* 동사 + 목적 + 목보/부정사의 5 형식 동사가 목보의 동작자인 목적이 없이
준동사인 부정사가 바로 목적 자리에 쓰일 수 없는건
부정사의 의미상 동작자가 주어인것처럼 보일 수 있거나 부사적인 의미로도 보일 수 있어 어색하니 그렇다
My doctor advised me to take Vitamin E for my skin condition.
My doctor advised to take Vitamin E for my skin condition.(X) 부정사의 의미상 주어가 애매하다
이 경우 특정한 행위자/동작자를 요구하지않는 일반적인 사람의 동작의미로 동명사 taking 을 쓰면 해결된다
My doctor advised taking Vitamin E for my skin condition.(O) 직접적인 동작자 지명이 없으므로 완곡한 표현도 된다
* 직목역할로 보는 경우
They asked me to bring some food.
v io do
Everyone wanted Carol to be the captain of the team.
ㄹ. 주격보어 역할
His ambition is to fly. (subject complement)
야망이 비행하기 이므로 지금 비행하는 실제적인 일이 아니니 잠재/미래성 혹 추상적 동작인 부정사가 맞다
* 동명사 보어와의 비교/대비
My hobby is flying.
취미가 비행하기 이므로 지금하는동작이라 미래적/추상적인 동작 성격인 부정사는 부적격이다
2. 형용사 역할
항상 수식하는 명사 뒤에 와서 그 명사의 가상/추상적인 동작이나 용도, 의도등을 묘사한다
Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save.
It isn't a significant enough difference /to make viewers sit up and take notice.
Blu-ray won the format war /over 3 years ago, giving it plenty of time/ to build momentum.
Our goal is for no one to notice that we were even here.
* His wish to become an actor was well known.
* Laura's desire to improve impressed me.
He has enough money to buy his own car.
I have a paper to write before class.
* 부정사의 형역 분야에는 분사형용사라는 또 다른 형용사가 있어 선택상 마음을 산란케하나
부정사는 추상적 의미나 용도, 의도, 목적, 잠재/미래성향이나....
i. 분사형용사는 과거나 실제로 현재진행중인 일에만 관련되니 서로 다르다
* On the other hand, after years of Hollywood studios/ fighting the trend, the future is clear.
할리웃영화가 이미 싸운일, 싸워왔던 트렌드 또는 능동적으로 싸우는일
On the other hand, after years of Hollywood studios/ to fight the trend, the future is clear. (X)
부정사로하여 가상의 의미로 보면 실제로 싸운일이 아니고 미래성으로보면 앞으로 싸울일이기에 의미상 않맞음
It won't be as sharp a picture as that/ offered /by a Blu-ray disc.
과분사 형용사 역시 이미 offered 된 과거시점이고 받는 동작인 수동형태이므로 의미에 맞다
It won't be as sharp a picture as that/ to offer /by a Blu-ray disc. (X)
부정사로 하면 이미 offer 했다는 의미가 없고 가상적인 또는 미래지향적인 동작이므로 의미에 않맞다
* that 을 관계대명사로 오인사격할 수도 있으나
선행사가 없고 전치사의 목적이므로 관계는 빼고 대명사 역할만 한다
ii. 준동사(분사)가 본동사와 같은 시간대에 진행되는 동작인 경우 미래형인 부정사를 못씀
* He had fun fishing. 낚시하며 신나는것
즉 주어가 두동작을 having fun and fishing 동시에 하는거니 미래성 부정사는 to fish 불가
He had fun to fish.(X) 실제해야 또한 재미있는거니 가상이나 미래지향적인 부정사는 부적절
* They had difficulty finding a parking place. 그들이 주차공간을 실제로 찾으면서 동시에 겪은 어려움이니
They had difficulty to find a parking place. (X) 역시 미래지향적인 부정사는 부적절
* She spent her time practicing the piano. 피아노를 실재로/동시적으로 치면서 시간을 보내는것이니
She spent her time to practice the piano.(X) 미래성의 부정사는 불가
* Sarah stood at the corner waiting for Tom. 서서 기다리는 두 동작이 동시에 된것이니 한시제 앞선 부정사는 불가
* Melissa lay in bed thinking about her future. 누워 생각하는 두 동작의 동시성
* Don clung to the side of the cliff looking down. 붙들고 내려다보는 동시동작이므로 현재분사를 씀
3. 부사역할 부정사구
부사 역할이란 말은 동사수식으로 동작에 대한 의도나 목적, 원인, 결과등 부사적인 요소를 묘사하는데
형역은 명사 뒷자리에 고정되어 있어야하나 부사역은 부사적인 특성으로 이동성이 있어 문장 앞에도 올 수 있으므로
그 이동성으로 부역임을 확인할 수 있고 또 in order to 라는 전치사를 대입하여 동사 바로 뒤에 놓아 보면
의도를 묘사하는 부역인걸 알 수 있다
또 한 방법은 동사 + what? 질문이 목적을 요구하는 질문이 되듯
동사 + why? 질문은 부사적인 요소의 답을 요구하는 것으로 알 수있다
ㄱ. 동사수식; 의도나 결과설명
A celebrity is a person who works/ hard/ all his life/ to become well known,
then wears dark glasses to avoid being recognized.
We must study to learn.
* We must study what? 인가 We must study why? 인가
study what? 의 대답이 맞게 오려면 We must study English.로 되어야 하고
why study? 의 대답으로 We must study to learn. 즉 study in order to learn 해서 이유설명이 된다
해석도 배우기를 공부하는게 아니고 배우기 위하여 공부한다로 되니 부정사의 부역인걸 알 수 잇다
Lawmakers raised traffic fines /to raise revenue.
= To raise revenue, lawmakers raised traffic fines.
They ultimately would vote/ to raise the $14.3 trillion ceiling.
The Americans had used the airport /to distribute more than two million tons of food, water and blankets.
위 경우 타동사이므로 목적인 명사가 있기에 부정사구는 목적인 명사를 수식하는 형역으로도 볼 수 있으나
형역은 부자연스럽고 의도설명 부사역할이 자연스러우니 자연스런 이해/해석으로가면 됨
They aspire/ to join.
언뜻 보기에 부정사는 목적처럼 보이나 aspire 가 자동사이므로 요부정사는 동작의 원인 또는 결과 묘사로 본다;
열망케하여 들어오게 하다 또는 들어오게 하려고 부추기다
* 부정사와 동명사를 구별해 써야될 경우
I stopped/ to smoke. => I stopped in order to smoke. 담배 피우기위해 멈춰서다; 부정사 부사역
* I stopped smoking. 담배피기를 (끽연) 그만두다; 목적으로 쓰인 동명사
위 경우는 부정사의 잠재성 특성상 아직 하지도 않은 일을 멈출 수 없으니 ~하려고 멈추다로 되고
동명사는 과거일이나 계속된일/하고있는일이라 멈출 수 있다는 의미차이가 있으므로 요조심
ㄴ. 형용사 수식
It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens.
I was surprised to see that Koreans try to avoid eye contact when they are talking to me.
They were anxious to begin.
She was delighted to receive such good feedback.
He is lucky to have such good friends.
* The box is too heavy to carry.
* The television is too expensive to buy.
* We arrived too late to see the beginning of the movie.
She is tall enough to reach the book on the shelf.
I am in to win. *** in 은 형용사로 쓰여 들어온/가입한/ 관련된 상태를 의미함
(Are you in? 너 가입한거냐/관련된거냐?)
형용사의 내용을 설명하는 부정사의 역할로 역시 잠제/미래 특성을 사용하고 있다
ㄷ. 부사수식; 부역이 가능하니 부사수식도 가능하다 보나 동사수식일 수도 있으나
부사인 slowly 가 부정사구를 수식한다고 볼 수도 있으니
전체를 부사구로 보면 쉽다
* Fiona ran /too slowly / to win the race.
부 부 부사
* 수동태의 경우
* Serious reforms are needed /to ensure America’s fiscal health.
=> They need serious reforms /to ensure America’s fiscal health.
수동이나 능동이나 부정사구는 부사역인 경우다
The makers of Blu-ray players were forced/ to add the very streaming services that they compete against/ to their own players.
수동태이므로 부정사는 주어수식이나 결과의 부역으로 볼 수 있다
The consumers forced the makers of Blu-ray players to add the very streaming services that they compete against/ to their own players.
능동으로 고쳐보면 부정사는 목보가 되는 경우다
* 수동태는 항상 능동태로 고쳐 형식을 이해하면 쉽고 좋다
4. 관용적으로 쓰인 부정사
가. be + 부정사특별용법
ㄱ.격식어로 공적인 의무 또는 해야할일 등에 쓰인다; 하기로 되어있다
The structure be + infinitive is used to talk about official plans and arrangements in a formal style.
The Prime Minister is to visit Africa next month.
We are to get a wage rise in May.
ㄴ. 명령쪼로 쓴다
Be + infinitive is common in orders. Parents and teachers often use this structure when speaking to their children and students.
You are to learn this poem by heart.
You are to do your homework before you can go out.
ㄷ. 조건절에도 쓰인다
You will have to work hard if are to pass this exam.
나. used + to 부정사; ~ 하곤했다 (습관)
We used to complain that K-12 schools didn’t hold students/ to high standards.
요기 used 는 동사로 불만을 토하곤했다
* 요주의!!!
Be + used + to (전치사)
I am used to complaining. 불만듣는데/받는데 익숙하다
요기 쓰인 used 는 분사형용사/보어 이고 뒤에온 to 는 전치사 'to' 이기에 동명사형이 전목으로 쓰인 경우
*** 부정사구가 명사역할한다해서 명칭조차 '명사구', 형용사 역할한다고 '형용사구', 부사역할 한다고 '부사구' 라고
이름까지 바꾸면 혼란을 유발할 수 있으니 이름은 '부정사구'로 가만 놔두고
역할이 바낄때마다 명역/형역/부역 이라 부르면 본인처럼 보통머리에겐 헷갈릴일 없으니 좋다
부정사/동명사 바로 골라 쓰기 문제
1. Sheryl forgot (to bring/bring) her purse, so I lent her ten dollars. 가져오지 않았음 (가져오는 것/가져온 것)
2. I completely forgot (coming/to come) here when I was a kid. But now I remember! My parents brought me here when I was three.
나중에 생각해보니 왔었어(온것/오는것)
Lydia really regrets (dropping/to drop) out of high school. She has
really had to struggle to make a living because of that decision.
학교다니는것 그만둔 과거일
4. I regret (to inform/informing) you that Mr. Smith has passed away.
과거에 알린일이 아니고 지금 알리려하는일
과거에 알린일을 informing 후회한다면 알리지 않았어야한다는것
알린다는 to inform 일이 않됐다
5. Did you remember (to pack/packing) your swimsuit? Our vacation in Hawaii won't be much fun if you can't go swimming.
챙긴일이packing 아닌 챙기는일 to pack
Do you remember (being stuck/to be stuck) in that elevator when we were
in New York? I thought we would never get out of there!
7. If you can't find the key, try (opening/to open) the lock with something else, like a knife or a screwdriver.
딴방법말고 열어보기 하기/ 여는것
try + 동명사의 경우는 이방법 해보았으나 않되니 저방법으로 시도해보라 하는 의미임
8. She tried (to tell/telling) him the terrible truth, but she just couldn't bring herself to do it.
말하려하기/딴거말고 말하는거 해보기
9. I dread (to think/thinking) of what might happen next.
생각해보기/ 실제적인 생각을 하는것
10. I dread (going/to go) to work tomorrow. I think I'm going to call in sick.
실제로 간다는동작/ 상상적인 동작의 go
1. Are you ready to go/going yet? The train leaves in 30 minutes! 형용사 뒤에는 부정사 쓴다
2. Paul sat on a hill watching/to watch the mother bear and her cubs until they disappeared into the forest.
본동작과 같은 시간대의 동작은 현재분사를 쓴다
3. I took the course to learn/learning more about Asian history.
수식받는 명사가 course 하는 동작이 아니고 그 명사의 purpose 의도/용도를 설명하는 형역
4. Candice regretted making/to make that comment to Terry, so she apologized later.
이미 한 일을 후회하니 하는일 to make 보다 한일 making 이 적격
이미 한 일이기에 apologized용서를 구했다
5. My living room needs vacuuming/to vacuum. I think I haven't vacuumed in more than a month.
주어가 부정사의 동작을 몬하니 명사특성상 일반인 동작자 암시의 동명사
6. His plan to walk/walking from New York to Los Angeles seemed crazy, but he actually did it!
plan 이 walking 을 몬한다 plan 의 동작 얘기가 아니고 그 purpose 목적을 묘사한다
7. We had a great time sailing/to sail from San Diego to Catalina.
동시동작엔 현재분사
8. The runner was too exhausted to finish/finishing the marathon.
too to 용법이나 잠재/미래특성의 부정사가 사용됨
9. Oh no! I forgot to turn/turning the iron off after using it. We need to go back home, so I can turn it off.
부정사는 '끄는일', 동명사는 '끈일'을 잊은거니 내용상 뭐여?
부정사의 잠재성 때문에 할려 했지만 못한거거라는 의미
10. Nancy loves working/to work at the Museum of Modern Art. She would never want to work anywhere else.
지금 현재 일하고 있어야 그 하고있는 일을 좋아한다 말할 수 있고 문맥상도 지금 하고 있는 일이다
아래문은 맞는 문장이니 왜 문장에 쓰인 동명사나 부정사가 맞는건지 그 반대의 단어를 대치하여 생각해볼것
1. I completely forgot lending you my electronic dictionary. I thought I had lost it.
잊어버렸다 한 내용상 빌려준것이지 빌려줄려다 않한것을 잊은게 아님
2. Mickey is determined to win the spelling bee at school. He has been studying for weeks.
일등할것을 결심하지 일등한것 또는 이미 일등하고 있는것 winning 을 결심할 수 없다
3. We spent the whole day sitting in the train station waiting for the overdue train to arrive.
4. You just lie there on that couch watching TV all the time. Get up and do something!
5. I think I am beginning to understand this grammar.
to understand 라는 추상적 동작이 시작되는것, 동명사 understanding 은 명사형이므로 부적절
6. Mr. McDougall regretted firing Denise, so he called her up and asked her to come back to the company.
해고한일을 후회함. 해고할일 to fire 를 후회하는게 아님
7. He'll never forget seeing the Rolling Stones in concert!
8. We weren't sure if Sid was fit enough /to hike to the top of the mountain, but he was the first one there!
형용사 뒤에는 부정사
9. They prepared to leave early in the morning.
떠나기 위한일(미래성)을 준비함
10. There is no need to bring anything when you come to my birthday party. No food, no gifts - just bring yourself.
명사 need 의 소기의 목적/의도 purpose 묘사는 부정사
1. You were fortunate to get tickets for the concert. I heard they are already sold out!
형용사 뒤에는 부정사
2. What is wrong with my computer? It keeps shutting down by itself.
계속되는 일이니 진행형과 유사한 동명사
3. I don't know if I have enough time to finish all this work before I have to leave.
명사 time 의 묘사엔 부정사, 분사를 쓰면 time 이 할 동작이 못되니 불가
* 현분사가 명사수식이면 현분사의 동작을 그 명사가 한다는 의미임
4. Mike's desire to see the world is what made him join the foreign service. Now, he's working in the embassy in Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia. 의도 묘사엔 부정사
5. The hitchhiker stood on the side of the road waiting for someone to offer him a ride.
동시동작; 주어가 하는 분사의 동작
6. We had fun rafting down the Colorado river.
동시동작/주어가 하는 분사의 동작
7. We stopped to get something to eat at a little diner just next to the freeway.
의도 묘사/ 부역; 동명사를 쓰면 먹을거 받는걸 종료했다가 됨
8. She stopped reading, closed the book, laid it on the table, and turned off the light.
목적; 부정사를 쓰면 읽기위해 멈춰서다
9. His bad attitude is starting to get on my nerves.
본동사가 진행형이니 비슷한 동명사는 않어울림
10. Amy disliked traveling on the mountain roads at night. She preferred to travel during the day.
과거일이니 동명사; 부정사는 미래성이라 불가
1. They got to the train station too late /to catch the train, so they will have to leave tomorrow. 잠재성
2. I need to make a quick phone call. I'll be back in a second.
미래성 부정사; 지금 하는 동작이 아님
3. Louis had some problems buying train tickets in Beijing since he does not speak Chinese.
동시동작; 주어가 하는 분사의 동작
4. I tried eating the exotic fruit durian while I was in Malaysia, but I didn't like it at all.
제안 하거나 다른 이차 시도는 동명사; 부정사로 하면 처음 시도
5. Ricky loves being a translator. He has worked as a translator for over twenty years and he really enjoys what he does.
동명사는 실제 진행중인 일; 부정사 to be 로 하면 앞으로될 일 암시
6. All of the students need permission from their parents to go on the field trip.
permission to go 의도묘사엔 부정사; 분사로 하면 명사의 능동동작 묘사가 되어 불가
7. I am beginning to think this is a bad idea.
추상적인 동작엔 부정사; 생각하기
8. The children cowered behind the large rock hoping the lion wouldn't see or smell them.
동시동작; 주어가 하는 분사의 동작 (rock이 희망할 수는 없음)
9. Sari's belief in not eating meat made it difficult to find restaurants while we were traveling.
전치사 in 뒤어는 동명사
10. Sam warned me not to say anything during the tea ceremony, so I didn't say a word.
목적의 가상/잠재적인 동작 즉 지금 진행중인 동작이 아니므로 부정사
1. She just keeps making the same mistake over and over again.
2. I have been trying to contact Steve, but I still haven't been able to get in touch with him.
3. Nate goes running every afternoon.
4. On the way home from work, he stopped to buy some groceries.
5. I forgot learning that word in class. Now I remember! The teacher wrote it on the board and gave us several example sentences.
6. Don't waste your time looking in the phone book. Just look the address up on the Internet.
7. Did you remember to unplug the iron before we left the house?
부정사는 할일, 동명사는 한일
8. He despises her constantly asking him questions while he is working.
소유격 뒤엔 동명사
9. I know I've met her before. I remember meeting her at John's party last summer.
10. After several months of studying Japanese, I am finally beginning to understand native speakers when they talk to me.
1. Fiona and Diedre really want to be invited to the party.
2. Shelly admitted having cheated on the exam.
과거에 한일; 그냥 cheating 하면 과거인지 지금인지 언제 하는건지 아리송함
3. I recall having visited the Grand Canyon once as a child, but I don't remember it very well.
과거에 한일
4. Nathan claims to have graduated from Harvard at the age of 16, but I don't believe him.
완료형으로는 한일이지만 졸업했다는 주장이라 실제인지는 모르므로 부정사를 씀;
claimed 동사가 과거라도 여전히 to have graduated 즉 부정사의 완료형은 had 가 없음
5. Mr. Thompson was interested in being considered for the new position as regional manager.
전치사의 목적
6. Bill's being fired one month before he retired was a shock to the whole company.
소유격 뒤엔 동명사; 소유격으로 동명사의 동작자 표시함
7. We were very thrilled to have been given the opportunity to speak to the Dalai Lama in person.
형용사뒤엔 부정사
8. The applicant's not having studied French hurt her chances for the job.
과거에 하지 않은 일
9. Jenny's not having been admitted to the university upset the entire family.
소유격 뒤엔 동명사; 소유격으로 동명사의 동작자 표시함
10. Tina expects the children to have finished cleaning their rooms before their grandparents arrive this afternoon.
예상하는 일이라 잠재성에 목적이 하는 동작중심이나 미래완료를 적용함
1. She quit complaining about being unemployed and decided to create her own job.
여태 계속된 일이 아니면 그만둘 수 없죠? 동명사
2. Naomi's losing her passport prevented her from crossing the border.
소유격 뒤엔 동명사; 소유격으로 동명사의 동작자 표시함
3. Do you remember standing at the top of the Eiffel Tower watching the sunset? That's a view I'll never forget!
한일 주어의 동시동작
4. Oh no! The movie is sold out! Do you want to wait to see if we can get tickets for the next showing at 8:30?
가상적/미래적인 동작 즉 실제로 진행하고있는 동작이 아님
이만 하면 아래 문제중에 왜 부정사가 왔고 왜 동명사 또는 현재분사가 왔는지 스스로 판단할 수 있으리라 믿음
5. Going snowboarding next week isn't a good idea since you keep having problems with your knee. Already having injured your knee once this year should teach you that you need to be more careful about pushing yourself to return to the slopes.
6. I would love to be lying on a beach in Tahiti right now basking in the sun. Sitting in this office all day and being ordered around by my boss is not an enjoyable way to spend my time.
7. The police chief ordered his officers to keep looking for the escaped prisoner. Hopefully, ordering the officers to continue looking will result in the prisoner's being captured.
8. Her quitting her job allowed her to spend more time caring for her sick parents.
9. Rover, my dog, always tries to jump over the fence, but he is too small to do it.
10. The little boy was clinging to his mother's leg screaming that he wanted her to buy him a candy bar. The mother refused to buy the little boy any candy and told him to stop crying.
1. Nate deserved to win the prize for writing that amazing short story about traveling through Peru. I don't understand his not receiving the award.
2. I can't believe you wanted to go fishing, and you forgot to bring a fishing pole. How did you expect to catch any fish? Were you just going to sit in the river trying to catch fish with your bare hands? You would have had a hard time doing that!
3. Vince is determined to save enough money to travel to South Africa next year. If he avoids wasting his money and manages to save what he needs to make the trip, he plans on leaving in June.
4. When Sam mentioned wanting to go swimming, Nina warned him not to go into the river. She explained that the national park did not allow visitors to swim for several reasons. The number one reason for not permitting visitors to swim was the large number of crocodiles in the park.
5. The Oscar-winning actor avoids talking to his fans and refuses to give his autograph. Moreover, he has difficulty giving interviews and appears to have problems interacting with other people. Doesn't he seem way too shy to be an actor?
6. Simone and Michael discussed going to Tahiti on their honeymoon, but they had very different opinions about visiting such an expensive destination. Michael said that after such a costly wedding, he couldn't see spending so much money on a vacation. Simone defended their going to Tahiti by arguing that a honeymoon is a once in a lifetime experience.
7. Using a search engine to look things up on the Internet is a skill that all students need to learn. That is why the government is urging schools to begin teaching basic computer skills in elementary school. Schools also encourage parents to reinforce these skills at home by surfing the Internet together with their children.
8. Samantha kept having problems with her computer at work. Her co-worker Denise suggested shutting down the computer and restarting it to see if that would solve the problem.
9. Jack's interest in learning foreign languages is a major factor in his decision to move to China. One of his life-long goals is to learn to speak Chinese fluently. Learning Chinese will be quite a challenge, but living in China should enable him to achieve his goal of mastering the language more quickly.
10. Simon's attempts to find accommodation in Paris were not very successful. He tried calling every hotel in his guidebook, but he was shocked to discover they were all full. He called all the youth hostels to find out if they had any beds, but they were full, too. Another traveler advised him to go to the tourist information office to ask for help, but the office was closed. Although Simon hated the idea of leaving Paris without having seen anything, the thought of sleeping in the train station or walking the streets all night convinced him to take the train to another city to look for accommodation there.