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검색이 허용된 게시물입니다.
└······ 스피킹구술역량강화 공학체전 5.20~5.22
알츠_Hailey 추천 0 조회 16 24.05.24 09:35 댓글 25
게시글 본문내용
  • 24.05.26 15:21

    첫댓글 1. Did you have the Engineering Sports Festival from May 20 to May 22?
    2. Were there no games scheduled on Monday?
    3. So, did you have fun in the tent, eating chicken and pizza?
    4. Did Monday's events end before 7 PM?
    5. So, did you bring meat to grill and listen to music?
    6. Did you have futsal, dodgeball, and tug-of-war games on Tuesday?
    7. Did you lose in futsal but make a comeback in dodgeball?
    8. Did you end Tuesday by eating jeon and drinking makgeolli?
    9. Did you lose the dodgeball game on the last day?
    10. Did the Engineering Sports Festival end with some disappointment?

  • 작성자 24.05.27 13:31

    1. Did you have the Engineering Sports Festival from May 20 to May 22?
    5월 20일부터 22일까지 공과대학 체육대회가 있었나요?
    There was an Engineering Sports Festival from May 20 to 22
    5월 20일부터 22일까지 공과대학 체육대회가 있었습니다.

  • 작성자 24.05.27 19:25

    1. Did you have the Engineering Sports Festival from May 20 to May 22?
    5월 20일부터 22일까지 공과대학 체육대회가 있었나요?
    I had the Engineering Sports Festival from May 20 to 22
    5월 20일부터 22일까지 공과대학 체육대회가 있었습니다.

  • 작성자 24.05.27 13:31

    2. Were there no games scheduled on Monday?
    월요일에 예정된 경기가 없었나요?
    There were no games scheduled on Monday
    월요일에 예정된 경기가 없었어요.

  • 작성자 24.05.27 13:32

    3. So, did you have fun in the tent, eating chicken and pizza?
    그래서 천막에서 치킨과 피자를 먹으면서 즐거웠어?
    I was fun in tent.
    저는 텐트에서 즐거웠어요

  • 작성자 24.05.27 19:37

    3. So, did you have fun in the tent, eating chicken and pizza?
    그래서 천막에서 치킨과 피자를 먹으면서 즐거웠어?

    I had fun in the tent, eating chicken and pizza.
    나는 재밌었어 천막안에서 치킨과 피자를 먹으면서

  • 작성자 24.05.27 19:38

    4. Did Monday's events end before 7 PM?
    월요일 행사가 오후 7시 전에 끝났나요?
    Monday’s events ended after 8 PM
    월요일 행사는 8시 이후에 끝났어요.

  • 작성자 24.05.27 13:32

    5. So, did you bring meat to grill and listen to music?
    그래서 너는 고기를 굽고, 노래를 들었니?

    I brought meat to grill and listen to music.
    저는 고기를 굽고 노래를 들었어요.

  • 24.05.27 19:41

    I brought meat / to grill / and listened to music.
    난 고기를 가져왔다 / 굽기위해/ 그리고 음악에 귀기울였다.

    bring - brought - brought

    grill v. 굽다
    ㄴ to grill 1.굽는 것 2.구울 3.굽기 위해

  • 작성자 24.05.27 13:34

    6. Did you have futsal, dodgeball, and tug-of-war games on Tuesday?
    화요일에 풋살, 피구, 줄다리기 경기가 있었나요.
    I had futsal, dodgeball, and tug-of-war games on Tuesday.
    나는 있었다. 풋살과 피구, 줄다리기 경기가 화요일에

  • 작성자 24.05.27 19:43

    7. Did you lose in futsal but make a comeback in dodgeball?
    풋살에서 졌지만 피구에서 복구 했니?

    I lost in futsal but made a comeback in dodgeball
    저는 풋살에서 지고 피구에서 복구했어요.

  • 24.05.27 19:41

    lose - lost - lost

  • 작성자 24.05.27 19:29

    8. Did you end Tuesday by eating jeon and drinking makgeolli?
    화요일을 전을 먹고, 막걸리를 마시는것으로 끝났니?

    I ended on Tuesday by eating jeon and drinking makgeolli.
    저는 화요일에 전을 먹고 막걸리를 마시면서 마무리했어요.

  • 작성자 24.05.27 19:30

    9. Did you lose the dodgeball game on the last day?
    피구를 마지막날에 졌니?

    I lost the dodgeball game on the last day.
    저는 피구를 마지막 날에 졌어요.

  • 작성자 24.05.27 13:35

    10. Did the Engineering Sports Festival end with some disappointment?
    공학체전이 실망을 남기고 끝났나요?

    I enjoyed the Engineering Sports Festival
    공학체전은 즐거웠어요.

  • 작성자 24.05.27 19:35

    10. Did the Engineering Sports Festival end with some disappointment?
    공학체전이 실망을 남기고 끝났나요?

    The engineering competition did not end with some disappointment.
    공학체전이 실망을 남기고 끝나지않았다.

  • 24.05.27 20:03

    I participated in the Engineering Sports Festival from May 20 to 22. There were no games scheduled for Monday, so I spent the day in the tent, enjoying chicken and pizza until late. Tuesday was packed with futsal, dodgeball, and tug-of-war. Although I lost in futsal, I made a comeback in dodgeball. We finished Tuesday with jeon and makgeolli. Unfortunately, I lost the dodgeball game on the last day. However, overall, the Engineering Sports Festival ended without any disappointment.

  • 24.05.29 18:11

    해석하고 암기하세요.

  • 작성자 24.05.30 11:10

    I participated in the Engineering Sports Festival from May 20 to 22.
    나는 참가했습니다 공학 체육대회에 5월 20일부터 22일까지

  • 작성자 24.05.30 11:21

    There were no games scheduled for Monday, so I spent the day in the tent, enjoying chicken and pizza until late.
    월요일에는 경기가 예정되어 있지 않아서, 나는 하루를 보냈다 텐트 안에서 즐기며 치킨과 피자를 늦게까지

  • 작성자 24.05.30 11:17

    Tuesday was packed with futsal, dodgeball, and tug-of-war.
    화요일은 가득 찼었다 풋살, 피구, 줄다리기로

  • 작성자 24.05.30 11:21

    Although I lost in futsal, I made a comeback in dodgeball.
    비록 풋살에서는 졌지만 나는 피구에서는 재기(복귀)했습니다.

  • 작성자 24.05.30 11:20

    We finished Tuesday with jeon and makgeolli.
    우리는 마무리했다. 화요일을 전과 막걸리로

  • 작성자 24.05.30 11:21

    Unfortunately, I lost the dodgeball game on the last day.
    안타깝게도, 나는 졌다. 피구경기에서 마지막날

  • 작성자 24.05.30 11:34

    However, overall, the Engineering Sports Festival ended without any disappointment.
    하지만 종합적으로 공학 체육대회는 끝이났다. 실망감 없이
