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<p><font face="Courier">"We live in an age of evidence-based medicine, and we
will increasingly be expected to justify the methods
we use in psychiatry as in the rest of medicine. Can
the proponents of recovered memory therapy give us any
reasoned evidence that would convince a skeptical
onlooker of the validity of either their theories or
their practices? If so, they should produce it
immediately, since there seems to be a growing
groundswell of opinion against them." Alistair Muro,
MD, Editorial, Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 41(4)
May 1996 page 199 </font></p>
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<p><font face="Times New Roman Baltic" size="3"><b>Introduction</b></font></p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman Baltic" size="3">Thousands of patients (mostly women) in the United States have undergone or are
undergoing attempted treatment by psychotherapists for a non- existent memory
disorder. As a result, these same therapists have unwittingly promoted the
development of a real memory disorder: False Memory Syndrome. To make
sense of this unfortunate situation, I need to offer a few definitions. Some
psychotherapists believe that childhood sexual abuse is the specific cause of
numerous physical and mental ills later in life. Some term this Incest Survivor
Syndrome (ISS). There is no firm evidence that this is the case, since even where
there has been documented sexual abuse during childhood, there are numerous
other factors that can explain physical or emotional complaints that appear years
later in an adult. These therapists believe that the children immediately repress all
memory of sexual abuse shortly after it occurs, causing it to vanish from
recollection without a trace. The price for having repressed memories is said to be
the eventual development of ISS. Therapists attempt to "cure" ISS by engaging
patients in recovered memory therapy (RMT), a hodge-podge of techniques
varying with each therapist. The purpose of RMT is to enable the patient to
recover into consciousness not only wholly accurate recollections of ancient
sexual traumas, but also repressed body memories (such as physical pains) that
occurred at the time of the traumas. In actuality, RMT produces disturbing
fantasies which are misperceived by the patient and misinterpreted by the therapist
as memories. Mislabeled by the therapist and patient as recovered memories, they
are actually false memories. The vast majority of false memory cases developing
from RMT are in women, which is why this article assumes patients to be female.</font></p>
<p> </p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman Baltic" size="3"><b>Initiation of Patients into RMT </b></font></p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman Baltic" size="3">A woman consults a psychotherapist for relief of various emotional complaints.
The therapist informs her that she may have been molested as a child and does
not know it, and this could explain her symptoms. Some patients think this idea is
absurd and go to another therapist; others accept the therapist's suggestions and
stay on. More than a few women have heard about repressed memories from talk
shows or tabloids even prior to coming to the therapists office, and may even
make the appointment believing they too could be "victims." Though the patient
has no memories of abuse, she becomes motivated for "memory recovery" since
she is told this will cure her symptoms. The therapist will offer encouragement that
"memories" will return. Suggestive dreams or new pains are interpreted by the
therapist as proof that repressed memories are lurking. The therapist may refer the
patient to a "survivor recovery group." There she will meet women who further
encourage her to keep trying to remember. Attendance at these support groups,
as well as assigned reading in self-help books, surrounds the patient with
validation for the therapist's theories. The vast majority of women with FMS are
white, middle class, and above average in education. This corresponds to the
profile of a typical woman who enters long term psychotherapy, and who
perceives such activity as an important way to solve life's problems. </font></p>
<p> </p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman Baltic" size="3"><b>Generating False Memories </b></font></p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman Baltic" size="3">Unlike courts of law which obtain objective evidence where allegations of
evil-doing are made, RMT solely directs the patient to attend toward her inner
world for "proof" she was sexually abused. Such RMT techniques may include:
Meditation on fantasy production, such as pictures drawn in "art therapy,"
dreams, or stream of consciousness journal writing. Hearing or reading about the
"recovered memories" of other women which can serve as inspirations. Amytal
interviews ("truth serum") and/or hypnosis (including "age regression" where the
patient is told she is temporarily being transformed into the way she was when she
was five years old). Telling the patient to review family albums; if she looks sad in
some of her childhood photos, she is told this is further confirmation that abuse
<p> </p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman Baltic" size="3"><b>The Dark Side of "Recovery" </b></font></p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman Baltic" size="3">Patients start out RMT with the hope that things will be better once they recover
their repressed memories. But usually life becomes far more complicated. The
FMS patient will often become estranged from the "perpetrator" (most often her
father). If the patient has small children, they will be off limits to "perpetrators" as
well. Relationships with other family members becomes contingent on their not
challenging the patient's beliefs. Therapists may urge parents to come for a "family
conference" in order to allow the patient to surprise the "perpetrator" with a
rehearsed confrontation. Family members are usually too shocked and
disorganized to coherently respond to accusations. The rationale for this scenario
is that since "survivors" feel powerless, they need "empowerment." FMS patients
may file belated crime reports with local law enforcement agencies and may go on
to sue "perpetrators." Such lawsuits demand compensation for bills from
psychotherapists and possibly other doctors who treated adult medical problems
that therapists somehow link to childhood traumas. Of course, there may be
demands for "punitive damages." Spouses of "perpetrators" (usually the patient's
mother) may be sued as well for being negligent, thus making householder's
insurance into a courtroom piggy bank. Since FMS patients sincerely believe they
have been victimized, more than a few juries have given verdicts sympathetic to
them. Preoccupied with the continuing chores of "memory recovery," the FMS
patient may come to ignore more pressing problems with her marriage, family,
schooling, or career. Often the time demands and expense of the therapy itself
become a major life disruption. Some patients during the course of RMT develop
"multiple personality disorder" (MPD). RMT therapists have claimed that they
need to not only recover repressed memories, but also to uncover repressed
personality fragments; some women come to believe they are repositories of
dozens of hidden personalities ("alters"). "Alters" have their own names and
characteristics, and may identify themselves as men or even animals. An increasing
number of psychiatrists and psychologists are coming to view MPD as a product
of environmental suggestion and reinforcement, since the diagnosis was hardly
made prior to ten years ago. One area where there is no controversy: once MPD
is diagnosed, therapy bills become astronomical. Some FMS patients become
convinced that their abuse was actually "satanic ritual abuse" (SRA), due to
participation by relatives in a secret satanic cult. Some therapists believe SRA is
the work of a vast underground cult network in these United States. No evidence
beyond "recovered memories" has ever been offered as proof that satanic cults
exist at this claimed level of frequency. Therapists who lecture on the topic have
explained away the lack of evidence that such cults exist by claiming that no
defectors speak out due to iron-clad secrecy via brainwashing and terror.</font></p>
<p> </p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman Baltic" size="3"><b>The Care and Maintenance of False Memories </b></font></p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman Baltic" size="3">FMS involves a combination of mistaken perceptions and false beliefs. The
fledgling FMS patient is encouraged to "connect" with an environment that will
reinforce the FMS state, and is encouraged to "disconnect" from people or
information that might lead her to question the results of RMT. The FMS
subculture is victim-oriented. Even though they have not undergone anticancer
chemotherapy or walked away from airplane crashes, FMS patients are told they
too are "survivors." This becomes a kind of new identity, giving FMS patients the
feeling of a strong bond with other "survivors" of abuse. Patients will often start
attending "survivor" support groups, subscribe to "survivor" newsletters, or even
attend "survivor" conventions (sometimes with their therapists). They will read
books found in "recovery" sections of bookstores. The best known book, The
Courage to Heal, is weighty, literate, and thus appears authoritative. Authors
Laura Davis and Ellen Bass have no formal training in psychology, psychiatry, or
memory. This paperback, modestly priced at $20, has sold over 700,000 copies.
Patients are told to shy away from dialogue with skeptical friends or relatives,
since this will hinder their "recovery." "Perpetrators" who proclaim their innocence
cannot be taken seriously since they are "in denial" and incapable of telling the
truth. Aside from these social influences, people by nature often resist seeing
themselves as being in error. It can be terribly painful to acknowledge having
made a big mistake, particularly when harmful consequences have resulted. RMT
exploits the tendency within each of us to blame others for our problems, and to
latch onto simple answers for life's complicated problems. RMT therapists suggest
that aside from entirely ruining childhoods, childhood sexual abuse can explain
anything and everything that goes wrong during adulthood. RMT becomes the
ultimate crybaby therapy. </font></p>
<p> </p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman Baltic" size="3"><b>How Memory Really Works</b></font></p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman Baltic" size="3">In Freud's theory of "repression" the mind automatically banishes traumatic events
from memory to prevent overwhelming anxiety. Freud further theorized that
repressed memories cause "neurosis," which could be cured if the memories were
made conscious. While all this is taught in introductory psychology courses and
has been taken by novelists and screenwriters to be a truism, Freud's repression
theory has never been verified by rigorous scientific proof. Freud, were he alive
today, would be traumatized to see how RMT has redefined his pet concept.
While Freud talked of the repression of single traumatic episodes, today's
therapists maintain that dozens of similar traumatic episodes occurring over years
are repressed with 100% efficiency. The well known syndrome of Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder shows us that verifiable traumatic events, rather than disappearing
from memory, leave trauma victims haunted by intrusive memories in which the
victim relives the trauma. For those who were in Nazi concentration camps or
underwent torture as POWs in Vietnam, this can become a serious lifelong
problem. People forget most of what occurs to them, including some events that
were pleasant or significant to them at the time. If an event is lost from memory,
there is no scientific way to prove whether it was "repressed" or simply forgotten.
And there is no reason that memories of sexual abuse should be handled any
differently than childhood memories of physical abuse or of emergency surgery.
Events that have slipped away from memory cannot be recalled with the accuracy
of a videotape. Individuals forget not only insignificant events in their entirety, but
also significant events. Some events (traumatic or not) are recalled, but with
significant details altered. A study of children whose school was attacked by a
sniper showed that some who were not on the school grounds later insisted they
had personal recollections of being in school during the attack. These false
memories apparently were inspired by exposure to the stories of those who truly
experienced the trauma. Memories can be deliberately distorted in adults by
presenting a display of visual information, and later exposing subjects to verbal
disinformation about what they saw. This disinformation often becomes
incorporated into memory, contaminating the ultimate memories that are recalled.
To be sure, some who enter therapy were abused as children, but they have
always remembered this abuse. They do not need special help in "memory
recovery" to tell the therapist what happened to them. </font></p>
<p> </p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman Baltic" size="3"><b>Why Recovered Memory Therapy is Bad Therapy </b></font></p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman Baltic" size="3">RMT purportedly is undertaken to help patients recover from the effects of sexual
abuse from childhood; however, at the onset of RMT there is no evidence that
such abuse ever occurred. Thus, instead of a therapist having some evidence for a
diagnosis and then adopting a proper treatment plan, RMT therapists use the
"treatment" to produce their diagnosis. Some RMT therapists over-attribute
common psychological complaints as signs of forgotten childhood sexual abuse. In
their zeal to find memories, these therapists overlook any and all alternative
explanations for the patient's complaints. RMT therapists ignore basic
psychological principles that all individuals are suggestible, and that patients in
distress seeking psychotherapy are particularly likely to adopt beliefs and biases
of their therapist. Many RMT therapists have studied neither basic sciences
related to memory, nor the diagnosis of actual diseases of memory. Their
knowledge is often based on a single weekend seminar, as opposed to years of
formal training in any graduate program they attended to get their licenses.
Hypnosis and sodium amytal administration ("truth serum") are unacceptable
procedures for memory recovery. Courts reject hypnosis as a memory aid.
Subjects receiving hypnosis or amytal as general memory aids (even in instances
where there is no question of sexual abuse) will often generate false memories.
Upon returning to their normal state of consciousness, subjects assume all their
refreshed "memories" are equally true. RMT therapists generally make no attempt
to verify "recovered memories" by interviewing third parties, or obtaining pediatric
or school records. Some have explained that they do not verify the serious
allegations that arise from RMT because their job is simply to help the patient feel
"safe" and "recover." Many patients who have known all their lives that they were
mistreated or neglected by their parents, decide as adults to be friends with the
offending parents. By contrast, RMT therapists encourage their patients, on the
basis of "recovered memories," to break off relationships with the alleged
"perpetrators" as well as other relatives who disagree with the patient's views.
This is completely at odds with the traditional goals of therapists: to allow
competent patients to make their own important decisions, and to improve their
patient's relationships with others. Patients undergoing RMT often undergo an
increase of symptoms as their treatment progresses, with corresponding disruption
in their personal lives. Few therapists will seek consultation in order to clarify the
problem, assuming instead that it is due to sexual abuse having been worse than
anyone might have imagined. </font></p>
<p> </p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman Baltic" size="3"><b>Other Kinds of FMS </b></font></p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman Baltic" size="3">Some individuals come to believe that they lived "past lives" as a result of having
undergone "past life therapy." This phenomenon generally develops in participants
who are grounded in the New Age zeitgeist and already open to "discovering"
their past lives. They enroll in seminars which can run up to an entire weekend and
will involve some measure of group hypnotic induction and guided meditations.
This sort of FMS also involves continuing group reinforcement. In contrast to
horrific images of sexual abuse, recollections of "past lives" are generally pleasant
and interesting. Few participants will recall spending prior lives in lunatic asylums
or dungeons. The whole experience is assumed to be therapeutic by helping
participants better understand the situation of their present lives. A small number
of individuals develop "recovered memories" of being abducted by aliens from
outer space. Almost always these individuals had some curiosity about this area
and were hardly skeptics before they fell into an alien abduction FMS. In contrast
to women who are plagued with concerns that they were sexually abused, these
varieties of FMS are of a much more benign nature and do not disrupt personal
functioning or family life. While some of these individuals suffer the ignominy of
being perceived as "kooks," they may receive compensating group support from
those who share their beliefs.</font></p>
<p> </p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman Baltic" size="3"><b>A Word About the Future </b></font></p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman Baltic" size="3">Increasing numbers of women who claimed to have recovered memories of sexual
abuse have retracted their claims and now see themselves as having had FMS.
This may spontaneously occur when women relocate to another locale and lose
contact with their prior therapists and support group. Without the "positive
reinforcement" from others to encourage false memory development and
maintenance, some women begin to doubt the veracity of what they had believed
was true. While some remain suspended in a twilight of doubt, others have fully
recanted. These retractors may have a profound influence on getting women with
an active FMS to re-evaluate their situation. While FMS patients learn from the
FMS culture to dismiss critics as either "perpetrators" or their apologists, the
voice of a woman who says she is recovering from FMS is more easily heard.
Although most influential among family counselors and social workers, RMT
affected the practices of some licensed psychologists and psychiatrists, some of
whom were practicing in special "dissociative disorders units" in psychiatric
hospitals. These activities have gone on with little challenge, until recently. The
number of women with FMS who have become retractors is increasing. Some
have sued their former therapists for malpractice (see Laura Pasley's story in this
issue of Skeptic), and others are weighing the possibilities of doing so. One
malpractice insurance carrier for clinical psychologists in California recently tripled
its rates without explanation; this has led to speculation that the carrier is
anticipating increasing numbers of lawsuits alleging that psychologists caused
FMS. The False Memory Syndrome Foundation, formed in 1991, has been
contacted by over 7,000 families in the U.S. and Canada who believe their grown
children have FMS, and these families let their views be known to state licensing
boards and professional organizations. Managed care administrators are starting
to question megabills submitted by RMT therapists, some of whom see their
patients through lengthy psychiatric hospitalizations. Understandably, all of this has
gained the attention of the American Psychiatric Association and American
Psychological Association, who are setting up task forces to try to examine the
whole phenomenon. Meanwhile, there is a large FMS subculture consisting of
women convinced that their "recovered memories" are accurate, therapists
keeping busy doing RMT, and of authors on the "recovery" lecture and talk show
circuits. In addition, there are some vocal fringes of the feminist movement that
cherish RMT since it is "proof" that men are dangerous and rotten, unless proven
otherwise. Skeptical challenges to RMT are met by emotional rejoinders that
critics are front groups for perpetrators, and make the ridiculous analogy that
"some people even say the Holocaust did not happen." RMT will eventually
disappear, but not next month. </font></p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman Baltic" size="3">--------------------- [원본 메세지] --------------------- </font></p>
<p><font face="Times New Roman Baltic" size="3">미국에서는 지난 오육년간 False Memory Syndrome에 관련된 논쟁이 있었다는데, 잘아시는분들... 좀 설명 해주실래요?</font></p>
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Re:False Memory Syndrome <- 이것이 무언이고.....-_-??