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Speaking E1 1C-202 summery Isabella
student 추천 0 조회 7 24.07.05 16:41 댓글 2
게시글 본문내용
  • 24.07.09 14:59


    The book's title is "Milly, Molly and Feather."


    Milly and Molly thought all hens had feathers until they found a hen without any. Whispering, they wondered, "Why doesn't Feather have feathers?" The farmer explained, "Feather comes from a hen factory where she had no dignity or freedom." Determined to help, Milly and Molly made her a nest of straw and promised to fight for her freedom. With their care, Feather began to grow feathers again. Her feathers grew back thick and glossy. One day, Milly found an egg in Feather's nest and realized how important it is to protect

  • 24.07.09 14:59

    and care for animals.


    Milly and Molly's experience with Feather taught them about the importance of animal welfare and the need to ensure that all creatures live with dignity and freedom.
