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Follow Your Heart 감사3회독 12일차 Follow your heart p101~111
임재규 추천 0 조회 34 12.01.31 07:14 댓글 12
게시글 본문내용
  • 12.01.31 08:42

    첫댓글 Happy Tuesday!! I also got up at 4, drink a cup of coffee, read a book, and listened to English radio broadcast.
    then now I'm get to my work with reading <Follow your heart> a loud. Have a good time..
    I'm gonna attend the CS meet-up alone.. Isn't anyone able to attend the meet-up? lol. I need courage!

    When you are absolutely committed to changing your life or reaching a goal,
    the means to help you get there present themselves
    -> Whenever you are ready for changing yourself,
    many opportunities to help you teach everything will come to you.

  • 12.01.31 10:17

    I think you already have a courage. Go, Cody~! :)

  • 12.01.31 22:15

    Cheer up 성필. You are always brave man !!!

  • 작성자 12.02.01 00:50

    I totally agreed... you are not early bird.. you are early monster!!

  • 12.01.31 08:58

    We label events as "disasters" when we only see one percent of the picture.
    -> We used to judge events as "unfortunate" because we just see small portion of all.

    We recognize that our stress is caused by rules in our own head.
    -> I guess that accidents was caused by each useless self-esteem in their own head.

    1. You can't control your environment, the weather or other people's opinions about you.
    The one thing over which you have total contrl and the most important is your thoughts.
    2. Externals don't make us happy!

    I can realize again that everything depends on our thoughts.

  • 12.01.31 09:00

    I will focus on whether I always go forward something positive. satisfaction or complaint, you can choose.

  • 12.01.31 18:13

    As for what we talked about yesterday, next week (the 2nd week of February) is the most convenient for me. But, I can rearrange my time to fit your schedule. Anyway, I hope to keep in touch with you. :)

    I want to talk to my father, "Don't worry, Dad. I won't let you down. Wish me luck." :)

  • 작성자 12.02.01 00:52

    haha.. you good!! Plese don't let us down.. hope you to come back soon

  • 12.01.31 10:54

    * "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear."
    -> I agree to what Tyler said. If people are not ready to learn something, it is no use no matter how great teachers they meet. They can't recongize the value of teachers.


    I love these words in a book called "Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho, "When you aspire for something with passion, all the universe conspires to make it happen.". If we truly long for something, all ways to make it happen will appear in front of us.

  • 12.01.31 11:17

    -> I love you as you are. / You are okay as you are.
    -> I love myslef as I am. / I am okay as I am.

    * Love and peace are inseparable. Love is experiencing without judgement. If you look for love, you'll find more peace - and if you look for peace you'll find more love.

    * Balance, or peace of mind, is your source of power.
    -> Love and faith is my source of power.

  • 12.01.31 23:44

    nobody is borned with sepcial pernission to succeed
    the key is commitment.
    commitment is not wishing for something- it's a decision deep within yourself to do whatever it takes.
    we can spend our whole lives figuring everything out.
    as long as you go through your day kicking and screaming.
    the minute you change your point of view, everything changes.
    I am where I am meant to be.
    a middle aged man gains sight after being blind since birth- > I gain sight after being here since birth.
    the alternative option si to accept the world as it is.

  • 12.01.31 23:48

    I get stressed our over dirty windows--> I got stressed out over tiny things.
    I used to worry about millon dollars take overs.
    how do we get less irritated?
    the one thing over which you have total control and the most important is your thoughts.
    -> the one thing over which I have total control is my commitment
