Add for 부평문화..
★Snow White★ 13.10.131st English add.docx 2nd English Add.docx 3rd English Add.docx 4th English Add.docx
Gathering in..
★Snow White★ 13.09.06About 16 members were attended!!! It was great t..
★Snow White★ 13.11.24All the members role-play...
today..all a..
★Snow White★ 13.08.21today all attended...this group is Dream Group!!..
Climbed at D..
J-ay 13.10.29아내가 2박 3일 일정으로 설악산에 다녀 오자고 하여 아내를 따라 나서기로 하였다. 나는 평생 처음이자 마지막으로 설악산 대청봉(1,708m)에 올라가 볼 생각을 가졌다. 왜냐 하면 내 나이 60대 중반을 넘은지라 더 이상 늦으면 꿈도꿀 수 없기에 그랬다. 그래서 등산모, 등산복, 등산화일체를 모두 새로 구입하였고..
With Julie a..
★Snow White★ 13.10.13
today tea ti..
★Snow White★ 13.08.22Tea was treated by Sarah but Jay treated to Kath..
★Snow White★ 13.07.31E.J
Bruce Lee pr..
★Snow White★ 13.08.22By Bruce Lee...
By Jerome
★Snow White★ 13.08.31Jerome's Presentation
Opening Day ..
★Snow White★ 13.07.301st day
Role play an..
★Snow White★ 13.06.29
Had Fabulous food...
★Snow White★ 13.11.24Good food...
the last gathering..
★Snow White★ 13.11.24with almost all the members...Mr.Hwang treated f..
with Ambro at Ratn..
★Snow White★ 13.10.13while preparing for his presentation we had some..
2013 2nd. Semester
★Snow White★ 13.10.13With Ambro. Derek. Mr. Hwang. Jini. Kenny. Micha..
Lotte Culture Cent..
★Snow White★ 13.09.18Lotte members
2nd Semester new m..
★Snow White★ 13.09.062nd day if the second semesterthere were 8 membe..
Studying hard
★Snow White★ 13.07.29A few students...