당뇨: Diabetes vs. TCM Zheng Classification and Clin.. | brenda | 0 | 22.12.03 |
당뇨, 한의학, articles | brenda | 0 | 23.02.15 |
가슴 답답 울화증 : 길경지각탕(桔梗枳殼湯) | brenda | 8 | 20.02.25 |
스트레스성 질환 : 소요산 逍遙散 Xiao Yao San | brenda | 103 | 19.09.30 |
화병, 울화, 스트레스성 소화불량 : 월국환(越鞠丸 Yue Ju Wan) | brenda | 159 | 19.10.30 |
고혈압(혈압 상승), 어지럼 : 천마구등음: Hypertension & Tian.. | brenda | 186 | 19.10.19 |
Taiyang, Yangming,..
brenda 23.08.22Chinese Medicine has a number of models of human functioning and physiology.One major system is known as the six conformations, also known as the s..
혈(血 Blood)의 기본개념(..
brenda 23.04.021. 혈(血 Blood)의 기본개념(基本槪念) 혈(血 Blood)은 일종의 붉은 액체(液體)로맥중(脈中)을 운행(運行)하고 맥(脈 Mai)을 순환(循環 circulate)하여 전신(全身)을 유주(流注 흘러 들어가다.)한..
Heat : 6 evils
brenda 22.08.24Heat(Associated with the Heart, summertime, Fire element, Yang Evil) * Damages Yindries fluids, easily leads to Yin Xu* Heat risesdiseases ..
Damp: 6 evil
brenda 22.08.24Damp (Associated with spleen, late summer, Earth element, Yin evil)Dampness is heavy, tenacious, difficult to treat, and lasts a long time...
COLD : 6 evils
brenda 22.08.24Cold(Associated with Kidney, Winter, Water element, Yin evil)Damages the YangImpairs ability to maintain body tempWeakens and slows life activit..
COLD : 6 evils
사기 - Wind 풍: Exog..
brenda 19.07.28Wind 풍: 바람 can cause “Change”, “Speed: Slow or Fast, Motionless or Move (Active)” 기본 성격은 "변화"이자 "속도는 빠르거나 느리고, 동적이거나 정적"입니다. Many diseases ar..
사기 - Wind 풍: Exog..