[맛집][한남동]부자장어 | 맹랑아가씨 | 302 | 15.05.06 |
2015 현대백화점 강의리플릿 | 맹랑아가씨 | 27 | 15.04.29 |
맹랑이의 ilsang_history | 맹랑아가씨 | 0 | 15.04.07 |
[스크랩]지금 가장 핫한 맥주시음기 | 맹랑아가씨 | 1 | 15.02.04 |
[맥주]시음평가지 | 맹랑아가씨 | 22 | 15.02.04 |
[맥주시음회]PILSNER FEST 2014 in 쉐라톤워커힐 명월관 가든 | 맹랑아가씨 | 14 | 15.02.04 |
Section5.2 Ferment..
맹랑아가씨 15.05.121. the production of alcohol co22. Beer flavour compounds- ethanol (alcohol) : 에탄올- carbon dioxide : 이산화탄소- higher alcohols : 고급알콜 alcohols winey ..
Section5. The basi..
맹랑아가씨 15.05.12The basic principles of yeast fermentation 효모 발효의 기본 원칙5.1 Brewing yeastyeast are eukaryotic(cell containing complex structures enclosed within me..
Section3.3 The nat..
맹랑아가씨 The nature of hop bitterness 홉 쓴맛의 본질the hop develops very bitter resins and oils around the seeds of the cone which is the fruit of the plant...
typical boiling ti..
맹랑아가씨 15.05.11typical boiling times and hop addition practices : 전형적인 끓는 시간과 홉 추가기법1. boil timestypically 60 to 90 min.traditionally, boil times were often c..
Section3.2 Wort Bo..
맹랑아가씨 Wort Boiling SystemsOperating principles of wort boiling system. 보일링 시스템의 원리The main task is to provide sufficient energy input to ensure adeq..
Section3.2 Wort Bo..