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아름다운 일상 이야기 Red - William Somerset Maugham
BEN HUR 추천 0 조회 269 20.04.01 20:19 댓글 11
게시글 본문내용
  • 작성자 20.05.07 10:18

    첫댓글 야자수 우거진
    남태평양 Samoa 어느섬

    아름다운 풍광속에서 이루어진
    아담과 이브와도 같은 ~
    레드(Red)와 셀리(Sally)의 사랑

    레드가 포경선(捕鯨船)에 납치된 뒤~
    첫사랑 레드를 잊지 못하는 그 셀리와

    고뇌(苦惱)에 찬 닐슨(Neilson)의
    사랑 ^

    그 섬을 찾아 온 선장(船長)에게
    닐슨은 이 섬에서 이루어진
    사랑 이야기를 들여준다.

    그런데 이변(異變)이 일어난다

    닐슨은 이 이야기를 들여주다가..

    뚱뚱한 선장(船長)의 모습 저편에
    이제는 사라진
    아득한 옛날의 이 젊은이 모습을

    당신 이름은? 하고 닐슨이 묻자
    지난날 ~
    섬 사람들이 자기를
    “레드(Red)”라고 불렀다고 말한다.

  • 작성자 20.04.14 19:39

    "And these two young things,
    she was sixteen and he was twenty,
    fell in love with one another at first sight.

    That is the real love,
    not the love that comes from sympathy,
    common interests, or intellectual community,
    but love pure and simple.

    That is the love that Adam felt for Eve
    when he awoke and found her in the garden
    gazing at him with dewy eyes.

    That is the love that draws the beasts to
    one another, and the Gods.

    That is the love that makes the world a miracle.

    That is the love which gives life
    its pregnant meaning.

  • 작성자 20.04.14 19:41

    You have never heard of the wise,
    cynical French duke
    who said that with two lovers there is always one
    who loves and one who lets himself be loved;

    it is a bitter truth to which most of us have
    to resign ourselves;
    but now and then there are two
    who love and two who let themselves be loved.
    Then one might fancy that the sun stands still
    as it stood when Joshua prayed to the God of Israel."

  • 작성자 20.09.13 18:12

    William Somerset Maugham

    (서머싯 모엄)은~

    1959년 11월,
    85세로서 日本을 포함한
    各國을 旅行을 하였고,
    일본에서는 약 한달 동안 머물면서
    큰 환영을 받았다.

    story teller(이야기 꾼)으로서의
    탁월성으로는 前例를 볼 수
    없을 정도이다.
    그러나 이야기가 재미있다는 것만으로는
    변함없는 그의 人氣는 설명할 수가
    없을 것이다.
    그의 독특한 人間觀을 간과할 수는
    없는 것이다.

    그의 말을 빌리자면
    人間은 누구나 50步 100步라고 한다.

    영원한 수수께끼로서의
    인간의 靈魂을 그리는 것,
    이것이 그가 平生을 통해서 관심을 보인
    유일한 主題였던 것이다.

    - 김 혁 규 -

  • 작성자 20.04.14 20:17

    "They suffered, but they suffered in beauty.
    They were spared the real tragedy of love."

    "I don't know exactly as I get you," said the skipper.

    "The tragedy of love is not death or separation.

    How long do you think it would have been before
    one or other of them ceased to care?

    Oh, it is dreadfully bitter to look at a woman
    whom you have loved with all your heart and soul,
    so that you felt you could not bear to let her
    out of your sight,
    and realise that you would not mind
    if you never saw her again.

    The tragedy of love is indifference."

  • 작성자 20.04.17 16:10

    모엄(William Somerset Maugham)문학의
    가장 큰 특징은
    “인간이라고 하는 동물(動物)에게
    소유욕과 똑같을 정도로
    깊게~ 뿌리 박은
    `이야기를 듣고 싶은 생각`을
    만족시키는 일이다.“

    그래서 난해(難解)하다는 평을 받는
    현대적인 작가와는 구별되고 있다.
    20세기의 전형적인 작가라고
    하느니 보다는
    시대(時代)를 뛰어 넘은
    작가라 할 수가 있다.

    모엄를 존경하는
    여류작가 제인 오스틴은
    모엄 소설에 대하여 ~
    “독자들을 이야기에 끌어들여서
    자기도 모르게 다음 페이지를
    넘기게 하는 이야기 솜씨“를
    칭찬하고 있다.

    - 김 혁 규 -

  • 작성자 20.05.04 21:27

    남태평양 Samoa섬^^

  • 작성자 20.05.04 21:27

    남태평양 Samoa섬^^

  • 작성자 20.05.14 11:24

    " Here love had tarried for a moment
    like a migrant bird that happens on
    a ship in mid-ocean and
    for a little while folds its tired wings.

    The fragrance of a beautiful passion
    hovered over it like the fragrance of hawthorn
    in May in the meadows of my home.
    It seems to me that the places
    where men have loved or suffered keep about them
    always some faint aroma of something
    that has not wholly died.

    It is as though they had acquired
    a spiritual significance
    which mysteriously affects those who pass.
    I wish I could make myself clear."

    He smiled a little.

  • 작성자 20.08.24 18:20

    The sea was deep blue,
    wine-coloured at sundown,
    like the sea of Homeric Greece;
    but in the lagoon the colour had
    an infinite variety,
    aquamarine and amethyst and emerald;
    and the setting sun turned it
    for a short moment to liquid gold.

    Then there was the colour of the coral,
    brown, white, pink, red, purple;
    and the shapes it took were marvellous.

    It was like a magic garden,
    and the hurrying fish were like butterflies.
    It strangely lacked reality.
    Among the coral were pools
    with a floor of white sand and here,
    where the water was dazzling clear,
    it was very good to bathe.

  • 작성자 20.08.24 18:27

    Then, cool and happy,
    they wandered back in the gloaming over
    the soft grass road to the creek,
    walking hand in hand,
    and now the mynah birds filled
    the coconut trees with their clamour.

    And then the night,
    with that great, sky shining with gold,
    that seemed to stretch more widely than
    the skies of Europe,
    and the soft airs that blew gently
    through the open hut,
    the long night again was all too short.
    She was sixteen and he was barely twenty.
