Video; Toy Story; Treasure Planet; Tuke; Turn Up the Magic; Vogon; W.I.T.C.H. Will Irma Taranee Cornelia Hay Lin; Walt Disney; Walt Disney Pictures Presents the Wild; Winnie The Pooh; YZMA; Zaphod Beeblebrox. 

ACN 05/48
ACN 05/69
ACN 06/46


ACN pending

Dorf Clark Industries  Ltd Adelphi, Advance Collection, Advance Series, Alpes, Atlantic, Avanti, Axis, Banksia, Baroness, Belmore, Blush, Booster, Cadet, Candice, Carmel, Caslake, Caspian, Cavalier, Cellini, Ceradisc, Cerina, Chee, Clairemont, Clark, Clark Advance Collection, Clark Advance Series, Clark Linea, Clark The Great Australian Sink Company, Classic Manor, Clipper, Contessa, Corniche, Cuisine, D, Dante, Diamond, Donson, Dorf, Dorf D, Dorf Design, Dorf Designer, El Toro, Entertainer, Epure, Eureka, Flickmaster, Flickmixer, Flora, Indus, Irwell, Jupiter, Kemi, Kishna, Kofu, Kytin, Lusso, M Myttons, Majestic, Manor House, Motif, Myriad, Mytton, Myttons, Neptune, Nevite, Nilo, Nilus, Orion, Permacoat, Project, Pycos, Quatro, Quattro, Radiant, Spark, Statement, Stayfast, Sunflower, Tagus, Tarim, Tigris, Touchless, Tubmasta, Vand, Vantage, Viper, Vitality, Yalu, Yukon  ACN 05/33 

Dragon Optical Australia Pty Ltd


Dragon; Dragons


ACN 05/33


Dunphy Sports / Fishing Import!s Pty Ltd


Aernos; Backbone; Baitrunner; Bantam; BC200; Bullwhip; Camouflage Hooks; Chameleon; Driving Partner; Fish Quest Series; Hydrothermal; Invisible Hooks; Master Swing; Millenium Cobalt Series; Millenium Emerald Series; Millenium Gold Series; Quiver Tips; Out & Back Series; Reaper; Revolution; Shake Rattle and Roll; Shimano; Shimano BTX; Shimano Revolution; Shimano Viper; Speedmaster; Spirex; Squidgey; Stradic; Sustain; Swing Partner; Tag'em; Taipan; Technium; Tiagra; Titanos; TLD; Triton


ACN 06/07


DVS Shoe Co. Inc


DVS; Matix; Image, oval & wavy


ACN 06/61


Electronic Arts, Inc


EA; EA Games; EA Sports; Electronic Arts; Pogo


ACN 06/49

Eli Lilly and Company  Alimta; Cymbalta; Forteo; Gemzar; Humalog; Humulin; Lilly; Prozac; Strattera; Symbyax; Xigris; Yentreve.  ACN pending 
Eltham Woodwind (Import!ing) Pty Ltd  Yanagisawa  ACN 04/16 and
ACN 06/25 

Energizer Australia Pty Ltd


Energizer, Eveready


ACN 06/07

Escada AG  EE; Escada  ACN 06/07 

Ettason Pty Ltd


Chef Lo Noodles; Chief Chef; Doree; Double Rings Brand; Five Stars Aeroplane Brand; Golden Boy Brand; Kawaii; Kirbat Group; Kongmoon Double Swallow Brand; Korie; Ocean Doree; Osha Trade Mark Osha Brand; Pagoda Brand Trademark; Tsu Chu Hsiang; Uncle Charlie; Vegetarian Ahimsa No Eggs No Alcohol

ACN pending 
F.Hoffmann-La Roche AG  Tamiflu  ACN 06/46 

Felco Australia Pty Ltd




ACN 06/61


Fender Australia Pty Limited


Charvel; Charvel By Jackson; Fender; Squier; Strat; Stratocaster; Super Bullets; Tele; Telecaster; SWR

ACN 06/61 

Fendi Adele S.R.L.


Baguette; Fendi; Fendissime; FF; FF Fendi

ACN 05/33 

Ferrari S.p.A.


360 modena; 550 maranello; 575M Maranello; 612 Scaliette; Dino; Enzo Ferrari; F; F355 Challenge; F50; Ferrari; Ferrari Challenge; Ferrari Classiche; Ferrari Club Australia; Ferrari Ferrari Idea; Ferrari FXX; Ferrari Net; Ferrari Superammerican; Ferrari World; Idea Ferrari Official Licensed Product; Maranello; Scuderia Ferrari; S F; Superamerica

ACN 06/61 
Ford Motor Company  F6; F6 Typhoon; Falcon; Fo Mo Co; FOMOCO; Ford; Ford Falcon; Ford Territory; FPV; Motorcraft; Performance Inc.; Territory; Typhoon; XR; XR6; XR8  ACN 06/61 
Ford Motor Company of Canada Limited  Falcon; Ford; Ford Falcon  ACN 06/61 
Foster's Australia Limited  Australia's Finest; Blass; Cascade; Carlton; Carlton Cold; Carlton Cold Filtered Bitter; Carlton Crown Lager; Carlton Draught; Cold; Crown; Crown Lager; Eaglehawk; F; F Foster's; For A Hard Earned Thirst; Foster's; Foster's F; Matter Of Fact I've Got It Now; Melbourne Bitter; M Melbourne Bitter; Premium Lager; Premium Light; VB; VB Victoria Bitter; Victoria Bitter; Wolf Blass; Wolf Blass 'Platinum Series'.  ACN pending 

Fox Racing USA, Inc


Shift; Shift Racing


ACN 05/33

Frostbland Pty Limited  Taboo; Tabu  ACN 06/07 

Freetime Group Australia Pty Ltd


Okuma; Silstar; Stimulate

ACN 04/16 and
ACN 06/25 

Fulbeck Pty Limited




ACN 05/41


GADO S.a.r.l.


DG; D&G Dolce and Gabbana; Dolce and Gabbana; J&ANS Dolce and Gabbana; Sicily by Dolce and Gabbana


ACN 06/49


GA Modefine S.A.


Acqua Di Gio; AJ Armani Jeans; Armani; Armani Casa; Armani Collezioni; Armani Exchange; Armani J; Armani Jeans GA; Armanimania; A/X; A/X Armani Exchange; AX Armani Exchange; Emporio Armani Caffe; Emporio Armani GA; Emporio Armani GA â?¦ Lei Elle She Ellaâ?¦; Emporio Armani GA â?¦Lui Il He Elâ?¦; GA; GA Emporio Armani; GA V; Gio de Giorgio Armani; Giorgio Armani; Mani; Mania; Microfil; Night Emporio Armani GA; Terra di Armani


ACN 06/07


Gazal Apparel Pty Ltd


Kookai; Maui and Sons; Mariner; Nautica; Sharkman; Van Heusen; Van Heusen Cotton 100


ACN 06/07


GHD Australia Pty Ltd


ACN 05/33


Gianfranco Ferre S.p.A.


Essence D'Eau Gianfranco Ferre; Ferre'; Ferre By Ferre; Ferre' By Ferre'; GFF; Gianfranco Ferre; Gieffeffe; Gieffeffe By Gianfranco Ferre

ACN 05/33 
Global Tractors & Equipment Pty Ltd  Belshina  ACN 07/06 

Globe International


900 Degrees; 4Front; A-team; Almost; Australian Skateboard Titles; Basco; Beggars Banquet; Blind; Cappel; Chocolate; Die Hard; Draft; Droors; Dub; Echored; Ecko Unltd; Eightball; Fresh; Fore; Fourstar Clothing; Full Boar Hardkore Division; G; Gallaz; Ghetto Wear; Girl Wonder; Globe; Globe World Cup; Hardcore; Hard Core; Heavy Duty HD; Her House Paul Frank; Independent Independent Truck Co; Independent Truck Company; Jaisel; Julius & Friends; Kul Kul; M; M 1; Marc Ecko Scopes; Marc Ecko Storage; M Eleven; M M One Eleven; M Mossimo; M-One 11; Marc Ecko; Mooks; Mooks Clothing Co; Mossimo; MSO; M Squared; Nitrocel; Odd Job; Paul Frank; Paul Frank Industries; Paul Frank Paul Frank Industries; PCB; Phillies Blunt; Phsyco Cowboy; Platinum; Pleasure Swell; Rag Factory; SS; Schmutta; Sista; Sista Love Potion; Sister Syd; Snake Pit; Somewhere Anywhere Everywhere; Speed Demons; S Sandolis; Stussy; Trans Element; World; World Industries; Wreck


ACN 05/48


Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company

Good year; Goodyear; Goodyear G439A; Goodyear Excellence; Goodyear Sure Grip 

ACN 05/48


Gray - Nicolls Sports Pty Ltd


Carbonex; County; Grays; Gray - Nicolls; Mavis; Muscle Power; Power Cushion; RDX; Steeden; V-Con; YY; Yonex


ACN 05/69


Great White Shark Enterprises Inc

GN-1; Great White Shark; Greg Norman; Greg Norman Estates; Shark image 

ACN 05/10


ACN 06/07

GM Holden Ltd 

A.C.; Acclaim; Acdelco; Actevo; Actevo Maxx; Advancement Of Transportation G.M.H.; Adventra; Adventra Cx6 ; Adventra Cx8; Adventra Lx6 ; Adventra Lx8; Adventra Sx6 ; Adventra Sx8; Allison; Allison Transmission; Alloytec; Authentic Memorabilia Holden Racing Team; Avalanche; Aveo; Baretta; Barina; Barina Girl; Belmont; Berlina; BG; Blazer; BLC; BLS; Bonneville; BRX; Buick; Cadillac; Cadillac Seville STS; Calais; Calais International; Calais V-Series; Camaro; Camira; Caprice; Captiva; Captiva Maxx; Cassia; Cavalier; Century; Chevette; Chevrolet; Chevy; City; Club Holden; Clubsport; Clubsport R8; Commodore; Commodore 25th Anniversary; Commodore Ss; Corvette; Coupe; Coupe4; Coupe Le; Cresta; Crewman; Crewman Thunder; Cross 8; Cross 8 ; Cross 6; Cross Trac; Cruze; CTS; DDI; De Ville; Dealer Team Spec; Delco; Delcotron; Deville; Dex-Cool; Dexron; Diplomat; Director; Driver Dynamic Interface; DTS; Duraguard; ECOmmodore; Efijy; Energm; Esteem; Evoke; Evoke Maxx; Fj Holden 50th Anniversary; General Motors; Genuine Hummer; GM; Gm Defense; Gm Holden; GMH; GMH Truckpower; Grange; GTSR; H1; H2; H3; HBD; HNL; Holden; Holden Allroad; Holden Assist; Holden By Design; Holden College; Holden Control-Link; Holden Financial Services; Holden GMH; Holden Golf; Holden Leasing; Holden Motor Sport; Holden Motorsport; Holden National Leasing; Holden Performance; Holden Performance Driving Centre; Holden Racing Team; Holden Special Vehicles; Holden Target Parts; Holden Work Force; Holdenbuypower; Holdenwise; Holden's Engine Company; HOSV; HQ Premier; HRT; HRT Club 1; HRT427; HSV; HSV Certified Used Vehicles; HSV Dealer Team; HSV Goes Racing; HSV SV6000; HSV VXR; HSV XUV; HSV Z Series; HSVDDI; Hummer; Hy-Wire; Hydronomy; I Just Want One; ID; iTD; Jackaroo; Jimmy; Just A Lion's Roar; Just Add Spanners; Kingswood; Linea rossa; Lionheart; Lions Den; LS2 6.0L; Lumina; Malagara; Maloo; Maloo Lightning; Maloo R8; Manta; Monaro; Monaro CV6; Monaro CV8; Motorsport; MRC; My Dream Holden; Network Q; Nullarbor; Official Factory Racing Team Of Holden; Optra; Paradigm; Park Avenue; Pontiac; Predator; Premier; Race Relations; Racer The Lion; Rigout; Roadmaster; RTS Radial Tuned Suspension; Sandman; Sandman Sand Man; Scramble; Senator; Sequel; Service Express; Shuttle; Signature; Spark; SRX; SS; SS Ute; SS V-Series; SSX; SSZ; Stabilitrak; Statesman; Statesman International; Storm; Stormriders; STS; Suburban; Sunfire; SV; SVZ; Swing; Tahoe; Tavera; The Racing Lion; Topkick; Torana; Torana SL; Torqmatic; Trailblazer; Trapalert! Turizmo; Turn It On; Ute Thunder; Utester; Vacationer; Varajet; VCDI; Viva; Vivant; Vortec; XLR; YGM-1; Young Lions.


ACN 06/49


GSM (Operations) Pty Ltd


BB; Bad Billys; Billabong; Billabong Since 1973 Australia; Billy Boy; Billy Girl; Bong; Cossos; Crossbones; Detour; Freeflex; Furnace; Girls Get Out There; High & Dry; Hy7perFlex; O Beatrice Occhilupo Clothing Company; O Bebe Occulupo; O Occulupo; O Occstar; Occy; Ocche; Occster; Only A Surfer Knows The Feeling; Poteens; Surf Time; Von Zipper; VZ


ACN 06/07


GSM Rocket Australia Pty Ltd


Element; Element Eden ; Element For Life; Elementality; Twigs; Wind Water Fire Earth.


ACN pending

G-Star Raw Denim Kft  G; G-Star; G-Star Originals Raw Denim; G G-Star Raw; G-Star Raw; G-Star Raw Denim  ACN 06/49 
Guandong Foodstuffs Import! & Export (Group) Corporation  Pearl River Bridge  ACN 07/06 
Guerlain Societe Anonyme 

12 M MOIS; Aqua Allegoria; Bagatelle; Coriolan; Diviora; Evolution; Guerlain; Guerlain Paris L'Huere Bleue; Guerlain Twin Set; Habit Rouge; Heritage; Hydrolastine; Insolence; Issima; Issima Blue Voyage; Issima Happylogy; Issimat; Jardins De Bagatelle; Jicky; Les Meteorites; L'Heure Bleue; L'Instant De Guerlain; Mahora; Matiday;Matinight; Mitsouko; Mozais; Nahema; Odelys; Or Bleu; Orchidee Imperiale; Parure; Phenomen; Samsara; Samsara Shine; Secret Divin; Shalimar; Sophistick; Success Model; Vol De Nuit

ACN 06/25
ACN pending 

Guccio Gucci S.p.A.

Accent; Envy; G; GG; G Gucci; Gucci; Gucci Accenti; Gucci G 1100/2000 Gucci G 2100/2000 Gucci G 3100/2000 Gucci G 4100/2000 Gucci G 5100/2000 Gucci G 5200/2000 Gucci G 5300/2000 Gucci G 6100/2000 Gucci G 6200/2000 Gucci G 7100/2000 Gucci G 7200/2000 Gucci G 8100/2000 Gucci G 9100/2000; Gucci Rush; Gucci Timepieces  ACN 04/16 
Guerlain Societe Anonyme 

12 M MOIS; Aqua Allegoria; Bagatelle; Coriolan; Diviora; Evolution; Guerlain; Guerlain Paris L'Huere Bleue; Guerlain Twin Set; Habit Rouge; Heritage; Hydrolastine; Insolence; Issima; Issima Blue Voyage; Issima Happylogy; Issimat; Jardins De Bagatelle; Jicky; Les Meteorites; L'Heure Bleue; L'Instant De Guerlain; Mahora; Matiday;Matinight; Mitsouko; Mozais; Nahema; Odelys; Or Bleu; Orchidee Imperiale; Parure; Phenomen; Samsara; Samsara Shine; Secret Divin; Shalimar; Sophistick; Success Model; Vol De Nuit


ACN 06/25
ACN 06/46


Haines Marine Industries


Signature; Haines Signature; Signature variable deadrise; signature lifestyle boating; signature synergy; lifestyle boating; lifestyle cruising;nexus


ACN 06/25

Hasbro, Inc. 

Anti-Monopoly; Anti-Monopoly Ii Anti-Monopoly 2 Anti-Monopoly X Anti-Monopoly; Autumn Skye; Baby Alive; Baby All Gone; Boggle; Btr; Btr Built To Rule; Buckaroo; Built To Rule; Busy Box; Butterscotch; Candy Land; Careers; Castle Risk; Chirpy-Chi; Chutes & Ladders; Clue; Cluedo; Cool Crew; Crackers In Bed; Doh Doh; Dohville; Dusty The Vacuum Cleaner; Easy Bake; Fun Factory; Furby; Furreal Friends; Galoob; Glover; Glow Worm; Go Go My Walkin' Pup; Guess Where; Hasbro; Hasbro Interactive; Headache; Here I Come World; Hi-Q; I-Cybie; Kenner; Kimono; Love Cubs; Major Powers; Make Your Own Opoly; Meow-Chi; Micro Machines; Micro Machines Galoob The Original Scale Miniatures; Mighty-Tonka; Mike The Mower; Mini-Tonka; Minty; Monopoly; Mouse Trap Game; Mr. Do Bee; Mr. Don't Bee; Mr. Potato Head; My Lost Little Puppy; Naknak; Opoly; Ouija; Parker; Parker Brothers; Pente; Pet Rock; Peteena; Pinkie Pie; Play-Doh; Poo-Chi; Pop-O-Matic; Poppin' Pals; Potato Heads; Projax; Risk; Robo-Chi Pets; Romper Room; Secret Central; Shelby; Shoezies; Slotopoly; Sorry; Sparkleworks; Spirograph; Speedstars; Spring Fever; Star Swirl; Starting Lineup; Subbuteo; Sunny Daze; Super Play/-Doh; Sweet Summertime; Sweetberry; Talkin'acha; Tiger; Tiger Game.Com; Tinkertoy; Tiny-Tonka; Toltoy; Toltoys; Tonka; Tonka World; Trouble; Twister Moves; Videonow; Weebles; Wheels On The Bus; Winter Snow; Xevoz; Yard Crew

ACN 06/46 
Hasbro International, Inc. 

Action Man; Action Man Mission System; Actionman; Aggravation; Ants In The Pants; Barrel Of Monkeys; Battleship; Beast Wars; Beetle; Big Ben; Catchphrase; Connect 4; Doctor X; Don't Break The Ice; Don't Monkey Around; Don't Spill The Beans; Don't Wake Daddy; Dr. X; Easy Money; Frustration; G.I. Joe; Game Of Life; Get Together Games; Go To The Head Of The Class; Guess Who; Home Parcheesi; Hotel; Kiddisafe; Koala Kool; Life; M Action Man; MB Games; My Little Pony; Nerf; Nerf N; Nerfoop; Operation; Pass The Pigs; Playskool; Scattergories; Teddy Bear Post Box; The Transformers; Treds; Triple Yahtzee; Tubby Turtle; Twister; Upwords; Word Yahtzee; Yahtzee


ACN 06/46


Haw Par Corporation Limited


Tiger, Tiger Balm


ACN 06/46


H-D Michigan, Inc

Blast; Buell; Cyclone; Dyna; Electra Glide; Fat Boy; Fat Bob; Firebolt; FXRG; Harley; Harley-Davidson; Harley-Davidson Adventure Tours; Harley-Davidson Authorized Rentals; Harley-Davidson Café; Harley-Davidson Motor Clothes an American Legend; Harley-Davidson Motor Cycles; Harley-Davidson Motor Cycles 1903 2003 100; Harley-Davidson USA; Harley-Davidson Motor Cycles Adventure Tours; Harley Owners Group; H-D; H-D HD; HG; Hog; Heritage Softail; HG; Hog; Hog Harley Owners Group; Legendary Harley-Davidson Motor Cycles Harley-Davidson; Lightning; Motorclothes; Revolution; Road Glide; Road King;Screami' Eagle; Softail; Sportster; Super Glide; Thunderbolt; T-Sport; Twin-Cam 88; Ultra Classic Electra Glide; V-Rod 

ACN 05/41

Hearst Holdings, Inc. 

Barney Google & Snuffy Smith; Beetle Bailey; Betty Boop; Blondie; Dagwood; Flash Gordon; Krazy Kat; Mandrake; Mandrake The Magician; Phantom 2040; Popeye; Prince Valiant; Swee'pea; The Phantom; The Phantom The Ghost Who Walks.


ACN 07/06

Hewlett-Packard Development Company L.P 

Activeanswers; Activedate;Alphaserver; Apolllo;Assetview; Avantek; Brio; C; Coloulucent Backlit;Colorsmart; Convex; Copyjet; Designjet; Deskjet; Digital; Draftmaster; Draftpro; E-Speak; E-Vue; Electronik; Ethertwist; Everything is Possible; Evo; Expanding Possibilities; Experience the Vision; Fastpass; Futurebay; Glanceplus; Guardian; Gogo; Heritage; Hewlett Packard; Hewlett Packard HP; Hewlett Packard-Hewlett Packard; Hewlett- Packard Inkjet Technology; Himalaya; Hot Calcs; HP; HP Bladesystem; HP Instant Cinema; HP Invent; HP-UX; Icewall; Imageigniter; Imageret; Image Zone; Indigo; Instant Share; Integrity; Jetdirect; Jetexpress; Jetseries; Jornada; Kayak; Laserjet; Lat; Lightscribe; Linejet; Maxilife; Measureware; Millicent; Mopier; Multiprime; Multiread; Netaction; Netflex; Newwave; Nexlight; nimius; Officejet; Omnistorage; Opencall; Openpix; Openv; Openview; Openvms; Pa-Risc Powered; Pintjet; Paintwriter; Pavilion; Perview; Pccoe; Photosmart; Photoret; Potal Director; Presario; Printable Expression‎!s; Procurve Networking; Proliant; Propellant; Quietjet; Ready Office; Radia; Resolution Enhancement; Sanworks; Scanjet; Serverworks; Somersault; Storageapps; Storageworks; Super Dome; Surestore; Suresupply; Tandem; Tasksmart; Tattoo; Thinkjet; Trucluster; Vax; Versastor; Versecure; Vivera; Web Jetadmin; Webwise; Webqos; Xpander; Zoomsmart;

ACN 06/25 
Hills Industries Limited  Punchlock  ACN 05/17 

HIT Entertainment PLC


Art Attack; Baby Bop; Barney; Barney & Friends; Bob The Builder; Britt Britt Allcroft; Gullane; HIT Entertainment; My First Thomas; Thomas & Friends; Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends; Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends 1; Wishbone


ACN 06/61

HPM Industries Pty Limited 

@Work; Airboss By HPM; Allway; Aqua Weatherproof; Aquascan; Aquatecture; Blue Control; Bravo; Carrymate; Como; Dimamat; Electresafe; Euro; Famele; Fan, Four-Blade Impeller, Four-Blade Saw, Circular; Haloscape; Harmony; HD Fluidplus; Holiday Set 'N' Go; HPM; H P M; H.P.M; HPM Controls; HPM The HPM Group; HPM The Trusted Choice; HPM@Work; HPM or PHM; i-Control; Icomo; Icube; Ilinea; Iset; Kilosurge; Megasurge; Moonglo Moonglow; Nelson; Nelson Lamps Australia; Oscar; Oscar Pro; Pentaphosphor; Plug Boss; Powermate; Quadphosphor; Quantum; Smart Properties; Soft Switch; Sola Scape; Sola Scape; Speedwire; The HPM Group; X-Aust

ACN 06/25 

Hugo Boss AG


Baldessarini Hugo Boss; Boss; Boss Hugo Boss; Hugo; Hugo Boss; Hugo Hugo Boss; Hugo Woman

ACN 05/33 

Inter Golf Australia Pty Ltd


M Mizuno the World of Sports

ACN 06/07 

Intel Corporation


Celeron;Centrino; Intel; Intel Answeringexpress; Intel Imaging; Intel Inside;Intel Inside Centrino; Intel Inside Xeon; ; Intel Play; Intel Speedstep; Intel Strataflash; Intel Teamstation; Intel Xeon; Itanium; Pentium; Pentium II Xeon; Xeon


ACN 05/48


Jack Daniel's Properties, Inc.


Citrus Jack; Country Cocktails; Drop by Sometime; Gentleman Jack; Gentleman Jack Rare Tennessee Whiskey; Jack & Cola; Jack & Lemonade; Jack Daniel's; Jack Daniel's 1866 Classic; Jack Daniel's Amber Lager Jack Daniel Brewery 1866 Classic Old Time Quality Slow Brewed Hand Crafted in Small Batches; Jack Daniel's Century; Jack Daniel's Country Cocktails; Jack Daniel's Old No 7; Jack Daniel's Old Time Old No 7 Brand Quality Tennessee Sour Mash Whiskey; Jack Daniel's Old Time Old No 7 Brand Quality Tennessee Sour Mash Whiskey Bottled At The Distillery; Jack Daniel's Old Time Quality Country Cocktails; Jack Daniels Old Time Quality Tennessee Sour Mash Whiskey Old No. 7 Brand; Jack Daniel's Silver Select; Jack Lives Here; Jack Pack; Lynchburg Lemonade; Monogram; Old No 7 BrandThe Others Don't Have Jack

ACN 04/16 

Jemella Australia Pty Ltd

GHD  ACN 05/33 

Jim Beam Brands Co.


After Shock; Baker's; Baron Von Schueters; Basil Hayden's; B Beam Formula A Standard Since 1795; Beam's 8 Star Blend; Beam's Choice Old Number 8 Family Formula Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey James B. Beam Distilling Co. Jeremiah Beam; Beam's Rye Straight Rye Whiskey Whiskey Beam B A Whiskey Of Fine Quality And Distinction Mild And Mellow Copper Distilled Beam's Rye The World's Finest Rye James B. Beam Germish Beam; Beam & Cola; Booker's; George Calvert; Geyser Peak; Jim Beam; Jim Beam B Formula A Standard Since 1795; Jim Beam B Formula A Standard Since 1795 Sour Mash Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey; Jim Beam B Cola None Genuine Without My Signature; Jim Beam Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey And Cola B; Jim Beam Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey The World's Finest Bourbon B Beam Formula A Standard Since 1795 Sour Mash; Jim Beam Black; Knob Creek; Knob Creek Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey Proof Aged 9 Years; Larios Dry Gin Distilled; Larios Drygin Produced and Bottled by Larios; Larios; Larios Dry Gin Distilled in Traditional Pot Stills Using a Selection of Natural and Pure Ingredients Distilled London Dry Gin Established 1866; Lord Calvert; Old Crow; Old Grand-Dad; Old Taylor; Real Friends. Real Bourbon.; Ronrico; Sourz; Southern Mist; Southern Mist A Drink For Gentlemen And Ladies; The World's Finest Rye Beam's Rye Straight Rye Whiskey None Genuine Without My Signature Since James B. Beam 1795; V; Zusa


ACN 04/16
ACN 06/25


Kabushiki Kaisha Sanrio


Ahiruno Pekkle, Cheery Chums, Cinnamoroll, Hello Kitty, Kerokerokeroppi, Little Twin Stars, Minna No Tabo, Mr.Bear's dream, My Melody, Patty And Jimmy, Sanrio, Sanrio SR, S Sanrio, Strawberry, The Runabouts, The Vaudevilleduo, Tuxedosam, Tuxedo Sam, Tweedle Dee Dee

ACN 06/46 
Karsten Manufacturing Corporation 

Ayd; I 3; My Day; Ping; Toe-Heel Balance; Zero; Zing

ACN 06/25 
Keefer Bros (Vic) Pty Ltd  KB; Keefer; Keegas  ACN 06/49 
Kenzo Societe Anonyme 

Etole; Flowerbykenzo; Kenzo; Kenzoair; Kenzoamour; Kenzo Jungle; Kenzoki; Stick Frisson Zones Sensorielles

ACN 06/25
ACN 06/46 

Khalil Arjah



ACN 05/33 

L.C. Licensing Inc.


Access; Enyce; Juicy; Juicy Baby; Juicy Couture; Juicy Jeans


ACN 05/69


Lacoste S.A


Croco Kids; Lacoste; Style On Skin, crocodile logo

ACN 06/46 

Levi Strauss (Australia) Pty Ltd


501; Californians; Dockers; Engineered Jeans; Levi Strauss & Co S.F. Cal; Levi's; Levis's Strauss & Co. Quality Clothing; Levi's Type 1; Red Tabs; Quality Never Goes out of Style


ACN 06/07




Cialis, E


ACN 06/25


Liquid Culture Pty Ltd


Bad Boy; Bad Boy Club; Bad Girl; Carve; Girl Street; Legend; Ocean Pacific; OP; Realm; Seven2

ACN 06/07 

Liz Claiborne Inc.


A; Bora Bora Liz Claiborne; Claiborne; Claiborne Sport; Curve; Emma James; J II; J H Collectables; Laundry by Shelli Segal; Liz; Lizflex; Lizgolf; Lizsport; Lizwear; Liz Claiborne; Liz & Co; Monet; Realities; Spark Liz Claiborne; Trifari;


ACN 05/69

L'Oreal Australia Pty Ltd 

Anais-Anais; Attraction; Double Extension; Drakkar; Flowerbomb; Hypnose; Intensifique; Kerastase; Lancome; L'Oreal; Maybelline; Miracle; Miracle So Magic!; NOA; Poeme; Polo; Polo Ralph Lauren; Polo Sport; P.R.O.M.E.S.S.E; Ralph Lauren; Ralph Lauren Glamorous; Ralph Lauren Romance; Tresor De Lancome; Tresor Lancome.

ACN 06/46 

Louis Vuitton Malletier SA


Emprise; L'ame Du Voyage; Lombok ; Louis Vuitton; LV ; LV Cup; LV or VL; LV VL; Speedy; Suhali; Taiga; Tambour.

ACN 06/61 
Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd  Anakin Skywalker; Attoo-Detoo; Attack of the Clones; Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi; Boba Fett; Chewbacca; Count Dooku; Dark Forces; Darth Maul; Darth Sidious; Darth Tyranus; Darth Vader; Death Star; Droidworkd Empire Strikes Back; Ewok; Force Commander; Full Throttle; General Grievous; Gladius; Grand Moff Tarkan; Gungan; Han Solo; Jabba The Hutt; Jar Jar Binks; Jedi Power Battles; Land Speeder; Lightsaber; Liquid Stone; Lord Darth Vader; Luke Skywalker; Mace Windu; Mercenaries; Mercenaries:Playground of Destruction; Millenium Falcon; Naboo; Obi-Wan Kenobi; Palpatine; Playground of Destruction; Princess Leia Organa; Qui-Gon Jinn; Rebel Assault; Revenge of the Sith; Rogue Leader; Rogue Squadron; Sebulba; Secret Weapons Over Normanby; See-Threepio; See-Threepio (C-3PO); Shmi Skywalker; Sith; Star Wars; Star Wars Bounty; Star Wars Galactic; Star Wars Galaxies; The Clone Wars; the Dig; The Empire Strikes Back; The Phantom Manace; Tie Fighter; Watto; X-Wing; Yoda, The Jedi Master; Zam Wesell;  ACN 06/07 

Lucky Brand Dungarees, Inc.


Lucky Brand; Lucky Brand Dungarees; Lucky You


ACN 05/69


Make-Up Art Cosmetics, Inc


Asphalt Flower; China Markers; Eyeglass; Fibre Rich Lash; Forty Lashes; Giltter Glass; Hyperreal; Hyper Souk; Lac Lustre; Lightful; Lip Builder; Lip Glass; Lip Glass Tasti; Lipmix; Lustreglass; MAC; Mac Absolute Powder; M.A.C. Base Mix; Mac Creations; Mac Fast Response; Mac Fix; M.A.C. Lash Paints; Macpro; M.A.C. Prep+Prime; Mac Pro Preferred; Mac Select; Mac Select Cover Up; M.A.C. Select Finish; Mac Select Mate; M.A.C. Select Moistureblend; M.A.C. Select Moisturecover; Mac Select Sheer; Mac Select Tint; Mac Shots; Mac Studio Finish; M.A.C. Studio Stick; Mac Tech; Max Zoom Lash; Make-Up Art Cosmetics; Moisture Feed; Opulash; Powerpoint; Pro Lash; Radically Clear; Shadebender; S/He Butter Elle/Lui Beurre Mac; Strobe; Studio Fix; Studio Lights; Studio Moisture Cream; Studio Moisture Fix; Studio Tech; Viva Glam

ACN 05/10 

Mambo Graphics Pty Limited


Mambo; 100% Mambo; Mambo Beer


ACN 05/69

Marco Polo Foods Pty Limited 

Marco; Marco Polo; Marco Polo Fine Foods from Across the Sea

ACN 06/07 
Mazda Australia Pty. Limited  B2600 Marvie; Eunos; Eunos V; M O; Mazda; Mazda 2; Mazda 3; Mazda 5; Mazda 6; Mazda MPV; Mazda MX-5; Mazda RX-8; Mazdaspeed; MPS; Premacy; RX-7; RX-8; Savanna; Tribute; V; Zoom-Zoom  ACN 05/33 

Metallica, A California Partnership

Metallica  ACN 06/25 
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, Inc. 

Ars Gratia Artis; Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer; M.G.M.; MGM Means Great Movies; MGM/UA Home Video Ars Gratis Artis; United Artists; United Artists UA

ACN 05/10 

MGA Entertainment Inc. (a Californian Corporation)


Bratz; Bratz Boyz; Bratzpack; Bratz FM Cruiser; Eitan; Koby; Lil'Bratz; The Girls With a Passion for Fashion


ACN 06/25


Microsoft Corporation


Actimates; Active Accessibility; Active Client; Active Desktop; Active Directory; Active Platform; Activestore; Activesync; Activex; Aero; Age Of Empires; Age Of Mythology; Asheron's Call; Asheron's Call Dark Majesty; Aut Route; Authenticode; Automap; Azurik; Banjo Pilot; Bankshot Billiards; Battletech; Bcentral; Bitlocker; Biztalk; Blinx; Blood Wake; Brigand; Brute Force; Bungie; Carbonated Games; Chess Titans; Cleartype; Close Combat; Convection; Cortana; Crackdown; Created By XBOX Microsoft Authentic Product Original Produkt Produit Original Prodotto Autentico Producto Original; Crimson Skies; Devastator; Developer Studio; Digital Anvil; Directanimation; Directmodel; Directshow; Directxj; Drivatar; E Microsoft Internet Explorer; Elements Of Power; Encarta; Ensemble Studios; Entourage; Eshop; Excel; Factory Window; Fallen Kings; Fasa Studio; Fist Of The Lotus; Forza Motorsport; Foxpro; Freelancer; Frontpage; Fuzion Frenzy; Halo; Halo 2; HDCD; Hexic; High Road To Revenge; Highmat; Homeclick; I; Infopath; Inkwriter; Inside Pitch; Intellieye; Intellimirror; Intellimouse; Intellishrink; Internet Explorer; It's Good To Play Together; j++; Joanna Dark; Kameo; Kung Fu Chaos; Linedrive; Liquid Motion; Lost Odyssey; Mahjong Titans; Manic Marbles; Marine Mania; Maximum Chase; Mechassault; Mechcommander; Mechwarrior; Microsoft; Microsoft Dynamics; Microsoft Enhanced; Microsoft Embedded Visual Tools; Microsoft Excel; Microsoft Game Studios X; Microsoft Links; Microsoft My Personal Tutor; Microsoft Power Sense; Microsoft Taxsaver; Microsoft TV; Microsoft Visual Tools L; Microsoft.Net Connected; Midtown Madness; Mobile Explorer; Mobile2market; Monster Truck Madness; Motocross Madness; Mozaki; MSDN; MS-DOS; MSN; Natural; Navision Attain; Navision Axapta; Navision XAL; Ncompass Resolution; Netmeeting; Netshow; Nightcaster; Ninety-Nine Nights; Objectwindows; Onenote; Optimatch; Perfect Dark; Perfect Dark Zero; Phantom Dust; Photodraw; Picture It!; Pinata; Powerpoint; Precision Racing; Project Gotham Racing; Purble Place; Quantum Redshift; Quickshelf; Revenge Of Arcade; Riot; Rise Of Legends; Rise Of Nations; Rise Of Perathia; Sabreman Stampede; Segoe; Sharepoint; Shadowrun; Sideshow; Sidewinder; Sneakers; SQLWindows; Starlancer; Start; Start Something; Stomped; Sudeki; Superfetch; Talking Windows; Tao Feng; Telewindows; Tex Murphy; The Age Of Kings; The Time Sweeper; The Unseen; Tork; Trekker; Trueskill; Tutorassist; Ultracorps; Urban Assault; VBA; Visio; Visual Basic; Visual C#; Visual Interdev; Visual J#; Visual J++; Visual Sourcesafe; Visual Studio; Vizact; Webbot; Webdings; Webtv; Whacked!; WIN64; Windows; Windows Draw; Windows Media; Windows Mobile; Windows NT; Windows Onecare; Windows Powered; Windows Powered Smart Display; Windows Server System; Windows Starter; Windows Vista; Windows World; WINDOWS XP; Windows XP Tablet PC Edition; WINFIX; WMV/HD; X; X360; XBOX; XBOX 360; XBOX LIVE; XNA; XSN Sports; Your Potential. Our Passion.; Zonefriends; Zonematch; Zoo Tycoon


ACN 07/06


Montres Tudor SA


Tudor; Tudor Prince; Tudor Princess


ACN 06/25

Mountain Hardwear, Inc.  Mountain Hard Wear 

ACN 06/25


NBA Properties, Inc.


76ers; Atlanta Hawks; Boston Celtics; Chicago Bulls; Cleveland Cavaliers; Dallas Mavericks; Denver Nuggets; Houston Rockets R; Jazz Utah; Knicks; Los Angeles Lakers; Miami Heat; Milwaukee Buck; Minnesota Timber Wolves; NBA; Nets; New Orleans Hornets H; Orlando Magic A; Phoenix Suns; Pistons Detroit; Portland Blazers; P Pacers; Sacramento Kings; San Antonio Spurs; S Seattle Sonics; Toronto Raptors; Warriors; Wizards W


ACN 05/69


NGK Spark Plug (Australia) Pty Ltd


BP5ES; BP5FS; BP6ES; NGK Spark Plug BP5ES; NGK Spark Plugs BP5ES


ACN 06/61


Nielsen Kellerman Australia Pty Ltd




ACN 06/25


Nike International Ltd


ACG; Air; Air Max; Air-Sole; Fpes; Flight; Force; House of Hoops; Joga Bonita; Jordan AR; Just Do It; Lebron; Look for the Star!; Nike; Nike Air; Nike Alpha Project; Nike Grind; Nike Shox; Nike Stabilflex; Nike Women's Runwalk; Play Participate In The Lives Of Australia's Youth; S; S or 5; Sasquatch; Slingshot; Stabilflex; S Starter; Starter; Starter Sport; Starter Rugged Terrain; Starter Symbol of American Sports; Supreme Court; Swoosh; The Eyes Lead the Body


ACN 06/61


Nintendo of America


Game Boy; Game Boy Micro; Game Boy Pocket; Nintendo; Nintendo Ds; Nintendo Entertainment System; Nintendo Gamecube; Nintendo Original Seal Of Quality; Nintendogs; Original Nintendo Seal Of Quality


ACN 06/25

Nissan Motor Co (Australia) Pty Ltd  Nissan  ACN 06/25 

Nokia Corporation


Club Nokia; Human Technology; N-Gage; Nokia ; Nokia Care; Nokia OK; Nokia Original Enhancements; Nokia-Connecting People; Pop-Port; Vertu; Xpress-On.

ACN 05/33
ACN 06/61 

Oakley, Inc.


Blades; E Wire; Eye Jackets; Fives; Frogskins; Full Metal Jacket; HDO; Mars; M Frame; Minute; O; Oakley; O Matter; O Oakley; Plutonite; Positive Red; Racing Jacket; Razor Blades; Romeo; Splice; Square Wire; Straight Jacket; Strike; Sub-Zeros; Thermonuclear Protection; The Vault; Topcoat; Trench Coat; T Wire; Unobtainium; X; X-Metal; XYZ Optics; Zeros


ACN 05/48


Oshkosh B'Gosh, Inc


Baby B'Gosh; B'Gosh; Farmimages; Genuine Blues; Genuine Girl; Osh Kosh; OshKosh B'Gosh; OshKosh B-Gosh; OshKosh B'Gosh The Genuine Article; OshKosh B'Gosh Vestbak Genuine Article; OshKosh 1895; The OshKosh workwear Co.18


ACN 05/69

Ozdare Corporation Pty Ltd  American Crew; Beach Bum; D:FI; Mop.  ACN 06/61 

Pacific Brands Clothing Pty Ltd


18 Hour Eighteen Hour; Berlei; Candy; Cross-Your-Heart; Explorer; Holeproof; Kayser; Oh! Oh! Razza Matazz; Playtex; Razzamatazz; Rio; Stubbies


ACN 05/69


Pacific Brands Footwear Pty Ltd


Aerosport; Applie Pie; Clarks; Comfort Zone; Continuum; Grosby; Gro-Shu; Jiffies; Hush Puppies; Julius Marlow; M; Merrell; Naturalizers; Prosport; Victory


ACN 05/69


Pacific Brands Holdings


D; Dunlop


ACN 05/69


Pacific Brands Sport & Leisure Pty Ltd


Black Max; King Gee; Maxfli; Niblick; Slazenger; Volley


ACN 05/69

Parfums Christian Dior 

Absolutely Sun; Adipotrack; Alpha-Longoza; Aquacapt; Body-Cups Diffusion System; Body Firm; Body Light Christian Dior; Bois D'Argent; Capture; Capture R60/80; Capture First Action; Capture Plastic; Capture R60/80 Filler; Capture Sculpt 10; Capture Totale; CD Hydraction; Celluli Diet; Chris: 1947 Dior; Christian Dior; Cologne Blanche; Color Essence; Dior; Dior Addict; Dior Addict 2; Dior Addict 2 Girly Collector; Dior Addict Extreme; Diior Addict Lip Fluid; Dior Addict Plastic Gloss; Dior Body Firmer; Dior Girly Blossom; Dior Gloss Show; Dior Homme Dior; Dior Me, Dior Me Not; Diorskin Hydra-Fit; Diorskin X3 Control; Dior Svelte; Diorella; Dioressence; Diorissimo; Diorlift; Diorling; Diorlywood; Diorscience; Diorshow; Diorskin; Diorskin Airflash; Dolcie Vita; dune Christian Dior; Eau Sauvage; Eau Sauvage Dior; Eau Noire; Energy Move; Fahrenheit; Fahrenheit Alter Ego; Fahrenheit Dior; Higher; Forever and Ever Dior; Higher Energy Dior; Hydra-Star; Hydra -Move; Hypnotic Poison; Icepearl Diorshow; Icone; Incorruptible; J'Adore; L'or De Vie; Les Plaisirs Gourmands Pour Le Bain Et Le Corps; Let Your Heart Beat Faster; Masai; Miss De France; Miss Dior; Miss Dior Cherie; Miss Dior Cherie Crème Soufflee; No-Age Essentiel;No Age Essentiel; Nutri-Move; Perfect-Fit Compact; Plasticity; Poison; Pure Poison; Pure Poison Dior; Resultante; Skinflash; So Cheek; Styleliner; Sun Like; Svelte; Sweet Sun; Tendre Poison; Too Much; Tout L'Amour De Dior; Ultimeyes; Ultra Coloressence; Visiora; Vitalmine


ACN 06/25
ACN 06/46
ACN 06/61

Parfums Givenchy Societe Anonyme 

Amarige; Eau Torride; Extravagance D'Amarige; G; Givenchy; Grandsenbon; Hot Couture; Hot Couture GGGG; Insence; L'Inderdit; Oblique; Organza; Organza Indecense; Ptisenbon Tartine Et Chocolat; RWD Play F.Fwd; Swisscare Pour Givenchy; Very Irresistable Givenchy; Xeryus; Ysatis


ACN 06/25


Paramount Pictures Corporation


Paramount; Paramount A Gulf & Western Company; Paramount Classics; Paramount Home Entertainment; Paramount Home Video International; Paramount Pictures


ACN 06/25

Pars Ram Brothers (Australia) Pty Ltd  Maaza, Sohna  ACN 05/17 

Pat Chun International Limited


Pat Chun; PC


ACN 06/07


Paul Smith Limited


Newbold; Paul Smith; PS Paul Smith; R.Newbold


ACN 05/33


Pfizer Australia Pty Ltd


Accupril; Celebrex; Lipitor; Norvasc; Pfizer; Viagra; V Viagra; Xalatan; Zoloft


ACN 05/06


Philip Morris Limited


Alpine; Alpine PM; Alpine O;ARQ; Bahian Aroma; Black & White; Chesterfield; Chesterfield Golden Smooth Tobaccos; Chesterfield King; Chesterfield Mambaya Gold; Chesterfield Oriental Silk; Chestrfield Oriental Sun; Chesterfield Oriental Velvet; Chesterfield Rio Tropical; Chesterfield Virginian Classic; COHO3 C; Du Maurer; Du Marier 25; e-smoke; F.L. Smith Albany; Filter Select; Fortune; Fortune Special Filter F; Langham; Longbeach; Longbeach PM; Longbeach Super Mild; Mambaya Gold; Marlboro; Marlboro Lights; Marlboro Classics; Marlboro Lights Veni Vidi Vici PM; Marlboro PM Veni Vidi Vici; Marlboro World Championship Team; Merit E; Merit Select; Multi Filter; Nuji; Oriental Sun; Park Drive; Park Drive Premiums; Peter Jackson; Peter Jackson PJ; Peter Jackson Super Mild Premium Quality; Philip Morris Signature a Rare Blend of Noble Tobaccos For Unsurpassed Smoothness Crafted to Perfection; PJ Peter Jackson; PJ Peter Jackson Extra Miild; PM Alpine Ultra Lights Menthol Fresh; PM Inc Veni Vidi Vici; PM Longbeach Super Mild; PM Superlights; Red Racing; Rio Tropical; V Special Viscount; Viscount

ACN 06/07 

Pierre-Andre Senizergues


32; E; E Etnies; Emerica; Es; Es Footwear; Etnies; M; System O2; Thirtytwo

ACN 06/07 
Pineapple Trademarks Pty Ltd  96 Sexually Dyslexic 96 Sexually Dyslexic; Alcohol is your friend; Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder; beer technically a vegetarian meal; Caution object in pants is larger than it appears; Cunning stunts Pty Ltd satisfaction guaranteed; Designated Driver; Dirty Hoes; Donkey Rides Satisfaction guaranteed extra long rides; All rides 25c; Farkenhungover; FBI Female Body Inspector; finish your beer there's sober people in africa; For a minute there you bored me to death; G Bo; Good better best; Group therapy beer satisfaction guaranteed; Hey princess bring me a beer; Honolua Surf Co; Kustom; If you've got a TRIANGLE you can play with my balls; Lik mai nutz peanut farm; Long dong lip balm; Mighty mounds; Mrs Palmers the best grip around; My girl gives good headache; Nalu; Need head; Off; Palmers; Powderkeg grip for explosive surfing; Recreational gynacologist; Satisfaction guaranteed; Save the la(st)p dance for me palmers surf; Sofa King - Everything I do is sofa king good; Stinky's clam shack restaurant & bar 24/7 raw shaved steamy bearded slam a stinky's clam tonight; Toe jam ultra sticky surf wax; workin' on a case; Trade marks 905027, 971866, 888084, 888081, and 973449 are also included in this Notice, due to their adult nature further information on these can be found on the IP Australia internet site  ACN pending 

Playboy Enterprises International, Inc


Femlin; Playboy; Playboy Funnies; Playmate; Playmate of the Year


ACN 05/33


Polo Ralph Lauren Australia


C RL Chaps Ralph Lauren; CLPR Polo; Chaps By Ralph Lauren; Lauren; Lauren Ralph Lauren; Polo; Polo By Ralph Lauren; Polo Original; Polo Sydney; Polo RL; Polo Jeans Co.; Polo Sport Ralph Lauren; Ralph Lauren; Ralph Ralph Lauren; RL; RLX Polo Sport; RRL


ACN 05/33

Porsche Cars Australia Pty Ltd  4 S; 911; Boxster; Carrera; Cayenne; Cayman; Pan Americana; Panamera; Pccb; Pccc; PD; Porsche; Porsche Bike FS; Porsche Cayenne; Porsche Design; Porsche Speedster; Porsche Stuttgart; Variocam; Varioram; Varrera.  ACN 06/49 
Portbid Pty Limited  Star; TTN 

ACN 06/49


Prada S.A.


Prada; Miu Miu


ACN 05/48


Procter and Gamble International Operations Pte Ltd


"1000"; 2000 Calorie; A Totally Organic Experience; Ace; Activair; Actonel; Advantage; Adveon; Aerex; Alldays; Always; Ammen; Aquasmooth; Ariel; Atinel; Aussie Sprunch Spray; Australian 3 Minute Miracle; Azimicor; Baby Fresh; Balancing Act; Beautyscopes; Beinggirl; Bibsters; Blend-A-Dent; Blend-A-Med;Blendax; Blendax Anti-Plaque; Blendi; Blonde Clairol Naturally Blonde Clairol Naturally Blonde; Blondessence; Blue Ii; Blue Ii Custom; Blue Ii Pro; Bold; Bold 2 In 1; Bonus; Booster; Born Blonde; Boss; Boss Elements Aqua; Boss In Motion; Botanicolor Complexes; Bounce; Bounty; Braun; Brothers; C Color Source; Caline; Camay; Cascade; Certina; Cg Connection; Charmin; Citrus Hill; Clairelle; Clairesse; Clairmist; Clairol; Clairol A Beauty All Your Own; Clairol Accents; Clairol Beautiful Browns; Clairol Beauty Line; Clairol BENDERS; Clairol Blue Lightening; Clairol Classique; Clairol Colorhold; Clairol Colour Choice System; Clairol Colour Play; Clairol Condition; Clairol Condition 11 Ii; Clairol Creme Toner; Clairol Frost & Tip; Clairol Glints; Clairol Hair So New; Clairol Herbal Essence; Clairol Herbal Essences; Clairol Herbal Essences Herbal Essences; Clairol Herbal Essences Intensive Blends; Clairol Hydrience; Clairol Lasting Response; Clairol Lasting Touch; Clairol Men's Choice; Clairol Misty; Clairol Natural Balance; Clairol Nice'n Easy; Clairol Nuances; Clairol Positive Reaction; Clairol Pure White; Clairol Renewal; Clairol Stylers; Clairol The Complete Blonde; Clairol The Foot Fixer; Clairoxide; Color Secure; Colorseal; Colorwonderful; Come Alive Gray; Contour; Contour Plus; Contura; Coppertop; Cover Girl; Cover Girl Balanced Complexion; Cover Girl Clean; Cover Girl Continuous Color; Cover Girl Continuous Color Self-Renewing; Cover Girl Continuous Wear; Cover Girl Long 'N Lush; Cover Girl Luminesse; Cover Girl Naturally Perfect; Cover Girl Professional; Cover Girl Remarkable; Cover Girl Simply Powder; Cover Girl Smoothers; Cover Girl Ultimate Finish; Creating A World Of Difference; Cremacoat; Creme Puff; Crest; Crest Spinbrush; Crisscross; Crossaction; Cs; Curing Muddy; Daily Defense; Daily Defense Complex; Daisy; Daisy Plus; Dark Blue; Dash; Dawn; Dd; Deep Red; Designer Eyes; Dilone; Discrete; Downy; Downy Care; Dreft; Dri-Weve; Dryel; Duart; Duomilia; Duracell; Dusk 'Til Dawn; Eagle; Eagle Fat Free; Easytab; Eclipse; Elastesse; Elements; Embrace; Emotion; En Joy Jean Patou; Erace; Eukanuba; Eukanuba Health Extra; Eukanuba Premium; Eye Makers; Eyeslicks; Facefinity; Factor; Fairy; Fairy Sterling White Bar; Fasteeth; Febreze; Febreze Fresh Air Clean; Filonel; Firmonel; Fit; Fixodent; Flash; Flash Double Magic; Flash The Big Job Cleaner; Flexgrip; Flexor; Fluoristan; Fluoristat; Folgers; Forceflex; Formesilk; Fruit Fusions; G; G G; Gain; Gc; Geminesse; Gii; Gii Plus; Gillette; Gillette G Ii; Gillette Mach; Gillette Platinum-Plus; Gillette Satin Care; Gillette Sensor; Gillette Series Pacific Light; Gillette Swivel; Gillette Ultragrip; Giorgio; Giorgio Aire; Giorgio Beverly Hills; Giorgio Beverly Hills For Men V.I.P. Special Reserve Spray Cologne; Giorgio Beverly Hills Signature; Gleem; Glycerelle; Goal; Got An Urge? Follow It; Green Fern; Growthplus; H&S; Hair Insurance; Head & Shoulders; Headclear; Heat Defense; Henry M. Betrix; Hugo Boss No. 1; Hugo Hugo Boss; Hydriesse; Hydroglide; Iams; Iams Chunks; Iams Company; Iams Less Active; Iams Minichunks; Illume; Impress; Indicator; Infasil; Infusium 23; Innerg; Innerscience; Instant Whip Lady Clairol; Intermissions; Intrinsa; Ivory; Ivory Soap Procter & Gamble; Jakada; Jazzing; Jean Patou; Jeckles; Jetpress; Joy; Joy De Jean Patou Paris; Jp; Juvian; Kindness; King C Gillette; King C. Gillette; Lady Clairol; Lash Lock; Lasting Color By Loving Care; Laura Biagotti; Laura Biagotti Emotion; Laura Biagotti Roma; Laura Biagotti Roma Uoma Laura Biagotti Venezia Uomo; Laura Biagotti Venezia; Laura By Laura Biagotti; Lipfinity; Lipsilks; Living Proof; Long Lasting Color That Cares; Loving Care; Lubrarich; Lubrastrip; Lustrous Sponge-On Satin Blush; Luvs; Mach3; Mach3 Turbo; Magicare; Mallory; Max Factor; Max Factor Aqua Lash; Max Factor Colour And Light; Max Factor Dawn To Dusk; Max Factor Diamond Hard; Max Factor High Definition; Max Factor International; Max Factor International Silk Perfection; Max Factor Lasting Color; Max Factor Lasting Performance; Max Factor Light And Natural; Max Factor Mf; Max Factor Moisture Rich; Max Factor New Definition; Max Factor No Color; Max Factor Sk-Ii; Max Factor Soft Blend; Max Factor Stayput; Max Studio; Maxi; Mediloz; Metamucil; Mf; Microtrac; Minute-Foam; Minute-Gel; Miracor; Miss Clairol; Moisturerich; Moisturewear; Moon Glow; Motif By Clairol; Mountain Grown; Mr. Clean; Mr. Mustache; Multipax; Multiplying Mascara; Mum; Mum 21 Twenty One; Mum Body Mist; Mum Botanicals; Mum Chill; Mum Clear; Mum Dry Action; Mum Mystery Twenty One 21; Mum Mystery Twenty One 21 Fresh Apeal; Mum Teen; Mum's; Mums Sensitive; N; Nacet; Nail Thick; Nailslicks; Natural Brush-On Satin Blush; Natural Instincts; Neutracare; Neutra-Foam; Nice 'N Easy; Noxell; Noxzema; Nulon; Nutrahold; Nyquil; Oil Of Olay; Oil Of Olay The Care Company; Oil Of Ulan; Oil Of Ulan (Olay); Oil Of Ulan Age Defense Line; Oil Of Ulan Dramatically Long Lengthening Mascara; Oil Of Ulan Perfect Brow; Olay; Olay Love The Skin You're In; Olay Total Effects; Olay Touch; Olay Vitaniacin; Old Spice; Old Spice High Endurance; Old Spice Sea Splash; Olestra; Once You Pop The Fun Don't Stop Once You Pop The Fun Won't Stop; Once You Pop, You Can't Stop; Open Up And Smile; Optinate; Opulence; Oralb; Oral-B; Oral-B Satinfloss; Oral-B Vision; P; P & G; Pampa; Pamper Pants; Pampers; Pampers Pants; Pampers Phases; Pampers Trainers; Pan-Cake; Pan-Stik; Pantene; Pantene Gold Line; Pantene Pro-V; Pantene Pro-V Color; Pantene Pro-V Essentials; Pantene Pro-V P; Pantyl; Pastello; Patou For Ever; Pearl; Pensilks; Pepto-Bismol; Permatone; Pert; Pert Plus; Petal Soft; Physique; Pitera; Pop Box; Pop Ums; Power Tip; Powercheck; Presiva; Pringles; Pringles Right; Probak; Procell; Procter & Gamble; Proctor & Gamble Pharmaceuticals Creating A World Of Difference; Pro-Glide; Pro-Lining; Pro-V; Pro-Vital; Puffs; Punica; Pur; Pure Solutions; Red Giorgio Beverly Hills; Redmond; Redmond Aussie; Regenerist; Rehidrat; Rejoice; Rejuva; Rely; Revitalique By Clairol; Ridges; Ridges;Right Guard; Right Guard Xtreme Sport; Safeguard; Salvo; Saneva; Sassoon; Satin ; Satin Care; Satin Splendour; Satin Touch; Satinboard; Satintape; Science Gives You The Style Nature Didn't; Scope; Secret; Secret Platinum Protection; Sensor; Sensor Excel; Sensua; Sensuelle;Sensurae; Sensurae System; Settique; Sheer Genius; Shop Cg; Shulton; Silk & Silver; Silk Cover; Silk Effects; Simply Summer; Sinex; Sk-Ii; Skin Care Thinking For Your Hair; Smart Zpt; Sotto Voce; Stedicor; Stylessence; Sublime De Jean Patou; Summer Blonde; Swiffer; Syncro; T; Tabletools; Tambrands; Tampax; Tampax Compak; Tampax Lites; Tampax Petal Soft; Tampax Satin; Tampets; Tempo; Tempore; The Edge By Vs Sassoon; Tide; Top Lights; Trac Ii; Tribal Spirits; Tribal Spirits Mystic Rain; Ulay; Ultra Blue Lady Clairol; Ultra Pampers; Ultra V; Ultrafloss; Ultralucent; Ultress; Urban Essentials; V.I.P. Special Reserve; Vapo Rub Vick; Vaporub; Vaposteam; Vaposyrup; Vector; Venus; Vick; Vicks; Vicks Airets; Vicks Cool Mint; Vicks Formula 44; Vicks Formula 44-C; Vicks Frosty Berry; Vicks Honey Lemon; Vicks Ice Mint; Vicks Icy Blue; Vicks Oracin; Vicks Sunshine C; Vicks Vapo Steam; Vicks Vapodrops; Vicks Vaporets; Vicks Vaporub; Vicks Viscoat; Vidal Sassoon; Vidal Sassoon Salon Collection; Vidal Sassoon Salon Science; Vidal Sassoon Ultra Care; Viocea; Viscoat; Vitalhboosters; Vitalock; Vote; Voyager Jean Pataou Paris; Vs; Vs Sassoon; Wetjet; Whipped Crème; Whisper; Whisper Quickwraps; Whitestrips; Wild Blossom; Zest


ACN 05/10


ACN 05/41


ACN 06/46


Puma Australia Pty Ltd


Disc; Finesse; Finesse Tennis & Sportswear; Millichamp; Millichamp & Hall; Platinum; Puma; Puma Cell; Sportlifestyle; Street Soccer; Trinomic; UniQT


ACN 05/33

QS Holdings Sarl  Black Diamond; Boardriders Club; Chicken Jam; Method; Oxy; QS; Quick Inc.; Quik; Quik Silver Quiksilver; Quiksilver; Quiksilver Method; Quiksilver Roxy; Roxy; Roxy Life; Thermo Prene; ZQK.  ACN 07/06 

Red Bull GmbH


Bull; Gives You Wings; Red Bull; Red Bull Energy Drink


ACN 06/61


Reebok Sports Limited


Boks; Rbk; Reebok; Step Reebok; Weebok


ACN 06/25


Rip Curl Pty Ltd


Peak; Rip Curl; RC


ACN 05/69

Roland DG Corporation  Roland 

ACN 06/25


Rocket Industries Pty Ltd


Auto Gage; B&M; CVR High Performance Electrical Products; MSD; MSD Ignition; Pro-Comp; RCI; Sport-Comp; Superchips; System 1.


ACN 07/06


Rockport Company, LLC (The)


Dressports; Hydro-Shield; Hydrosports; Rockport; Rocsports; XCS


ACN 05/33


Rolex Societe Anonyme


Cellini; Cosmograph; Datejust; Explorer; GMT-Master; Oyster; Rolex; Rolex Daytona; Sea-Dweller; Submariner; Yacht-Master


ACN 06/25


Royal Management Pty Limited

Royal Elastics  ACN 05/17 

Samir El-Hajj




ACN 06/07

Sao Paulo Apargatas S.A  Havaianas  ACN 06/61 
Sara Lee Australia  2nd Debut Second Debut; Accu-Press; Airbal Car Fresh; Ambi; Ambi Pur; Ambi-Pur; Ambi-Pur Flush; Ambi-Pur Fragrant Mist; All Fresh Du Lundi Moist Clean-Up Squares; Apple Orchard; Aqua Flush; Aquatics; Aqua-Velva; Babydas; Babylon; Badedas; Bama; Barricade; Bathroom Plus; Behold; Black Kiwi; Block & White; Bon Ami; Bon Ami Dust-N-Wax; Bon Ami Superfine; Brylcreem; Brylcreem Dry Style; Brylfix; Brylfoam; Brylset; Brylshave; Brylspary; Bryltone; Canned Lightning Hi-Speed; Cavalier; Coconut Rush; Cotton Sky; Country Homestead; Country Homestead Wool Mix; Cremedas; Degreezo; Delial; Desert Sun; Direct; Don't Waste A Wash; Dranex; Drip Dry King; Du Lundi; Du Lundi Body Mist; Endust; Envi; Eskinol; Fissan; Fizz-Cleen; Fresh Force; Glowash; Golden Sil; Handspa; Harmony; Hasn't Scratched Yet; Hi Speed; Ice Blue; Janola; Janola Plus; Jumbuck; Kiwax; Kiwi; Kiwisport; Kiwi_Kwik-Brite; Lectric Shave; Magic King; Magix; Marteeko; Marveer; Marvo-Linn; Meltonian; Monsav; Neon; Neutrex; Odor Guard; Odyssey; Odyssey; P; Parade Gloss; Parry's; Pine Sil; Pinex; Pitralon; Power Clean; Quenty; Quenty-Beauty; Quenty-Sporty; Quickies; Radox; Recharge; Resiguard; Richford; Sanex; Scuff Zapper; Sensatol; Sheraton; Shoe Saver; Sil; Sil-Ease-E-Care; Sil Pine; Spring Sil; Silgard; Sno-White; Soft King; Sport Express; Spring; Spring Fresh; Suregard; Swat; Tackle; Tana; Toilet King; Tuxan; Ty-D-Bol; Unwind; Vanilla Splash; Vitapointe; Waterfall; White King; White King Wipeout; White Magic; Wintergarden; Wool King  ACN 05/33 

Saul Zaentz Company (The)


Anduril; Aragorn; Arwen Evenstar; Balrog; Bilbo Baggins; Elrond; Ent; Evenstar; Frodo; Frodo Baggins; Galadriel; Gandalf; Gimli; Glamdring; Gondor; Hobbit; Isengard; Lembas; Lord Of The Rings; Lothlorien; Lotr; Middle Earth; Minas Tirith; Mordor; Morgul Blade; Moria; My Preciousss; Narsil; Nazgul; One Ring To Rule Them All; Orc; Ringwraith; Rivendell; Rohan; Samwise Gamgee; Saruman; Sauron; Shadows Of Angmar; Shelob; Smaug; Sting; Strider; The Battle For Middle-Earth; The Fellowship Of The Ring; The Lord Of The Rings; The Lord Of The Rings Online; The Lord Of The Rings The Fellowship Of The Ring; The Lord Of The Rings The Return Of The King; The Lord Of The Rings The Two Towers; The One Ring; The Return Of The King; The Two Towers; Treebeard; Uruk-Hai.

ACN 07/06 
SCA Australasia Pty Limited  Libra, Tena  ACN 06/46 

Seiko Kabushiki Kaisha


Arctura; Auto Relay;Coutura; Kinetic; Lorus; Premier; Pulsar; Seiko; Seiko 5; Seiko Rivoli; Seiko Spring Drive; Sport.Tech; Sportura; S-Yard; Vivace


ACN 05/69

Seven for All Mankind LLC  7 For All Mankind; Seven For All Mankind.  ACN 06/46 

Shimano Australia Pty Ltd

Acera; Auto D; Auto S-H; Auto-L; C 050 Comfort Technology; Chain Blocker; CI-Deck; CI-Deck Plus; C Nexus; Cyber Nexus; Di2; Directional Design; D-Pull; Dual-Pull; Hollowtech; Hone; Hyperdrive; Hyperglide; Intego; Linkglide; Megapulley; Mobike; Nexus; Octalink; Power Modulator; Pro; Probypro; S; Saint; Shimano C 050; Shimano C101; Shimano C201; Shimano SPMC; SIS; SIS Index; Smover; Smover Smart Way of Moving; Sora; SPD; SPD-R; SPDSL; Tiagra; Ultegra; V-Brake 

ACN 04/16
ACN 06/25

Shure Incorporated  Conferenceone; Shure  ACN 06/61 

Skechers USA, Inc




ACN 06/46


SM Brands Pty Ltd


Ciesse; Ciesse Pumini; F; Fila; Filasport; Fila 2 Actions 2A; Fila F; Fila F-Line Collection Made In Italy

ACN 03/05 

Sony Computer Entertainment Australia Pty Limited

ACXC; Airblade; Alundra; ARC Entertainement; CIT; Contrail; Datacapsule; DNAS; Dual Shock; Ecinema over Broadband Network; EE Emotionengine; Emotion Card; Emotion Chip; Emotion Controller; Emotion Engine; Emotion Memory; Emotion Stick; Emotion Synthesis; Emotion Synthesizer; Everybodys Golf; eyeToy; Gran Turismo; GS Cube; GS Graphic-Synthesizer; Hardware; HDD; HDD Playstation 2; Legend of Dragoon; Memorich; Memotch; OPSM; Pay Per Play; Platinum; Playstation; Playstation 2; Playstation BB; Play Station BB Navigator; Playstation Broadband; PlayStation com; PlayTV; Plutonium; PocketStation; Polyphony Digital; P Polyphony Digital; P Powerline; PS; PS2; PS2 Playstation 2; PS3; PS-Link; PS One; PS Playstation Official Magazine; P S S T; PSX; SCE; SdevTV; Sedecium; Sony Computer Entertainment; Sony S Computer Entertainment; Sound Scope; Stolen; Sugar & Rockets; Sweepstation; The Mark of Kri; The Third Place; Um Jammer Lammy; VU Command Line; Wild Arms; Yaroze 

ACN 05/41

Sony Corporation  Walkman; Sony; Handycam; Vaio; W Walkman; Cycleenergy; W  ACN 06/49 

Southern Comfort Properties, Inc.

Comfort; Southern Comfort; Southern Comfort & Cola; Southern Comfort Established 1874; Southern Comfort Reserve; Southern Comfort the Grand Old Drink of the South; Southern Comfort, Between Friends; Southern Comfort Established 1874 M.W. Heron; The Spirit of New Orleans 

ACN 06/25


Spirits International N.V


CHN; Limonnaya Vodka Limonnaya; Moskovskaya; Pertsovka; Sibirskaya Vodka Sibirskaya Russian Vodka; Stoli; Stolichnaya; Stolichanaya Ohranj; Stolichanaya Stolichnaya Ohranj Orange Flavoured Russian Vodka; Stolichnaya Vodka


ACN 06/07


Spirits Product International Intellectual Property B.V


Kremlyovskaya; SPI


ACN 06/07

Spyder Active Sports, Inc  Spyder; Spyder Ski Clothing; Stryke.  ACN 06/61 

Star City Pty Ltd


Star City; Star City logo


ACN 05/69

Strong Technologies Pty Ltd  S Strong  ACN 05/33 

TAG Heuer S.A.


Aquagraph; Aquaracer; Autavia; Diamond Fiction; Heuer; Micrograph; Microsplit; Physics; Searacer; Tag Heuer; Tag Heuer Formula 1; Tag Heuer Monza; Targa Florio; Vanquish; What are you made of?

ACN 07/06 

Take 2 Interactive Software Pty Ltd


A T 2 Company; Jack of all Games; Joytech; R; T2 Take Two Interactive


ACN 05/69
ACN 06/25


Tala Investments and Import! Pty Ltd



ACN 06/07 

Teraglow Pty Ltd



ACN 05/17 

The Stanley Works Pty Limited


Accuscape; Acme; Atro; Beach; Bostitch; Compothane; Dawn; Duralock; Dynagrip; Goldblatt; Husky; Interlocking; Jensen; L: Labounty; Little Husky Marine; Magic-Door; Mac; Mac Tools; Pace-Setter; Powerlock; Proto; Sidchrome; Softuff; Stanley; Stanley Helps You Do Things Right; Steel Plank; Surform; Tape Dispenser; Thredlok; Tuff Mate; Tuff-Stuff From Zag; Turner; Yankee; Zag


ACN 05/69


Timberland Company


Mountain Athletics; Pro; Timberland; Timberland Pro; Weathergear

ACN 05/33 

Tommy Hilfiger Licensing Inc.

Hilfiger Athletics; Tommy; Tommy Hilfiger; Tommy Hilfiger Country Place; Tommy Girl; Tommy Jeans; Tommy Natural; Tommy Trunks  ACN 05/17 
Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha  Toyota, Lexus  ACN 06/46 
Trimex Pty Ltd  Alien; Amen; Angel; Azzaro; Azzura Azzaro; B Men; C Clarins Paris; Chrome Azzaro; Clarins; Eau Belle D'azzaro; Eau Dynamisante; Happening; LA; Masvelt; Par Amour; Silver Black; Visit.  ACN 06/46 

TriStar Pictures, Inc.

winged horse & cloud, all in square  ACN 07/06 

Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation


20th Century Fox; 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment; Fox; Fox 2000; Twentieth Century-Fox


ACN 07/06


Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation


The Simpsons


ACN 05/69

Unilever Australia Limited 

Domestos; Dove; Doveâ?¦1/4 Moisturising Cream; Doveâ?¦Won't Dry Your Skin Like Soap Can; Dove Body Silk; Dove Essential Nutrients; Dover Fresh Radiance; Drive; Impulse; Jif; Lux; Lynx; Omo; Omo High Performance; Pond's; Rexona; Sunlight; Sunsilk; Vaseline; Vaseline Intensive Care


ACN 06/07

Unity Agencies Pty. Ltd  WAHL  ACN 05/33 

Universal City Studios LLLP


Bride of Frankenstein; Dracula; Dragon Heart; E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial; Frankenstein; Jaws; Jurassic Park; Jurassic Park: The Lost World; Kong The 8th Wonder Of The World; MCA; Sea Quest DSV 4600; Small Soldiers; The Lost World; Universal; Universal International; Universal Playback TV Classics on Video; Video Cassette MCA; Waterworld.

ACN pending 

Upper Deck Company (The)


Upper Deck; Upper D.E.C.K.


ACN 05/33


Vans Inc

Hawaiian Pro Surfing Championship; Impulse Technology; Off The Wall; Pipe Masters; Square-root symbol; S Switch; Triple Crown; Triple Crown Of Surfing; Vans; World Cup Of Surfing 

ACN 06/25

Vegas Enterprises Pty Ltd t/a Rusty Australia 

R; R.; Red; R. Precision Designs Rusty Preisendorfer; R TK; Rusty; Rusty All Terrain Series; Rustyexperimentaldenim

ACN 07/06 
Vision Marketing  Bill Bass; Dirty Dog  ACN 06/25 
Vok Beverages Pty Ltd 

Advo-Mint Vok; Beenleigh; Beenleigh Cane Spirit; Beenleigh Charcoal Mellow Original Bosun of SS Walrus; Beenleigh Traditional Rum Superior Rum Since 1884 Made At Australia's Oldest Distillery Medal Winners Since 1890 Gold Medal Brisbane From Australia's Oldest Registered Distillery; Cawsey's; El Toro; Frigate Rum; Olympus; Vok; Voktail

ACN 06/07 

Volcom Australia Pty Ltd


Volcom; Volcom Ent"ter.tain'ment


ACN 05/69

Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc  HP; Warner Home Video WB; WB  ACN 07/06 
Westjade Pty Ltd  Audio Boss.; Audio Gods; Audio Gods by Hollywood Audio Products U.S.A.; Boss Audio; Compeye; Road master; Saint USA; Twister  ACN 07/06 
Williamson-Dickie Manufacturing Company  A Legend in Work; D Dickies; D Dickies Dickies Australian Worker of the Year; D Dickies Dickies Worker of the Year; D Dickies Girl; Dickies Girl  ACN 05/33 
Wizards of the Coast, Inc  Coldsnap; Dissension; Deckmaster; Duelist; Duel Masters; Hecatomb; Kaijudo; Last Hallows Eve; Magic; Magic The Gathering; Mirrodin; Ravnica: Ctiy Of Guilds; Shadowcaster; Shockwaves Of The Shattered Rainbow; Shobu; Wizards Of The Coast  ACN 06/25 
W L Gore and Associates (Australia) Pty Ltd 

Airgrid; Airvantage; Concurve; Gore Best Defence; Gore-Tex Guaranteed To Keep You Dry; Gore Windstoopper; Gore Windstopper Accessories Gore Creative Technologies Worldwide; Gore-Tex; Gore-Tex XCR; Immersion; Ocean Technology; Paclite; Tested & Recommended by Gore for Gore-Tex; Windstopper Fabric Gore Featuring XCR Technology; Windstopper N2S; Windstopper

ACN 06/49 
World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc  Armageddon; Backlash; Bad Blood; Batista; Booker T; Bubba Ray Dudley; Carlito Caribbean Cool; Chris Benoit; Chris Jericho; Christian; Dudley Boyz; D-Von Dudley; Eddie Guerrero; Fully Loaded; Hardy Boyz; Heat; Jakked; Judgment Day; Kane; King Of The Ring; Kurt Angle; Lita; Livewire; Metal; New World Order; New World Order Strength In The Future; No Mercy; No Way Out; NWO; nWo; NWO Australia; NWO New World Order; Raw; Rey Mysterio; Royal Rumble; Rules And Bones Are Meant To Be Broken; Shawn Michaels; Shelton Benjamin; Smack Records Down!; Smackdown; Stone Cold Steve Austin; Summerslam; Survivor Series; The Hurricane; The Rock; Triple H; Trish Stratus; Undertaker; Unforgiven; WCW World Championship Wrestling; World Championship Wrestling; World Wrestling Entertainment; World Wrestling Federation; Wrestlemania; WW; WW World Wrestling Entertainment; WWE; WWF.  ACN pending 

YKK Australia Pty Ltd


Conceal, Cosmolon, Crystalloc, Cyberloc, Eflon, Eggloc, Kensin, Locwave, Minifa, Natulon, Powerhook, Quicklon, Spacedome, Tapecraft, Texmint, Vislon, Y K K, Yzip, Zaglan, Zipcap, Ziplon, Ziplon Y.K.K.


ACN 06/25

Zarrin Import! & Export Pty LTd  1&1  ACN 07/06 
Zenith International S.A  Zenith; Zenith Elite; Baby Star; Starissime  ACN 06/46 
Zino Davidoff S.A.  Cool Water; Davidoff; Davidoff Classic; Davidoff Cool Water; Davidoff Cool Water Aquatic; Davidoff Good Life; Davidoff Relax; Davidoff Skin Science; Echo Davidoff; Zino Davidoff  ACN 05/33 
Zippo Manufacturing Company  It's Not Just A Lighter, It's A Zippo; Zip Guard; Ziplight; Zippo; Zippo Motorsports.  ACN 07/06 

Last updated 2.11.2006
